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NACC seizes assets of ex-DSI chief

Lite Beer

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it amaze me that they can just freeze someone assets just because they think he is unusually wealthy. These people at the NACC are too powerful.

Well, Bob, if you read the articles, you will see that his assets have been temporarily seized. If investigation shows nothing wrong, I am sure he will have them returned.

What are the chances he will be found whiter than white?

Tarit is not wealthy enough to be found whiter than white cheesy.gif - no tiaras in his locker.

Only the 'big guns' from now on are whiter than white (c.f. Article 44).

Worse still, his assets are frozen. Unless he has salted a lot more away offshore, he can only promise people money, if they can get his assets unfrozen.

It is pretty clear that assets freezing was the big threat used against Thaksin (re his family in Thailand) and cronies after the coup which is why they remained relatively silent. Once assets are frozen, you are also likely to have to explain how you obtained them and why you have paid so little tax. All have had plenty to time to get stuff offshore. Tarit was just an expendable fall guy for both sides.

Edited by Dogmatix
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I don't understand why a foreigner would give a (Deleted) what happens politically or socially in Thailand, when anytime a foreigner publicly comments Thai people and it's government tell you to mind your own business.

Oh really ? Cannot say I have noticed that.

Anyway this is a forum and one of the many definitions of the word forum is - "a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged"

To be honest I have been asked by many Thai people over the years what I thought about certain things happening in Thailand, as in politics etc.

Cannot say the government has ever told me to mind my own business but then again I have never offered them my advice.

I am sure if a Thai went to the USA and told the government what they thought they would be told where to go as well.

Rumour has it that lots of foreigners speak out against the junta in Thailand, even complete foreign governments.

I guess they should stop doing that rolleyes.gif

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In the normal course of events, the pursuit of those who have accumulated 'unusual wealth' ( some kind of euphemism for corruption) would be a good thing. However when it is one side pursuing the other and ignoring their own who have accumulated wealth through similar means, it is very dangerous indeed.

yes exactly, it will make the divide worse not better

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In the normal course of events, the pursuit of those who have accumulated 'unusual wealth' ( some kind of euphemism for corruption) would be a good thing. However when it is one side pursuing the other and ignoring their own who have accumulated wealth through similar means, it is very dangerous indeed.

yes exactly, it will make the divide worse not better

The Junta is only doing what any entity in power would do.

What do you think would happen if the Shins were in power right now ? Do you honestly believe they would be charging people from both sides of corruption ?

No, in fact they would not even be charging their opponents for fear it would attract attention to their own ill-gotten gains.

They used to let everyone got away with it as long as they got the biggest share of the spoils.

It is the Thai way, and it was this way long before any foreigners came to Thailand.

When the Shins are in power I never hear a word from you about how impartial they are. Why is that ? whistling.gif

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In the normal course of events, the pursuit of those who have accumulated 'unusual wealth' ( some kind of euphemism for corruption) would be a good thing. However when it is one side pursuing the other and ignoring their own who have accumulated wealth through similar means, it is very dangerous indeed.

yes exactly, it will make the divide worse not better

The Junta is only doing what any entity in power would do.

What do you think would happen if the Shins were in power right now ? Do you honestly believe they would be charging people from both sides of corruption ?

No, in fact they would not even be charging their opponents for fear it would attract attention to their own ill-gotten gains.

They used to let everyone got away with it as long as they got the biggest share of the spoils.

It is the Thai way, and it was this way long before any foreigners came to Thailand.

When the Shins are in power I never hear a word from you about how impartial they are. Why is that ? whistling.gif

I thoroughly agree Mike, yet there is a paradox still involved.

The Junta is doing rightly so, but is undoubtedly based upon exactly the same corrupt and bent foundations as all previous leaders and governments, over all years.

It is right, absolutely, in what they are doing to cream out the previously bent, enrichened, brutally abusive and obnoxious. However, throwing stones from within glass houses; where is the benchmark for true honesty? Where is that going to come from? Article 44 is effectively a predetermined amnesty, as bad as the one tried to be passed at 4am in the morning, is it not? Yet it has been passed with all guns ablazing.

When does the ultimate truth, hidden behind Article 44, permit exactly the same actions being taken against the previous now come from, in order to permit exactly the same actions to be taken against those who have, paradoxically, written and passed Article 44 without question? wink.png

Edit: In addition, I would not say exactly out of the frying pan into the fire, have we gone. Far from it. But I would say a set of pots and pans vary little, unless the quality moves from flat bottom and cheap aluminium to thick copper based and excellent 'stain' less steel. Seems there's not a lot of difference between the kitchen wares of what is now and what has ever been, mostly Chinese cheap imports - especially by brand.

