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Thaksin's Cousin Denies Links to Bangkok Grenade Attack

Lite Beer

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Better than detonating an LPG tanker in a highly populated area. Cuz must be mellowing with age, or more likely, doesn't really want el jefe back again, and is just going through some motions to keep the sandy stipends coming.

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Grenade linked to Siam BTS blast


Former Army chief General Chaisit Shinawatra holds up his arm at a press conference yesterday to deny any involvement in the grenade attack at the Criminal Court on Saturday, saying he was ready to give statements to police and would not flee.

Police say 'same movement' behind both attacks; Chaisit denies involvement

BANGKOK: -- THE PEOPLE responsible for the grenade explosion outside the Criminal Court on Saturday night are linked to those behind the two small blasts outside the Siam Paragon mall last month, the national police chief said yesterday.

Police General Somyot Poompanmoung said both groups of perpetrators were "in the same movement" but had different methods in carrying out their attacks.

He said the police investigators would summon any individual mentioned by the suspects arrested earlier if a connection is established. These include former armed forces supreme commander General Chaisit Shinawatra, who is linked to the Pheu Thai Party, and former Metropolitan Police chief Lt-General Kamronwit Thoopkrajank.

"If there is a connection with the people mentioned by the suspects, we will question all of them, without an exception," Somyot said.

Both Chaisit and Kamronwit yesterday denied any connection with those arrested for throwing a grenade at the court.

Chaisit said some people tried to link him to the latest bomb attack because his name and phone number appeared in a notebook of one of the arrested suspects. He said that could be because of his family name.

But he said he would cooperate with police in their investigation into the case. "I am ready to give the information I have. And I will not escape," Chaisit said.

He also threatened anyone who causes damage to his reputation linking him to the grenade attack.

Kamronwit also denied any involvement with the perpetrators, saying he had not been involved with politics since leaving the force. He said he had just learnt that his name and contact number appeared in a notebook of one of the arrested suspects.

Meanwhile, red-shirt leader Suporn Atthawong went to the Royal Thai Police headquarters yesterday to file a police record that his volunteer defence group, which was dissolved shortly after the coup, had no involvement with the arrested suspects.

He noted that the group's white scarf was found among the suspects' belongings.

Two men have been held in connection with the grenade attack. They were arrested after a brief shoot-out with security forces. The attack caused minor damage to the court building car park but no injuries.

Arrest warrants have been issued for another man and two women from the same apparent cell. Police said the suspects were linked to the red shirts, major supporters of Pheu Thai Party.

Red shirt leader Jatuporn Prompan dismissed the link with his group yesterday, insisting they had nothing to gain from stoking tensions under martial law.

"We are not involved. It would be a disadvantage to us ... no-one is that stupid," he said on his television programme.

The Metropolitan Police yesterday appointed 38 senior police to be part of a working group responsible for investigating the grenade attack, which is the second one since the coup.

The team will be headed by Metropolitan Police deputy commissioner Maj-General Jitti Rodbangyang.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said yesterday he thought the person who hired the perpetrators to carry out the attack was even more stupid than the bombers.

He called on members of the public to be the "eyes and ears" of security forces in order to boost international confidence in Thailand after the second explosion in the capital in just over a month. "We ask the public to be the eyes and ears of authorities because security must come first. We must rebuild confidence for foreigners," he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Grenade-linked-to-Siam-BTS-blast-30255673.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-10

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In a desperate attempt to justify & legitimise a coup they will stop at nothing.

The alleged MIB have rescinded their confessions forced out under severe duress. Now we see the signs of physical abuse on the new scapegoats.

Physical abuse ??

Scapegoat indeed he and his mate were seen tossing the grenade.

The pair of them fell of their motorbike, shot at those trying to arrest them, this one ran and tried to climb a fence to escape before being apprehended. He is very lucky he isn't in hospital with his mate recovering from bullet holes.

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The anti Thaksin crowd are out in force today. Where were you many your glorious general was making gaff after gaff. You are like a re-incarnation of the Dems, one policy and thats to try to further your cause by attacking Thaksin. Your support of all things Khaki has no legal or moral high ground, so you have only one line of attack......most would agree its monotonously tedious after 6 years that you are still spinning the same record without garnering any further support from this forum

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Gen. Chaiyasith certainly must be accorded the benefit of the doubt. Just because his name was written in the phone book of the suspect doesn't automatically mean he was the mastermind behind the bomb attack.

However, his explanation begs the question how many more nobodies might have his name scribbled down in their note books because they once asked him "for food or money a long time ago". As the charitable character the general might be, I am sure he willingly gives out his personal details to anyone who comes knocking at his door, asking him "for food or money". Or doesn't he? What is his exact relationship with the suspect then?

Nice one, good to see constructive comments.

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He added, "However, I am confident that the justice system in Thailand would still allow a Shinawatra some place to stand, instead of going after all Shinawatras."

