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Islamic State blamed for Afghan suicide bombing killing 35

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Islamic State blamed for Afghan suicide bombing killing 35

FAIZABAD, Afghanistan (AP) — A motorcycle-riding suicide bomber attacked a line of people waiting outside a bank Saturday in eastern Afghanistan, killing at least 35 and wounding 125 in an assault the country's president blamed on the Islamic State group.

The accusation by President Ashraf Ghani, following local media reporting the Islamic State group's Afghan affiliate claiming the attack, would mark a major escalation in the extremists' nascent campaign of violence in the country.

While nowhere near as powerful as the Taliban, the affiliate's ability to strike at will would mark a new threat for the country to contend with as U.S. and NATO forces ended their combat mission at the start of the year. It also further stretches the Islamic State group's influence far beyond its self-declared caliphate stretching through a third of Iraq and Syria.

The attack in Jalalabad, the capital of eastern Nangarhar province, targeted a crowd of soldiers and civilians gathered outside the bank to receive their monthly salaries. The blast killed at least 35 people and wounded 125, said Ahmad Zia Abdulzai, a spokesman for the provincial governor.

Hours after the attack, Ghani blamed the Islamic State group for the bombing.

"In the horrific incident in Nangarhar, who took responsibility? The Taliban didn't claim responsibility. Daesh claimed responsibility for it," Ghani said, using an Arabic acronym for the group.

Local Afghan media quoted a previously unknown man who identified himself as a spokesman for the Islamic State group's affiliate in the country, claiming responsibility for the attack. It's not clear whether Ghani relied on this for his remarks or if he had other intelligence at his disposal.

The Taliban denied it carried out the bank attack and another elsewhere in the province that killed one civilian and wounded two.

"We condemn/deny involvement in both," Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid tweeted.

The Islamic State group, currently targeted by a U.S.-led coalition's airstrikes and an Iraqi ground offensive, has seen its public image rise dramatically since it seized much of Iraq last summer. Its online videos and propaganda, including scenes of its mass killings and beheadings, have caught the attention of many extremists.

In Libya, an Islamic State group affiliate has carried out attacks and beheaded 21 Coptic Christians from Egypt. Insurgents in Egypt's strategic Sinai Peninsula also have pledged to the group, while another purported affiliate in Yemen claimed a series of suicide bombings in March that killed at least 137 people.

Ghani previously has warned that the Islamic State group was starting to establish a presence in Afghanistan. He used his visit to the United States last month to reiterate his concerns.

"If we don't stand on the same line united, these people are going to destroy us," Ghani told a crowd of 600 people Saturday in Faizabad, the capital of northeastern Badakhshan province.

He called on the Taliban to join with the Kabul government, and said that any Taliban who switched allegiance to Islamic State group would earn the wrath of Afghanistan's religious leaders.

Ghani also blamed a recent attack on an army outpost, in which 18 soldiers were killed, eight of them beheaded, on "international terrorists." The Taliban aren't known to carry out beheadings.

The United Nations' Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, Ivan Simonovic, on a visit to Afghanistan, called the attack a "war crime."

"The use of suicide bombs and other devices in such an indiscriminate way by insurgent groups clearly constitutes a war crime, and those responsible for organizing or perpetrating such attacks must be brought to justice," he said in a statement.

Analysts and officials say the number of Islamic State supporters in the Afghan-Pakistan region remains small and that the group faces resistance from militants with strong tribal links. Taliban fighters and Islamic State supporters even have battled each other. However, the rise of even a small Islamic State affiliate could further destabilize the region and complicate U.S. and NATO efforts to end the 13-year Afghan war.

Taliban militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan owe their allegiance to Mullah Omar, a cleric who has led the Taliban since the 1990s but has not been seen or heard in public for years. Officials fear that an Islamic State push into the region could bring an infusion of guns and money, sparking brutal competition among local militants disenchanted with Mullah Omar's silence and eager to prove themselves with escalating atrocities.

In recent days, Ismail Khan, long a dominant figure in Afghanistan's western province of Herat, told The Associated Press that the numbers of Islamic State supporters are growing because of divisions in Ghani's government. Afghanistan's senior Shiite leader, Mohammad Mohaqiq, told the AP this month that Islamic State loyalists in southern Zabul province also were behind the abduction of 31 ethnic Hazara Shiites in late February.


