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The Culture Watch Office is living in the past. The girls have already moved on to cameltoe selfies.

Like this??whistling.gifcameltoe.jpg
Even this is old news. Recent shows cover the rear...

Like I have said, they need to impose Muslim wardrobes to keep up their prohibition on world trends.

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Well I be shaved bald and slapped on the butt. I think the ladyboys might get upset about this after all the money they stole to get boobs.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Does anyone want to see my boobies.

No thanks!

Good to see from here..


Ooooh, mine are too small.

If you publish, you will go in Wheelchair rather than green chair! TV members are waiting with clubs at your door. :)

I feel the 'selfless' girls to be spared from prosecution, and #underboobthai theme should be declared as national costume for #Sonkaran water splashing.

My guns seems to be ready to splash for sonkaran.


Perfectly right. Do a google/images search for underboob and you'll see what I mean. There are several million images, although only a couple of hundred are seen on an iPad (a limit, for some reason). They're all disgusting. Every single one of them. You shouldn't look.

Thanks for the warning but, alas, I had already looked before I read your post. thumbsup.gif

Thanks also to Yupha Thaweewattanakijborworn, director of the Culture Watch Office of the Culture Ministry for bringing such things to my attention so I could judge for myself. Without his statement, I doubt I would have made the effort. (We have to assume he has done diligent research before arriving at his decision)

On a serious note, isn't there enough computer crime already to keep an army of staff looking for violations. Maybe he wants to expand his department; get a bigger budget.


Excuse me, but when I last checked the 1619 Mayflower passenger list, I didn't see any Thai names listed. So what's with the all-of-a-sudden Puritanical "American" bull, in the LOS? Illegal pornograghy involves either the photographing, or the filming of activities, where either the sexual organs, or sexual acts are publically displayed. The mammory-glands (boobs) are not sexual organs. Duh!

My question is, what does the Thai Culture Ministry intend to do about the blatant public displays of male Transvestite-ism (even in the daily public service sectors), so prevalently proliferated thru-out the entire Lwai2.gifS society? Huh?

Get yourselves (together with your NSA "monitoring" bosses) unconstipated, for once,....for heaven' sake. The world would definitely become a happier place.coffee1.gif


After reading this article I got a little worried my girlfriend last name is Sukaporn will I get in trouble filming her graduation from college? Because if boob selfies are illegal then me filming her at graduation could be seen as filming a porn movie. In that case I would go to hotel Bangkok for a stay.


Good to see the government has raised awareness on this issue.. I didn't know anything about it.

They have succeeded in bringing smiles back to Thailand.

Same here...


After reading this article I got a little worried my girlfriend last name is Sukaporn will I get in trouble filming her graduation from college? Because if boob selfies are illegal then me filming her at graduation could be seen as filming a porn movie. In that case I would go to hotel Bangkok for a stay.

Amen to that moveclap2.gif


Perfectly right. Do a google/images search for underboob and you'll see what I mean. There are several million images, although only a couple of hundred are seen on an iPad (a limit, for some reason). They're all disgusting. Every single one of them. You shouldn't look.

I wont look. can you supply a link?whistling.gif


Jeez I didn't know about this trend. Thanks for alerting me to this disgusting antic! "She explained that such reports might backfire rather than doing good to the society." Might help tourism, or might not.... backfire? Never had a boob backfire on me.... ah the Mantra "This Is Thailand" aka TIT....


Good to see the government has raised awareness on this issue.. I didn't know anything about it.

They have succeeded in bringing smiles back to Thailand.

Same here...

Raising public awareness of about insignificant issues, is more akin to dumbing society "down" to the state of unconsciousness, instead. Any expat to the LOS, who's given to the Puritanical mindset, yet has remained in the LOS, after the first 90-days of arrival, is definitely one totally constipated hypocritecoffee1.gif


Ye right. I can see it now. 8 girls on an ID parade. Right girls form a line, number 1 on the left number 8 on the right. When i call out your number take one step forward and lift your shirt.


Excuse me, but when I last checked the 1619 Mayflower passenger list, I didn't see any Thai names listed. So what's with the all-of-a-sudden Puritanical "American" bull, in the LOS? Illegal pornograghy involves either the photographing, or the filming of activities, where either the sexual organs, or sexual acts are publically displayed. The mammory-glands (boobs) are not sexual organs. Duh!

My question is, what does the Thai Culture Ministry intend to do about the blatant public displays of male Transvestite-ism (even in the daily public service sectors), so prevalently proliferated thru-out the entire Lwai2.gifS society? Huh?

Get yourselves (together with your NSA "monitoring" bosses) unconstipated, for once,....for heaven' sake. The world would definitely become a happier place.coffee1.gif

The mammory-glands (boobs) are not sexual organs. Duh! They are when you stick your length between them and bruise the underside of her chin ill tell ya.


Perfectly right. Do a google/images search for underboob and you'll see what I mean. There are several million images, although only a couple of hundred are seen on an iPad (a limit, for some reason). They're all disgusting. Every single one of them. You shouldn't look.

I wont look. can you supply a link?whistling.gif

Right-on Jambar!cheesy.gif


Excuse me, but when I last checked the 1619 Mayflower passenger list, I didn't see any Thai names listed. So what's with the all-of-a-sudden Puritanical "American" bull, in the LOS? Illegal pornograghy involves either the photographing, or the filming of activities, where either the sexual organs, or sexual acts are publically displayed. The mammory-glands (boobs) are not sexual organs. Duh!

My question is, what does the Thai Culture Ministry intend to do about the blatant public displays of male Transvestite-ism (even in the daily public service sectors), so prevalently proliferated thru-out the entire Lwai2.gifS society? Huh?

Get yourselves (together with your NSA "monitoring" bosses) unconstipated, for once,....for heaven' sake. The world would definitely become a happier place.coffee1.gif

The mammory-glands (boobs) are not sexual organs. Duh! They are when you stick your length between them and bruise the underside of her chin ill tell ya.

Absolutely correct! Especially when you are a designated member of the Richard Forbrain Society of Lpassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zCdgcS Expatriates..................Capiche? Probably not,...........................................Cheeriwhistling.gif


...God forbid it might eat into the economy of all other things really improper in Thailand....

...no crime....no victim.....no violence.....no drugging....no danger of waking up with everything stolen from you.....

....ooooohhhh....yes......soooo baaaadddd......???


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

its not porn if nipples are covered, so no its not illegal.

mind your own business....

they (who ever "they" are) take this thai culture thing way to seriously

in everyday life I see next to no thai culture that "they" deem so important coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

It was not more than 100 years ago when many thais were running around topless in their villages. Plus Thais are one of the most promiscuous people on the planet account for far more than their share of marital infidelity.

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