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Putting aside the guys turn coat status, something he has even admitted in an article that he was affected by political pressure the key points and questions that need to be asked baring in mind his assets have been frozen for 'unusual wealth' not morals, ethics decisions etc are in my opinion:


1) He declared his assets in 2009 at 37.3 million baht

2) Now in 2015 his assets are 41 million baht and increase of about 4 million in 5 years


1) Why now 5 years later have the NACC suddenly decided he has amassed unusual wealth?

2) An increase of 4 million in 5 years is hardly suddenly accumulating unusual wealth, so one would presume its in relation to his original declaration?

3) Why has the NACC suddenly decided its time to raise the issue?

4) Was the NACC itself under political pressure in 2009-2014 to prevent an investigation?

5) If not, then why now? are they under political pressure now?

6) Has more evidence come to light somehow?

If he can be found to be corrupt they should throw the book at him, but the way it has taken so long to suddenly come about to be investigated, i cannot help but feel it may be grandstanding more than anything else. Someone in his position no doubt has plenty of experience in the how's to hide any trails of naughty goings on, and would presumably have it covered.

I would love them to investigate some of the really big persons who have wealth far exceeding this, but i suspect a lot of them know far to much about the inner workings, people and shenanigans in the political, police and military upper echelons for them to risk doing anything. Perhaps Tarit is an relatively easy target who no longer has use to anyone and does not posses the correct connections to keep himself above it all.

Not that its a bad thing, but retroactive investigation into previous officials asset declarations from times before could be a dangerous road to go down for many people.(although potentially a very good road if it can be done properly)

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Tarit, seeing his wealth and face disappear, shame heaped upon his wife and children. I wonder Mr Tarit, was it really worth doing the devil's bidding? Did you really not see that it was always going to end in tears?

As the majority of Thai's don't see beyond the next brown envelope handshake it is unlikely that he could see anything beyond the last page of his bank book !

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If you've been here 15 years then you should surely know that "evidence" (in a proper and legal sense ) is simply never going to happen !!! Check out " Chatchai's "buffet" cabinet of late 80s followed by yet another coup....

I find the obsession with Thaksin amazing on this board...as if he was the first and the worst when in fact he was neither !

He certainly wasn't the first. He's already well up there, if you count all the clan "assets" as Forbes do.

If his planned whitewash of all crimes, making himself untouchable, returning as grand leader of the PTP one party Shin dynastic state with unbridled and non transparent or accountable control of a 2.2 trillion baht "loan" slush fund had become reality, I'm sure he'd have exceeded all others by a long long way and for a far greater time.

The reason he's so written about is because he is the present real threat to peace and the future of this country.

You view him as the real threat to peace and the future of this country, whilst others disagree.

The only reason he is so written about is because opponents of him keep bringing him up.....

It said in a note in the BKP today that he has not even made a comment on anything since the coup, so it seems the only people keeping him in the news is those that benefit from him being in the news, namely not himself or his supporters.

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You must be kidding. PTP= small beer, chicken feed, minnows, rank amateurs relative to some of their predecessors ( but maybe now that's considered 'old money')

You are right. PTP etc had only been at it for a few years. The army/dems/elite have been at it for decades. They just didn't like new boy Taksin muscling in and refusing to share. We are witnessing a turf war between equally nasty groups of people. The only good thing to come out of the mess is that Mr T. used tactics that resulted in huge benefits for the poor of Thailand. That's what democracy does occasionally - ie force power hungry politicians into acting in the interests of the electorate.

PTP are just as much part of the elite as any one else.

They are just another faction of the same clique.

Taksin is nouveau rich and he upset the establishment by being too successful/greedy and threatening to sideline them. He is not one of them. He's the new kid on the block that can no longer be tolerated. He looks good for many because his power came from the ballot box rather than the guns the present lot use but he was not any better than them. He did a lot of good but that was just a by product of his ambition not his benevolence. In that respect he is much the same as any western politician. They are all power hungry and corrupt but fortunately have to operate within democratic rules which force them to do some good now and again. As a result even the present gov. are now dishing out loads of money to the poor farmers but only because they now have to continue the game T. started. They also dare not reverse free health care. But they are happy to be back in charge!