Faiez reported from Kabul, Afghanistan. Associated Press writer Jon Gambrell in Cairo contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-19

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" Officials fear that an Islamic State push into the region could bring an infusion of guns and money, sparking brutal competition among local militants disenchanted with Mullah Omar's silence and eager to prove themselves with escalating atrocities."

The Taliban/Al Qaeda will continue to lose support unless they either bend a knee and swear to ISIS, or step up their game and try to outdo them. My money is on the latter.


Edited by Kerryd
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" Officials fear that an Islamic State push into the region could bring an infusion of guns and money, sparking brutal competition among local militants disenchanted with Mullah Omar's silence and eager to prove themselves with escalating atrocities."

The Taliban/Al Qaeda will continue to lose support unless they either bend a knee and swear to ISIS, or step up their game and try to outdo them. My money is on the latter.


As long as there is an American presence in Afghanistan the Taliban and Islamic State will have a common enemy.

Once the Americans are driven out, the various factions will fight among themselves... just like they did after the Russians were defeated.

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He called on the Taliban to join with the Kabul government, and said that any Taliban who switched allegiance to Islamic State group would earn the wrath of Afghanistan's religious leaders.

Couldn't make it up.

An elected puppet Government that are impotent.

The Religious leaders call the shots.

Nothing changes, nothing ever will.

Get out, stay out and let them crack on.

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Taliban VS ISIS.


The OP is an example why a Taliban vs IS conflict in Afghanistan is not 'excellent' news for Afghanistan. I did read, cannot relocate, IS is offering more pay than the Taliban to its fighters and the reason, amongst others, why the Taliban is losing some of its fighters to join IS.

The Pakistani government is expelling Afghan extremist religious teachers and students and returning them to Afghanistan which will no doubt add to the civilian death toll. Hopefully the Pakistanis are no longer rewarding the Taliban for killing Afghani officials and foreign forces personnel.


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On this earth, some things or some people should not be allowed to exist, and the IS is one of them and

first on the list, the world will not be a peaceful place until balance will be restored again, and entities like IS and it's ilk, like minded, vile, terror groups will be wiped out without a trace from this world....

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So much anger towards ISIS ... this is a war . You think the serbs were that much different in bosnia ?

(to use an example close to home ). You think wars in europe the last 1000 years were different?

You think the civil war in the US was different?

Of course back then there were no youtube video's...

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So much anger towards ISIS ... this is a war . You think the serbs were that much different in bosnia ?

(to use an example close to home ). You think wars in europe the last 1000 years were different?

You think the civil war in the US was different?

Of course back then there were no youtube video's...

A war? against which nation? Seems to me they are at war with free will and humanity in general.

If these guys don't strike you as a group whose actions should be condemned, just exactly what do you consider unacceptable?

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So much anger towards ISIS ... this is a war . You think the serbs were that much different in bosnia ?

(to use an example close to home ). You think wars in europe the last 1000 years were different?

You think the civil war in the US was different?

Of course back then there were no youtube video's...

So I guess you condone all of the beheadings and the kidnapping of young Christian girls as sex slaves to other pervert Muslims? You have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about do you? Serbs and Bosnians being different? There is hundreds of years of hatred there, the most immediate from WW2 and then to 1945 when Tito recognized Bosnia Herzegovina which pur the Serbs nose out of joint. I won't go into a history lesson Comparing Serb/Bosnian conflict the whole slaughter by IS is insane. This IS thing is no war. There has been no declration of war, IS is not a country nor a state just a particularly violent and twisted terror group

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So much anger towards ISIS ... this is a war . You think the serbs were that much different in bosnia ?

(to use an example close to home ). You think wars in europe the last 1000 years were different?

You think the civil war in the US was different?

Of course back then there were no youtube video's...

A war? against which nation? Seems to me they are at war with free will and humanity in general.

If these guys don't strike you as a group whose actions should be condemned, just exactly what do you consider unacceptable?

I know what you call acceptable :

Sitting safe in your aircon bunker 5000 miles away, playing with your drone joystick , blowing stuff up , and counting the bodies via satelite .

You think burning a pilot alive in a cage is cruel ? What about all the people burned or blown to pieces by those pilots?

