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Rooster in residential area

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I have exactly the same problem. First, I close the sliding glass door and all the windows to my bedroom. Next, I have a floor fan and have taken an old washcloth, tie a knot in one corner and slip it through the guard so, when the fan is turned on, it makes a light sound like a playing card in the spokes of a push bike. It takes a few attempts to find the right balance between a light sound and the washcloth getting sucked into the fan.


When I wake up now, I open up the sliding glass door and hear that damned roster that DIDN'T wake me up. Watch your fingers and good luck!

Oh yes, that IS a genuine Gibson SG doubleneck in the background! Couldn't help myself.

So....the fan playing the guitar in a circular fashion drowns out the rooster.

Am I right?

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I had this problem many years ago in New Zealand, in a new housing estate where someone decided to keep a rooster and a few chickens in a coop in their backyard. The rooster lasted two days - until his demise by being shot with an air rifle by a neighbour who like you didn't like being woken up at 4 am. I wouldn't recommend this though as listening to a rooster is arguably preferable to spending time in a Thai jail.

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Reminds me of a German guy that bought a house in lovely romantic Switzerland and then complained about the fact that the cows had bells (since 200 years) and tried to get rid of them. Ditto people that buy cheap land near a developing airport and then start to complain about the noise 10 years later. Go to bed. Get up early. It'll do you good.

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I built a house in a nice residential area, none of the neighbors owned roosters. Soon after we moved in, first one neighbor at the other end of the development got a rooster, then my next door neighbor. The first one didn't bother me but if my neighbor likes roosters so much u think he should put the pen near his house, not mine. I'm still looking for the right owls.

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Geez, i have heard rooster kakadoodldoo in every part of this country, even in bangkok i can hear a rooster early in the morning and even a distant mosk(sic) in the background.. Frogs when it rains is like 20 times more noisy, do you want the frogs banned as well? When i lived in a moobaan in pattaya i heard of farangs complain about every little thing that theThais consider part of a peaceful life, one doesn't like the dogs, one thinks the nearby shantytown is too close (that one was embarassing, he actually went over there and told these impoverished people to move their shacks that were on someone elses property! One wanted the weeds cutdown in an empty lot (fine you doit then) If something as trivial as animal noise bothers you, then this isn't the country for you, this is a tropical country and it's full of critters, just goback to sleep when they crow, lotta people in this country have to deal with car noise or a nearby karaoke bar.. But bird noise comon..

And don't listen to this fool who's telling you to go kill this guys animals with poison, unless you want to wake up to the jail guard running his billyclub against the bars.

I could not agree more with you. The same in our mooban. A few months ago a Thai neighbor started to raise chicken and roosters. So what? For me this is not noise this is the sound of mother nature.

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Assassination is your only choice, also ensure they have access to your property, leave out bowls of anti-freeze around your fence, lace chicken feed with ground up rat poison, sweetened with sugar..........coffee1.gif

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If any of the roosters sound a little like Elvis then it could be my rooster stolen a few weeks. But seriously, roosters/chickens are a lifestyle in Thailand in many areas, even in highly and closely populated areas. But I will have to say I live in a large Bangkok moobaan where the home prices range from around Bt5M to maybe Bt100M and no one has chickens (or at least I haven't noticed any after living in the moobaan for years)....some have geese and ducks...and a few peacocks and swans but no chickens. Plenty of dogs also...both owned and strays. This Is Thailand.

