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UK General Elections 2015: Who you voting for?

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The Conservatives, Labour and the Lib Dems all work to maintain the same corrupt 'neo-liberal' ideology of deregulation and increasing inequality. UKIP are a false alternative, largely consisting of and voted for by grumpy old bigots. That leaves The Green Party. Far from perfect, but they're the ones who'll get my vote.

The Greens ,you joking ? they have destroyed Brighton ,they are not a party they are a joke , if they got in you would have traffic calming on the 20 mph m1 motorway and recycling of all your kitchen waste ,including your poo ,they couldnt run a p--s up in a brewery .

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Tories are odds on to win, bookies are rarely wrong on these kind of things


To win the most seats maybe but a majority i don't think so.

No way they will get a majority, if they win then they will have to get into bed possibly with either the SNP, who did brilliantly at the debate or UKIP, whose policies might be controversial but seemed popular according to last night's pollsters after the debate.

There are a lot of people who like Sturgeon, so the question is if they can't vote for her will their votes go to Labour or Conservatives? Nothing is clear cut yet

The debate demonstrated what a couple of jackasses we have to choose from in the two main parties.sad.png

And this is the ComRes chart showing the results when people were asked which leader came across as ...


ComRes poll Photograph: ComRes


Tories are odds on to win, bookies are rarely wrong on these kind of things


Interesting odds:


I'm quite keen for the SNP and Plaid Cymru to field some candidates in the north and west, then form a coalition with all parties from Northern Ireland (tricky, I know) and rule England. Just for laughs.

Watched a bit of Sky News lately, they've been really pushing the election drivel. Can't we just have Charles?



They should give some nasty surprises for the Conservaties and Labour! could be the best entertainment for years!


Did any of you see that dreadful Channel 4 Docudrama "UKIP, the first 100 days"? An absolute scandal that garbage was allowed to be broadcast and I don't even like the UKIP!

The programme was a send up! Politically motivated and mean't to be a vote loser,for UKIP. Guess what it's being televised again before the election! an absolute scandal,so close to the election,it shows the depths of devious politics and propaganda in the UK!

Lets hope UKIP gives the other Parties a bloody nose and worse!


Tony Bliar , is supporting the Labour party , Ha Ha.wub.png

The kiss of death , for Labour sure .

Game set and match for the Tory party .clap2.gifclap2.gif

As for UKIP , they have no experience in Political Office .

Better the devil you know .wai2.gif


Did any of you see that dreadful Channel 4 Docudrama "UKIP, the first 100 days"? An absolute scandal that garbage was allowed to be broadcast and I don't even like the UKIP!

The programme was a send up! Politically motivated and mean't to be a vote loser,for UKIP. Guess what it's being televised again before the election! an absolute scandal,so close to the election,it shows the depths of devious politics and propaganda in the UK!

Lets hope UKIP gives the other Parties a bloody nose and worse!

It could have the opposite affect than what is hoped for.


Ed Milliband wants to end "non-domicile" status according to the BBC website today, does it affect you?


Ed Milliband wants to end "non-domicile" status according to the BBC website today, does it affect you?

Sorry, but your summary is a distortion. It's not an end to non-domicile, but change to a specific rule that limits the amount of income tax paid by non-domiciled individuals living in the UK, even if they are living in the UK full time.


I am voting for UKIP, fed up to the back teeth with the rest of them.

I know they are not going to win it but still,maybe the amount of votes they garner could be a good wake up call for the rest of them


I am voting for UKIP, fed up to the back teeth with the rest of them.

I know they are not going to win it but still,maybe the amount of votes they garner could be a good wake up call for the rest of them

I think the UKIP bubble has burst and they're only likely to win a few seats. Polls even show Farage losing in Thanet which would be very funny!


Ed Milliband wants to end "non-domicile" status according to the BBC website today, does it affect you?

Sorry, but your summary is a distortion. It's not an end to non-domicile, but change to a specific rule that limits the amount of income tax paid by non-domiciled individuals living in the UK, even if they are living in the UK full time.

just listened to him on BBC news and he is talking about taxing overseas income and tax on assets etc. Check the 10pm news. last night uk.


I am voting for UKIP, fed up to the back teeth with the rest of them.

I know they are not going to win it but still,maybe the amount of votes they garner could be a good wake up call for the rest of them

I think the UKIP bubble has burst and they're only likely to win a few seats. Polls even show Farage losing in Thanet which would be very funny!

You believe these "polls" maybe the Tory press is running scared and will do anything to pretend there is no threat from UKIP. Lets see what happens on the 7th. Everyone i know is voting UKIP.


I am voting for UKIP, fed up to the back teeth with the rest of them.

I know they are not going to win it but still,maybe the amount of votes they garner could be a good wake up call for the rest of them

I think the UKIP bubble has burst and they're only likely to win a few seats. Polls even show Farage losing in Thanet which would be very funny!

I agree most people i know agreewith UKIP but do not want to waste their vote ,much as it would be nice ,they just would not end up doing what they say


There was another anti-UKIP documentary on BBC2 last night. Even my mother (who also dislikes them and is not given to conspiracy theories) is beginning to smell a state-sanctioned anti-UKIP rat, here. Did any of you see it yourselves and if so, what did you make of it?

