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A lot of immigrants in western world complain that we're racist. Our laws welcome people in, grants them citizen ships, voting rights and all the entitlements that natives enjoy. However when we immigrate to say Asian countries such as Los we can never become one of them eg citizenship and the like. Our laws forbid racism but these countries don't. Just wondering what others think.

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OP, may be you want to say that "We" pretend not to be racists and yes, you are right to say that "We" have got laws in our countries that do not allow us to be racists.

By reading comments about the Thais on TVF, including mine, then you can see if "We" are racists or not.

Immigration rules in Thailand are not racist but they are trying to safeguard their own people.

Also there are quite a few foreigners that have been awarded Thai citizenship the same as back in our own countries.

Also using the term "We" shows that we differentiate ourselves from the natives.

Is that racism?


To answer, we would need to know what "we" you refer to.

What country are you from?

My country, America, has many laws against being racist, maybe more than any other country.

But America is full of racist, many who would swear on their bibles that they are not racest.

Look how many Americans vowed, and kept their vow to do anything they could keep their current president from accomplishing he attempted.

They failed, but they did try!

And their only reason is that he is half white!


Some off-topic posts have been removed.

We will let the topic run, but please exercise care in your responses.


Thailamd is not much more racist as any other country as an example in Europe.

Illegal immigrants have just been stamped by some English newspaper as cockroaches for coming into Europe.

So far I have not heard anything like that from a Thai Newspaper.

Thailand is not perfect but very advanced compared to Europe. Never heard some 900 farangs tried to get onto a boat to Thailand and they all drowned.

Europe is a failed community and I hope ASEAN leans from it to not make those same mistakes.


Also there are quite a few foreigners that have been awarded Thai citizenship the same as back in our own countries.

Almost none in comparison.


Specious argument,
Race is to do with grouping people by skin colour not nationality.

You could make an argument for Thailand being sexist, as foreign wives can get Thai nationality quite easily, it's just foreign men they don't want.


Well, only one race of people inhabit the earth and that is the homo-sapiens, the human race.

If you want to break it down to ethnicity and nationality and furthermore accept that Thais as a nationality or ethnic group are part of the English defined term of 'Asians' then as I believe they apply the same rules regarding citizenship to all nationalities and ethnicity's, they are by no means racist.

In other words wether you come from Australia (Caucasian) or Japan (Asian) you still have to go through the same process for citizenship.

I just wish the eases of process was reciprocated.



OP, may be you want to say that "We" pretend not to be racists and yes, you are right to say that "We" have got laws in our countries that do not allow us to be racists.

By reading comments about the Thais on TVF, including mine, then you can see if "We" are racists or not.

Immigration rules in Thailand are not racist but they are trying to safeguard their own people.

Also there are quite a few foreigners that have been awarded Thai citizenship the same as back in our own countries.

Also using the term "We" shows that we differentiate ourselves from the natives.

Is that racism?

With regards to differentiating between races I as a Caucasian am different to an Asian. But only with regards to Nationality and ethnicity. Stating such is by no means racist unless used in a derogatory manner.

So we can be different to them with regards to Nationality and ethnicity with no racist connotations.


I think I may have confused race and nationality. I understand the difference. Loosely speaking people who don't accept people from other countries as their own are referred to "racist". The point I was interested in sharing was, let's stick to Thais, a Thai person can gain citizenship of most western countries but people from western countries cannot gain Thai citizenship. I found it interesting when someone here said women can.


I understand individuals or groups within a nation or a race may not accept it but the laws of most western countries brace foreigners as their own but most Asian countries and let's say Thailand for example does not accept foreigners as their own. This aspect is what I meant by racism. Maybe there's a better term to describe it but making someone who wants to call Los his "home" not welcomed in its true sense if the unfair (racist) bit I was emphasizing.


I understand what you mean Sir Charles. More than 220 different nationalities are represented in oz, when they immigrate / emigrate (whichever one it is) and gain citizenship we accept them as our own, embrace the multiculturalism and are better off for it.

Thais on the other hand shun anyone who isn't there own. "That is Racism at its finest"

Local council and federal government positions are open to those of all nationalities (with citizenship). How many non Thais hold these positions here ? I would say none.,,,

Thailand needs to learn how to accept others and embrace them if they ever want to move forward in this world that isn't just Thailand but Earth as we know it and full of many different cultures, nationalities, ethnicity's and races.


