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A UNITED Nations expert on freedom of expression, David Kaye, yesterday urged Thailand to distance itself from the prime minister's intimidating statements against freedom of press, and take immediate measures to allow space for debate and freedom of expression.
Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said recently that journalists who criticised him or "caused divisions" could be "executed", and that he enjoyed "the power to close down the media, arrest people, or order people to be shot".
And what about the PM's right to 'freedom of expression'? If anyone in the media took his 'death threats' seriously, maybe they lack an adult grasp of the nuances of language such as sarcasm and irony.
Along the same lines, how old is Mr. Kaye BTW? He sounds like a kid as well.

Mr Kaye is clinical professor of law at the University of California, Irvine, School of Law. He teaches international human rights law and international. He earned his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of California, Berkeley.

His most recent publications include: Archiving Justice: Conceptualizing the Archives of the ICTY, Journal of Archival Science (2014); Stealth Multilateralism: U.S. Foreign Policy Without Treaties – or the Senate, Foreign Affairs (2013); Human Rights Prosecutors? The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, International Justice, and the Example of Syria (book chapter) (2013); State Execution of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 3 U.C. Irvine Law Reviews 95 (2013).

A legal academic - from California, educated in California, employed by California and ready to show the world just how righteous Californian law is.

As an academic Mr. Kaye no doubt appreciates that facts always support a statement nicely.

So, since the Junta took power, exactly how many journalists have been imprisoned, murdered, or subject to draconian defamation charges in order to silence them?

Wonder how much he earns from the UN in his second job?

I sincerely don't want to break forum rules here with name calling. But, the truth is - in this and a number of really argumentative and angry posts from you on numerous threads at once - you are really behaving childishly, I feel. We all know what it is to argue, and all of us (including myself) say things more harshly than we should sometimes.

But what you're doing here often - along with a group of usual suspects - is purposely trying to incite fighting with pro-junta lines (which i don't even mean in a political way now; I'm talking about something personal you are doing) in order to deride and insult other forum members. If you disagree with their feelings, ok. But you just try to incite hatreds. That's different. As I said on the other thread you just attacked me on, I wish you a good life and all that comes with that. But please grow up a little on this forum.

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Some times one needs to take things with a grain of salt. The media also has the responsibility to report facts as factorial, His statement did not imply he would, what he said was I have the power to do these things to reporters but I haven't yet.

I know how frustrating things can get when reporters ask stupid questions, and repeat the same question over and over again. Sometimes, the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and WHY can not be used in a Military controlled government.

Some reporters lack common sense when asking questions, And the "need to know is not always relevant." Especially when the average Joe on the street has only a six grade education, and international economics was not one of his favorite topics in school. I maybe wrong, but isn't Thailand under the SEATO (South East Asia Treaty Organization) charter, and not the UN.


Maybe the PM should adopt the Thaksin red terrorist method and launch a few grenades into the crowd - right ? he might even score bonus points and murder a few children nearby followed by rapturist cheering by red leaders and PTP government ministers on the stage of a red rally as we all witnessed last year

I think the PM throwing out a few distasteful jokes pales in significance

Lets not forget what we had in this country before the junta restored some semblance of law and order and stopped the rot

More evidence if it were needed that the usual suspects have become hysterical and incoherent as their position becomes politically and morally bankrupt, and internationally derided to boot.

As to the irrelevant "whataboutery", there is no evidence at all to support the assertions.The disruption to law and order before the coup was engineered by those who wanted to end a democratically elected government, not the government itself or its supporters.

In any event the choice is not between the Junta and what went before (whatever one's view of that time).It is between a regressive military government and those who are working for a better democratic future for the Thai people.I fully accept that many initial supporters of the coup form part of the latter group.

It is only those who slavishly accept every pronouncement from the government without thought or caveat that turn the stomach.

You forgot to add the "IMO" after your first sentence, and second.

Do you seriously suggest that all the attacks on anti-PTP protesters, the judiciary, and innocent by-standers were carried out by those who wanted rid of the corrupt law breaking Shin regime? Do you really believe that? Got any evidence? (Next you'll be writing it's just coincidental that many of those that opposed or spoke out against Thaksin disappeared or were murdered. Or do you think that was all part of the false flag conspiracy against Thaksin too?).

Who do you see as "those working for a better democratic future for the Thai people?

Seems your last sentence is self reflective - just substitute "the government" with "a convicted criminal fugitive".

There was some thuggery on both sides. Whether the actions of Suthep and his mob were more provocative is a matter for debate but not here.There was certainly violence on both sides.As already made clear however not relevant to the current thread.

Insane and untruthful ranting about Thaksin doesn't really help.All Thais want a better future.Some are misguidedly placing faith in an arrogant group which not only cannot be trusted but is incompetent.

