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Survey: Are foreigners in Thailand more negative than people in their home country?

Are foreigners in Thailand more negative than people in their home country?  

377 members have voted

  1. 1. Are foreigners in Thailand more negative than people in their home country?

    • Yes, foreigners are more negative overall than people in their home country.
    • No, foreigners are not more negative overall than people in their home country.

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this forum seems to have an above average number of pessimistic people who share there wealth of knowledge with us.

This forum definitely does have more than its fair share of pessimists, but I think most people are aware that this forum isn't a true reflection of the real world. The survey was asking about foreigners in Thailand, not the relatively small group of foreigners who regularly post on this forum.

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No not negative just tell the truth and have an opinion. What I would say is that Foreigners will have a say and many Thai people are not use to expressing their view, especially as it might be deemed negative. The ruling elite have used this tactic for a while, citing anyone having an opinion, as anti Thai or negative.

I, like many others who are foreigners here, genuinely care and don't like the constant inequality and two tier system that is rife here

Just because we don't agree with everything doesn't mean we don't like living here, as we do. So the 'if you don't like it go home brigade' need to understand that.

You may genuinely care about the opressed Thais but I'm willing to bet a penny to a pound that 99% of those who Thai bash do it because they want their own lives improved at the expense of local Thais.

I once had a discussion in a bar with a 60 something ex pat who did nothing but complain about the police, complain about the local infrastructure, complain about the local health care.......when I pointed out that those things were better in our own nations because we pay local government taxes (The council tax in the UK) and would he be willing to pay an extra 3-4,000Thb per month in order to improve the services that he was complaining about, his response was "why should I, I put into the economy?"........ I pointed out that living expenses were everywhere and that what he put into the economy (his pension I assume as he wasn't working) was to survive like he would have to pay anywhere in the world, whereas I and many others who work in Thailand actually pay more towards the infrastructure of the country than he did due to our taxes.......needless to say it didn't go down well with him and I was told "I didn't know what I was talking about" etc etc.

You cannot expect a free lunch in this world, in Thailand or anywhere else....yet some people still do.

Yes I agree and willingly pay my taxes. I also contribute to the economy as I have done for many years. No I can't buy a house or vote. I understand that but don't completely agree with not being able to buy a house, in ones name. What I do without any reserve dislike the corrupt practices of the Police, government organisation's and many other things. Usually the common/average/person getting shafted.. Just because things are said and done here in the name of culture and tradition, doesn't mean it is always right.

As a westerner, luckily brought up in a society were I could question things, criticising for me isn't a bad thing, in fact the opposite. Certainly on a message board blowing of steam, can be useful. Far too many people take TV to seriously. It is peoples opinions, if people don't agree or like it, they should scroll down.

I would like to see transparency and accountability. I personally believe it will benefit the Thai and foreign people here who call it home.

I'm kind of divided on the owning land situation- while it would be nice to be able to own land I understand why the government are reluctant-If foreigners were allowed to buy land then this would further price out the Thais in a similar manner that British born Londoners are being priced out of the London real estate market largely because of foreign land owners.

Having said that, I don't know why they don't amend the law to allow one rai to be purchased which would be enough to protect people from being taken for a ride, at least that way people could buy a small piece of land without causing the locals to be priced out.


If this is about the thaivisa forum primarely then take a look at other message boards and internet in general. Not exactly a happy, positive and encouraging place for the most part.


Thailand is a very beautiful country with a great climate and for me great golf around Pattaya which I have enjoyed for 4 months every year for the past 12 years.. After that Thailand deserves a lot of negative comments. Thailand thinks it should not be classed as a thrid world power, yes it may have modern cities with great infrastructure in some of them but the running of any govenment department shows they are at the bottom of the third world.

They keep bringing out new laws, like the one on not being allowed to chastise wild soi dogs and yet they cant and dont even try to uphold the most basic road laws, eg motor cycles; Wearing helmets, Speeding, dangerous driving, driving on footpaths. I could arrest 1000 a day without even trying around soi Boaukau.

This week the govenor of Bangkok oppologised for not gettng the drains cleared to prevent flooding, is only excuse was that they normally do it a month later but the rains started too soon

You have high up people doing all sorts of finacial misbehaviour and they just give back the money and then its ok, or give out that tired excuse of "honest mistake", yeah right.


Once again we return to the perineal topic of 'other peoples negative views of Thailand' and the broad brush classification of people as 'Thai Bashers'.

