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January Tourism Up 16% One Year After Bangkok Shutdown

Jacob Maslow

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Tourism in Thailand was up 16% in January, just one year after the “Bangkok shutdown”. According to the Department of Tourism, the country received 2.65 million international tourists in January, up from 2.28 million the same period last year.

The increase in tourists not only surpassed last January’s numbers, but 2013’s numbers as well. During the same period that year, Thailand received just 2.31 million tourists.

Although Thailand saw an increase of tourists from many countries, it saw a dramatic decrease in Russian visitors. With the rouble seeing a tremendous drop in value, travelers are forced to stay home. Russian arrivals plummeted 45.7% to just 145,605 visitors in January. In previous months, Thailand had been seeing a year-on-year declines of 27%, 23% and 21%.

While the number of Russian visitors is on the decline, the country saw an influx of Chinese visitors. In December, the country saw an 86.5% year-on-year increase in Chinese visitors. Numbers soared again in January with 560,399 arrivals from the mainland.

Asean visitors also increased 49.3% to 622,277 year-on-year. Thailand saw just a 12% increase in Asean visitors in December and a 9% increase overall for 2014.

The country also saw a few markets rebound, including Hong Kong and Taiwan. Visitors were up 89.3% and 53.9% respectively. In 2014, those two markets plummeted 18% and 22% respectively.

The number of Japan visitors declined in December, but numbers were positive in January with the number of tourists up 5.8%.

While the increase in tourism is great news for Thailand, European tourism continues to struggle. Due in part to the sharp decline in Russian visitors, European arrivals were down 14.3% in January. Italy and Spain were the only two European countries with increased arrivals at 11.3% and 8.1% respectively. UK arrivals were down 0.5% and German arrivals up just 0.6%.

-- 2015-03-21

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Yup great for Thailand, a massive increase in quality tourists from China. Gathering in the 1000's to take photos, shit all over the place and run around the airport half naked.

They'll take their money! At least the Chinese have some, unlike austerity Europe!

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If you do the math, the increase in Chinese tourists exceeds the total increase. The article clearly points out that many other nationalities are in decline. So an accurate summary would be:

Tourism declines for most nationalities; Chinese tourism increases dramatically.

Income per capita in China is about $12,000, #89 ranking.

Thailand ranking is #80, $14,000 per capita.

I would think a really good strategy for Thailand would be to attract tourists that make more money than their own population.

Like all those Russians, Europeans and Japanese.

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If you do the math, the increase in Chinese tourists exceeds the total increase. The article clearly points out that many other nationalities are in decline. So an accurate summary would be:

Tourism declines for most nationalities; Chinese tourism increases dramatically.

Income per capita in China is about $12,000, #89 ranking.

Thailand ranking is #80, $14,000 per capita.

I would think a really good strategy for Thailand would be to attract tourists that make more money than their own population.

Like all those Russians, Europeans and Japanese.

Where did you get those rankings?

Thailand's GDP per capita is about $6,000 U.S., and that was during 2013's bubble economy.

China's is almost $7,000


Edit: nevermind, I see you referenced the Purchasing Power Parity rankings. I think nominal is a better indicator, since tourism dollars are spent outside of one's home country.

Edited by aTomsLife
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Same increase as North Korea tourism everyone flocking to Thailand to see the soldier run country so an extra few Chinese turn up for a few days break big deal it’s the amount of trillions of Baht that they spend and put into the Thai economy that counts that’s the only way they benefit the ordinary Thai people and not just the wealthy Generals

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I see the Quality Chinese tourists driving and riding motorcycles like complete idiots.

Ive seen them pissing out there in public.

I can hear them a block away screaming at each other

The tourist buses drive in convoys, slowing down the traffic or parking in places making it difficult for traffic to flow normally

I rarely see them out of a group, purchasing from "non-kickback" shops (im guessing the tour companies get kick-backs)

..... It just feels dirtier with "them" around.... The Thais I speak with dont like them, but I dont know any shop owners who service them, so they could be an exception

Ive wanted to go to China on holiday, but after seeing how they act here, Ive crossed it of my bucket list....

I only thought I hated religious people... and now that I see the Chinese here, I have no respect for them... I never thought I would ever say something as racist as that....

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Yup great for Thailand, a massive increase in quality tourists from China. Gathering in the 1000's to take photos, shit all over the place and run around the airport half naked.

They'll take their money! At least the Chinese have some, unlike austerity Europe!


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Interesting that more tourists come from Spain. I've checked the official statistics on the TAT website and since 2012 tourism from that country has been growing faster than from many other European countries. It's interesting because in 2012 Spain suffered a terrible banking crisis and the unemployment rate shot up significantly. Looks like in some countries the worse the economic situation is the more people travel to Thailand. Iran is another example. Perhaps Turkey too, their currency has been falling for a while but the number of outbound tourists from there has been growing strongly according to my subjective observations, and not only to Thailand. Eastern Europe is flooded with Turkish men looking for brides.

