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Seven Dangerous Days: 25 dead in day one of Songkran road chaos


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I just drove back from Bang Saray to Jomtien and had the same number of near-death experiences as usual.....averaging one incident per kilometre. So I'd say the holiday carnage hasn't really started yet. coffee1.gif

Top marks to the Thai driver who didn't see the huge yellow service truck with flashing lights parked in the right hand lane and slammed the brakes on just in time. Despite the fact that you had 300mtrs of clear unobstructed view to see the truck, you obviously thought it was going to move for you rather than you simply changing lanes to avoid any drama.

Now I know why they accelerate towards trucks etc at intersections that one can see are a upcoming hazard it's because they think they will move before they get there or they can beat the car inside of them without having to brake.

Thanks for that.

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on average over 26,000 people are killed in road accidents in Thailand per year. Divide that by 365 days and that is over 71 people killed per day on average. So either these dangerous days numbers are complete BS or Songkran is the safest time of the year to be on the road. I will go with BS numbers.

The official road toll is taken from the scene of the accident

If you make it to hospital then die You are NOT a road toll statistic facepalm.gif

Correct. You can add one death to the stats. Relative of my wife was crushed by a reversing lorry. Rushed to hospital pronounced D.O.A. The corpse was taken home and burial rites commenced. No Police were called or informed. Driver admitted liability 50K baht compensation was paid to the widow. No further action.

My wifes father was killed by a drunken policeman and after overwhelming witnesses took him on he coffed up 100k baht and was transferred south.

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on average over 26,000 people are killed in road accidents in Thailand per year. Divide that by 365 days and that is over 71 people killed per day on average. So either these dangerous days numbers are complete BS or Songkran is the safest time of the year to be on the road. I will go with BS numbers.

Why would you think they would be BS? If you stop to think about it, the two major holidays in Thailand, Songkran and New Year's, are the only times that there is any consistent traffic enforcement of the year, so it would make sense they would be the safest times. Plus once everybody gets to their destination, there is little traffic until they return.
Are you Thai?
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on average over 26,000 people are killed in road accidents in Thailand per year. Divide that by 365 days and that is over 71 people killed per day on average. So either these dangerous days numbers are complete BS or Songkran is the safest time of the year to be on the road. I will go with BS numbers.

Well, I tink your numbers need one more good check.

Road fatalities in Thailand per year are only half of what you claim, approx. 12.000 - 13.000

If you really think Songkran is the safest time of the year, why dont you make a trip from say Khon Kaen via Kalasin, Yasothon to Ubon Ratchathani for example?

Should be fun !!!

I can guarantee you that you will see more than one deadly accident during that one single trip.

I believe that it makes no sense and serves no purpose to make a comment like you did.

Issangeorge's thinking makes perfect sense in Thai logic.
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It's fascinating that so many farangs here do not question the veracity of the reported statistics - especially those farangs who have lived in the kingdom for any period longer than a few weeks and who should have observed in all facets of their lives in Thailand the unwavering propensity of Thais to do anything in their power and at every opportunity (no matter the circumstance) to save face and lie.

Or, even simpler, the obvious and consistent inability for them to properly undertake any large scale organised activity other than eating. These guys cannot join two pieces of pipe together without it leaking or figure out plumbing so the entire place doesn't smell like feces. But you suspect that they can gather proper national statistics.

If Thais were gathering statistics as accurately as countries like Japan and USA and Germany for example, do you guys think the stats would be

A. Much worse?

B. Much better?

C. about the same?

Amazing. You guys quote the Thai stats like they are mission stats from NASA.

Edited by PaullyW
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My guess for the BS reported road deaths by the Thai government will be under 250 to make the ruling junta look good.

And the figures for other years, ?? before the army intervened ??

The figures are false, what about the dead that die AFTER the accident they are NOT included only those that are pronounced dead at the scene.

So where are the other 45 deaths on the first day ?? the ones that die everyday---25 + 45 == 70 every day, all other days are less dangerous ??? stupid.

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I do wish they wouldn't do these daily updates.

It would be much more fun if they did it after Songkran as a sort of top 7 deadliest days count down

Tho after day 6 most farang would have worked out what the top death day is, I bet most Thais would be waiting with baited breath.

Get Tony Blackburn to do the voice over... Straight in this week at number 7 we have Tuesday with 24 death's

Followed closely by Friday with 35.... Dun dun dun dun... Falling 4 places from last years number 2 to this weeks number 5 we have Saturday

etc, etc ,etc.

"It would be much more fun" A little attitude adjustment required here I think.

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to all you morons who like thai bashing you are a guest in their country try to understand the thai mentality and live by the rules and last but not least do not try and impose your self on them.

When someone you know is murdered or otherwise harmed by their "mentality", let's hear your thoughts then.
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to all you morons who like thai bashing you are a guest in their country try to understand the thai mentality and live by the rules and last but not least do not try and impose your self on them.