The question I always ask when this topic comes up is, why do the opinions others have and express bother you so much?

Its a truism, if any of us make a choice we are truly happy with then the opinions others express about our choice will be like water off a duck's back.

And of course there is the 'if you don't like it, go home' line of response, which seldom stands scrutiny.

A guy has a bad experience, perhaps the only bad experience he's had for a long while - he writes about it on TVF, perhaps to let off steam, perhaps to warn others, perhaps to ask for advice, perhaps because TVF is the only place he can express his views with people who speak his language.

So now on the basis of a single complaint, someone else (usually more than one someone else) is ranting at him to go home.

Appart from the absurdity of the line of argument that an individual should up root their life for having expressed an opinion some others don't like, there is the observation I've made, not once, but many many times during my time in Thailand.

When it comes to the sudden epiphany, the conniption fit, the sudden uprooting and disappearance from Thailand to back home; the people I've seen do this have all, and without exception, been people who while in Thailand would hear no criticism of the place.

By example, a friend I've known for 20 years, 15 years in Thailand, recently uprooted and went home; I spoke with him in the weeks before he left, he was seething with emotion, couldn't get out fast enough. This a man who I've had dozens of conversations with in which his ranted against people complaining about Thailand, refusing to hear even the slightest negative comment, regardless of how well founded it might be.

I put this down to a sudden flip in the mind, when denial of the truth can no longer be reconciled with reality.

Far better I think, to take a balanced view, positives and negatives. And when we meet someone having a bad day, or a good day, accept the fact that we all have good and bad days - its the way the swing swings.

If other people's negative comments wind you up, ask yourself why.

The answer is almost certainly close to home.

Oooooohh - the raw truth of that is going to touch a few nerves. If there's one thing the deniers all hate, it's the truth about themselves. They read & take the time to rant and whine like little girls about the opinions and observations they find so repugnant, but aren't bright enough to just skip over and go read another thread! And so much in love with the advice to love-it-or-leave-it, except when it comes to taking it themselves on this forum. The very definition of lame.


I don't think we're more negative, but we are one heck of a lot more knowledgeable about the world because we travel. Perhaps the OP is confusing negativity with expats and world travelers who have a clearer understanding of world affairs, and then are not afraid to voice an opinion on subjects that are spun in a different light within our home countries by media outlets with an agenda. According to Business Insider, six news corporations control 90% of the news outlets. So, generally I don't agree with folks in my home country who devour main stream news hook, line, and sinker. All you need to do is look at MSM reporting of events in Thailand and compare them to the day-to-day realities that you yourself experience. There are always discrepancies inaccuracies, and sensationalism.


One need only read the forum to know that expats tend to be fairly negative.

Some of our prolific posters have even left Thailand saying that they will never return, yet still post here.


One need only read the forum to know that expats tend to be fairly negative.

Some of our prolific posters have even left Thailand saying that they will never return, yet still post here.

Which forum rule does that violate, exactly? Does it say somewhere that TV is only for resident expats? Gee, I didn't know that.


One need only read the forum to know that expats tend to be fairly negative.

No - all that tells you is that expats who post on Thaivisa are negative. Posting on Thaivisa isn't really an activity that expats living in Thailand typically tend to do, so you're not going to get a fair reflection of expat life by analysing the tone of posts on here.


nothing wrong with being a bit negative sometimes,only if it takes over our whole life does it become a problem.

That old saying "is the glass half full or half empty"....how we chose to see it determines our own happiness.


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Once again we return to the perineal topic of 'other peoples negative views of Thailand' and the broad brush classification of people as 'Thai Bashers'.

The question I always ask when this topic comes up is, why do the opinions others have and express bother you so much?

Its a truism, if any of us make a choice we are truly happy with then the opinions others express about our choice will be like water off a duck's back.

And of course there is the 'if you don't like it, go home' line of response, which seldom stands scrutiny.

A guy has a bad experience, perhaps the only bad experience he's had for a long while - he writes about it on TVF, perhaps to let off steam, perhaps to warn others, perhaps to ask for advice, perhaps because TVF is the only place he can express his views with people who speak his language.

So now on the basis of a single complaint, someone else (usually more than one someone else) is ranting at him to go home.

Appart from the absurdity of the line of argument that an individual should up root their life for having expressed an opinion some others don't like, there is the observation I've made, not once, but many many times during my time in Thailand.

When it comes to the sudden epiphany, the conniption fit, the sudden uprooting and disappearance from Thailand to back home; the people I've seen do this have all, and without exception, been people who while in Thailand would hear no criticism of the place.

