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Overcharging farangs in CM bars


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I got used to to places like Infinity and Fabrique, where thai people have free entry, but foreigners have to pay entry fee of about 300 baht.

In my understanding usually thai people spend much more money and have table full of food and drinks in this kind of establishments, while foreigners sip their cheapest beer for very long time.

However, I lost my shit when I went to new Nabe last night with my thai gf. Waiter refused to sell her beer promotion (3 bottles for 189baht I think) because she came with foreigner. He said they don't sell beer promotion to foreigners but single bottles for 80 baht.

Nabe is a bar with live music very close to Fabrique. They are selling very nice iced beer. They used to be located in Santitam before.

What are your experiences ? I'm sure places like that are much more than we realize.

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I think it depends upon where you go. If you frequent places that are the "now" spot to go, your business is probably less important to their immediate bottom line and thus you're more likely to be the recipient of price discrimination. Frequenting neighborhood establishments, however, which rely more heavily on customer relationships and repeat business, will probably result in a different outcome.

To my knowledge, I've never been charged a higher "farang" price in a restaurant or bar (tuk tuk guys and songthaew guys try it, sure). Even the Thai bars in Santitam and Nimmanheiman will serve me the promotion if I ask for it.

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I think it depends upon where you go. If you frequent places that are the "now" spot to go, your business is probably less important to their immediate bottom line and thus you're more likely to be the recipient of price discrimination. Frequenting neighborhood establishments, however, which rely more heavily on customer relationships and repeat business, will probably result in a different outcome.

To my knowledge, I've never been charged a higher "farang" price in a restaurant or bar (tuk tuk guys and songthaew guys try it, sure). Even the Thai bars in Santitam and Nimmanheiman will serve me the promotion if I ask for it.

In an ideal world this would be true. You never know what the Thais will do. There is no guarantee it will make sense to farangs.

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Take out your cell phone and record a video of the waiter clearly stating it, then go report them. It is actually illegal under the constitution to charge different rates. I am surprised that your partner didn't stand up for you and your rights. I would be more concerned about that.

Personally, I have never been to a bar or nightclub so I don't know why they would actually do this to paying customers especially if you are with other people. If you look like a creepo and hit on young girls and scare them off, I could understand why they would charge more for that.

In your case, you seem like you were just a normal customer and deserve fair service and treatment. Ask the waiter who the manager is next time and speak directly to him/her. Why get upset at wait staff? They don't make the rules.

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Thought 2

Buy one beer for 80bht, then sit there all evening with it buying nothing else.

If they ask, say you wanted three, but the waiter refused to serve you the promotion, so one is enough.

I think that's known as "cutting off your nose to spite your face."

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

She was buying?

Yes, she was making an order. She was upset also, but what's the point of blaming a waiter.

send your gf in alone to buy the beer & pay, then turn up 5 minutes later.

Yeah we said we will do that next time. But probably we will not go there again. Sad, because live music band was really good.

Take out your cell phone and record a video of the waiter clearly stating it, then go report them. It is actually illegal under the constitution to charge different rates. I am surprised that your partner didn't stand up for you and your rights. I would be more concerned about that.

No I am not concerned of that. Thai people avoid confrontation, however she was surprised and upset of that also.

To my knowledge, I've never been charged a higher "farang" price in a restaurant or bar

Yeah me also. Very surprised. Or I have been overcharged many times, just not aware of that.

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"Thai people avoid confrontation"

Ever see the video of the wealthy Thai woman destroying her Honda because they wouldn't replace it? Ever met a wealthier thai person or one from a old family name that got shafted like this?

Perhaps rephrase that to lower status Thais avoid confrontation as they don't believe themselves worthy of fair treatment. There are also many acceptable ways that Thais confront people and situations. "Loosing one's Shit" is the foreigners way to confrontation which I didn't and wouldn't suggest . But if your partner didn't defend you or get things straightened out with the manager, she either believes herself as lower status or doesn't think you deserve fair treatment. If they pulled that crap with her in a group of Thai people, would she have done anything different?