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Putting aside the guys turn coat status, something he has even admitted in an article that he was affected by political pressure the key points and questions that need to be asked baring in mind his assets have been frozen for 'unusual wealth' not morals, ethics decisions etc are in my opinion:


1) He declared his assets in 2009 at 37.3 million baht

2) Now in 2015 his assets are 41 million baht and increase of about 4 million in 5 years


1) Why now 5 years later have the NACC suddenly decided he has amassed unusual wealth?

2) An increase of 4 million in 5 years is hardly suddenly accumulating unusual wealth, so one would presume its in relation to his original declaration?

3) Why has the NACC suddenly decided its time to raise the issue?

4) Was the NACC itself under political pressure in 2009-2014 to prevent an investigation?

5) If not, then why now? are they under political pressure now?

6) Has more evidence come to light somehow?

If he can be found to be corrupt they should throw the book at him, but the way it has taken so long to suddenly come about to be investigated, i cannot help but feel it may be grandstanding more than anything else. Someone in his position no doubt has plenty of experience in the how's to hide any trails of naughty goings on, and would presumably have it covered.

I would love them to investigate some of the really big persons who have wealth far exceeding this, but i suspect a lot of them know far to much about the inner workings, people and shenanigans in the political, police and military upper echelons for them to risk doing anything. Perhaps Tarit is an relatively easy target who no longer has use to anyone and does not posses the correct connections to keep himself above it all.

Not that its a bad thing, but retroactive investigation into previous officials asset declarations from times before could be a dangerous road to go down for many people.(although potentially a very good road if it can be done properly)

In answer to Qs 1-6; sorry, we're not allowed to discuss the Royal family or the Prince of Thailand. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Putting aside the guys turn coat status, something he has even admitted in an article that he was affected by political pressure the key points and questions that need to be asked baring in mind his assets have been frozen for 'unusual wealth' not morals, ethics decisions etc are in my opinion:


1) He declared his assets in 2009 at 37.3 million baht

2) Now in 2015 his assets are 41 million baht and increase of about 4 million in 5 years


1) Why now 5 years later have the NACC suddenly decided he has amassed unusual wealth?

2) An increase of 4 million in 5 years is hardly suddenly accumulating unusual wealth, so one would presume its in relation to his original declaration?

3) Why has the NACC suddenly decided its time to raise the issue?

4) Was the NACC itself under political pressure in 2009-2014 to prevent an investigation?

5) If not, then why now? are they under political pressure now?

6) Has more evidence come to light somehow?

If he can be found to be corrupt they should throw the book at him, but the way it has taken so long to suddenly come about to be investigated, i cannot help but feel it may be grandstanding more than anything else. Someone in his position no doubt has plenty of experience in the how's to hide any trails of naughty goings on, and would presumably have it covered.

I would love them to investigate some of the really big persons who have wealth far exceeding this, but i suspect a lot of them know far to much about the inner workings, people and shenanigans in the political, police and military upper echelons for them to risk doing anything. Perhaps Tarit is an relatively easy target who no longer has use to anyone and does not posses the correct connections to keep himself above it all.

Not that its a bad thing, but retroactive investigation into previous officials asset declarations from times before could be a dangerous road to go down for many people.(although potentially a very good road if it can be done properly)

but, but, but ... ...

Well, it would seem that begin of last year the case really started. Tarit and his wife had build a house with seven homestays for more than 10 million Baht on a piece of land in Khao Yai. Then later that year it was discovered that next to that plot Tarit's wife had build two villas. In October last year we had a fact-finding committee set up.

"NACC secretary-general Sansern Polajiak said a fact-finding committee appointed by the graft watchdog on October 30 found that there were grounds to believe Tarit and his wife had concealed their assets and were "unusually rich"."


So now the NACC has seized 'only' 40.7 million Baht as that's all the assets declared, allegedly. Difficult to seize hidden assets before they're found, wouldn't you say so?

As for retroactive, well only somewhen in 2014 Tarit became ex-DSI chief and might have declared assets. Normal procedure is to compare current and previous declaration. Not even sure Tarit did an assets declaration because he had to 'finishing' as DSI chief, or because the NACC requested him to.

Edited by rubl
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You must be kidding. PTP= small beer, chicken feed, minnows, rank amateurs relative to some of their predecessors ( but maybe now that's considered 'old money')

You are right. PTP etc had only been at it for a few years. The army/dems/elite have been at it for decades. They just didn't like new boy Taksin muscling in and refusing to share. We are witnessing a turf war between equally nasty groups of people. The only good thing to come out of the mess is that Mr T. used tactics that resulted in huge benefits for the poor of Thailand. That's what democracy does occasionally - ie force power hungry politicians into acting in the interests of the electorate.

