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Cop-on-Cop gunfight at Koh Samui bar injures two


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Only in Thailand can police be caught drunk in bars while armed, and still get to keep their jobs. I am not referring to this case, but generally.

So how do you know he will keep his job do you rub shoulders with the bib give Ya heed a shake ???

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If it wasn't this much fun, most of us would have left by now..... It is their culture, it is their way, and those who truly throw themselves into the culture except that this is their way, this is how they, in their country act and respond, and if we come here from western countries and try to understand, we never will. This is how they grew up, this is what they learnt, this is how they do business, and if we want to live here as foreigners, accept, understand, dont try to change them, as we are guests in their country, and how they act is not to be judged by our western ideals. This is how it is, accept it or get over it. They didnt ask us to come into their country and beg us to tell them how to do it, they said OK foreigners, you want to come and live in our country and marry our girls, and show off your wealth which is usually a pittance pension, then no worries, come and live here, but this is how it is.

Im betting an awful lot ( the silent majority) would NOT want it that way though,

Agree, Kannot but when the rich and the criminals are controlling the country the silent majority just wait for better times - that might never come ...

I wonder where these RTP-clowns are found, too bad they didnt kill the bastard or each other

Did they ever hear about: "To Serve and Protect" ... ? Here its called: "To Steal and Grab"

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Whenever I see a cop or security guard wearing a gun it makes me nervous. Makes you wonder who in their right mind issues guns to some people. Maybe they should think about having the cops leave their guns at the police station when they go off duty. That is what is done in a lot of countries!

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In most countries cops do not have to provide their own guns.

I am glade I live in the UK...

Every Police Force in the UK and Channel Islands has a Firearms unit. These units consist of men and women who are qualified Police Officers first and foremost, having completed a minimum of two years 'on the beat'. They will then complete the necessary courses to become Authorised Firearms Officers.

Officers who wish to become Firearms Officers have to undergo a rigorous selection procedure. During this they will have to demonstrate their knowledge of the law, their appropriate and proportional use of force, their communication skills and their basic common sense. If successful in the application stage they will then go on to an assessment stage where their skills, temperament and fitness will be evaluated. If they pass this phase they will then begin the courses that will teach them weapon skills and tactics.


Police volunteers in the UK known as Police Specials, and they do not just accept anyone, nor are they, community support offices and traffic wardens armed.

Seems to me in Thailand every male Thai of dubious character is a police volunteer...

Edited by Basil B
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Only in Thailand can police be caught drunk in bars while armed, and still get to keep their jobs. I am not referring to this case, but generally.

Didn't think that the Volunteers carried pistols!! ??

Rule of thumb-- never call a cop!

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The one assailant here -- a drunk as a skunk volunteer policeman -- manages to shoot one of the real cops in the stomach.

The real cops who show up -- presumably sober -- manage only to shoot the drunk volunteer in the leg.

Who got the better of the exchange with that kind of outcome?

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This is not the first instance of police in a gun fight with each other in public, some years ago i witnessed i similar sittuation in bkk but in this case they were jumping in and out from behind vehicles in a traffic jam taking shots at one another, think the dispute was over money.

btw i also thought volunteers were not allowed to carry weapons?

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t.....what a crazy island!

That's why we love living here. It's never boring wink.png

How would you even know that,over the last 20 years of visiting that island of deterioration ( never again,its peak was 15 years ago ) all the local expats seem to be drunk by midday preparing for the evening booze up, i think it's an island thing

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The OK corall is now in Koh Samui

Samui has always been considered part of the wild, wild west. Thankfully, very little of that violence affects foreigners. Not like Dark Tao, where foreigners are murdered at an alarming rate, due to the maniac serial killer who is above the law. The ruling families on Samui do a pretty good job of maintaining order. They do not allow Tao type nonsense to happen, and if it does, it is dealt with swiftly.

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Since January of this year, over twenty foreigners have been injured and killed on Koh Samui, from bus accidents that injured more than a dozen and various "unsolved murders, deaths, suicides and bodies washing ashore..

For follow up--March 5, 2015-SURAT THANI — Three Thai teenagers have been arrested for allegedly killing a 22-year-old Burmese man on the southern island of Koh Samui, despite a police officer's earlier suggestion that the killers must have also been Burmese.

Koh Samui -- the new HOFM (Hub Of Foreign Mortality).blink.png

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If it wasn't this much fun, most of us would have left by now..... It is their culture, it is their way, and those who truly throw themselves into the culture except that this is their way, this is how they, in their country act and respond, and if we come here from western countries and try to understand, we never will. This is how they grew up, this is what they learnt, this is how they do business, and if we want to live here as foreigners, accept, understand, dont try to change them, as we are guests in their country, and how they act is not to be judged by our western ideals. This is how it is, accept it or get over it. They didnt ask us to come into their country and beg us to tell them how to do it, they said OK foreigners, you want to come and live in our country and marry our girls, and show off your wealth which is usually a pittance pension, then no worries, come and live here, but this is how it is.

I see you wrote the textbook for "Attitude Adjustment Camp Frolics, Beginner to Intermediate". I would give you credit for the advanced text also, but you failed to state that "Thainess is Ineffable, and Thainess also answers all questions social and scientific". thumbsup.gif

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A police officer off duty time is a private individual.
Normally, the police have to give up their weapons after duty hours, and there weapons must be enclose.

Not in Thailand.
It is apparently allowed, that they can go to a bar, with their weapons in there pockets and get drunk.
Gun ownership and gun laws urgently need to be re-regulated here.

Anyone with a walnut sized brain can carry guns here and can shoot around without penalty.
Thailand must remove unsuitable policemen from the service permanently.
These so-called policemen are a constant danger to the public.
That is not the first time, that drunken police shooting at innocent people.
They are criminals and not police men.
The best place for them is in prison.

Edited by tomacht8
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  • 2 weeks later...

Back in the day, they would take off their blouses, weapons still holstered and drink away.. 5-6 drinking about... when I saw any RTF like that.... I would move on...

Besides...a certain politician's son can shoot/kill an off duty police officer for the manly reason of stepping on his shoes, then it follows the volunteer PO should be allowed to display his awesome firepower and administration of justice skills because the band would not play on..clap2.gifwhistling.gif

Edited by Rhys
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