So are you suggesting it wasn't an accurate depiction of UKIP members? I suppose Rozanne Duncan was just pretending to be a racist bigot?

The more people learn about the true nature of UKIP and their loathsome policies, the better. Absolute scum.

You my friend are ignorant and ill informed

Anyone that still calls UKIP racist Bigots are themselves just Bigots that dont wish to see and understand UKIPS policies which are all BASIC COMMON SENSE


I am voting for UKIP, fed up to the back teeth with the rest of them.

I know they are not going to win it but still,maybe the amount of votes they garner could be a good wake up call for the rest of them

I think the UKIP bubble has burst and they're only likely to win a few seats. Polls even show Farage losing in Thanet which would be very funny!

I agree most people i know agreewith UKIP but do not want to waste their vote ,much as it would be nice ,they just would not end up doing what they say

RUBBISH LOL you guys have fell for the BS of the biased BBC and listening to Labour and Cons who are doing everything they can to try and stop the rise of UKIP


Everyone I know are voting UKIP its funny because I see posts like this then see posts where people are posting all the people they know are voting UKIP I think there is going to be a BIG SHOCK on May 7th

I am voting UKIP same as everyone I know and to vote anything other than UKIP is just a vote for the same shit for the past 20 years do you really want that,


Just interested why people are dissatisfied with the Tories? I have not lived in the UK for 5 years, but looking in from outside it would seem the country is doing very with 0% inflation, unemployment 1.85 million, the number of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance in February fell by 31,000 to 791,200, its lowest level since 2008

More inward investment than any other EU nation

Its not alone in the immigration problem, just about every country in Europe has that problem, and they have tightened up it would seem as much as they can under EU law

If I was living in the UK i would not be voting all these gains away, and hand back power to the party that screwed it all up last time when its looking so good


There was another anti-UKIP documentary on BBC2 last night. Even my mother (who also dislikes them and is not given to conspiracy theories) is beginning to smell a state-sanctioned anti-UKIP rat, here. Did any of you see it yourselves and if so, what did you make of it?

So are you suggesting it wasn't an accurate depiction of UKIP members? I suppose Rozanne Duncan was just pretending to be a racist bigot?

The more people learn about the true nature of UKIP and their loathsome policies, the better. Absolute scum.

You my friend are ignorant and ill informed

Anyone that still calls UKIP racist Bigots are themselves just Bigots that dont wish to see and understand UKIPS policies which are all BASIC COMMON SENSE

Fortunately I think you are quite wrong and the UKIP bubble has well and truly burst. I think they will be lucky to get 2 MPs and Nigel Fuhrer may even fail to take Thanet. My faith in the British electorate will be upheld!


Just interested why people are dissatisfied with the Tories? I have not lived in the UK for 5 years, but looking in from outside it would seem the country is doing very with 0% inflation, unemployment 1.85 million, the number of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance in February fell by 31,000 to 791,200, its lowest level since 2008

More inward investment than any other EU nation

Its not alone in the immigration problem, just about every country in Europe has that problem, and they have tightened up it would seem as much as they can under EU law

If I was living in the UK i would not be voting all these gains away, and hand back power to the party that screwed it all up last time when its looking so good

How about an 800 BILLION increase in the National Debt, a fiscal deficit of 90 BILLION a year, the worse annual trade deficit on record, a REDUCED GDP per capita, an extra 3 MILLION immigrants, a Pound in the toilet, 60 BILLION given away in foreign aid - you want me to go on.


Just interested why people are dissatisfied with the Tories? I have not lived in the UK for 5 years, but looking in from outside it would seem the country is doing very with 0% inflation, unemployment 1.85 million, the number of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance in February fell by 31,000 to 791,200, its lowest level since 2008

More inward investment than any other EU nation

Its not alone in the immigration problem, just about every country in Europe has that problem, and they have tightened up it would seem as much as they can under EU law

If I was living in the UK i would not be voting all these gains away, and hand back power to the party that screwed it all up last time when its looking so good

How about an 800 BILLION increase in the National Debt, a fiscal deficit of 90 BILLION a year, the worse annual trade deficit on record, a REDUCED GDP per capita, an extra 3 MILLION immigrants, a Pound in the toilet, 60 BILLION given away in foreign aid - you want me to go on.

Zero hours contracts, welfare cuts, food banks, a minimum wage fast becoming the national wage, wanting to deny healthcare to expats, many of whom will have paid a good deal into the system, the bedroom tax...

I wouldn't p!ss on Cameron and Ian Scumbag-Smith if they were on fire.


Just interested why people are dissatisfied with the Tories? I have not lived in the UK for 5 years, but looking in from outside it would seem the country is doing very with 0% inflation, unemployment 1.85 million, the number of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance in February fell by 31,000 to 791,200, its lowest level since 2008

More inward investment than any other EU nation

Its not alone in the immigration problem, just about every country in Europe has that problem, and they have tightened up it would seem as much as they can under EU law

If I was living in the UK i would not be voting all these gains away, and hand back power to the party that screwed it all up last time when its looking so good

How about an 800 BILLION increase in the National Debt, a fiscal deficit of 90 BILLION a year, the worse annual trade deficit on record, a REDUCED GDP per capita, an extra 3 MILLION immigrants, a Pound in the toilet, 60 BILLION given away in foreign aid - you want me to go on.