I do understand nonetheless why some Thais were supportive of this catastrophic development.It is just unfathomable why a small number of foreigners, albeit not the sharpest knives in the drawer, take so slavish an attitude.

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Maybe the PM should adopt the Thaksin red terrorist method and launch a few grenades into the crowd - right ? he might even score bonus points and murder a few children nearby followed by rapturist cheering by red leaders and PTP government ministers on the stage of a red rally as we all witnessed last year

I think the PM throwing out a few distasteful jokes pales in significance

Lets not forget what we had in this country before the junta restored some semblance of law and order and stopped the rot

You really are a muppet!

You bring up the same rubbish every time when someone does not agree with you.

Der fuhrer wants it all and you agree.

Open your eyes and ears this man is going to bring this country down.

Costas is funny in his belief of this man, your just ridiculous


Mr Kate is a brave and probably marked man. Prayuth is not going to take to kindly of this personal criticism. I bet he would love to be able to round him up.

What has Mr. Kaye actually done that makes you think he's a brave man?

well when Prayuth threatens to execute those that speak against him. If he came within arms lengths of Prayuth he would probably be grabbed and dragged away.
A UNITED Nations expert on freedom of expression, David Kaye, yesterday urged Thailand to distance itself from the prime minister's intimidating statements against freedom of press, and take immediate measures to allow space for debate and freedom of expression.
Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha said recently that journalists who criticised him or "caused divisions" could be "executed", and that he enjoyed "the power to close down the media, arrest people, or order people to be shot".
And what about the PM's right to 'freedom of expression'? If anyone in the media took his 'death threats' seriously, maybe they lack an adult grasp of the nuances of language such as sarcasm and irony.
Along the same lines, how old is Mr. Kaye BTW? He sounds like a kid as well.

Mr Kaye is clinical professor of law at the University of California, Irvine, School of Law. He teaches international human rights law and international. He earned his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of California, Berkeley.

His most recent publications include: Archiving Justice: Conceptualizing the Archives of the ICTY, Journal of Archival Science (2014); Stealth Multilateralism: U.S. Foreign Policy Without Treaties – or the Senate, Foreign Affairs (2013); Human Rights Prosecutors? The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, International Justice, and the Example of Syria (book chapter) (2013); State Execution of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 3 U.C. Irvine Law Reviews 95 (2013).

A legal academic - from California, educated in California, employed by California and ready to show the world just how righteous Californian law is.

As an academic Mr. Kaye no doubt appreciates that facts always support a statement nicely.

So, since the Junta took power, exactly how many journalists have been imprisoned, murdered, or subject to draconian defamation charges in order to silence them?

Wonder how much he earns from the UN in his second job?

please tell us Baerboxer about your question, as you seem to have all the answers, another English troll!

And what about the PM's right to 'freedom of expression'? If anyone in the media took his 'death threats' seriously, maybe they lack an adult grasp of the nuances of language such as sarcasm and irony.
Along the same lines, how old is Mr. Kaye BTW? He sounds like a kid as well.

Freedom of expression does not include making death threats.

The issue of a head of government being obliged to act responsibly has been discussed at length in the forum. The acting PM spoke inappropriately and embarrassed himself and Thailand when he made the statement. It was inexcusable and is considered to be unacceptable in the civilized world. Even thugs like Vlad the Invader Putin don't make these types of comments.

Why question the age of Professor Kaye when you could have looked up his biography and seen that he is internationally respected and an expert in his field? Why the useless attempt to denigrate the gentleman? Is it because you had nothing intelligent to write? If you disagree with the professor's statement then make a reasoned rebuttal, or is that beyond your cognitive ability?

Mr Kaye is clinical professor of law at the University of California, Irvine, School of Law. He teaches international human rights law and international humanitarian law and directs a clinic in international justice. His research and writing focus on accountability for serious human rights abuses and the law governing use of force. He has collaborated with local and national governments, major international NGOs as well as those at the grassroots, international organizations, and academic institutions around the world.

He has also published numerous research essays and opinion pieces on international human rights law related issues in a wide range of specialised reviews and mainstream publications. His most recent publications include: Archiving Justice: Conceptualizing the Archives of the ICTY, Journal of Archival Science (2014); Stealth Multilateralism: U.S. Foreign Policy Without Treaties – or the Senate, Foreign Affairs (2013); Human Rights Prosecutors? The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, International Justice, and the Example of Syria (book chapter) (2013); State Execution of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 3 U.C. Irvine Law Reviews 95 (2013).

In addition to his teaching and research, he has lectured around the world, including at the United Nations and the International Criminal Court. He has taught courses in public international law, international humanitarian law and human rights at Georgetown University, Whittier Law School, and summer courses at the Universities of Toulouse and Amsterdam. He co-founded the International Human Rights Program of the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, and founded its International Justice Clinic, working on projects dealing with accountability for international crimes around the world. Mr Kaye began his legal career as a lawyer with the U.S. Department of State.

