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Pattaya at capacity as the City celebrates Songkran


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Pattaya at capacity as the City celebrates Songkran


PATTAYA: -- It was the day that many look forward to and is a day some describe as complete chaos, but plenty of fun was had by hundreds of thousands of Thais and Foreigners as Pattaya celebrated Songkran.

With strict rules in-place for this year’s Songkran, many feared it would be a subdued festival but the sceptics were proved wrong as many described the 2015 Pattaya Songkran Festival as the best ever.

The focus of the celebrations was on Pattaya Beach Road which was transformed into a river of people. Central Festival Pattaya Beach held its own Songkran celebration and attracted the largest crowd they had ever seen.

Over 100 Million Baht was estimated to have been injected into the local economy during Sunday’s celebrations which continued late into the night.

Full story: http://pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/185468/pattaya-at-capacity-as-the-city-celebrates-songkran/

-- Pattaya One 2015-04-20

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Pattaya Water Festival generates Bt 200 million

Pattaya: – Yesterday saw the revellers surging to about 100,000 to take part in the Water Festival 2015 along the three-kilometer beach road stretching from North to Central to South Pattaya City.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand has estimated that revellers spent 200 million baht for the one-day festival.

By traditions, Pattaya would celebrate Songkran, known locally as Wan Lai, on the weekend following April 13.

Vendors reported brisk business as revellers splashed water at one another along the beach road from morning to late night.

Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/818633-pattaya-water-festival-generates-bt-200-million/

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Well I was actually there at Central and a bit further down around 7 - 8.30 and it was absolute mayhem but of a fun wet kind w00t.giflaugh.png

Could not really understand people who stood directly near the fire engine and allowed themselves to get absolutely drowned but there you go.......

Bars did not seem as busy as expected at that time and later New Plaza was positively empty even though there was a FA semi final on and they would normally have been fairly busy.

People still chucking water on 3rd road well after 11pm.

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Bars did not seem as busy as expected at that time and later New Plaza was positively empty even though there was a FA semi final on and they would normally have been fairly busy.


"Alcoholic beverages cannot be sold or consumed along Beach Road, use or sale of high-pressure water guns is outlawed as are pickup trucks will water tanks in the bed.

In general, officials said they want Songkran to adhere to Thai tradition."


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I agree. Seeing people having fun is great and its only once a year that we are inconvenienced for a few days if we don't want to join in.

Not that I condone foreigners going too far in thinking it is just a water war.

"if we don't want to join in" ??! -- that is the problem, we have no choice to "join in" whether we want to or not! According to the Songran thugs, participation is mandatory, even where someone's safety is put in serious jeopardy. In fact, getting people wet that are not dressed for the occasion (who cares that cell phones and watches/clothing are ruined) and aiming straight for the face/eyes of passing motorbike drivers in the hope of scoring an arcade "bulls eye" seems to add to the fun of the holiday makers -- great to watch, eh? It goes well beyond "inconvenience" and it goes on far too long.

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I agree. Seeing people having fun is great and its only once a year that we are inconvenienced for a few days if we don't want to join in.

Not that I condone foreigners going too far in thinking it is just a water war.

"if we don't want to join in" ??! -- that is the problem, we have no choice to "join in" whether we want to or not! According to the Songran thugs, participation is mandatory, even where someone's safety is put in serious jeopardy. In fact, getting people wet that are not dressed for the occasion (who cares that cell phones and watches/clothing are ruined) and aiming straight for the face/eyes of passing motorbike drivers in the hope of scoring an arcade "bulls eye" seems to add to the fun of the holiday makers -- great to watch, eh? It goes well beyond "inconvenience" and it goes on far too long.

So you piss around central Pattaya during Songkran and expect to stay dry? It's 100 degrees outside...put on a bathing suit and a pair of goggles and you'll be fine. Ever hear of zip-lock bags for the mobile and wallet...or are you one of one farangs who expect Thailand to conform to your needs and wants?

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Where in the world does all the pee go?

Same place it always goes...55555

We started at about 1:30. Worked our way from Soi 5 to almost Mike's Shopping Mall. This was our 3rd year and had several "newbies" along...who absolutely loved it. Including one who'd always hated the thought of it...He's now changed his mind.

Nothing like the 2 previous years. Not nearly as many people and didn't seem to be as much fun. We got into Hard Rock and many other bars easily. Previous years...no way. Impossible and no seats/tables. One bar, right on the road, was maybe 1/2 empty. Actually, most bars along the road were like that. But again, we were done by 6PM. Might have picked up after that.

But a few said they actually liked it better as the previous years it was almost impossible to walk down Beach Road. This year, only 2 places were a bit difficult...and even then...nothing like before.