You think cutting thoats is cruel? How do you think your cadavre/meat on your dinner plate is murdered? 100 of million times a day.

What do you think went on before the Geneva convention about POW's. And all the times since then when is was ignored? ( spoils of war : men killed in worse ways than ISIS or enslaved , women raped and baby incubators , and of course plundering)

Sure , clean history books don't mention that , nor said to the kids in school, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

It doesn't have to be declared between countries , to be at war.

Ethnic or religious cleansing is war too.

Edited by BuaBS
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So much anger towards ISIS ... this is a war . You think the serbs were that much different in bosnia ?

(to use an example close to home ). You think wars in europe the last 1000 years were different?

You think the civil war in the US was different?

Of course back then there were no youtube video's...

So I guess you condone all of the beheadings and the kidnapping of young Christian girls as sex slaves to other pervert Muslims? You have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about do you? Serbs and Bosnians being different? There is hundreds of years of hatred there, the most immediate from WW2 and then to 1945 when Tito recognized Bosnia Herzegovina which pur the Serbs nose out of joint. I won't go into a history lesson Comparing Serb/Bosnian conflict the whole slaughter by IS is insane. This IS thing is no war. There has been no declration of war, IS is not a country nor a state just a particularly violent and twisted terror group

You sound like a sexpat in thailand , being jealouse of them having young christians girls.

Forced "marriages" of underaged girls , is still going on in some parts of the world , and has always been in the past especially with muslims.

If you don't like the comparson of what happened in bosnia with the serbs and kroatians , look at the slaughter in rwanda , hacking away with machetes , or what is happening in dark africa now , but no-one reports or is interested in.

Yes shooting some-one in the head is so much better than beheadings.....

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So much anger towards ISIS ... this is a war . You think the serbs were that much different in bosnia ?

(to use an example close to home ). You think wars in europe the last 1000 years were different?

You think the civil war in the US was different?

Of course back then there were no youtube video's...

A war? against which nation? Seems to me they are at war with free will and humanity in general.

If these guys don't strike you as a group whose actions should be condemned, just exactly what do you consider unacceptable?

I know what you call acceptable :

Sitting safe in your aircon bunker 5000 miles away, playing with your drone joystick , blowing stuff up , and counting the bodies via satelite .

You think burning a pilot alive in a cage is cruel ? What about all the people burned or blown to pieces by those pilots?

You think cutting thoats is cruel? How do you think your cadavre/meat on your dinner plate is murdered? 100 of million times a day.

What do you think went on before the Geneva convention about POW's. And all the times since then when is was ignored? ( spoils of war : men killed in worse ways than ISIS or enslaved , women raped and baby incubators , and of course plundering)

Sure , clean history books don't mention that , nor said to the kids in school, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

It doesn't have to be declared between countries , to be at war.

Ethnic or religious cleansing is war too.

You make some good points.

The whole Middle East is becoming a vast slaughterhouse, It should be isolated as a zone of contagion.

What the US and other western countries ought to do is stop throwing petrol on the flames - get out and let those bloodthirsty devils fight it out among themselves.

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So much anger towards ISIS ... this is a war . You think the serbs were that much different in bosnia ?

(to use an example close to home ). You think wars in europe the last 1000 years were different?

You think the civil war in the US was different?

Of course back then there were no youtube video's...

So I guess you condone all of the beheadings and the kidnapping of young Christian girls as sex slaves to other pervert Muslims? You have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about do you? Serbs and Bosnians being different? There is hundreds of years of hatred there, the most immediate from WW2 and then to 1945 when Tito recognized Bosnia Herzegovina which pur the Serbs nose out of joint. I won't go into a history lesson Comparing Serb/Bosnian conflict the whole slaughter by IS is insane. This IS thing is no war. There has been no declration of war, IS is not a country nor a state just a particularly violent and twisted terror group

I see no comparison to the US civil war.

I see IS as waging war for sure. One must take a look at islamic eschatology to fully grasp what is taking place and why the issue of Afghanistan would be a logical next jump; why? Why the hell would they jumo to Afghanistan as a area to harness fighters and flags? Because intergral to islamic prophecy is the assertion that the caliph will appear from Korhasan and once you see the blag flags flying you should pledge baya'h (allegiance) if if you must drag yourself through the snow to serve the caliph prophesized. IS has everything it needs with regards to early seeds to plant and a sophisticated machine to manage recruitment and perception and PR in the modern world. What they dont have is a cover for action cover for status regarding coming from Korhason.