PTP are just as much part of the elite as any one else.

They are just another faction of the same clique.

Taksin is nouveau rich and he upset the establishment by being too successful/greedy and threatening to sideline them. He is not one of them. He's the new kid on the block that can no longer be tolerated. He looks good for many because his power came from the ballot box rather than the guns the present lot use but he was not any better than them. He did a lot of good but that was just a by product of his ambition not his benevolence. In that respect he is much the same as any western politician. They are all power hungry and corrupt but fortunately have to operate within democratic rules which force them to do some good now and again. As a result even the present gov. are now dishing out loads of money to the poor farmers but only because they now have to continue the game T. started. They also dare not reverse free health care. But they are happy to be back in charge!

At work right now, but will reply to your post. I mostly disagree though.

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If you've been here 15 years then you should surely know that "evidence" (in a proper and legal sense ) is simply never going to happen !!! Check out " Chatchai's "buffet" cabinet of late 80s followed by yet another coup....

I find the obsession with Thaksin amazing on this board...as if he was the first and the worst when in fact he was neither !

He certainly wasn't the first. He's already well up there, if you count all the clan "assets" as Forbes do.

If his planned whitewash of all crimes, making himself untouchable, returning as grand leader of the PTP one party Shin dynastic state with unbridled and non transparent or accountable control of a 2.2 trillion baht "loan" slush fund had become reality, I'm sure he'd have exceeded all others by a long long way and for a far greater time.

The reason he's so written about is because he is the present real threat to peace and the future of this country.

You view him as the real threat to peace and the future of this country, whilst others disagree.

The only reason he is so written about is because opponents of him keep bringing him up.....

It said in a note in the BKP today that he has not even made a comment on anything since the coup, so it seems the only people keeping him in the news is those that benefit from him being in the news, namely not himself or his supporters.

.............."You view him as the real threat to peace and the future of this country, whilst others disagree."....................???????????????

Come off it Smutty, how can you say that ? Where were you in 2010 ? Did you not hear about the fiasco that occurred in Bangkok ?

I was in Chiang Mai at the time and saw the redshirts blockading bridges with their signature stacks of burning tires and destroying private property with sledge hammers.

If you are silly enough to believe Thaksin had nothing to do with that then God help you.

And don't tell us about a note in the BKP if you are not going to post a link to it, oh wait a minute, you are not allowed to do that. But once again, if you believe he has not commented on anything since the coup you would believe anything. He has his finger firmly on the post, don't worry.

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If you've been here 15 years then you should surely know that "evidence" (in a proper and legal sense ) is simply never going to happen !!! Check out " Chatchai's "buffet" cabinet of late 80s followed by yet another coup....

I find the obsession with Thaksin amazing on this board...as if he was the first and the worst when in fact he was neither !

He certainly wasn't the first. He's already well up there, if you count all the clan "assets" as Forbes do.

If his planned whitewash of all crimes, making himself untouchable, returning as grand leader of the PTP one party Shin dynastic state with unbridled and non transparent or accountable control of a 2.2 trillion baht "loan" slush fund had become reality, I'm sure he'd have exceeded all others by a long long way and for a far greater time.

The reason he's so written about is because he is the present real threat to peace and the future of this country.

You view him as the real threat to peace and the future of this country, whilst others disagree.

The only reason he is so written about is because opponents of him keep bringing him up.....

It said in a note in the BKP today that he has not even made a comment on anything since the coup, so it seems the only people keeping him in the news is those that benefit from him being in the news, namely not himself or his supporters.

Sometimes saying nothing says more than words.

He's silent for a reason - I think you've also made reference to deals that might have been done, on other threads over the past few months. Maybe that's the case, or maybe he's giving the junta plenty of rope to hang themselves, he certainly can't be blamed for their foot in mouth antics and could legitimately say he's not been laughing or publicly commenting on them.

He did poke at them, allegedly, with his comments about maybe seeing Prayut at Lee's funeral etc; and there have been other comments like when he said he'd instructed the red shirts and PTP not to protest or hinder. Perhaps BKP missed those; or they didn't come from one of his lobbyists / PR outlets.

I remember him saying he doesn't know failure. Anyone who thinks he will simply fade away and quietly enjoy his billions, in my view, is mistaken.

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it amaze me that they can just freeze someone assets just because they think he is unusually wealthy. These people at the NACC are too powerful.

Doesn't it seem that many members and officers of the past governments were unusually wealthy - in correlation to their post income connected to their posts?

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