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I think too many people, male and female, east and west, obsess about this for no reason I can think of.

Acccording to my grandpappy, hair and brains don't mix.

According to me, washing this sweaty nasty stinky curly funky mess is a mess. It's so curly it won't straighten even when wet. It's so thick I break the teeth off my combs. I love a good crewcut, and I'm genuinely grateful to be going bald, and I've never been in a relationship where the lady cared one way or the other.

And ladies, no ADULT male cares if you're going bald, despite what Hollywood tells you. If you care, that's fine. Wear a Dolly wig. (I jest because I don't know what else to do. Not bald enough yet.)

In a perfect world, nobody would see a need to reply to this message. Which means, of course, this will be a very active thread. Sigh...

Edited by CalicoConsulting
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The only thing I worry about going bald, which will happen eventually, is whether years of falling off bycycles and other assorted accidents have left me with lots of dents. Ever noticed the variety of shapes and sizes of baldies ? Which one will I be ? At least most Thai guys already know what their bald heads look like....that's one up on farangs.

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I didn't even think about that. Before my various and sundry bicycle mishaps on this continent, I was a hog farmer. I've probably got some serious dents in my head. And scars because I used to build horse shelters with tin roofs, but I was like the worst carpenter and was always cutting myself on the tin. Oh, and my deep abiding love of playing NFL-style football, preferably without equipment or rules. And one lovely Frankenstein number on my forehead because my little brother accidentally hit me with a bat during a baseball game.

(No, really, it was an accident. Really.)

I had an episode during a particularly bad Shaoxing summer when I delayed shaving my head because of my heat rash. It ran up my back, where my shirt hid it. But if I'd shaved my head, I'd have looked like a Trill or something. People would have fainted in the streets.

And no, Mr Bojangles, I don't really have a point. Apparently hair's a popular topic in this forum, and I've never understood why anybody cares, so I just thought I've heave a water balloon and see who got splashed.

I've been riding a bicycle in Asia for about 6 years, and yesterday was the first time I wore a helmet. Not only did I sweat enough to straighten this nasty mess -- helmet hair -- but the chinstrap gave me helmet beard. I actually thought it was pretty cool. It took me 40 years to grow this beard. Shave my head but not my face.

Last comment. Really. Chinese students asked me why the (gray) hair on my head was a different color than the (red) hair on my face. Because I've had it longer!

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hello calico,

ill let you in on some missle busting information mate.

my handsome and very intelligent self have no hair on the noggin. :D

i must say that going bald was the best thing that ever happenened to my top and learn'ed self.

cricky's mate,

most of my hair was history at 24 but it never worried me.

i had a top girlfriend before an acqaintance " white ant'ed" me and off she went. :D

not to happy about that i must tell you fella. :D

any way i shaved the bloody lot of at 35 and jesus fella, i was fighting all the woman off. :D

it was scary and i'll give you the top tip my good man. :D

if you want to crank up a few stunners you need to shave the bleeding noggin. :D

dont do it if you have a <deleted> head shape as you'll look like a freaking killer. :D

you wont get no poontang looking like that my man. :D

hope this helps you out a tad.

cheers mate :o

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I don't mind the idea of going bald (although I am not). I don't like the idea of all the other places that are getting hair though--like my ears and my back. Damned, sometimes I think I am turning into an ape!

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The sight of a good old Thai 'combover' always makes for some amusement on the BTS for me.

I swear some of them are growing it long in their armpits and dragging it from under there somewhere.

I particularly enjoy the moment the BTS door closes and that rush of air blows the lid off and the subsequent hurried struggle to get it all back under control again...classic Thai moment.

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Many young folks (and older) won't date a Baldy ..... so what. Some will

However ... skip the combover etc ... trim the remnants and get on with life.

I'd not choose to date a baldy .... but if someone lost the hair afterwards ... no big deal

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The sight of a good old Thai 'combover' always makes for some amusement on the BTS for me.

I swear some of them are growing it long in their armpits and dragging it from under there somewhere.

I particularly enjoy the moment the BTS door closes and that rush of air blows the lid off and the subsequent hurried struggle to get it all back under control again...classic Thai moment.

Since when is the combover a "thai" thing? I'm afraid I don't understand your post at all.

As for the women not caring about balding, generally true. I married my husband because of who he is not because he has a nice thick head of hair. :o

And if he lost it all it still wouldn't change who he was.

As for the "men don't care either" idea, not sure about that when so many men on this forum seem so intent on damning farang women for being fat and praising Thai women for being skinny, it makes me think that, at least to those posters, appearance is paramount.

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I would not look bald if \i walked towards you...but \i would when \i was walking away!!!

It has never bothered me....I used to bic the lot..but my Wife prefers some hair more than nothing.

What I will NEVER UNDERSTAND is that as I continue to loose hair off my head more seems to appear on my body!

Whats that all about? Does it just slide down????

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Many young folks (and older) won't date a Baldy ..... so what. Some will

However ... skip the combover etc ... trim the remnants and get on with life.

I'd not choose to date a baldy .... but if someone lost the hair afterwards ... no big deal

very nice peace of female advice.

cheers :o

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sbk .....

I doubt MANY people <not on the game> will date someone they think is unattractive ....

99% of the time the first attraction is physical

Hoever ... having met people in the past and gotten to KNOW them they became attractiv ... so I wouldn't have asked them out at first meting ... but later? Sure!

