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Thai Tourist Police crack down on 'the colored'


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Testing for drugs only? I'd be wanting to see valid visas and work permits. Else put them in detention ready for deportation. We don't need this kind of riff raff here, black, white or yellow! Be a genuine tourist, business person or teacher or get out. It's very simple, but again these problems come down to corruption and / or inept police and law enforcement.

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It's funny. I've yet to meet anyone that isn't racist to same degree, and the ones who cry "racist" the loudest are often the most racist people you'll ever meet. They all spout the same BS about how tolerant they are, that is until they slip up that one time and do the typical "oh yeah, but that's different" when caught. dry.png

Asian, African, American, European, Indian, Caucasian, "Western", Christian, Buddhist, Vegetarian - doesn't matter - they all have people that are racist towards at least one other race. I know people who've probably never met an Asian (outside of a Chinese restaurant) yet feel free to use all manner of racist terminology when the subject comes up. Other people act the same towards anyone they think is an Arab. One of the biggest racists I ever knew was a (black) Canadian. His family had been in Eastern Canada for many, many generations and as he told a newspaper reporter (doing a story on racism in the military) "I hate all you white mother<deleted>". (Funny, the reporter was apparently disappointed with the interview when the "biggest racist in the battalion" turned out to be black. Ended up not running the story at all. Some people continue to live under the misconception that only white, English-speaking males are racist.)

And I'm sure that if the police were receiving loads of complaints about "overweight, old white guys in wife beaters" selling drugs in a certain area of the city, the headlines would be similar ("Police arrest fat old white guys for dealing drugs"). How many people would be whipping out the race card then ? (A few no doubt - "Waaaa - the police are arresting people that look like me because they are getting lots of complaints about people that look like me committing crimes in the same area I'm always in. Waaaaaa")

How many whip out the race card when the headline reads "Police round-up Uzbeki prostitutes on Walking Street" or "Police arrest Russian Mafia types" or "Police detain illegal Cambodian/Myanmar labourers" or "Police crack Ukrainian ATM skimming ring" ? (Practically none). Oh right. I forgot. "That's different".

Perhaps if the police had known for certain which country the suspects were from then the reporters would have used that instead of the colour of the main group of people they'd been receiving the complaints about.

The first victim of "Political Correctness" was the truth. As true when it started as it is now.

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Racial profiling and racism is for the ignorant. This clearly shows just how racist Thai society is. How and why they ever signed the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights is beyond me.

Considering my work which is internet based there is without question a problem with Nigerians but certainly not every Nigerian on the planet and therefore to target these people is again a pure act of racism.

Funny how the Thai women complain of being scammed. They should consider that it takes a special type of person to be scammed ... A) the very stupid and; cool.png the very greedy.

Please, for those who are not aware.

There are literally crowds (or I should say crews) of males of African origin who work that area of Sukhumvit selling drugs. They hang out doing nothing but approaching foreigners who are passing by, asking if they are interested in drugs. They also attempt to get Thai women hooked on the drugs so they can use them as mules. They are able to stay in Thailand with semi-bogus visas arranged for them by ... well, let's just say "people in positions of authority" who are well compensated for their efforts.

These are not just a few guys plying a trade. These are organized gangs. They are all of African origin. They are numerous and overt. I literally dread walking through that area at night because of them. It is not that they are violent or rude or anything like that, it is just annoying to be approached 15 times with the same line: "Hey friend". I am not your friend, and I am not interested in buying your drugs. They are complimented by a growing number of female African hookers.

To call the police action racist is ridiculous. These folks are as obvious as can possibly be, they are breaking the law, and they should be dealt with accordingly. I for one could not be more pleased, and wish they would do this once a week until the problem subsides. That is not to say that every Nigerian is a drug dealer, or that every Nigerian in that location at that time is a drug dealer, but I can tell you that the police will have absolutely no problem determining who is who. It would be like saying it is racist to check for legitimate visas for every white european that walked by. Profiling is not racism.

Granted, in the US the police would have to use politically correct statements to announce their actions, but everyone would be well aware of their intent and would likewise be happy the problem was being dealt with. I actually like that the Thai police do not have to hide behind such ridiculous PC BS.