By example, a friend I've known for 20 years, 15 years in Thailand, recently uprooted and went home; I spoke with him in the weeks before he left, he was seething with emotion, couldn't get out fast enough. This a man who I've had dozens of conversations with in which his ranted against people complaining about Thailand, refusing to hear even the slightest negative comment, regardless of how well founded it might be.

I put this down to a sudden flip in the mind, when denial of the truth can no longer be reconciled with reality.

Far better I think, to take a balanced view, positives and negatives. And when we meet someone having a bad day, or a good day, accept the fact that we all have good and bad days - its the way the swing swings.

If other people's negative comments wind you up, ask yourself why.

The answer is almost certainly close to home.

Oooooohh - the raw truth of that is going to touch a few nerves. If there's one thing the deniers all hate, it's the truth about themselves. They read & take the time to rant and whine like little girls about the opinions and observations they find so repugnant, but aren't bright enough to just skip over and go read another thread! And so much in love with the advice to love-it-or-leave-it, except when it comes to taking it themselves on this forum. The very definition of lame.

Quite an ironic comment you've made. You rant about the "deniers" and how they should go and read another thread...well doesn't that thought process equally apply to the "Thai bashers"? I mean they could go and live in another country if the issues Thailand has depresses them so much?

I have no problem with anyone mentioning a problem on here, I do have a problem with keyboard warriors ranting about how things should be more like "home" yet also want the benefits that Thailand offers- those who want their cake and to eat it are the types of people I cannot stand.

The fact is this- Thailand owes us zip/nothing/nada. Sure if we all left the sales of beer and Mcdonalds might dip a bit but I doubt they'd be calling up Bob Geldoff to ask for Live Aid Thailand...we would lose out more than they would, hence the reason most people just rant on TVF and then jump on a bus to do a visa run with the intention of staying put. I'm not oblivious to the problems Thailand has, just as I wasn't oblivious to the problems in the UK, the difference is I was British, it was where I was born and often the powers that be did things I disagreed with yet a vote every 4 years wasn't enough to change things so I decided to leave- in Thailand I'm a guest, I have a choice, stay and accept, or leave it all behind.....a bit like your advise about TVF threads.

Don't ever become a pessimist... a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events.

Robert A. Heinlein


No , my personal view on this is that if you're a member of a forum like this you will get many negative posts , some of them in a good way to explain differences between us ,the culture and the way we're living.

This is happening on any expat forums around the world and also other forums and discussion groups. Since Thaivisa is one of the largest online forum in the world you will find more negativity here if you're looking for it.


One need only read the forum to know that expats tend to be fairly negative.

Some of our prolific posters have even left Thailand saying that they will never return, yet still post here.

Which forum rule does that violate, exactly? Does it say somewhere that TV is only for resident expats? Gee, I didn't know that.

Non sequitur, I never said anything about rules. It was an observation about negative people


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Once again we return to the perineal topic of 'other peoples negative views of Thailand' and the broad brush classification of people as 'Thai Bashers'.

The question I always ask when this topic comes up is, why do the opinions others have and express bother you so much?

Its a truism, if any of us make a choice we are truly happy with then the opinions others express about our choice will be like water off a duck's back.

And of course there is the 'if you don't like it, go home' line of response, which seldom stands scrutiny.

A guy has a bad experience, perhaps the only bad experience he's had for a long while - he writes about it on TVF, perhaps to let off steam, perhaps to warn others, perhaps to ask for advice, perhaps because TVF is the only place he can express his views with people who speak his language.

So now on the basis of a single complaint, someone else (usually more than one someone else) is ranting at him to go home.

Appart from the absurdity of the line of argument that an individual should up root their life for having expressed an opinion some others don't like, there is the observation I've made, not once, but many many times during my time in Thailand.

When it comes to the sudden epiphany, the conniption fit, the sudden uprooting and disappearance from Thailand to back home; the people I've seen do this have all, and without exception, been people who while in Thailand would hear no criticism of the place.

By example, a friend I've known for 20 years, 15 years in Thailand, recently uprooted and went home; I spoke with him in the weeks before he left, he was seething with emotion, couldn't get out fast enough. This a man who I've had dozens of conversations with in which his ranted against people complaining about Thailand, refusing to hear even the slightest negative comment, regardless of how well founded it might be.

I put this down to a sudden flip in the mind, when denial of the truth can no longer be reconciled with reality.

