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Lads go for a pint and end up 7,000 miles away in Thailand


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In 2000 a friend of mine who worked in a travel agency won a competition for most air miles with British Airways sold in her agency in 3 months. The prize was free flights to Thailand. She rang me and said "do you want to go to Thailand?" i said sure - when are we going? she said "next Wednesday" .... fine - how long are we going for? ...... she said "oh, just 5 days - I have to be back at work the following Tuesday"

We ended up in Huahin, in one of those grungy finger wharf guesthouses (which were even grungier then), eight months later I moved to LOS and have spent 9 of the past 15 years here.

Not quite as spontaneous as nipping out for a pint and ending up in Phuket -but pretty close.

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About once a month ThaiVisa publishes an uplifting read, regardless whether it's entirely true, at-least it's in good spirits. But the same lonely old men have to start with lame comments..

It wouldn't matter if the story was about a rich dude giving away his millions to 1000 starving children or animals. It would only be a matter of minutes before the usual suspects question the guy on where his money came from or something equally as ridiculous.

Goodonem for being spontaneous and living life.

Classic line. ""But no-one's misbehaved to be fair."

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Getting drunk like that is something I was used to, but never to that extent, God help them when they get home and have to face the consequences, and they seem so proud of what they did! There is no pride in getting blind drunk, God, what a world we live in, no wonder the Thai have problems with Farang.

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There's some miserable gits on this forum!!

Why? Because they are not impressed by sensational Mirror news? That's like Guardian readers saying that all Mirror readers are idiots. Is everyone supposed to applaud this story even though they don't think anything about it? 555! So let me get this right. If someone says what a great story mate, they get a lot of likes, but if someone says what a load of horse c-rap they are miserable gits.....beautiful logic mate! Cheers for that

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I read some pretty outlandish stories in the past and when I tried to research them I found that there are sites in the UK (like this: http://www.mirror.co.uk/sell-your-story/ and http://www.nationalstoryseller.co.uk/) that will buy your story and then "resell" it to various other publications. Some even advertise that they will "pay for your vacation" if your story is deemed good enough to be resold.

Some of those sites even offer to "spruce" up (or "polish") your story to make it even more "sellable". There have been a few stories on TV in the past that have the same hokey "feel" to them, and it seems they all are found in the same kind of publications.

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You current day UK guys are bunch of pussies. If you want spontaneity involving complete lack of thought where "planning" was only considered an academic concept, come to my error back in the mid 70' s - Canada style. Go to a local bar and find yourself a couple of days later 1000 miles away form home with your car in a ditch or sleeping with someone's relative. Remember waking up and lifting the car out of the ditch with my 3 buddies. It was hilarious at the time. Just a minor set back as we continued on our adventure to Northern Canada. Remember meeting new friends on the way and being invited to barbecues. We were young lads in our 20's not like these old UK geezers of 30 plus with passports, credit cards, cell phones just in case of emergency, Lets's say drinking and driving was not strictly enforced. Safe sex, AIDS, ... never heard of it back then. Back in the day we made young Thais look like responsible adults - no easy task!

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"Some of the lads have serious girlfriends and kids and it's been pretty intense for some of them.I wouldn't like to be facing the grief that some of them will be inevitably going home to. But no-one's misbehaved to be fair."

Yeah, sure.

What happens on tour, stays on tour.

Honest dear nothing happened, it was just a bit of fun.

You HAVE TO believe me !

Had a friend who went on a tour to Thailand and took pictures.

Got them developed {this was a ways back} and took them down to the pub.

He then preceded to pass these pictures around the lads who'd been on tour for perusal, especially popular were the ones taken with scantily clad young ladies sat on various laps.

Until one of their wives saw them.

That's when all hell broke loose.

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