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WOW !!!!!!!! I had a girl try to tell me about Thai culture. This guy does not get out much does he. He would really be upset if he went to Pattaya and could see the guys in the speedo's.

We all get upset about that.


A selection of the models choosen for the next motor show.


That's (from L to R) Terry Gillingham, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Jones & Michael Palin promoting their 02 performance last July :)

"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!"

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By banning it, more attention gets drawn to it. Maybe that was the plan, I heard that the auto industry was struggling..

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Victorian attitudes, everybody's at it but keep it quiet and pretend it's against Thai culture.

How many of these upright, guardians of morals have a mia noi ?

They all do, but they keep them covered up !


if they have to use near naked women to sell cars you really have to wonder at the mentality of the ones that buy them. Nothing wrong with seeing near naked women but every country has its own laws and here it is not allowed, very simple. We all want to live here so we must abide by the thai laws(even if we dont agree with them), if seeing naked women all the time is more important to you then maybe you are in the wrong country. We all have out whinges but seriously, naked women mean so much to some of you at a car show, lets us know which head you think with, I thought car shows were to look at the cars, not wandering around staring at models.

I am guessing you were the guy who complained to the culture ministry?

"if seeing naked women all the time is more important to you then maybe you are in the wrong country."

Really? I would say that you are in exactly the right country?

If you know of a country that has more naked women on public display than Thailand, I am quite sure I am not the only one who would like to know which country that is?


Gentlemen, we now have irrefutable proof that there is life on other planets. How intelligent that life is ... is a matter of debate, since our dear friend Seajae does not seem to understand that since day one ... sex sells.

You see Seajae, here on Planet Earth, sex is not just to sell cars ... it is used to sell everything and I challenge you to find any product advertised on television that we can not draw a line from, and not end up with some sexual reference.

It is almost impossible to believe you are serious ... and that ... raised to the 10th power, since ... wait for it ... you are in Thailand complaining about naked girls in BANGKOK.

I am laughing so hard right now, i think I sprained my back.

For the love of god, really Seajae?



I am quite sure the models have not violated any actual laws, however the individual models cannot do much to defend themselves. Combined the car companies have much more influence, power and money than the ministry of culture. They should therefore join hands, and sue the ministry of culture as well as the culture minister for defaming the models and ruining the reputation of the motorshow.

Worst case they lose and nothing happens, but imo odds are that they win, and that means the ministry of culture would have to be alot more careful for all future events or risk getting sued again. I believe defamation is punishable by jail, something I am sure thr minister of culture would like to avoid.


"She said the article prohibited any person from carrying out an embarrassing act"

How does one legislate against embarrassment??? And doesn't that constitute punishing the victim ... isn't the embarrassment experienced by the person who commits the act? And isn't embarrassment, by definition, the punishment itself? I'm getting dizzy....

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I've said this a dozen times in these forums. Military governments love to legislate morality (though often in a hypocritical manner). This is just the latest instance in Thailand and likely not the last. So all of those cheering on the coup-makers... this is the bed your making for yourselves. Make yourselves comfortable...


ehhhh... who is in charge of this? the have the power to order police and or army to cover up & arrest models? is this for real? ahhhhh.... a fool by any other name is still a fool :-)


Come on guys!!!

Yupa and Veera belong to high so, you guys are on the other side of fence, low so. thumbsup.gif

Different levels of society - different standards of moral behavior and dignity drunk.gif


I've said this a dozen times in these forums. Military governments love to legislate morality (though often in a hypocritical manner). This is just the latest instance in Thailand and likely not the last. So all of those cheering on the coup-makers... this is the bed your making for yourselves. Make yourselves comfortable...

Under the Yingluck government wives of MPs complained about the Nok Air calander. Under Abhisit we had police stop a few girls dancing along Narathiwat wet, but no Tshirt. Etc., etc.

In this case I do not think this is special for a military government, just special Thai.

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Which law was violated?

Probably something passed by one of the military juntas over the last fifty years that everybody else has forgotten about. You know, I remember in 1971, when I was here on R&R from Pleiku, one of the girls at the Thai Heaven told me that if they went outside the bar dressed the way they dressed inside, they'd be arrested. Let's see, that was Prime Minister Thanom Kittikachorn, but the law/regulation probably went back to Field Marshall Sarit, or maybe Pol. Gen. Pao Sarasin. I've always kind of admired Sarit for his brash confidence escorting younger and younger "nieces" to various public functions. Pao, as near as I've learned, was much more prudish, although arguably more corrupt. (and that's going some). The Culture Ministry is entirely staffed by puritan bluenoses who have no function except to complain that the young women of today have no respect for Thai values. That's where they should have put Purachai, not in Interior where he controlled the Police (at the time).

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This is a country filled with irony...the tourist sex capitol of the world...wants to harass a few motor show models...more "Thainess?"

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Not worth going then.........Have they resurected the Minister that was under Thaksin?? The one who wanted to make it illegal to teach Thai-Wisdom to farang?.....

The one who wanted to make it illegal to teach Thai-Wisdom to farang?.....


This is just sad now. 1st the Coyote dancers, then the underboob selfies, now this. What's next, no bare feet? The culture minister seriously needs to get a life. Wonder how many complained were men? wink.png

I'm glad she doesn't eat in the Big C food courts or we may loose the beer girls.

Oh, I did forget the moratorium on beer girls too. smile.pngSource

  • No more “beer girls”
  • Health warnings on all alcohol products
  • No old bottles of wines or beer can be used to decorate a business
  • No happy hours promotions
  • Promoting alcohol through word of mouth is also illegal
  • No alcohol logos are allowed on glasses, ashtrays and other paraphernalia
  • Punishments of up to six months in jail for various offences
  • All promotion of alcoholic consumption is illegal

And they would not be the first ones, unfortunately this has been invented already. Welcome to my home world where all of this is promoted already.

No wonder that people are bringing all their booze out of country and politicians are asking how this happened ... blink.png ... hmmm, let's increase the tax ... w00t.gif

Not all idiots are living in Thailand, but we could send "few" and both sides would be happy. We would have better decisions and Thailand would be THE hub of

"great minds" whistling.gif

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