Far better I think, to take a balanced view, positives and negatives. And when we meet someone having a bad day, or a good day, accept the fact that we all have good and bad days - its the way the swing swings.

If other people's negative comments wind you up, ask yourself why.

The answer is almost certainly close to home.

Oooooohh - the raw truth of that is going to touch a few nerves. If there's one thing the deniers all hate, it's the truth about themselves. They read & take the time to rant and whine like little girls about the opinions and observations they find so repugnant, but aren't bright enough to just skip over and go read another thread! And so much in love with the advice to love-it-or-leave-it, except when it comes to taking it themselves on this forum. The very definition of lame.

Quite an ironic comment you've made. You rant about the "deniers" and how they should go and read another thread...well doesn't that thought process equally apply to the "Thai bashers"? I mean they could go and live in another country if the issues Thailand has depresses them so much?

I have no problem with anyone mentioning a problem on here, I do have a problem with keyboard warriors ranting about how things should be more like "home" yet also want the benefits that Thailand offers- those who want their cake and to eat it are the types of people I cannot stand.

The fact is this- Thailand owes us zip/nothing/nada. Sure if we all left the sales of beer and Mcdonalds might dip a bit but I doubt they'd be calling up Bob Geldoff to ask for Live Aid Thailand...we would lose out more than they would, hence the reason most people just rant on TVF and then jump on a bus to do a visa run with the intention of staying put. I'm not oblivious to the problems Thailand has, just as I wasn't oblivious to the problems in the UK, the difference is I was British, it was where I was born and often the powers that be did things I disagreed with yet a vote every 4 years wasn't enough to change things so I decided to leave- in Thailand I'm a guest, I have a choice, stay and accept, or leave it all behind.....a bit like your advise about TVF threads.

Don't ever become a pessimist... a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events.

Robert A. Heinlein

Not ironic at all. Read more carefully - and then think before posting. 'Apparently a bit over your head, but think of it as a game... What I merely said was that before a denier tells someone he sees as a basher to "love-it-or-leave-it", he should take his own advice! I personally have no problem with deniers denying all they want; it's the "love-it-or-leave-it" thing, which is incredibly hypocritical, not to mention lame. I don't give the advice, they do (but they don't follow it!).

Does that help there, sport?


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I Thailand you certainly have to accept the rough with the smooth. The rough drives me crazy sometimes, but if you can put it out of your mind there's plenty of smooth as well.

Forums allow you to vent at the rough (usually dirty politicians and their supporters) so I think the negative impression you get from here is not indicative of general life.

Exactly, and the reason why we rant here is because here are other westerners who probably understand our rants. The Thai don't understand it because they have never seen how things work in the West.

It's true that traffic here is very bad with the worst drivers of the world. But it will never improve without people being negativ about it. Also not without real Policeman maintaining rules.


This is a poorly conceived poll. You need to, at the very least, divide foreigners up between tourists and expats. There is a considerable difference between these groups of people.

Living here for 6 years I am certainly more negative than I was as a tourist.


I have nothing against the ordinary joe Thai people. They are often good and welcoming people.

Don't care for the more elitists elements though, but that was the same when I lived at home too smile.png


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Once again we return to the perineal topic of 'other peoples negative views of Thailand' and the broad brush classification of people as 'Thai Bashers'.

The question I always ask when this topic comes up is, why do the opinions others have and express bother you so much?

Its a truism, if any of us make a choice we are truly happy with then the opinions others express about our choice will be like water off a duck's back.

And of course there is the 'if you don't like it, go home' line of response, which seldom stands scrutiny.

A guy has a bad experience, perhaps the only bad experience he's had for a long while - he writes about it on TVF, perhaps to let off steam, perhaps to warn others, perhaps to ask for advice, perhaps because TVF is the only place he can express his views with people who speak his language.

So now on the basis of a single complaint, someone else (usually more than one someone else) is ranting at him to go home.

Appart from the absurdity of the line of argument that an individual should up root their life for having expressed an opinion some others don't like, there is the observation I've made, not once, but many many times during my time in Thailand.

When it comes to the sudden epiphany, the conniption fit, the sudden uprooting and disappearance from Thailand to back home; the people I've seen do this have all, and without exception, been people who while in Thailand would hear no criticism of the place.

By example, a friend I've known for 20 years, 15 years in Thailand, recently uprooted and went home; I spoke with him in the weeks before he left, he was seething with emotion, couldn't get out fast enough. This a man who I've had dozens of conversations with in which his ranted against people complaining about Thailand, refusing to hear even the slightest negative comment, regardless of how well founded it might be.