Do you really think honestly Ed Miliband would do any better?

Looks to me like GDP is starting going up under the present mob, every country has a huge national debt, you must have seem the "clocks", labor plan to borrow even more when they get in, so it wont get any better any time soon, the £8 minimum wage he is suggesting is crazy would cripple small business.

Overseas aid has always been there since we had an Empire, would labor stop it? I doubt it, in fact DC has stopped aid to some countries such as China

European economic migrants are part of the reason the UK is booming, they come, work hard, pay taxes and go home, they are obviously not taking our jobs because unemployment is now so low. Its the other immigration that winds people up, other cultures coming and taking over the communities trying to impose their radical way(you know who i am talking about)


I am happy with B48 to the pound it was B36 when I first came to Thailand, thank goodness we still have the pound, Euro not doing any better

Referendum on EU membership in 2017 promised



I watched the UKIP manifesto launch on Sky. They were pretty impressive I have to say.

However, I am voting Labour as the Tories only have a 55 majority in my home constituency. the second most marginal in the country.

just as an aside I forecast a Lib/Lab coalition with a informal support from the SNP who would never the Tories in coalition or to bring down a Lab/Lib government. It might be a minority government but we had plenty of those in the early 20th century.

I believe, that under the 'fixed term' parliament system we now have, a Prime Minister cannot call a snap election. The only way the government can be removed is by loss of a vote of confidence. You would need a pretty smart grouping of minority parties to achieve this, even with a minority government. This fixed term parliament is one of the reasons a lot of people have become fed up with this election. Because the date of the election has been known for 5 years we have had a 12 month campaign - almost American like. Give me the old days when the PM suddenly 'went to the country' with a brief 6 weeks campaign.

Also, and may be controversially, I believe the surge in SNP support is nothing to do with general election policies or outcome. I get the feeling many Scots simply feel that supporting the SNP will give them referendum number two at some, not too far distant, future date.

I know I would, were I an independence supporter.

Zero hours contracts, welfare cuts, food banks, a minimum wage fast becoming the national wage, wanting to deny healthcare to expats, many of whom will have paid a good deal into the system, the bedroom tax...

I wouldn't p!ss on Cameron and Ian Scumbag-Smith if they were on fire.

"I wouldn't p!ss on ... "

I would ! laugh.png

At the most-recent party-conference, PM Cameron appealed for another term, and said that we should then judge him on his record.

But I'm happy to judge him, on the many broken promises during his first term, why wait for another five years ?

And as for the notion of returning power to Labour, after the stunning economic-achievements under Blair & Brown, I believe that it ought to take decades, for the memory to fade and another chance be given to them. All those boring Budgets talking about 'prudence', while being the exact opposite !

So I;m voting UKIP in South Thanet, if my postal-voting-slip ever arrives, although I was tempted by this candidate too !


Zero hours contracts, welfare cuts, food banks, a minimum wage fast becoming the national wage, wanting to deny healthcare to expats, many of whom will have paid a good deal into the system, the bedroom tax...

I wouldn't p!ss on Cameron and Ian Scumbag-Smith if they were on fire.

"I wouldn't p!ss on ... "

I would ! laugh.png

At the most-recent party-conference, PM Cameron appealed for another term, and said that we should then judge him on his record.

But I'm happy to judge him, on the many broken promises during his first term, why wait for another five years ?

And as for the notion of returning power to Labour, after the stunning economic-achievements under Blair & Brown, I believe that it ought to take decades, for the memory to fade and another chance be given to them. All those boring Budgets talking about 'prudence', while being the exact opposite !

I think I would do the same as you in South Thanet. But from my earlier post you will see I'm voting Labour because of a 55 majority. Tactical? Yes, but UKIP have no chance in my home town.

So I;m voting UKIP in South Thanet, if my postal-voting-slip ever arrives, although I was tempted by this candidate too !

Zero hours contracts, welfare cuts, food banks, a minimum wage fast becoming the national wage, wanting to deny healthcare to expats, many of whom will have paid a good deal into the system, the bedroom tax...

I wouldn't p!ss on Cameron and Ian Scumbag-Smith if they were on fire.

"I wouldn't p!ss on ... "

I would ! laugh.png

At the most-recent party-conference, PM Cameron appealed for another term, and said that we should then judge him on his record.

But I'm happy to judge him, on the many broken promises during his first term, why wait for another five years ?

And as for the notion of returning power to Labour, after the stunning economic-achievements under Blair & Brown, I believe that it ought to take decades, for the memory to fade and another chance be given to them. All those boring Budgets talking about 'prudence', while being the exact opposite !

So I;m voting UKIP in South Thanet, if my postal-voting-slip ever arrives, although I was tempted by this candidate too !


The problem Ricardo is that unfortunately UKIP is not expected to win more than 5 seats, so a vote for them will elect Labor most probably

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