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Father: Was it wrong to attack the dog? What about it biting my son?

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Sorry but if you get bite by a dog you do not get left with a bruise. You get teeth marks and very likely some blood will be spilt.

So maybe this mans 6 yr old son wasn't telling the truth.


I love my dog. I don't hate dogs.

My dog is cool and doesn't bite people...However, if it's dog vs human, it's a no-brainer. The dog has to go.

If my dog started getting viscous and aggressive, I'd shoot her. I wouldn't enjoy it, but I would.

Now, back to the bruise vs bite argument.

How did the stray dog bruise the kid? Wagging its tail, or with its teeth?

I'd have done the same thing this father did, except I'd have made sure the dog was dead prior to tossing it down a garbage chute.

So you are saying if it was your dog you would destroy it humanly. But because it was somebody else's dog you'd be more than happy to smash its head in with a bit of pipe.

You certainly sound like a dog lover, as long as the dog is your own.

You should turn the argument around. Say your dog got out and you went to look for it, and you saw some guy smashing the granny out of it, but he says "your dog took a bite at my boy" would you join him in finishing off your dog ?

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This is a grey area, if kids are teasing a dog and making it bite them you can't blame the dog. Both kids and dog should be under supervision of their owner / parents. If a dog attacks unprovoked and keeps doing so its a danger and something has to be done. That much is clear.

However if kids themselves are to blame provoking the dog.. then its a different story. Kinda like kids getting hit by a car because they run onto the road and were not supervised by the parents. You can't 100% blame the driver then too.

Its too easy to say dogs are always to blame or kids are.. needs to be on a case by case base.

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@ circusman,i think you are a bit wrong here.A male dog only copulates when a female is in heat and in real life a female only comes into heat when there is enough food around.

I have been a decoy for a lot of years and have been bitten and chewed on by many a police dog,the bruises usually come long after the bite.

It also depends where you are bitten,some places on your body bruise more and more quickly.

It totally depends on the kind of bite,a warning bite may not show teethmarks but in that case the bruise will show up later.

A dog that is totally committed to do damage can leave teeth marks and big bruises even when you wear a lot of protection.

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Hard to believe so many completely uninformed, full of hatred people on here.

Firstly, when dog bites it does not bruise. Unless dogs learned how to throw punches with their teeth, its simply impossible

Secondly, who lets child play on the streets unsupervised?

And lastly, broken skull and poped eye is not exactly a work of a loving father or even a human being, though reading some of the posters, many would do well living together with this lying barbaric moron.

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Thats why stray dogs are picked up off the street in other countries........its called being socially responsible and from a health and safety point of view for both people and the dogs a no brainier.

Not in Mexico its up to the foreigners to form a quasi humane society and neuter them or put them down. 10 times more strays there than here.

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Hard to believe so many completely uninformed, full of hatred people on here.

Firstly, when dog bites it does not bruise. Unless dogs learned how to throw punches with their teeth, its simply impossible

Secondly, who lets child play on the streets unsupervised?

And lastly, broken skull and poped eye is not exactly a work of a loving father or even a human being, though reading some of the posters, many would do well living together with this lying barbaric moron.

Unfortunately it is you who is uninformed... As a child I was bitten on a leg through clothing, the bruise was as large as an apple, however there were no teeth marks or breaking of the skin.

At the time I was simply running and a dog jumped out and bit me.

Robblok makes a good point: each case should be evaluated on a case by case basis.

In the case of this story, the father clearly went too far when taking out his revenge on the dog - That said, I have no idea how I'd react if a dog were to bite my child.

Children cannot be supervised all the time, dogs 'should' be on a leash when out in public i.e. in a moo ban, out on the street etc

The issue here is the socially acceptable norms as we understand them in the West are disregarded through lack of consideration and a laziness to consider consequence.

The result is stray dogs which are untrained roaming the streets... I'm surprised more people aren't bitten.

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Hard to believe so many completely uninformed, full of hatred people on here.

Firstly, when dog bites it does not bruise. Unless dogs learned how to throw punches with their teeth, its simply impossible

Secondly, who lets child play on the streets unsupervised?

And lastly, broken skull and poped eye is not exactly a work of a loving father or even a human being, though reading some of the posters, many would do well living together with this lying barbaric moron.

Unfortunately it is you who is uninformed... As a child I was bitten on a leg through clothing, the bruise was as large as an apple, however there were no teeth marks or breaking of the skin.

At the time I was simply running and a dog jumped out and bit me.

Robblok makes a good point: each case should be evaluated on a case by case basis.