Morons?..ouch...I havent bashed anyone but i will respond...Thai mentality?..Ive been trying very hard

for over 5 yrs to "understand" thai mentality...maybe YOU can explain it to US , or at least maybe ME...

So yes today im sure i will once again try and understand as i make a simple gesture to go find food.

And how i have to look around as if it were like one of the laser tag games in a amusement park,

or paint ball if you prefer. Wonder if my phone will get fried or do i need to wrap it 10x in plastic bags?

I wondered last year as well as thais hid on top of a building, like cowards(thais?) as they threw water

on me riding my bike as i certainly dont want freezing filthy moat water thrown on my hot mbike engine...

Anyway, yes my bike and the fact i had in earphones and ipod...which was fried btw....did i get a "SOLLY"

or asked if i was ok, or if my ipod worked...nope...just drunk cowardly thais hiding and being drunk/laughing

So yep, maybe i am the moron, as you say, forever trying to understand "THAI mentality"..rules?? huh??

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on average over 26,000 people are killed in road accidents in Thailand per year. Divide that by 365 days and that is over 71 people killed per day on average. So either these dangerous days numbers are complete BS or Songkran is the safest time of the year to be on the road. I will go with BS numbers.

So if these numbers are BS, why do you believe 26 000 a year? :rolleyes:

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to all you morons who like thai bashing you are a guest in their country try to understand the thai mentality and live by the rules and last but not least do not try and impose your self on them.

I 'live by the rules'....it's the Thai's that don't live by their own rules.

I try to understand their mentality...not easy....and i have 'imposed myself' on them with regard to driving skills and road safety within my adopted family, which i can say has helped them understand a lot more about how Cars and Motorbikes should be driven safely, and i have been thanked for it.

I would suggest a Moron is someone who writes a lot on forums slagging off contributors whilst doing no good whatsoever for the local populace; but hey, that's just my opinion !

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on average over 26,000 people are killed in road accidents in Thailand per year. Divide that by 365 days and that is over 71 people killed per day on average. So either these dangerous days numbers are complete BS or Songkran is the safest time of the year to be on the road. I will go with BS numbers.

I read in several other websites (a few years ago) that its about 29 deaths per day in thailand. (not as high as stated in this article).

either way,, whatever is correct, why on earth do the police stand aside and allow these young dumb kids go speeding around the streets without helmets and such zig-zag crazy driving. Really if they cared about saving lives they would get super tough on this.. (and scare all people on bikes ingto wearing a hat and not driving crazy). the fines need to be way higher,.. (and ability to lose their driving license).

also: whats up with families having kids on bikes without helmets???? you can buy a kids helmet in BigC and Tesco Lotus for 199 baht !!! police worry about the passenger of a car wearing a seatbelt,, but they dont give a **** about innocent children on a bike without a helmet !

i like that thailand is a relaxed easy country... but seriously, they need to get much tougher on motorbike safety.

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Songkran road toll rises to 59

BANGKOK: -- The second day of the seven dangerous Songkran holidays or Friday saw 399 road accidents happen, killing 34 people and injuring 417 others.

After two days, 59 people have been killed and 765 others injured in 723 road accidents, the Road Safety Center announced.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Songkran-road-toll-rises-to-59-30257894.html

-- The Nation 2015-04-11

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Wonder why they start counting 7 days from the 9th, because it is now only the 11th, and the road rampage will go on till the 19th at least.

Sonkran used to be just three days based on the Lunar cycle. It's been extended by tourism and other factors and yes, the carnage will continue beyond those parameters. But as discussed previously, the road death toll appears lower during these holidays, possibly as a result of increased enforcement and increased warnings of a public nature.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

on average over 26,000 people are killed in road accidents in Thailand per year. Divide that by 365 days and that is over 71 people killed per day on average. So either these dangerous days numbers are complete BS or Songkran is the safest time of the year to be on the road. I will go with BS numbers.

So if these numbers are BS, why do you believe 26 000 a year? rolleyes.gif

The latest report is 2010 by WHO as presented in Wikipedia


26,000 appears to be the number, alright. And the maths confirms that to be, on average, 71+ per day.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

on average over 26,000 people are killed in road accidents in Thailand per year. Divide that by 365 days and that is over 71 people killed per day on average. So either these dangerous days numbers are complete BS or Songkran is the safest time of the year to be on the road. I will go with BS numbers.

So if these numbers are BS, why do you believe 26 000 a year? rolleyes.gif

The latest report is 2010 by WHO as presented in Wikipedia


26,000 appears to be the number, alright. And the maths confirms that to be, on average, 71+ per day.

I wasn't questioning the maths. The WHO numbers are compiled from numbers supplied by Thailand. My pointbis that A.S.E qoutes the 26000 (71 per day) and then comes to the conclusion that the numbers from the OP are BS. Flawed logic if you ask me :rolleyes:

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