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Perhaps rephrase that to lower status Thais avoid confrontation as they don't believe themselves worthy of fair treatment. There are also many acceptable ways that Thais confront people and situations. "Loosing one's Shit" is the foreigners way to confrontation which I didn't and wouldn't suggest . But if your partner didn't defend you or get things straightened out with the manager, she either believes herself as lower status or doesn't think you deserve fair treatment. If they pulled that crap with her in a group of Thai people, would she have done anything different?

Right, and you are an expert of thai culture and my relationship, as well as you know my girlfriend very well.

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"Thai people avoid confrontation"

Ever see the video of the wealthy Thai woman destroying her Honda because they wouldn't replace it? Ever met a wealthier thai person or one from a old family name that got shafted like this?

Perhaps rephrase that to lower status Thais avoid confrontation as they don't believe themselves worthy of fair treatment. There are also many acceptable ways that Thais confront people and situations. "Loosing one's Shit" is the foreigners way to confrontation which I didn't and wouldn't suggest . But if your partner didn't defend you or get things straightened out with the manager, she either believes herself as lower status or doesn't think you deserve fair treatment. If they pulled that crap with her in a group of Thai people, would she have done anything different?

Lower status Thais tend to pull a gun or machete when they 'lose their sh_it'.

I feel foreigners are fairly non-confrontational in comparison.

But then I'm not an apologist.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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"zeichen doesn't like to deal with reality"

You are right. Every single Thai person accepts all tons of crap and garbage from every single person. I often see all my doctor friends bow down to waiters when they give bad service or cheat them.

Thais never ask for a pay raise, they never argue or dispute things with anyone, they never stand up for their rights or beliefs. They just all bow down and take everything right up the a**. Or perhaps they do, you guys just don't see it because you hide behind your wife's skirt and force her to talk for you because you don't know the language, or the subtleties of the culture to get what you want.

Fact is that Thais are very good at recognizing the situations in which they confront things. The subtlety is usually lost on most foreigners. There is being humble and then there is allowing your loved ones to be cheated. Yelling and screaming, throwing a fit or doing passive aggressive things to the low paid wait staff isn't useful. However, in my 15+ years living here, I have never been with friends that would allow someone to cheat me or charge me a different rate. Every single family member or friend would back me up if I complained to the manager.

OP, no I don't know you or your girl friend nor your relationship. I don't claim to be an expert on anything. I do have my experiences which I shared. It is a fact that Thai people stand up for themselves when they are in situations in which they can. Your partner didn't for you. All I said is that would bother me. I am not you. It doesn't bother you, so that is what matters. But don't delude yourself that it is cultural to avoid all conflict. I asked a simple question. If your girl friend was with her Thai friends and someone tried to cheat the group, would she also accept it? If she would defend her Thai friends and not you, then yes I think that is a problem. If she acts the same, then no it isn't a problem. That is all I meant.

"Lower status Thais tend to pull a gun or machete when they 'lose their sh_it'.

I feel foreigners are fairly non-confrontational in comparison."

LOL. Too true but those aren't as much lower status as just lower class usually drunkards or addicts. I know I am out on a limb, but I am starting to like every single thing you post. LOL

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Pardon my pun. It was OP who said he lost his sh*t. I understood perfectly what he said --- and how I responded still goes.

All this angst over 51 bhat! facepalm.gif Pleading "the principle of the thing" over 51 bhat ?! blink.png Some people just don't get how to get along and would probably be happier elsewhere. Stay here? Try Four Seasons. Every customer regardless of race, creed, color, gender or sexual orientation probably gets the same price (unless they have grabbed a promo somewhere) ! Walk in, sit down, try it out!

In the meantime, we don't need another thread about differential pricing in Thailand. beatdeadhorse.gif There is a lot of it all over the world in various forms, certainly much more significant than 51 bhat.

Just to start a new line of thought on this matter, perhaps this perennial ThaiVisa forum topic represents a is a kind of "Caucasian Crisis." White people see so little discrimination in this world that when they experience a 50 bhat incident they feel the world is against them! rolleyes.gif

Edited by Mapguy
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