Even with regard to the Christ it was noted in more than one place that such things were done "in order that prophecy may be fulfilled;" example. riding a donkey into the the city while throwing palms before the march. The fulfillment of prophecy is no less vital in islam. Indeed, much of islam is entirely grafted off traditions that are fairly familiar to the west. The taliban are not stupid and realize that this is taking place. As Afghganistan, IMO, is less important than the appearance of arising from Korhason, I would not be surprised that in time an arrangement was worked out to indeed facilitate a foothold (in theory only) long enough for a march or movement around Herat or north of Iran- Turkmenistsan, etc. (There must necessarily be a certain point where the shia will also ask if it is time, and does this mean the Madhi returns)?

For thos who are interested in another facet of the emerging islamic jihad problem it would be wise to research, at least topically, regarding Khorasn and its likely association with DAESH.


This is an informative piece in that it notes killing will be done in a way that was not done before.




It would not surprise me if Iran and IS both competed quickly to capture popular imagination as bearing the blag standard of Khorasan. How it plays out is anyone's guess, but it is playing out and its vital to understanding motivations and intention.


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So much anger towards ISIS ... this is a war . You think the serbs were that much different in bosnia ?

(to use an example close to home ). You think wars in europe the last 1000 years were different?

You think the civil war in the US was different?

Of course back then there were no youtube video's...

So I guess you condone all of the beheadings and the kidnapping of young Christian girls as sex slaves to other pervert Muslims? You have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about do you? Serbs and Bosnians being different? There is hundreds of years of hatred there, the most immediate from WW2 and then to 1945 when Tito recognized Bosnia Herzegovina which pur the Serbs nose out of joint. I won't go into a history lesson Comparing Serb/Bosnian conflict the whole slaughter by IS is insane. This IS thing is no war. There has been no declration of war, IS is not a country nor a state just a particularly violent and twisted terror group

You sound like a sexpat in thailand , being jealouse of them having young christians girls.

Forced "marriages" of underaged girls , is still going on in some parts of the world , and has always been in the past especially with muslims.

If you don't like the comparson of what happened in bosnia with the serbs and kroatians , look at the slaughter in rwanda , hacking away with machetes , or what is happening in dark africa now , but no-one reports or is interested in.

Yes shooting some-one in the head is so much better than beheadings.....

So you are defending the actions of ISIS saying everybody else is just as bad.

You justify burning a man alive in a cage because people get killed in collateral damage when drones are used. The difference your hate will not let you accept is that the people killed by drones are unintentional collateral damage which happens in war.

Your example of 1000 years is a good one : it's where ISIS belong. Uncivilised savages who need to be exterminated.

You disgust me.

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So much anger towards ISIS ... this is a war . You think the serbs were that much different in bosnia ?

(to use an example close to home ). You think wars in europe the last 1000 years were different?

You think the civil war in the US was different?

Of course back then there were no youtube video's...

A war? against which nation? Seems to me they are at war with free will and humanity in general.

If these guys don't strike you as a group whose actions should be condemned, just exactly what do you consider unacceptable?

I know what you call acceptable :

Sitting safe in your aircon bunker 5000 miles away, playing with your drone joystick , blowing stuff up , and counting the bodies via satelite .

You think burning a pilot alive in a cage is cruel ? What about all the people burned or blown to pieces by those pilots?

You think cutting thoats is cruel? How do you think your cadavre/meat on your dinner plate is murdered? 100 of million times a day.

What do you think went on before the Geneva convention about POW's. And all the times since then when is was ignored? ( spoils of war : men killed in worse ways than ISIS or enslaved , women raped and baby incubators , and of course plundering)

Sure , clean history books don't mention that , nor said to the kids in school, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

It doesn't have to be declared between countries , to be at war.

Ethnic or religious cleansing is war too.

You do not know what I find acceptable. And you couldn't answer my question about what you find unacceptable. Because to answer that you would have to admit that the IS can go no lower. You found no examples of more abominable behavior, but you did list some parallels. You mention a number of atrocities and somehow find them justification for the actions of IS. You are either a collaborator or you have a problem processing logic.