Mr Kaye has served on numerous local, national, and international boards over the course of career. He has been an active member of the American Society of International Law, for which he served on its Executive Council and Executive Committee, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Death threats? In Thailand, it is illegal to make a death threat. I know this because many years ago, I had a Thai 'road rager' follow me back to my hotel, jump out of his car and finding himself confronting a farang, pointed at me and screamed, "I will kill you!" before jumping back in his car and peeling out of the hotel parking with much burning rubber. This was witnessed by the staff, who were more upset than I was and told the hotel owner. Now she was very well connected and the guy that threatened me apparently had to cool his heels for 10 days at the old Second Road police lockup in Pattaya.

Now, did Prayuth say, "I will have you shot" at his not much publicized meeting with the local and world media representatives? Accordingly, has their been a huge rush around the world to condemn him for threatening anyone in public?

Many thanks for the copy/paste job on Mr. Kaye's resume. I can only assume that it's from some website in which he has vested interests, maybe even his own? If you can provide the link, I can answer those questions myself and avoid your opinion on that matter. As noted, he appears to have done an awesome volume if work but I won't descend to the childish level of some other US bashers herein who seem to have a hard-on for what they see as his Californian, liberal, social do-gooder credentials and general tone of self aggrandizement. I am pretty confident that he is what he presents himself to be; a man working for the people. But for all the times that 'international' gets mentioned in his ad-hoc resume, beyond references to couple of European cities where he holds summer lectures, there are no specifics about what foreign countries he has recently focused or has expertize on apart from a book chapter on Syria.

However, with his background as stated, I am sort of intrigued as to why he has latched onto this casual, almost throw-away sound bite from the self-appointed, tinpot... interim leader of this somewhat parochial backwater of SE Asia that has less and less strategic and economic importance in the grand scheme of things. Maybe he has a condo in Phuket or something?


And what about the PM's right to 'freedom of expression'? If anyone in the media took his 'death threats' seriously, maybe they lack an adult grasp of the nuances of language such as sarcasm and irony.

Along the same lines, how old is Mr. Kaye BTW? He sounds like a kid as well.

Mr Kaye is clinical professor of law at the University of California, Irvine, School of Law. He teaches international human rights law and international. He earned his undergraduate and law degrees from the University of California, Berkeley.

His most recent publications include: Archiving Justice: Conceptualizing the Archives of the ICTY, Journal of Archival Science (2014); Stealth Multilateralism: U.S. Foreign Policy Without Treaties or the Senate, Foreign Affairs (2013); Human Rights Prosecutors? The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, International Justice, and the Example of Syria (book chapter) (2013); State Execution of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 3 U.C. Irvine Law Reviews 95 (2013).

A legal academic - from California, educated in California, employed by California and ready to show the world just how righteous Californian law is.

As an academic Mr. Kaye no doubt appreciates that facts always support a statement nicely.

So, since the Junta took power, exactly how many journalists have been imprisoned, murdered, or subject to draconian defamation charges in order to silence them?

Wonder how much he earns from the UN in his second job?

You might want to google, "Theinsutham Suthijittaseranee," before you talk too much more.

Oh my,... that's some 'threadlocker' if ever there was.


These UN experts or any other international body will comment only in their area of expertise ignoring anything else, they will consider nothing outside their remit - so generally I and most right thinking people would agree with what he said but it really has very little to do with what is going in Thailand right now...................terrorists have been silenced, they are even being brought to justice - I would be interested in this mans opinion about that but it really isn't his area, this thread and the headline are rather twisted to an extent because although I would not dispute the points made it has no bearing on what has gone on here and what needs fixed - and I'm going to repeat myself again......history doesn't lie

Thailand needs a hero to pull it out of this cycle of political destruction- is Prayuth Chan (O) Cha that man ? well it remains to be seen, but I know who it isn't

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Mr Kate is a brave and probably marked man. Prayuth is not going to take to kindly of this personal criticism. I bet he would love to be able to round him up.

What has Mr. Kaye actually done that makes you think he's a brave man?

In addition to his teaching and research, he has lectured around the world, including at the United Nations and the International Criminal Court. He has taught courses in public international law, international humanitarian law and human rights at Georgetown University, Whittier Law School, and summer courses at the Universities of Toulouse and Amsterdam. He co-founded the International Human Rights Program of the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, and founded its International Justice Clinic, working on projects dealing with accountability for international crimes around the world.


So stop citing his leftist credentials and answer the question.


Do Mr.Kaye's credentials suggest that he

is involved with getting innocent people

off of death row? (usually in Texas)

Aloha. keep it real..


