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SURVEY: Do Avatars affect Your Opinion Of Posters?


Survey: Do Avatars Affects Your Opinion of members?  

233 members have voted

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If a person's avatar effects the way another responds to thier post, then that person is not really concentrating on the topic at hand and has a few personal issues. I have noticed that a few on here do get very upset about avatars and nicknames and they can trigger personal attacks but again they have personal issues/psych.

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Usually the avatar only has a effect after I read the post, and unfortunately, in many cases it just confirms that opinion

Well, except that you see the avatar first. Even if one were able to reserve judgement until reading the post, once the first post has been read, it is likely subsequent posts may be prejudged.

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No, it might not influence my opinion of the member, but the avatar might reflect the mindset of the member. It might tell me what opinion to expect from that person, but the operative word here is "might" because some avatars are innocuous, like Costa's above or prbkk's - yet both members often post strong opinions. In the long run, the avatar takes second place to the member's name.

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When I read the same posting with a funny clown avatar, I think it is a funny joke.

The same with a serious avatar may lead me to the idea that it is rude or a provocation.

Well maybe I should change mine....

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Avatars that are offensive to one's country and religion, or that depicting unsavory personalities

such as mass murders and tyrants,,, those are offensive to me..

On the other hand I guess an old Vespa from the seventies could hardly be offensive to any onesmile.png

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I came accross a member with a gun as an avator recently, and I immediately knew from which country he was and what was in his mind when posting in the topic. to answer the question: avatars sometimes affect my opinion, as they sometimes reflect the attitude and views of a member.

But only who is free of mistakes may throw the first stone....

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Avatars have no affect on my opinion of posters.

But I always enjoy looking at a good avatar and some of them stick in my mind.

I do sometimes forget a user name but an interesting avatar can help me remember the poster.

I certainly remember yours :)

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