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Pigeon infestations


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I notice towns of the Gulf coast are all badly infested with pigeons; I don't remember seeing any when I lived there 15 years ago. I haven't seen any in Phuket, where I am spending Songkran. I know it's an infestation in Haad Yai, where there are billboards urging people not to feed them, but also along the coast from Songkhla Town to Ranode District of Songkhla, on the border of NST.

I am just interested to know the how many other towns/cities in the region have problems with growing pigeon populations.

So my humble request is: Please report report on the pigeon population in your locale. And lest I forget:

Happy and Safe Songkran to all forum readers.

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A surefire way to reduce the problem is as follows...

One bag of dried peas..

One long length of fishing gut..

Thread three peas on a three inch length of the gut

Knot the gut so the peas cannot be removed.

Feed the pidgeons....

They will not come back...permanently!

Problem solved!

Thread three peas on a three

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They should start eating them like in Europe, end of the problem.

It is a totally different species of pigeon that is (normally) eaten in the west and definitely not the diseased skanky flying-rats that infest the buildings and monuments of most of the world's cities.

But the idea of them being a potential food source for the poor and needy,perhaps, is interesting - and why not.?

Edited by FarangKino
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A surefire way to reduce the problem is as follows...

One bag of dried peas..

One long length of fishing gut..

Thread three peas on a three inch length of the gut

Knot the gut so the peas cannot be removed.

Feed the pidgeons....

They will not come back...permanently!

Problem solved!

a sure fire way?

Are you sure? How does work then? The balconies of my condo are now a favorite roosting spot, and whilst I don't particularly mind the roosting, I definitely have issues over the amount of excrement they leave behind. But nothing seems to scare them away for long..

Please reply Whitson old man

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Long ago and far away, and when I was much younger, in the other land over the sea, the Asian people made serious inroads into the pigeon population by eating them.

But I have it on good authority that Thai pigeons, the big, messy buggers, taste like shit.

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A surefire way to reduce the problem is as follows...

One bag of dried peas..

One long length of fishing gut..

Thread three peas on a three inch length of the gut

Knot the gut so the peas cannot be removed.

Feed the pidgeons....

They will not come back...permanently!

Problem solved!

a sure fire way?

Are you sure? How does work then? The balconies of my condo are now a favorite roosting spot, and whilst I don't particularly mind the roosting, I definitely have issues over the amount of excrement they leave behind. But nothing seems to scare them away for long..

Please reply Whitson old man

It blocks their digestive tract so they can't eat or shit and then they die.

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Actually , I can concur with the OP that pigeons are a pest in other areas. We have recently moved to Petchanun and the local area is infested with them. The rented house we are currently living in has many roosting under the eves. A short drive into the amper and you can see hundreds sitting on roofed if many houses. Strange thing is one house can have as many as 50 or 60 birds on it's roof but other houses nearby have only one or two. Another noticable trait is that they never roost or sit in the trees ? Any man made things seem more preferable. As for pigeon shit.....a real health hazard. I have asked the locals about them and they say that a few years back there were none or very few. At this rate it won't be long before the health risk they represent becomes serious enough to warrant a cull.

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A surefire way to reduce the problem is as follows...

One bag of dried peas..

One long length of fishing gut..

Thread three peas on a three inch length of the gut

Knot the gut so the peas cannot be removed.

Feed the pidgeons....

They will not come back...permanently!

Problem solved!

Thread three peas on a three

Wicked B*****d!

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I've never worked out how a bird that you never see eat in the wild can create so much excrement.

Yes, I have a pigeon problem, I've moved house four times in the last ten years, and they appear to follow me, I've frequently thought about asking Jake if some people are just natural pigeon-magnets..... I guess I was just unlucky when god was handing out the attraction cards. Some get money, some get women, I got pigeons.

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Yes-we have a pigeon problem here in Chiang mai as well-they had infested out attic due to a drooping headboard and then I really took notice of all the silly old women in the neighbourhood who mistakenly in their ignorance think that they are doing some good deed by feeding these parasites with wings,the filthiest of birds who breed like rabbits and cause havoc with their constant lusty calls and passing of stool everywhere.Poison??

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Okay - so we all seem to be in agreement about the skanky b@stards. What do we do about them though? Whitson's idea sounds okay, but seems very time consuming, kills only one at a time and to be truthful sounds like a painful death for them. Not their fault that they are skanky disease ridden vermin.