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It's funny. I've yet to meet anyone that isn't racist to same degree, and the ones who cry "racist" the loudest are often the most racist people you'll ever meet. They all spout the same BS about how tolerant they are, that is until they slip up that one time and do the typical "oh yeah, but that's different" when caught. dry.png

Asian, African, American, European, Indian, Caucasian, "Western", Christian, Buddhist, Vegetarian - doesn't matter - they all have people that are racist towards at least one other race. I know people who've probably never met an Asian (outside of a Chinese restaurant) yet feel free to use all manner of racist terminology when the subject comes up. Other people act the same towards anyone they think is an Arab. One of the biggest racists I ever knew was a (black) Canadian. His family had been in Eastern Canada for many, many generations and as he told a newspaper reporter (doing a story on racism in the military) "I hate all you white mother<deleted>". (Funny, the reporter was apparently disappointed with the interview when the "biggest racist in the battalion" turned out to be black. Ended up not running the story at all. Some people continue to live under the misconception that only white, English-speaking males are racist.)

And I'm sure that if the police were receiving loads of complaints about "overweight, old white guys in wife beaters" selling drugs in a certain area of the city, the headlines would be similar ("Police arrest fat old white guys for dealing drugs"). How many people would be whipping out the race card then ? (A few no doubt - "Waaaa - the police are arresting people that look like me because they are getting lots of complaints about people that look like me committing crimes in the same area I'm always in. Waaaaaa")

How many whip out the race card when the headline reads "Police round-up Uzbeki prostitutes on Walking Street" or "Police arrest Russian Mafia types" or "Police detain illegal Cambodian/Myanmar labourers" or "Police crack Ukrainian ATM skimming ring" ? (Practically none). Oh right. I forgot. "That's different".

Perhaps if the police had known for certain which country the suspects were from then the reporters would have used that instead of the colour of the main group of people they'd been receiving the complaints about.

The first victim of "Political Correctness" was the truth. As true when it started as it is now.

The people who cry racist loudest are often the most racist? Don't think that I've ever noticed that.

As for all the racist incidents you mention, all equally wrong.

To judge people or hate people or discriminate against people on the basis of their colour is racism.

No matter what colour the bigot or the target of their bigotry is.

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The word colored is in England and USA a 'never-use word' Only used by racist people. But I had this discussion before with someone from the UK and I was called a racist. The problem is that I come from Holland and we use the Dutch word for colored without the bad racist meaning. So I literally translated the Dutch word into English and ended up with Colored. Ok stupid from me but he jumped directly into judging me being a racist. Even his Thai wife asked me to &lt;deleted&gt; off. Later he understood and sorries were spoken. But because of this we lost contact and I probably still have the stamp being a racist.

Long story for explaining that some expressions used in our own language can be seen as bad when literally being translated into English; something that could have happened in this article too...

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Racial profiling and racism is for the ignorant. This clearly shows just how racist Thai society is. How and why they ever signed the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights is beyond me.

Considering my work which is internet based there is without question a problem with Nigerians but certainly not every Nigerian on the planet and therefore to target these people is again a pure act of racism.

Funny how the Thai women complain of being scammed. They should consider that it takes a special type of person to be scammed ... A) the very stupid and; cool.png the very greedy.

Let us know how the operation to remove your head from your ass goes.

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This has GONE FAR ENOUGH! Leave out the racism, IF YOU PLEASE.

Actually it has been a reasonable discussion - which really is all to do with profiling. A tool used by all Governments.

Would be interested if you could quote any posts that are out and out racist - then we could report to the mods.

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It's not racism when the police know exactly who is dealing drugs... because they allow them to, for profit. No profiling required.

Every now and then there'll be a 'shakedown' for the media or to remind their mules to pay the requisite tea money.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The word colored is in England and USA a 'never-use word' Only used by racist people.

So these people are racist?


So what do you call them? I guess I must be a racist then because I cant think of any other way to refer to them.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sounds like some typical racist BS. But that said, still better than the US, at least here I would just get rounded up, piss in a cup and be on my way, Stateside the cops would shoot me and say the felt threatened. And look at some of the bigoted posts here. I wish you guys would wear special hats or something to let people know that you're racist scum.

Sorry but what you say about the US is not true and that makes you racist scum.facepalm.gif

Edited by Jimbolai
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The word colored is in England and USA a 'never-use word' Only used by racist people.

So these people are racist?


So what do you call them? I guess I must be a racist then because I cant think of any other way to refer to them.

You can't just call them black people?

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Je suis Biko

So fun how racist it sounds in french especially when you complain of racism of this thread. I hope you're not french yourself, because if you prononce this sentence in front of a french speaking muslim or north african he would slit your throat in a second. Not joking.

And yeah I know the peter gabriel's song.

Ooh la la. Je ne me souviens pas. Kho tos. Seeing as anything remotely racist seems to be accepted in this thread, what's your sensitive point?

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They should do for everyone, why to profile based on the color.

If race is motive, look like Thai police needs a color blind test first!

Because they are gangs of Nigerian drug dealers.

You see many white Nigerian drug dealers on soi 3?