I put this down to a sudden flip in the mind, when denial of the truth can no longer be reconciled with reality.

Far better I think, to take a balanced view, positives and negatives. And when we meet someone having a bad day, or a good day, accept the fact that we all have good and bad days - its the way the swing swings.

If other people's negative comments wind you up, ask yourself why.

The answer is almost certainly close to home.

Oooooohh - the raw truth of that is going to touch a few nerves. If there's one thing the deniers all hate, it's the truth about themselves. They read & take the time to rant and whine like little girls about the opinions and observations they find so repugnant, but aren't bright enough to just skip over and go read another thread! And so much in love with the advice to love-it-or-leave-it, except when it comes to taking it themselves on this forum. The very definition of lame.

Quite an ironic comment you've made. You rant about the "deniers" and how they should go and read another thread...well doesn't that thought process equally apply to the "Thai bashers"? I mean they could go and live in another country if the issues Thailand has depresses them so much?

I have no problem with anyone mentioning a problem on here, I do have a problem with keyboard warriors ranting about how things should be more like "home" yet also want the benefits that Thailand offers- those who want their cake and to eat it are the types of people I cannot stand.

The fact is this- Thailand owes us zip/nothing/nada. Sure if we all left the sales of beer and Mcdonalds might dip a bit but I doubt they'd be calling up Bob Geldoff to ask for Live Aid Thailand...we would lose out more than they would, hence the reason most people just rant on TVF and then jump on a bus to do a visa run with the intention of staying put. I'm not oblivious to the problems Thailand has, just as I wasn't oblivious to the problems in the UK, the difference is I was British, it was where I was born and often the powers that be did things I disagreed with yet a vote every 4 years wasn't enough to change things so I decided to leave- in Thailand I'm a guest, I have a choice, stay and accept, or leave it all behind.....a bit like your advise about TVF threads.

Don't ever become a pessimist... a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events.

Robert A. Heinlein

Not ironic at all. Read more carefully - and then think before posting. 'Apparently a bit over your head, but think of it as a game... What I merely said was that before a denier tells someone he sees as a basher to "love-it-or-leave-it", he should take his own advice! I personally have no problem with deniers denying all they want; it's the "love-it-or-leave-it" thing, which is incredibly hypocritical, not to mention lame. I don't give the advice, they do (but they don't follow it!).

Does that help there, sport?

And there you go proving my point about keyboard warriors...at no time did I patronize you or talk down to you yet you feel the need to do it to me.......from the safety of behind your keyboard.


The question I always ask when this topic comes up is, why do the opinions others have and express bother you so much?

Because these "opinions" are usually lies and/or gross distortions of the truth. So you believe that we should just let people spout made-up lies with impunity? Sorry Sir, but that would be un-American.


Once again we return to the perineal topic of 'other peoples negative views of Thailand' and the broad brush classification of people as 'Thai Bashers'.

The question I always ask when this topic comes up is, why do the opinions others have and express bother you so much?

Its a truism, if any of us make a choice we are truly happy with then the opinions others express about our choice will be like water off a duck's back.

And of course there is the 'if you don't like it, go home' line of response, which seldom stands scrutiny.

A guy has a bad experience, perhaps the only bad experience he's had for a long while - he writes about it on TVF, perhaps to let off steam, perhaps to warn others, perhaps to ask for advice, perhaps because TVF is the only place he can express his views with people who speak his language.

So now on the basis of a single complaint, someone else (usually more than one someone else) is ranting at him to go home.

Appart from the absurdity of the line of argument that an individual should up root their life for having expressed an opinion some others don't like, there is the observation I've made, not once, but many many times during my time in Thailand.

When it comes to the sudden epiphany, the conniption fit, the sudden uprooting and disappearance from Thailand to back home; the people I've seen do this have all, and without exception, been people who while in Thailand would hear no criticism of the place.

By example, a friend I've known for 20 years, 15 years in Thailand, recently uprooted and went home; I spoke with him in the weeks before he left, he was seething with emotion, couldn't get out fast enough. This a man who I've had dozens of conversations with in which his ranted against people complaining about Thailand, refusing to hear even the slightest negative comment, regardless of how well founded it might be.

I put this down to a sudden flip in the mind, when denial of the truth can no longer be reconciled with reality.