The family should hire a new script writer, this is just a re-hash of the famous Yingluck "will there be no place for me" speech. There should be a place for the whole family, a deep pit, where they can be observed at all times.

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" And I am starting to feel suspicious about whether the suspect was persuaded or fooled [in the interrogation].""

So far they have only found his phone number but he still comes out saying this? Sounds like he already knows that they will be giving a different story than his. How could he be fooled into having your phone number?

This guy is obviously covering his a$$ a bit too quick here knowing that he is involved and these guys are likely to give him up?

Let's hope justice is really served here. Stop these baby killers.

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Gen. Chaiyasith certainly must be accorded the benefit of the doubt. Just because his name was written in the phone book of the suspect doesn't automatically mean he was the mastermind behind the bomb attack.

However, his explanation begs the question how many more nobodies might have his name scribbled down in their note books because they once asked him "for food or money a long time ago". As the charitable character the general might be, I am sure he willingly gives out his personal details to anyone who comes knocking at his door, asking him "for food or money". Or doesn't he? What is his exact relationship with the suspect then?

When so many bodied-able men comes begging for food or money, is it not so easy to say "I have got a paying job for you...".

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so here we see the culprit that threw the grenade, was shot at, the bike crashed throwing him to the ground, then he tried to run away and climb over a fence but was caught and fought against his captors and is now suffering from some facial injuries. Any of the above is more than obvious the reason for his damaged face but the thaksin/red shirt apologists are trying to deny any this and that after all that happened he was un marked but suffered a beating to make him incriminate others. Then of course the police paraded him around showing off how they had beaten him, yeh right, you lot really are pathetic to even suggest it, maybe you should try using your brains. No one trusts the police but even they arent stupid enough to beat the crap out of someone than show him to everyone. As for the names in his notebook, why would he have 2 ptp/red shirt stooges listed unless he was dealing with them, they have to be under suspicion but again the red apologists try to deny this as well, bet if he had the mad monks name in there they would be howling for blood.

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In a desperate attempt to justify & legitimise a coup they will stop at nothing.

The alleged MIB have rescinded their confessions forced out under severe duress. Now we see the signs of physical abuse on the new scapegoats.

Huh? You see a black eye on a guy involved in a shootout with the police. The man threatening to sue for defamation isn't denying his connection, just the relevance of the connection..

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The anti Thaksin crowd are out in force today. Where were you many your glorious general was making gaff after gaff. You are like a re-incarnation of the Dems, one policy and thats to try to further your cause by attacking Thaksin. Your support of all things Khaki has no legal or moral high ground, so you have only one line of attack......most would agree its monotonously tedious after 6 years that you are still spinning the same record without garnering any further support from this forum

Actually "Newbie" of less than a year on here, you might notice something. Those who comment against the Shin lies, corruption and law breaking tend to be long term members of this forum. Many are not pro Dems, HiSo, Amart, Elite or coups as the Shin fans like to insinuate. But neither do they accept the lie that the Shins are remotely interested in democracy, the poor, the country or anything unless it benefits themselves.

If you'd been a member longer you would have seen numerous defenders of all things Shin spring up. Some more eloquent than others. The common factor being they all never last more than a year or two. Then seem to disappear, maybe to return later under a new name.

So you must be a yellow shirt lover - take over the airports - ditrupt traffic - destory government house and grounds. RIGHT????????????????

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So, if my name was Shinawatra I would automatically be guilty as charged on TVF of (whatever) and I should be removed from the planet.


Ah, but ... are you sure that your name is NeverSure ?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

In a desperate attempt to justify & legitimise a coup they will stop at nothing.

The alleged MIB have rescinded their confessions forced out under severe duress. Now we see the signs of physical abuse on the new scapegoats.

That's a very big assumption with no grounds whatever.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He's quoted elsewhere as saying " don't involve me in this mess, I'm a real man, I was a soldier and did a lot for the country. "

Somehow I don't think he'll mention how his cousin advanced him 17 places up the army's senority list to prepare him to take over the top job.
Then Mr. T promoted another relative in the BIB to second in command in preparation to take over.

Ideal for a PM to have family controlling the army and police but the 2006 coup scuppered the plan.

Nepotism is nothing new and perfectly acceptable, well at least for those involved.

Ad.. nor will this shim general want to revisit his conviction for tampering ballot lists.e

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

In a desperate attempt to justify & legitimise a coup they will stop at nothing.

The alleged MIB have rescinded their confessions forced out under severe duress. Now we see the signs of physical abuse on the new scapegoats.

That's a very big assumption with no grounds whatever.

Actually scorecard, I saw it as a "desperate attempt" to defend the actions of terrorists who are most likely funded by a certain despot running a failed regime.

Can you suggest why a "terrorist" would throw a grenade at an empty parking lot? What would the "despot" gain from this?

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Hilarious. If your being on this site for 9 years leads to that gem, all I can assume is the amount of time on the site/number of posts is indirectly proportional to the amount of logic and sense someone shows. I should leave immediately.

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