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The sight of a good old Thai 'combover' always makes for some amusement on the BTS for me.

I swear some of them are growing it long in their armpits and dragging it from under there somewhere.

I particularly enjoy the moment the BTS door closes and that rush of air blows the lid off and the subsequent hurried struggle to get it all back under control again...classic Thai moment.

Since when is the combover a "thai" thing? I'm afraid I don't understand your post at all.

As for the women not caring about balding, generally true. I married my husband because of who he is not because he has a nice thick head of hair. :o

And if he lost it all it still wouldn't change who he was.

As for the "men don't care either" idea, not sure about that when so many men on this forum seem so intent on damning farang women for being fat and praising Thai women for being skinny, it makes me think that, at least to those posters, appearance is paramount.

I was merely stating that the combover seems more prevalent here than in my home country.

The combover, I agree, is not quintessentially Thai, but if you don't understand my post I shall use smaller words next time.

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Wales must not have many baldies then, because I see far more combovers in the US than I do here. But then, the Southerners seem to have more hair in general than the Central or Northerners anyway. Less Chinese influence perhaps.

Hence my lack of understanding as to why it would be a "thai" thing and not just a universally tacky thing.

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I have to admit that i don't find bald women to be particularly attractive, it's just not a good look.

I think men probably get away with baldness a bit better without losing quite as much of their attractiveness, because it is so much more common amongst men and therefore doesn't have quite the same 'what the &lt;deleted&gt;'s wrong with you?' factor.

Edited by Scaramanga
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Saw a guy in England the other week with a T-shirt that said :

"The more hair I lose , the more head I get"


I hope you did not compliment him on his attempt at humour; he could have thought you were trying to suck up... :D

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In rural North Carolina, the weekend hobby is to go to Wal-Mart, because that's all there is. So there I was, with some friends, and they heard some Hispanic customers talking in Spanish. Since I was managing a hog farm where I was the only gavacho (gringo is so out of date), they turned to me. "They talkin bout us, ain't they?" No, they were discussing prices.

Five years later, in China, I learned enough Chinese to know that yes, they were talking about me.

In Thailand, I really don't want to know. I'd rather smile in the Land of Smiles. :o:D:D

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you slapheads look a lot better than the combover brigade and the friar tucks. be proud and ignore what the Thais say about you. Not knowing the language would help here!

yo judge my good man,

im a slaphead mate but i must add, a handsome one. :D

look mate, the thai people call me "wallan" and then fall about laughing. :D

wallan means = "no hair". they love it mate and i get a giggle as well, so its all good. :D

cheers mate :o

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In rural North Carolina, the weekend hobby is to go to Wal-Mart, because that's all there is. So there I was, with some friends, and they heard some Hispanic customers talking in Spanish. Since I was managing a hog farm where I was the only gavacho (gringo is so out of date), they turned to me. "They talkin bout us, ain't they?" No, they were discussing prices.

Five years later, in China, I learned enough Chinese to know that yes, they were talking about me.

In Thailand, I really don't want to know. I'd rather smile in the Land of Smiles. :D:D:D

with an attitude like that mate, you are a dead set winner and i salute you. :D

cheers my good friend :o

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I'm really not sure how much hair I have. I have had it VERY short for years. When it is a quarter inch long it's time to get it cut.

On the other hand a good friend of mine has been getting hair implants for several years. Why he goes through that pain is simply beyond me. I never did tell him but it looks pretty bad too.

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Many young folks (and older) won't date a Baldy ..... so what. Some will

However ... skip the combover etc ... trim the remnants and get on with life.

I'd not choose to date a baldy .... but if someone lost the hair afterwards ... no big deal

Buzz cut would be the way to go.... anything else looks silly. :o

Edited by britmaveric
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Many young folks (and older) won't date a Baldy ..... so what. Some will

However ... skip the combover etc ... trim the remnants and get on with life.

I'd not choose to date a baldy .... but if someone lost the hair afterwards ... no big deal

Buzz cut would be the way to go.... anything else looks silly. :o


the bad Toupe's I've seen wandering in Pattaya are truly disturbing!

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I'm really not sure how much hair I have. I have had it VERY short for years. When it is a quarter inch long it's time to get it cut.

On the other hand a good friend of mine has been getting hair implants for several years. Why he goes through that pain is simply beyond me. I never did tell him but it looks pretty bad too.

look here gary,

if you where a top mate of his, you would front him up and tell him how frigging rediculous he looks. :D

cricky's mate,

i had to work with a guy like that and i dont mind telling you he looked absolutly shocking, :D

look like some one had taken to his noggin with a frigging makita drill. :D

cheers mate :o

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I'm really not sure how much hair I have. I have had it VERY short for years. When it is a quarter inch long it's time to get it cut.

On the other hand a good friend of mine has been getting hair implants for several years. Why he goes through that pain is simply beyond me. I never did tell him but it looks pretty bad too.

look here gary,

if you where a top mate of his, you would front him up and tell him how frigging rediculous he looks. :D

cricky's mate,

i had to work with a guy like that and i dont mind telling you he looked absolutly shocking, :D

look like some one had taken to his noggin with a frigging makita drill. :D

cheers mate :D

I also worked with a guy who had implants, the guy who stitched the hair in his head would never have made a Tailor. We used to call him "15:2" cos his head looked like a Crib Board :o:D

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