Far better I think, to take a balanced view, positives and negatives. And when we meet someone having a bad day, or a good day, accept the fact that we all have good and bad days - its the way the swing swings.

If other people's negative comments wind you up, ask yourself why.

The answer is almost certainly close to home.

I can say without hesitation that the TV forums are the most negative I've ever run across. This includes expat forums in other countries. It's not just people letting off steam, it's often people letting off a little racism. And it's often a case of somebody posting some innocent question or comment and the thread being hijacked.

My impression is that there are a lot of very unhappy people here. I think the reason you read comments about people going home is that it's clear that there are many people living in Thailand that absolutely hate it on every level. My solution is that I rarely visit TV anymore but it's a source of great entertainment when TV comes up with friends, "can you believe how angry all these people are that moved to this country?"

Anyway, it doesn't bother me anymore because I simply stopped reading much more than the very rare thread (this one obviously). But this will remain one of life's great mysteries to me.

And btw, there are plenty of things that upset me about Thailand. I don't like the corruption or any number of things. But I don't want to spend my days ranting on the internet about them.


First the question is too general. What is negative?

It should go without saying that anybody who leaves their country of origin for a better life elsewhere will encounter two things.

One is, that one generally takes one's problems with one. When said traveller finds that re-location did not solve his or her problems,

will said traveller reflect on what he has taken with him or blame the new country and its inhabitants?

Two. Said traveller will find a splendid contrast, in politics, lifestyle, food, culture, tradition, people, music, ideas, art and fashion. If that

immersion does not work. Why stay here?

I have found that the expats I have met here, despite the challenges, are very positive about their choice. I have found few detractors and most are prepared to make the sacrifices they have for other benefits that outweigh everything else. People always

complain, that's human nature, but negative? I think not.


In general, I think that people are more negative in Thailand than they are in their home country, but probably not a lot. Some people are naturally more pessimistic and some are more optimistic.

Thailand is an enigmatic country and the mystery is sometimes overshadowed by the frustration of not quite being able to figure it out. We grow up in a culture and our lives are reasonably predictable. Thailand's culture is different and harder to decipher for the average westerner. Cultures do not make sense, except for those who grow up in them. Most foreigners do not quite master the subtleties of Thai culture.

This frustration results in a bit more negativity, IMO. It is also complicated by the ability of Thais to ignore what troubles the rest of us. We don't always have someone who will listed. The Thaivisa forum gets it's share of complainers.


What is this? Returning happiness to the farang?

Scott sums it up well. Over time one gets more pessimistic until one yields and accepts the things one cannot change. But it's still disappointing to see a country not really making a lot of progress and the everyday frustrations and irritations add up.


My god, if I was thinking of moving to Thailand, and visited the TV forums first, I'd stay as far away as possible.

You got that right.


My god, if I was thinking of moving to Thailand, and visited the TV forums first, I'd stay as far away as possible.

You got that right.

Negativity tends to get a little amplified on TVF. It's a sounding board for peoples frustrations at certain aspects of living in Thailand.

Beyond the keyboard I don't think most people are that negative.


My god, if I was thinking of moving to Thailand, and visited the TV forums first, I'd stay as far away as possible.

You got that right.

Negativity tends to get a little amplified on TVF. It's a sounding board for peoples frustrations at certain aspects of living in Thailand.

Beyond the keyboard I don't think most people are that negative.

True enough I suppose, I guess if it was as bad as it's made out to be on Thai Visa, the posters wouldn't live here.


dealing with local chiselers every day makes them negative ,coping with a thai version of sergeant BILKO gets you down in the end


The real irony here is, that those who complain the most, are actually the ones that have integrated the best, by adopting the Thai way of blaming their own failure on everyone else. In this case Thailand and anything Thai.

You can't run away from yourself!!


The negativity never ceases to amaze me.

All Thais are stupid, all police are crooks and EVERY thai girl is a whores seems to be the favourite war cries.

I've been here for 16 years love the people love the culture and wouldn't leave unless it was in a wooden box.

These foreigners who continuously moan seem to forget that the majority of Thais have never had and never will have the opportunities they had in life.

Bangkok may not be a 3rd world city but the majority of Thais in Isssan and the likes haven't got a pot to pi$$ in, and by the time they are 18 years old they have had the education the equivalent of what a western child of 12 has had.

If your head is so big you can't make allowances for that and you find yourself moaning about life in Thailand at every turn the best advice I can give is:

Call a taxi, ask for Suvarnabhumi Airport and go back from whence you camewai2.gif

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