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Yup great for Thailand, a massive increase in quality tourists from China. Gathering in the 1000's to take photos, shit all over the place and run around the airport half naked.

They'll take their money! At least the Chinese have some, unlike austerity Europe!

At least when "austerity" Europe sends their tourists, they spend money while on holiday!

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Tourism is up but Phuket is deserted.....go figure!!

Pattaya Quiet too

Typical use of manufactured stats to try and convince potential tourists "Oh Thailand is picking up we must go and visit" or put another way....nothing more than commercial use of psychology

Edited by kaiyaibob
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If you do the math, the increase in Chinese tourists exceeds the total increase. The article clearly points out that many other nationalities are in decline. So an accurate summary would be:

Tourism declines for most nationalities; Chinese tourism increases dramatically.

Income per capita in China is about $12,000, #89 ranking.

Thailand ranking is #80, $14,000 per capita.

I would think a really good strategy for Thailand would be to attract tourists that make more money than their own population.

Like all those Russians, Europeans and Japanese.

Here we go again. The numbers crunchers sorry fudgers are at it again. Make sure these numbers are published in the foreign media. Oops better not their mathematics is better there than here.

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Everything about this military regime is about quantity.

But revenues are a more important measure of success. For example:

- In 2013, the average tourist's length of stay in Thailand was 9.8 days, the highest rate among Asean nations. Spending per head per trip was also at top level in the region with US$1,400 (Bt42,000). During the Chinese New Year 2015 Chinese tourists would spend on average Bt22,600 per person per trip.

- Thailand is #1 rice exporter in 2014 for volume but farmers have the lowest profit margin in ASEAN.

- Thailand lauds its massive sales of sheet rubber to China at higher than market prices (bt60-63/kg) while farmers cost was bt67/kg and demanded bt80/kg. Yet, Thailand was unable to sell ANY rubber at auction to independent trader.

When you begin to connect revenues with Junta government sales, you see a disappointing pattern for economic growth.

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All I know is that I have lived outside Pattaya for the last 7years. What we call the 'dark side'.

Travelling into Pattaya for shopping etc. used to be not too much of a hassle. Now it's a nightmare, caused simply by the sheer number of tour buses, half filled with Chinese, blocking almost everywhere.

It may well be there are the same amount of people in Pattaya, but this system, whereby the Chinese cannot be allowed to walk anywhere (except under supervision in Walking St), seems tome toe destroying that town as a holiday resort.

Seriously, how can people enjoy a 'holiday' like that being bussed from here to there on a tight schedule and following a bloke with a flag when they are allowed off?.

I suppose the whole purpose is so they can return to Shanghai, or wherever, and show millions of phot's taken from a smart phone. Then being able to say "been there, done that' to the admiring multitude who cannot afford a holiday at all. Good for 'face' I should have thought.

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Oh my Buddha, the Spin Doctors are working overtime....I'm calling bullshi***---chickowooddduck

Then give us some links, to establish your statement chicko.....instead of a silly laughing man or a cut paste pic.

It just amazes me where some people on here draw there conclusions from.. "I was in Jon Tiem beach yesterday, there weren't so many people there as last year"....so TAT must be lying about the figures." ---"Can't believe those figures from TAT --my bar been empty all week"

If TAT lies so much --then its not difficult to give a link to there lies, No one does.

Here's a news flash--TAT is telling you where the "New" tourist are coming from, There not great beach lovers--&--They don't spend their holiday sitting in the bar all day waiting to be told how handsome they are.

Go to Bank America, MasterCard or Visa sites, (you can access them through Wiki) the spending (for their clients ) is up for this country, That doesn't mean their are more numbers but it does mean that there are more $$$ , Look at the EVA Air business site there seat numbers are up for Thailand.

I don't care if the Tourist numbers are down-- I really liked the country that I came to visit 25 years ago, & retired to, in the 90s, I wish it hadn't been discovered by so many, but it has & I am not going to join the hoard sitting in the bar saying,,,,,Oh yes Thailand's sinking.......any day now......just you wait.


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The Thais just can't figure it out. Tourism up, but they are all those shitty Chinese, who they don't want. How to attract quality tourists that come here, spend lots of money, respect Thainess and leave?? What is the formula?

It's been said many times before in various formats:-

1. Get rid of martial law. Quality Tourists do not want to visit a country where they will be walking down streets full of menacing armoured soldiers watching their every move (I know that isn't happening, but THAT is the impression that a lot of would be visitors will have of a country that has just had a coup.) Also, many insurance companies will not supply cover if martial law is in place, and Quality Tourists do not want to worry about having to pay for medical treatment while on holiday.