In the case of this story, the father clearly went too far when taking out his revenge on the dog - That said, I have no idea how I'd react if a dog were to bite my child.

Children cannot be supervised all the time, dogs 'should' be on a leash when out in public i.e. in a moo ban, out on the street etc

The issue here is the socially acceptable norms as we understand them in the West are disregarded through lack of consideration and a laziness to consider consequence.

The result is stray dogs which are untrained roaming the streets... I'm surprised more people aren't bitten.

Would happily accept your side of the story if this was in Western country during winter where you wore thick jeans or snow pants.

Surely you agree, kids in Bangkok playing on the streets wear nothing but shorts.

So for dog to bite, there would be more than a "bruise"

Furthermore, you would also agree bruising takes time, most likely show the next day if it was bitten through the jeans.

You are welcome to fall for this story, i personally do not.

If and its a big if, father was present at the time of this vicious attack and dog would not let go, i could possibly understand his actions.

If father version was even remotely true, he would have taken the kid to the hospital for shots, which he did not, otherwise he would have stated so.

Nothing but typical Thai bullshit story to cover his own ass.

PS. Stray dogs did not chose to live on the streets, and considering the amount of stray dogs, attacks are minimal and most of the time humans are to blame for being irresponsible, arrogant and ignorant species.

Edited by konying
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Stray dogs get into anything, are mostly wild. You simple can get Weil's disease, scabies, tetanus or any other infection.

If Thailand is that concerned in animals as well in dogs, then they should take out all dogs of the street

or anywhere, put them in shelters and feed them and take care for them.

Those dogs can be a real threat for people. Not to mention the nuisance of them of having parties, fights and

howling in the nights.

Any dog who is taken in by a human, should be registered and chipped, so they can fine the owner after he kicked

the dog out, coz he can't or will not care for his dog. That is dogabuse of the owner !!

As the dogs arent fixed, they will grow higher packs again and again.

I do love dogs, but then i take care for it !! Lots of people start with it and then later back out and kick the dog on the street.

Easily done. Not only in Thailand but in many more asian countries. But if Thailand want to do something about animal abuse,

then start with upper sugestions.

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Had a similar experience about four years ago with a large black dog in our Soi, not only had it attacked me on my scooter, it had done the same with others and when my daughter came home crying because it had attacked her, that was the last straw.

I took a length of pipe round the corner to where the dog was usually sitting and there I confronted the owner and told her that if she didn't keep the dog under control then I would deal with it.

The next day it attacked me on my scooter. The day after that I threw it a sausage that I had "constructed" full of special ingredients and it was dispatched to doggie heaven within hours.

There are far too many stray dogs roaming around the place in Thailand and they do absolutely nothing for the place other than to foul the streets, fight and breed, and occasionally attack people. Not only that, many of them that I have seen are disease ridden.

As for those folk saying that dogs will not usually attack someone unless they are provoked, well that is an absolute nonsense.

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Sorry but if you get bite by a dog you do not get left with a bruise. You get teeth marks and very likely some blood will be spilt.

So maybe this mans 6 yr old son wasn't telling the truth.


I love my dog. I don't hate dogs.

My dog is cool and doesn't bite people...However, if it's dog vs human, it's a no-brainer. The dog has to go.

If my dog started getting viscous and aggressive, I'd shoot her. I wouldn't enjoy it, but I would.

Now, back to the bruise vs bite argument.

How did the stray dog bruise the kid? Wagging its tail, or with its teeth?

I'd have done the same thing this father did, except I'd have made sure the dog was dead prior to tossing it down a garbage chute.

So you are saying if it was your dog you would destroy it humanly. But because it was somebody else's dog you'd be more than happy to smash its head in with a bit of pipe.

You certainly sound like a dog lover, as long as the dog is your own.

You should turn the argument around. Say your dog got out and you went to look for it, and you saw some guy smashing the granny out of it, but he says "your dog took a bite at my boy" would you join him in finishing off your dog ?


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Sorry but if you get bite by a dog you do not get left with a bruise. You get teeth marks and very likely some blood will be spilt.

So maybe this mans 6 yr old son wasn't telling the truth.


Correct.. dogs bit dont result in bruises but in teeth marks. People should investigate this to be sure. If the dog has not bitten.. then its a clear case. If the dog did bit.. i feel what he did was overkill but its far more understandable.

What a load of tripe.

Try a picture search on Google with the words 'dog bite bruises' and then tell me that dog bites don't result in bruises.

Yet again you have excelled yourself in jumping the gun and pretending to know it all.

TV has an abundance of those.

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