The last person that offered to sell me drugs in Bangkok was white! Should I complain to the police that whites are selling drugs too? Arresting people based solely on skin colour is surely wrong as any African American or other non white legitimate tourist who might have been walking down Sukhumvit at the time could have been arrested without reason. It would be interesting to know how many of those arrested were either in possession of or under the influence of drugs although I doubt we will ever know Any result less than 100% is an indication of the level of disgrace IMO. At least the police didn't shoot anyone which is a reminder that we are not in the USA!!

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Oh dear, it speaks to the insularity of Thai society and its media that they consistently and regularly manage to put both feet in it language-wise, in spite of there being more and easier-to-use tools than ever before in assisting them in not offending.

No doubt we are due another round of Hitler-themed pubs...

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It's funny. I've yet to meet anyone that isn't racist to same degree, and the ones who cry "racist" the loudest are often the most racist people you'll ever meet. They all spout the same BS about how tolerant they are, that is until they slip up that one time and do the typical "oh yeah, but that's different" when caught. dry.png

Asian, African, American, European, Indian, Caucasian, "Western", Christian, Buddhist, Vegetarian - doesn't matter - they all have people that are racist towards at least one other race. I know people who've probably never met an Asian (outside of a Chinese restaurant) yet feel free to use all manner of racist terminology when the subject comes up. Other people act the same towards anyone they think is an Arab. One of the biggest racists I ever knew was a (black) Canadian. His family had been in Eastern Canada for many, many generations and as he told a newspaper reporter (doing a story on racism in the military) "I hate all you white mother<deleted>". (Funny, the reporter was apparently disappointed with the interview when the "biggest racist in the battalion" turned out to be black. Ended up not running the story at all. Some people continue to live under the misconception that only white, English-speaking males are racist.)

And I'm sure that if the police were receiving loads of complaints about "overweight, old white guys in wife beaters" selling drugs in a certain area of the city, the headlines would be similar ("Police arrest fat old white guys for dealing drugs"). How many people would be whipping out the race card then ? (A few no doubt - "Waaaa - the police are arresting people that look like me because they are getting lots of complaints about people that look like me committing crimes in the same area I'm always in. Waaaaaa")

How many whip out the race card when the headline reads "Police round-up Uzbeki prostitutes on Walking Street" or "Police arrest Russian Mafia types" or "Police detain illegal Cambodian/Myanmar labourers" or "Police crack Ukrainian ATM skimming ring" ? (Practically none). Oh right. I forgot. "That's different".

Perhaps if the police had known for certain which country the suspects were from then the reporters would have used that instead of the colour of the main group of people they'd been receiving the complaints about.

The first victim of "Political Correctness" was the truth. As true when it started as it is now.

The people who cry racist loudest are often the most racist? Don't think that I've ever noticed that.

As for all the racist incidents you mention, all equally wrong.

To judge people or hate people or discriminate against people on the basis of their colour is racism.

No matter what colour the bigot or the target of their bigotry is.

Chalkie spoil sport. cheesy.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sounds like some typical racist BS. But that said, still better than the US, at least here I would just get rounded up, piss in a cup and be on my way, Stateside the cops would shoot me and say the felt threatened. And look at some of the bigoted posts here. I wish you guys would wear special hats or something to let people know that you're racist scum.

Sorry but what you say about the US is not true and that makes you racist scum.facepalm.gif

Whut yu talkin' about Arnold? Nanoo Nanoo.

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Most of these people comes from Nigeria. Instead of calling them colored, the police should make another statement about their nationalities. I would say 95% are Nigerian.

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About time the police targeted this group.

I have lived and worked in Bangkok for 2 years and passed by most of the Sois mentioned in previous comments,and always thought, who are they paying off that allows them to do drug and other dealings with their women!

None of them are contributing to the Thai economy,and I sincerely hope that the drug tests find out who is taking and who is dealing, then they can send the violators to prison or death sentence.

Indonesia is upholding executions for drug dealers.

Thailand should do the same with anyone they find out of this bunch of non contributors!

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Good job boys clap2.gif

I too was offered coke by a guy claiming to be from Ghana. These Africans manufacture their product back in Africa and smuggle them into the kingdom by swallowing a bunch of "balls" before heading for their "vacation". The majority of them sell coke. This isn't limited to Blacks though, I have been offered meth by Thai's and who hasn't been offered the infamous yaba?

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I get called an Alien by immigration and a Farang by Thais you think that's ok?

Yes, that's fine - neither of those is an offensive term.

Wrong. The second is very offensive.

Farang offensive... what utter crap. Get a life.

What would you like to be called ? Caucasian person ?

I'll answer to Aussie bastard, silly ol prick & farang. What's the problem ? Except your somewhat holier than though attitude.

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