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Several species of pigeons and doves are used as food, and probably any could be; the powerful breast muscles characteristic of the family make excellent meat.

Feral pigeons are often considered a pest or even vermin, owing to concerns that they spread disease.

The bacteria Chlamydophila psittaci is endemic among pigeons and causes psittacosis in humans. It is transmitted both from handling pigeons but mostly from their droppings.

Pigeons are also important vectors for different species of the bacteria Salmonella.

Peregrine falcons, which are also originally cliff dwellers, have also adapted to the skyscrapers of large cities and often feeding exclusively on rock pigeons.

An effective tactic to reduce the number of feral pigeons is deprivation. Cities around the world have discovered that not feeding their local birds results in a steady population decrease in only a few years. Pigeons, however, will still pick at garbage bags containing discarded food or at leftovers carelessly dropped on the ground.

Facts about pigeon-related diseases: http://wayback.archive.org/web/20080113103719/http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/epi/epi-pigeon.shtml

Edited by maderaroja
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Long ago and far away, and when I was much younger, in the other land over the sea, the Asian people made serious inroads into the pigeon population by eating them.

Squab. Tasty, sorta like Cornish Game Hens. Given another 1997 financial meltdown, squab may be back on the menu again, and the pigeon populations decreased.

The increase in the pigeon population may be due to a decrease in natural predators. Blame it on animism and folk tales, like if you eat a predator, you'll gain the strength and attributes of that predator. So instead of eating pigeon, the believers eat: hawks, eagles, osprey, kite, etc. Eliminate the indigenous species at the top of the food chain and you get pigeons maak gern bpai.

Oh well, mai bpen rai.


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Long ago and far away, and when I was much younger, in the other land over the sea, the Asian people made serious inroads into the pigeon population by eating them.

But I have it on good authority that Thai pigeons, the big, messy buggers, taste like shit.

Hummm. Soylent Green. Sorta tastes like chicken.

Edited by connda
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Okay - so we all seem to be in agreement about the skanky b@stards. What do we do about them though? Whitson's idea sounds okay, but seems very time consuming, kills only one at a time and to be truthful sounds like a painful death for them. Not their fault that they are skanky disease ridden vermin.

Hawk decoys on a string so they move in the wind. The owner of our apartment put one out where pigeons where roosting. That was a couple years ago, and they haven't been back.

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Report? For what reason? To overcome a infestation perhaps the word should be put out that they make good eating. Problem solved.coffee1.gif

Just watching on The Game of Thrones they turned them into pigeon pie. They are getting bad here in Chiang Mai in spots they keep diving in to drink water from our pool and leave a gooey deposit. I can also spot lots of them sitting on surrounding buildings guess they have no natural predators anymore. I also hear that pigeons are one of the biggest disease carriers after rats. Guess you could call them flying rats. The ones that puff their chest out and strut around are obviously males trying to impress the ladies. Unlike people 90% of the ladies fly away.

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Chiang Mai has a huge population of DOVES. A few coos is cute. A 20 minute spurt of loud coos coming from your trees and roof tops is damn irritating.

Morning or Mourning Doves are not in the same nuisance category that pigeons are. I see very few of them around our condo.

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Pigeons and most birds come to that don't like magnets. Put up a few lines (Fishing line is ok) with magnets evenly spaced and they will leave the area. Some pest control companies sell them but you can also make yourself.

Talk about building a better mouse trap, or in this case, pigeon deterrent. Clever idea!

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whistling.gif Pigeons are a very adaptable bird.
They naturally nest of rocky cliffs where they raise their young protected against birds such as hawks and falcons
That's why they like humans...... the humans build all these nice nesting places where pigeons can raise there young.
Humans call pigeon houses "Condominiums" ...... and humans (silly fools that they are) seem to believe these condominiums are built for themselves ..... even though they can't fly.
Pigeons can fly ..... and those same condominiums and apartment blocks are wonderful places to live and raise a family.
To a pigeon I guess it is humans who are the "infestation".

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I read somewhere, a long time ago, that someone had come up with an ingredient that could be added to bird food that would act as a birth control for pigeons

I think it was being used in Italy at one of the tourist attractions that was over run with the birds.

I did a little searching, but can't find any information on it now.

That would be a perfect way to reduce the population if you could get everyone to put out laced feed.

I'm just saying....

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