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These UN experts or any other international body will comment only in their area of expertise ignoring anything else, they will consider nothing outside their remit - so generally I and most right thinking people would agree with what he said but it really has very little to do with what is going in Thailand right now...................terrorists have been silenced, they are even being brought to justice - I would be interested in this mans opinion about that but it really isn't his area, this thread and the headline are rather twisted to an extent because although I would not dispute the points made it has no bearing on what has gone on here and what needs fixed - and I'm going to repeat myself again......history doesn't lie

Thailand needs a hero to pull it out of this cycle of political destruction- is Prayuth Chan (O) Cha that man ? well it remains to be seen, but I know who it isn't

A "hero" in a democratic society does not wield absolute power over society.


Mr Kate is a brave and probably marked man. Prayuth is not going to take to kindly of this personal criticism. I bet he would love to be able to round him up.

What has Mr. Kaye actually done that makes you think he's a brave man?

In addition to his teaching and research, he has lectured around the world, including at the United Nations and the International Criminal Court. He has taught courses in public international law, international humanitarian law and human rights at Georgetown University, Whittier Law School, and summer courses at the Universities of Toulouse and Amsterdam. He co-founded the International Human Rights Program of the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, and founded its International Justice Clinic, working on projects dealing with accountability for international crimes around the world.


So stop citing his leftist credentials and answer the question.

Leftist credentials? Dear oh dear. We might as well pull the 'Thaksin stooge' one out of the hat while we are here..


What has Mr. Kaye actually done that makes you think he's a brave man?

In addition to his teaching and research, he has lectured around the world, including at the United Nations and the International Criminal Court. He has taught courses in public international law, international humanitarian law and human rights at Georgetown University, Whittier Law School, and summer courses at the Universities of Toulouse and Amsterdam. He co-founded the International Human Rights Program of the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, and founded its International Justice Clinic, working on projects dealing with accountability for international crimes around the world.


So stop citing his leftist credentials and answer the question.

Leftist credentials? Dear oh dear. We might as well pull the 'Thaksin stooge' one out of the hat while we are here..

Anything to avoid answering the actual question, eh? (Which, again, for those who have trouble focusing is, "What has Mr. Kaye actually done that makes you think he's a brave man?".) (My italics, to try and assist with the focusing thing...)

  • Like 1

Leftist credentials? Dear oh dear. We might as well pull the 'Thaksin stooge' one out of the hat while we are here..

Anything to avoid answering the actual question, eh? (Which, again, for those who have trouble focusing is, "What has Mr. Kaye actually done that makes you think he's a brave man?".) (My italics, to try and assist with the focusing thing...)

Why a brave man? Because he founded its International Justice Clinic, working on projects dealing with accountability for international crimes around the world.

I know you are trying to shoot the messenger but why would you care if he was brave? Is that a qualification to report on freedom of the press? I guess it may be in Thailand eh?

So your question has been answered here twice.


Leftist credentials? Dear oh dear. We might as well pull the 'Thaksin stooge' one out of the hat while we are here..

Anything to avoid answering the actual question, eh? (Which, again, for those who have trouble focusing is, "What has Mr. Kaye actually done that makes you think he's a brave man?".) (My italics, to try and assist with the focusing thing...)

Why a brave man? Because he founded its International Justice Clinic, working on projects dealing with accountability for international crimes around the world.

I know you are trying to shoot the messenger but why would you care if he was brave? Is that a qualification to report on freedom of the press? I guess it may be in Thailand eh?

So your question has been answered here twice.

Lol. Yes. By abject failure to answer it. clap2.gif

I personally don't "care" that much about his bravery, though I'm amused by all the stuttering when the obvious question is asked. And I doubt the PM will actually care long-term all that much about another "UN expert" squealing about this or that, some know-nothing here at TV selling him as brave or not. The PM I'm sure realizes that this is just another not-really-somebody trying to get his 5 minutes. I DO wish the PM would simply let these things pass unremarked.


What has Mr. Kaye actually done that makes you think he's a brave man?

In addition to his teaching and research, he has lectured around the world, including at the United Nations and the International Criminal Court. He has taught courses in public international law, international humanitarian law and human rights at Georgetown University, Whittier Law School, and summer courses at the Universities of Toulouse and Amsterdam. He co-founded the International Human Rights Program of the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, and founded its International Justice Clinic, working on projects dealing with accountability for international crimes around the world.


So stop citing his leftist credentials and answer the question.

Leftist credentials? Dear oh dear. We might as well pull the 'Thaksin stooge' one out of the hat while we are here..

Anything to avoid answering the actual question, eh? (Which, again, for those who have trouble focusing is, "What has Mr. Kaye actually done that makes you think he's a brave man?".) (My italics, to try and assist with the focusing thing...)

I never made the claim he was brave, so why are you demanding I defend the assertion of another poster? We who dislike the current political situation in Thailand are in no way any kind of 'united front', at least as far as I am aware.

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