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There is no rest for the wicked up here in Isaan, it is often very noisy 24/7 in this small country village, much worse than Bangkok. I know, you paid to have a higher standard of living and you aren't getting it and no one cares because it doesn't bother them. But Ear plugs are a must. I'll swear by 'em and don't know what I'd do without them.Doesn't work for some of the ultra-bass pumping out of the pa systems they rent for shindigs out here, nor the recreational dynamite blasting, but otherwise has you covered. You don't move to the country for peace and quiet in Thailand, that is for sure. Roosters are a minor piece of the nearly non-stop cacaphony where I live. It is also probably more polluted than Bangkok as well, but that is another story. The mrs. says the roosters have probably been driven insane by artifical lighting and probably wi-fi waves just like us humans and the crowing now starts at any time, there's no sunrise crowing schedule anymore, they start at 10 pm sometimes and sometimes go for hours. But, my pet peeve, -- please forgive me my pun--are dogs barking at nothing and nobody for hours. I don't mind when there is another doggy death squad barking and encroaching on their fascist doggy gangland, I can understand barking at them for that, but the pre-emptive and sometimes interminable yapping at nobody and nothing sucks. I once tried to shush them and was shouted down by the ornery old man next door, so I now point a flash light from my porch at them and sometimes that shuts them up. I know, I know, more than any one cares to read about or know, but I need an outlet this evening till the Cleveland-Boston NBA playoffs series, round 1, game 1 starts. Cleveland over Boston in 6 games. King James is in the house and that house is the Boston Garden, and he didn't like what happened last time in 2010, tonight we may have a massacre on our hands, look out Celtics!

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Give it time and you will get used to it. After a while you will not hear them anymore and they will not wake you up anymore.

But that will only happen if you get past your "anger and frustration". Go to sleep relax and all will be well.

. WRONG, You Never Get Used to Them... Earplugs only option, Good Luck
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Everyone is entitled to quiet enjoyment of their property. That said people, including farangs, will tolerate this situation as there is nothing that can be done about it through legal means. You could appeal to common sense and common courtesy for neighbors but my experience is that neither exist here. You could deal with it the hard way and try to lobby to add restrictive bylaws into your moo bahn contract. These work well in the moo bahn that I reside. Or you could do it the easy way and consider having a fox (or similar) for a pet. Nobody is going to blame a fox for being a fox.

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That's what you get for buying into a low end estate. You need to go where the homes are from priced from 30 million up, then you will be in the Hi So set where this is not tolerated.coffee1.gif You must be one of those poorer farangs who have nothing better to do then complain, so it looks like you stuck in the real world. 6 months and you won't know it's there, or maybe ask the neighbour to a barbeque and serve BBQ chicken. Get my drift. whistling.gif

Edited by Si Thea01
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Had the same problem 2yrs ago with the neighbour opposite, wife wrote a letter unsigned of course and dropped it in their mail box 3 days later they were gone. Needless to say we don't speak any more.

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Sometimes we need to stop and think. We need to use ratioinalize thought instead of shooting from the hips. This farang needs to understand he is a guest here. He is in no position or has any right to dictate what Thais should like or should not like. Chicken rearing is part of Thai culture. whether we like it or not is a different issue. Just because someone lives in a 30M home is no excuse neither does it give them the right to dictate policy. This is Thai country, Thai culture and Thai customs prevail. If a guest is not happy with his host , then he has the option to leave. It is pushing it too far to expect a culture to change for your benefit.

I am a farang. I am aware that roosters can be very disturbing and a nuisance. I also realize that in Thailand , I am a guest. There are many aspects of life that are very different from what I am used to in the west. In my western city , we cannot keep roosters. the cops will show up instantly in someone attempts to rear chickens in their home.. But this is not my western city. If this is fine with the Thai people and the law approves it, then we as foreigners are very much out of place to make the kind of opposition that this gentleman is making. Respect your host's way of life. if you don't like it, then you can do the honorable thing.

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This problem came up recently at a meeting of the housing committee in my moobahn and the only thing that could be done was to request a " health " inspection from the Tessabahn. Due to bird flu there are strict rules on how the roosters can be housed.

My bet is that these are being raised for fighting and as such will probably be well taken care of

I am lucky that the fowl things are at the opposite end of the moobahn from my house because if they show up next door I will start raising foxes

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I had this problem many years ago in New Zealand, in a new housing estate where someone decided to keep a rooster and a few chickens in a coop in their backyard. The rooster lasted two days - until his demise by being shot with an air rifle by a neighbour who like you didn't like being woken up at 4 am. I wouldn't recommend this though as listening to a rooster is arguably preferable to spending time in a Thai jail.

A farang killing a Thai's rooster and jail would be the least of your worries...forget waking up to the rooster because you could never sleep for fear of having your neighbor shoot you in the middle of the night.

