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'TOP GEAR' host Jeremy Clarkson suspended


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Clarkson is alleged to have punched Tymon. No one who knows for sure whether he did, be it the BBC, Clarkson, Tymon, have ever stated in public exactly what happened.

There were some 'witnesses' who have claimed that a punch was thrown and connected. But as they were paid by the Mirror, a paper which hates Clarkson because he writes for their main rival, can they be trusted?

The BBC's judgement and ruling are due to be published soon.

I suspect that Clarkson will accept that ruling, whatever it is. As said, he has plenty of employment opportunities elsewhere.

Whether Tymon, who at first dismissed the incident as so trivial he didn't even bother reporting it to his superiors but once it became public suddenly became lawyered up and silent, will accept the ruling if Clarkson is found to be innocent is another matter.

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This is the Beebs biggest money earner, to say nothing of the massive budget it gets. It's syndicated to more countries than any other show. Clarkson "is" Top Gear.thumbsup.gif

He's getting old, though, and the format is looking increasingly tired. He might be about to find out he's no longer as untouchable as he once was.

With his money I very much doubt he'll give a monkey's if the PC B(OO)B gets rid of him.

May and Hammond might be sweating though, along with all the crew that'll be out of work.

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Inevitable really. I can't see how they could do anything else.

They should keep Jeremy Clarkson and sack the entire management of the BBC.

What a silly thing to say. This is the real world. If you've been warned several times about your behaviour already and then you punch a colleague, you're going to lose your job, whoever you are.

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It will be interesting now, both for how the new Top Gear will turn out, and for whatever project Jeremy finds to do.

I can guarantee whoever hires him, they will capitalize on his personality. So be prepared to hear more sanctimonious whinging and hand wringing about Jezza.

I hope he gets as much free reign as possible

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Rumour is he's going to Netflix, apparently, which I guess would afford him more freedom than some broadcasters.

I'm not sure how successful a new top gear will be. Might be better to just retire the format - probably only a year or two before they would have done anyway.

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Just seen a photo of the Irish assistant producer. That man needs a slap just from the way he looks!

I hope the entire team move over to Channel 4 and sack the BBC

Chris Evans? Yes, he's got plenty of cars, but style? panache? intelligence?

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Well done for having the cojones, BBC. It's the right decision.

Jeremy Clarkson is to be sacked as Top Gear presenter after a BBC investigation concluded he did attack a producer on the programme.

Lord Hall, the Director General of the BBC, is expected to announce his decision on Wednesday after considering the findings of an internal investigation.

Clarkson, 54, will be thanked for his work on the hugely popular motoring show, but will be told such behaviour cannot be tolerated at the Corporation.

It is understood a report into the so-called ‘fracas’ at a North Yorkshire hotel,concluded that presenter spent 20 minutes verbally abusing producer Oisin Tymon, before launching a 30 second physical assault on him.


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Just seen a photo of the Irish assistant producer. That man needs a slap just from the way he looks!

I hope the entire team move over to Channel 4 and sack the BBC

What does him being Irish have to do with anything?

The problem with moving from the BBC to a commercial broadcaster like Channel Four is that they have a lot of advertisers from the motor industry who won't take kindly to having Clarkson and his chums slag off their products. The BBC is rather uniquely able to put out a show like that.

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I recall some dialogue from the movie Gladiator :

COMMODUS - "They embrace him like he's one of their own".

LUCILLA - "The mob is fickle brother. He'll be forgotten in a month".

COMMODUS - "No, much sooner than that. It has been arranged".

In the movie, Maximus wasn't forgotten so soon of course but the question is will Clarkson be forgotten in a month?

In some ways I reckon he might be, as the mob is indeed fickle. Clarkson 'is' replacable, no matter what some believe.

Hammond could easily fill the main presenting role, as I saw an older episode recently where he was carrying that out.

However, simultaneously I believe that popular dynamic of the trio banter will go with Clarkson and can't be retained.

Top Gear is now more likely to become a more professional looking but dull car review show, no matter who steps in.

Of course, that is what some believe it always should hae been but it got many viewers who liked the banter more so.

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Just seen a photo of the Irish assistant producer. That man needs a slap just from the way he looks!

I hope the entire team move over to Channel 4 and sack the BBC

What does him being Irish have to do with anything?

The problem with moving from the BBC to a commercial broadcaster like Channel Four is that they have a lot of advertisers from the motor industry who won't take kindly to having Clarkson and his chums slag off their products. The BBC is rather uniquely able to put out a show like that.