If someone raped your aunt, does that mean that rape is no longer off limits, can someone else now go and rape your mom or sister?

Maybe it's ok now to burn people in cages, because by your logic the precedent has been set.

Think of this list: Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan. Do you find the things they did more or less horrible than what IS doing now? Or are you going to try to justify their actions as well? Why not, certain emperors of Rome had done things equally as bad.

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You do not know what I find acceptable. And you couldn't answer my question about what you find unacceptable. Because to answer that you would have to admit that the IS can go no lower. You found no examples of more abominable behavior, but you did list some parallels. You mention a number of atrocities and somehow find them justification for the actions of IS. You are either a collaborator or you have a problem processing logic.

If someone raped your aunt, does that mean that rape is no longer off limits, can someone else now go and rape your mom or sister?

Maybe it's ok now to burn people in cages, because by your logic the precedent has been set.

Think of this list: Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan. Do you find the things they did more or less horrible than what IS doing now? Or are you going to try to justify their actions as well? Why not, certain emperors of Rome had done things equally as bad.

To answer what I find unacceptable , is going even more off topic of the OP.

All the people you mention (Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan ) went much lower than ISIS.

If you don't see that , you've got eye blinds for history.

No examples of more abominable behavior ? How about rwanda , to stay recent ? 500.000 to a million getting hacked to pieces with machetes just because you were from a different tribe (hutu & tutsi's) ?

Rape is another subject , going way off topic to reply.

It is not ok to burn people alive in cages , but in the eyes of ISIS , these pilots are war criminals and got their sentence the way they killed people with their warplanes and as a warning to other pilots.

What did the germans love to do in WW2 : flamethrowers. It is not justification for ISIS actions , but is just as low or lower.

I'm not justifying any action , just stating that compaired to all the atocities in history , ISIS is still mild.

And again if you compaire ISIS atocities to what is goinig on in the meat/fish industy , ....why bother no-one cares anyway.

So as a canadian ( from your TV name canuck) , go clob some baby seals.

Edited by BuaBS
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You do not know what I find acceptable. And you couldn't answer my question about what you find unacceptable. Because to answer that you would have to admit that the IS can go no lower. You found no examples of more abominable behavior, but you did list some parallels. You mention a number of atrocities and somehow find them justification for the actions of IS. You are either a collaborator or you have a problem processing logic.

If someone raped your aunt, does that mean that rape is no longer off limits, can someone else now go and rape your mom or sister?

Maybe it's ok now to burn people in cages, because by your logic the precedent has been set.

Think of this list: Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan. Do you find the things they did more or less horrible than what IS doing now? Or are you going to try to justify their actions as well? Why not, certain emperors of Rome had done things equally as bad.

To answer what I find unacceptable , is going even more off topic of the OP.

All the people you mention (Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan ) went much lower than ISIS.

If you don't see that , you've got eye blinds for history.

No examples of more abominable behavior ? How about rwanda , to stay recent ? 500.000 to a million getting hacked to pieces with machetes just because you were from a different tribe (hutu & tutsi's) ?

Rape is another subject , going way off topic to reply.

It is not ok to burn people alive in cages , but in the eyes of ISIS , these pilots are war criminals and got their sentence the way they killed people with their warplanes and as a warning to other pilots.

What did the germans love to do in WW2 : flamethrowers. It is not justification for ISIS actions , but is just as low or lower.

I'm not justifying any action , just stating that compaired to all the atocities in history , ISIS is still mild.

And again if you compaire ISIS atocities to what is goinig on in the meat/fish industy , ....why bother no-one cares anyway.

So as a canadian ( from your TV name canuck) , go clob some baby seals.

The above post evidencess neither command of facts nor opinion. It is all over the place, disjointed, and only an effort to loosely connect disparate events is made- it does not succeed in any event. While no one can ever know who is behind a keyboard when someone can flippantly define DAESH's actions as just "war" they evidence they know little of war. People who know war are aghast at what IS does. People who have seen war are horrified even remotely by the images and descriptions of what DAESH does daily. People who have seen war don't search for an analogy to employ to minimize IS' actions and place them in agreeable context. People who have known war do not so desperately prop up their untenable position as to wander far and wide to bind together the assertion that IS is business as usual. How bankrupt! It is hardly important for one to know war to have a position, but people who do not know war also do not suggest that they do!

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