Alcohol was sold on the street, just not out in the open. We finished about 6PM, with some stragglers finishing around 8PM. Everybody had a blast and we all promised to do it again next year. There were maybe 10 or us? We got a suite at a hotel for the pre-party and after party showers! LOL

Just for the heck of it (whistling.gif ) decided to return via soi 6 to see what biz was like there. I'd guess 1/2 of the bars were closed? And it was the only place I saw the PVC guns. All manned by farangs sitting inside the bars and aiming at whatever went by. bah.gif

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I agree. Seeing people having fun is great and its only once a year that we are inconvenienced for a few days if we don't want to join in.

Not that I condone foreigners going too far in thinking it is just a water war.

"if we don't want to join in" ??! -- that is the problem, we have no choice to "join in" whether we want to or not! According to the Songran thugs, participation is mandatory, even where someone's safety is put in serious jeopardy. In fact, getting people wet that are not dressed for the occasion (who cares that cell phones and watches/clothing are ruined) and aiming straight for the face/eyes of passing motorbike drivers in the hope of scoring an arcade "bulls eye" seems to add to the fun of the holiday makers -- great to watch, eh? It goes well beyond "inconvenience" and it goes on far too long.

So you piss around central Pattaya during Songkran and expect to stay dry? It's 100 degrees outside...put on a bathing suit and a pair of goggles and you'll be fine. Ever hear of zip-lock bags for the mobile and wallet...or are you one of one farangs who expect Thailand to conform to your needs and wants?

I haven't been to central Pattaya in more than 1 week, but I have been soaked at least 5 times -- on Soi Siam CC; Khao Talo, and Neun Pleubwan, at all hours of the day and night. On one occasion, I almost lost control of my motorbike and crashed when someone threw water (ice water) in my face that I was not expecting. I haven't carried a phone or worn a watch for a week. And if I had gone to Beach Road yesterday I would have expected to get wet and planned accordingly -- no problem. I have no problem with anyone having "fun" and enjoying the holiday, but leave the ones that don't want to join in the fun alone. It is as simple as that. There are more than enough revelers to attack, and those riding motorbikes should be off limits -- period! There are many young girls on motorbikes heading to their jobs at hotels in central Pattaya that should not be subjected to the risk of an accident just so a few (many) drunks can have "fun". Not everyone is like you and can don a bathing suit and goggles just so they can venture into central Pattaya. I can choose to stay away; local Thais that work there have jobs and can't. It's not a great thing to watch and it shouldn't be allowed to be done the way it is now -- have designated areas for the water gladiators to engage in combat, and let the rest of the city live a "normal life". Even expand the war zone to the entire city and surrounding area for ONE day -- that is enough. Is it going to change? Not now, but eventually it will, because it is simply wrong and unnecessary -- any fool can see that. Just like the number of highway deaths during the Songran holiday period, as Thailand develops some social priorities, they will clamp down on the drunk driving and things will improve. I expect Thailand to conform to its needs and what is best for the community at large, and not allow a group of Neanderthals (Thai and foreigners) to wreak havoc on the community for over a week in the name of "having fun" and turn a city upside down. Next..............

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I for one was happy to see that Pattaya was at 'capacity', even for only one day. Hope all the revelers had a splendid time. Now, time for all the darned busses to disappear...for the most part. I welcome 'low' season.

Edited by ToS2014
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.... I have no problem with anyone having "fun" and enjoying the holiday, but leave the ones that don't want to join in the fun alone. It is as simple as that. There are more than enough revelers to attack, and those riding motorbikes should be off limits -- period! There are many young girls on motorbikes heading to their jobs at hotels in central Pattaya that should not be subjected to the risk of an accident just so a few (many) drunks can have "fun". Not everyone is like you and can don a bathing suit and goggles just so they can venture into central Pattaya. I can choose to stay away; local Thais that work there have jobs and can't. It's not a great thing to watch and it shouldn't be allowed to be done the way it is now -- have designated areas for the water gladiators to engage in combat, and let the rest of the city live a "normal life". Even expand the war zone to the entire city and surrounding area for ONE day -- that is enough. Is it going to change? Not now, but eventually it will, because it is simply wrong and unnecessary -- any fool can see that. Just like the number of highway deaths during the Songran holiday period, as Thailand develops some social priorities, they will clamp down on the drunk driving and things will improve. I expect Thailand to conform to its needs and what is best for the community at large, and not allow a group of Neanderthals (Thai and foreigners) to wreak havoc on the community for over a week in the name of "having fun" and turn a city upside down. Next..............


Everybody having fun? Well, maybe not everyone.....

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Something no-one seems to mention in the news reports were the number of underage Thai kids wandering around with a bottle of beer or openly sitting in the bars drinking. I guess they realise that enforcing such things isnt exactly top priority for the BiB on a day like that.

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Looks like a madhouse to me. I feel sorry for the few that decided to do their shopping at Central yesterday.

It was a madhouse, but seriously who would go more than 10 metres without realising what was going on ? When you see a cop on a motorbike with the white chalk or whatever that goo is all over his back, you have to know it's not a normal day in Pattaya.

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