Nothing! Let's change that to the <deleted> with the designer stubble and the red face probably from drink! Better now?

You are quite correct about channel 4........

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They can always replace it with that Indian version they used to have on the Bombay Broadcasting Corporation's World Service Television:

"This new Puch Maxi really turns peoples' heads!"


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According to both Clarkson and the BBC, no judgement from the hearing has yet been announced, let alone a decision made on his future.

From the BBC today: Jeremy Clarkson: 'I haven't heard a thing'

Clarkson tweeted a rebuttal of the (Telegraph) story on Wednesday morning.

"Just to keep everyone up to date, I haven't heard a thing," he wrote, shortly before 10:00 GMT.

The BBC also says no final decision had been made on Clarkson's future.

"When we have an outcome, we will announce it," said a BBC spokesman.

Evans has also ruled himself out, from the same article

Meanwhile Radio 2 DJ Chris Evans, who has been touted as a potential replacement for Clarkson, has ruled himself out of the running.

"Not only is it not true, it's absolute nonsense," he told listeners on Wednesday morning......... regardless of whether it would be a hit, I'm voting a no for myself on that show, so that's never going happen.

"And that's the end of that."

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Seems the punch did land and the producer need hospital treatment for a split lip...

What was even worse was while recovering at home four days later he has this hairy gorilla banging on his door wanting to apologise.

Jeremy Clarkson turned up at Oisin Tymon’s home to plead forgiveness for their Top Gear bust-up - but got the cold shoulder.

The BBC probe into the row has been told injured Oisin refused to even open the door to him.

A source said desperate Clarkson “tried for up to five minutes but in the end had to walk away”.


Lot's of "a source said" and "allegedly" in that report.

Clarkson writes columns for The Sun and The Sunday Times; both owned by News International.

News International biggest rival in the UK is the Mirror Group.

The Mirror takes every possible opportunity to rubbish News International journalists.

I'd take that report with a very large bucket of salt, until and unless it's confirmed elsewhere, and I don't mean confirmed in those articles which contain something like "The Mirror reports.....".

It 's the same with the family which 'witnessed' the incident; paid by the Mirror for their 'evidence'!

Well he did punch and the producer was treated in A&E.

As the BBC own the rights to Top Gear maybe they should sell them to the highest bidder, I am sure there are many TV companies worldwide who would offer good money for the rights, and who ever buys Top Gear can chose whether or not to retain the services of JC and the other two.

As for the attack it should have been referred to the police, as the guy who through a custard pie in Rupert Murdoch's face was sent down do you not consider this assault more serious?

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Clarkson should visit NYC and get on Jerry Seinfeld's web series, driving around in notable vehicles. Actually, Clarkson is funnier than Seinfeld when he's not being hateful. At the first hint of an anti-semetic remark Seinfeld pulls over to the side of the road and says "get the f*#! out!"

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Inevitable really. I can't see how they could do anything else.

They should keep Jeremy Clarkson and sack the entire management of the BBC.

What a silly thing to say. This is the real world. If you've been warned several times about your behaviour already and then you punch a colleague, you're going to lose your job, whoever you are.

Last time I looked he hadn't been proven to have punched anyone.

The people on here that think Jeremy should be sacked should realise that if he goes the whole show goes, including May, Hammond and the entire crew. I'll bet they aren't cheering now.

I hope Jeremy gets set up on another channel at the same time as whatever pathetic PC show the BEEB comes back with next year, and wipes them off the air. I don't believe the other motoring programme, 5th gear, has done particularly well, though apparently it is completely different anyway.

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Inevitable really. I can't see how they could do anything else.

They should keep Jeremy Clarkson and sack the entire management of the BBC.

What a silly thing to say. This is the real world. If you've been warned several times about your behaviour already and then you punch a colleague, you're going to lose your job, whoever you are.

Last time I looked he hadn't been proven to have punched anyone.

The people on here that think Jeremy should be sacked should realise that if he goes the whole show goes, including May, Hammond and the entire crew. I'll bet they aren't cheering now.

I hope Jeremy gets set up on another channel at the same time as whatever pathetic PC show the BEEB comes back with next year, and wipes them off the air. I don't believe the other motoring programme, 5th gear, has done particularly well, though apparently it is completely different anyway.

You might want to look at some more up-to-date information.

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