2. Get the police on a decent training programme and decent wages, so they do not have to scam tourists for "tea money" as Quality Tourists expect to be treated as such, especially by the "Public Servants" who are suppose to be maintaining "peace and order". Make them enforce the rules equally for Thais and farangs alike. For instance, the "littering" laws are a disgrace - piles of stinking rubbish left to fester in the sun by stallholders with no sense of hygiene, while the police are more intent on fining a farang for dropping a cigarette butt than getting Thais to keep their streets clean. Why have a law that says it is illegal to drive a motorbike without a helmet, when in certain parts of the country, it is mostly ignored, and in one part of the country the police chief makes it ILLEGAL to wear one!

3. Get rid of the "dual pricing" system - especially in bars and restaurants. Quality Tourists will not mind paying a fair price for the product they are buying, but will be a bit aggrieved if they are paying up to twice what a Thai would be paying. (Example - tourists being charged up to TEN times more than Thais to visit a park or museum - already been discussed on Thai Visa as a seperate topic)

4. Make all Immigration Officers go on a training course so that they apply the rules and regulations in the same way in every Immigration Office. There are too many different interpretations of the rules, and some blatantly admit to making up their own rules. Why should a Google Earth map with grid locations be required as proof of residence at one Immigration Office, whereas another requires a copy of your rent book/rental agreement? Quality Tourists want to know in advance what they need to take to an Immigration Office to get a visa for instance, and all too many times have to go away and "come back tomorrow" because they have not got what that particular Office® requires. 2 days of holiday taken up by unnecessary bureaucracy!

5. Be seen to be getting rid of the corruption and violence towards "farangs" (foreigners) The attitude still persists in many quarters that if anything goes wrong (road accident etc) it is always the farang(s) fault as it wouldn't have happened if the farang hadn't been there in the first place. In all too many cases, the blame (and costs) are meted out on the spot by the BIB to the farang because it is perceived that he/she will have the money to pay for it, whereas the Thai won't (not in all cases, but too regularly)

The above are just some of the things that Quality Tourists are looking for in their holiday, and no doubt there are many others. Quality of service, reasonable prices, a clean environment etc etc. Thailand has been known for years as the "Land of Smiles",and the "PM" is trying to bring happiness back to the people. How about if the Thai "authorities" tried a little harder to bring a bit of happiness to their visitors, and eventually the Quality Tourists will be more apparent by their presence rather than by their absence?

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Oh my Buddha, the Spin Doctors are working overtime....I'm calling bullshi***---chickowooddduck

Then give us some links, to establish your statement chicko.....instead of a silly laughing man or a cut paste pic.

It just amazes me where some people on here draw there conclusions from.. "I was in Jon Tiem beach yesterday, there weren't so many people there as last year"....so TAT must be lying about the figures." ---"Can't believe those figures from TAT --my bar been empty all week"

If TAT lies so much --then its not difficult to give a link to there lies, No one does.

Here's a news flash--TAT is telling you where the "New" tourist are coming from, There not great beach lovers--&--They don't spend their holiday sitting in the bar all day waiting to be told how handsome they are.

Go to Bank America, MasterCard or Visa sites, (you can access them through Wiki) the spending (for their clients ) is up for this country, That doesn't mean their are more numbers but it does mean that there are more $$$ , Look at the EVA Air business site there seat numbers are up for Thailand.

I don't care if the Tourist numbers are down-- I really liked the country that I came to visit 25 years ago, & retired to, in the 90s, I wish it hadn't been discovered by so many, but it has & I am not going to join the hoard sitting in the bar saying,,,,,Oh yes Thailand's sinking.......any day now......just you wait.


Another reason why the numbers are up could just be that Chinese tourists travels in pack, they buy tours, all inclusive and plane ticket in the same package in China.

The hotels are all of a sudden forced to report how many rooms are occupied and by how many people.

Yes, I know they "have" to do it even before, but they didn't, as they want to avoid the hotel tourist tax, but with chinese and koreans, they are forced to really go through with reporting otherwise they won't be able to get those tourists from the agencies.

And yes Thailand is sinking, why do you think.

1. Thailand Thai baht is pegged towards US$, which is a very strong currency right now compared to the rest of the world.

2. Thailand's ruling people rides on a mental picture of it being the second economy in asia so they don't do anything because "all is good", that's called arrogance.

3, Thailand's labor costs supersedes it's neighboring countries, like Vietnam for one, making the vital tech industry move out.

4. Thailand's bad rep when it comes to safety for tourists is seriously damaged from Koh Tao murders and deaths, high profile Phuket Murders and Pattaya's ongoing unrest with criminality.

5. The ever ongoing corruption with police and immigration.

Don't you get it, the cost to travel to Thailand, has in some cases from certain countries gone up with more than 80%, the currency from Scandinavia has gone down with between 33% to 45% compared to the Thai baht.

AND NO, you won't see any numbers about which country people have their VISA or mastercard when making a withdrawal in Thailand, except if the banks here in Thailand would actually publish the amount of money retracted from overseas bank accounts.

If you can show proof of otherwise, post the links to those websites here.

If you don't it's just speculation on your part.

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