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good tips maybe with some white noise

but i am the one person that never sleeps on intercontinental flights

i am used to quietness, tought a 15M baht house neighborhood would buy me that

it was quiet before

it takes one ass hole to spoil it for everyone

i am not used and will never be used of my ear getting raped every 20-30 seconds

it just pierces my ear to the bone

i did not have this sensitivity, till my daughers were born (10 years ago), and than you have to sleep with one ear open :)

other neighbors already complained also, at the "sales" office

but as other people said : anyone can do anything in this country, no zoning, no protection

for those pesky people with their not so funny remarks, i wish you an illegal karaoke bar opening near you and forced to listen till 4-5 in the morning to the bom bom bom

post it, than i can also go reply with : MOVE, get earplugs, or whatever

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for those pesky people with their not so funny remarks, i wish you an illegal karaoke bar opening near you and forced to listen till 4-5 in the morning to the bom bom bom

Most of us aren't daft enough to spend 15M a house we can't own.

Rent, don't buy.

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i ment off course, the wife's house

i own nothing, except my underwear

buying a fox, would be nice

except this neighbor lives in a secluded area with nice gates and high walls, it is a moo baan inside a moo baan

that was the first higher prices houses area

we live behind that wall, the newer higher priced area (houses up to 40 million)

not one where you can just go in an have some soi dogs / cats comming it

and some farang RENT overthere, at monthly 60 - 100.000 baht

Edited by maidee
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Some years ago I had a similar problem in a similar type moo baan.

I sought legal recourse and found there is no law that prevents anyone from having animals of any type on their personal property in the entire country.

Noise has no effect on local people as they grow up with it. You might say it is part of their culture.

My situation was resolved to my satisfaction shortly thereafter as the rooster and one hen died of lead poisoning and the remaining hens were dispatched by several soi dogs who managed to find their way into the hen house. All under the cover of darkness of course.

The neighbor, a very religious man accepted it as karma and now grows banana and mango trees.

I love big dogs and hate centipedes, scorpions and roosters.

Jolly Roger

There's your answer. When no-one's looking, feed them some rat poison. Hopefully the numpty who owns them will put it down to karma or some other ghastly superstition. Job done! (but don't get caught)

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I had this problem many years ago in New Zealand, in a new housing estate where someone decided to keep a rooster and a few chickens in a coop in their backyard. The rooster lasted two days - until his demise by being shot with an air rifle by a neighbour who like you didn't like being woken up at 4 am. I wouldn't recommend this though as listening to a rooster is arguably preferable to spending time in a Thai jail.

A farang killing a Thai's rooster and jail would be the least of your worries...forget waking up to the rooster because you could never sleep for fear of having your neighbor shoot you in the middle of the night.

You wouldn't go to jail for that. Pure scaremongering.

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I hope you didn't buy that 15 million baht house......roosters....mmm.... now theres an argument for RENTING!

The 40yr old man/boy directly across the soi got into cockfighting and now has 3- muther F'er's directly out front about 3m from the gate.... its been 6 months now and I must say it is surprising how a sound so unmusical,repetitive and nauseating can just evaporate into the ether without much of a trace. You'll get used to it, like living near the airport et... wai2.gif

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I understand your dilemma, I moved out of noisy Pattaya to what I thought was the sleepy community of Bang Saray. But that was just a dream!

Directly behind my 3 million baht home is the housing for the cheap Cambodian workers!

They don’t have one rooster or two but at last count 10! Noise in the morning, noise in the evening, noise all day long; does not matter what time it is, they crow all the time! If your rooster only crows in the early morning hours consider yourself lucky; the ten that I live beside crow all day long!

The gentleman who wrote about the fan is right white noise helps but I recommend ear plugs, the ones I use I brought with me from the US they are soft comfortable to sleep in and drown out the rooster call! The problem with most ear plugs is that they are designed to use once twice and then throw away. So you will need quite a few pairs. I brought 160 pairs back from my last trip I’ll include a picture they cost 15US per package. In baht I believe that is less than 500, good luck in finding that quantity at that price any where here in Thailand!

If you want to exert revenge on the roster owner try Metallica at loud levels. According to what I’ve’ read CIA interrogators use many of the Rock groups songs to torture subjects. Of course you’ll need the ear plugs to keep from torturing yourself as well! J


Edited by SEEDGER
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