I understand what you mean Sir Charles. More than 220 different nationalities are represented in oz, when they immigrate / emigrate (whichever one it is) and gain citizenship we accept them as our own, embrace the multiculturalism and are better off for it.

Thais on the other hand shun anyone who isn't there own. "That is Racism at its finest"

Local council and federal government positions are open to those of all nationalities (with citizenship). How many non Thais hold these positions here ? I would say none.,,,

Thailand needs to learn how to accept others and embrace them if they ever want to move forward in this world that isn't just Thailand but Earth as we know it and full of many different cultures, nationalities, ethnicity's and races.

You do realize that for instance Australia (or why not my fake country Sweden and my true country Finland) was almost purely "white" nation not very long ago (not more than 50 years)*? Isn't it "funny" how this multicultural thing is only a one-way highway?

*No need for "blah blah blah" about aboriginals and sami people.


OP, may be you want to say that "We" pretend not to be racists and yes, you are right to say that "We" have got laws in our countries that do not allow us to be racists.

By reading comments about the Thais on TVF, including mine, then you can see if "We" are racists or not.

Immigration rules in Thailand are not racist but they are trying to safeguard their own people.

Also there are quite a few foreigners that have been awarded Thai citizenship the same as back in our own countries.

Also using the term "We" shows that we differentiate ourselves from the natives.

Is that racism?

Just stop it.

In Sweden if a white gang beats an immigrant it's an hate crime. If an immigrant gang beats a swede it's assault. And no, this is not a joke or exaggeration.

My shitty "multicultural" municipality in Sweden had more people getting a citizenship (they have a "party" each year for them) than Thailand gave total citizenships to the entire WORLD.


OP, may be you want to say that "We" pretend not to be racists and yes, you are right to say that "We" have got laws in our countries that do not allow us to be racists.

By reading comments about the Thais on TVF, including mine, then you can see if "We" are racists or not.

Immigration rules in Thailand are not racist but they are trying to safeguard their own people.

Also there are quite a few foreigners that have been awarded Thai citizenship the same as back in our own countries.

Also using the term "We" shows that we differentiate ourselves from the natives.

Is that racism?


Thank you, Costas.

That's one of my pet dislikes on this forum.

People who refer to "their" perceived group as "US" and Thais as "Them".

I am an individual, not part of a group.

And as an individual I always get angry when some poster assumes I am a member of his group and refers to me as part of his "We" and my Thai friends as a "They".

I am an individual not the part of any WE or an US.


Asheron, and look how far we, oz, have progressed in the last 50 years then.

Sorry but I don't understand which side of the fence you sit.

If it were not for the colonization of Australia I probably wouldn't exist so that's a tough argument for me...., with regards to aboriginals.


OP, may be you want to say that "We" pretend not to be racists and yes, you are right to say that "We" have got laws in our countries that do not allow us to be racists.

By reading comments about the Thais on TVF, including mine, then you can see if "We" are racists or not.

Immigration rules in Thailand are not racist but they are trying to safeguard their own people.

Also there are quite a few foreigners that have been awarded Thai citizenship the same as back in our own countries.

Also using the term "We" shows that we differentiate ourselves from the natives.

Is that racism?


Thank you, Costas.

That's one of my pet dislikes on this forum.

People who refer to "their" perceived group as "US" and Thais as "Them".

I am an individual, not part of a group.

And as an individual I always get angry when some poster assumes I am a member of his group and refers to me as part of his "We" and my Thai friends as a "They".

I am an individual not the part of any WE or an US.

That must be so lonely. Not being a part of anything or any group of society in general.

I guess your an alien with your own race. Sorry but everyone is generalized as being part of of some for of race or nationality or ethnicity, to presume your something above is truly alien.


OP, may be you want to say that "We" pretend not to be racists and yes, you are right to say that "We" have got laws in our countries that do not allow us to be racists.

By reading comments about the Thais on TVF, including mine, then you can see if "We" are racists or not.

Immigration rules in Thailand are not racist but they are trying to safeguard their own people.

Also there are quite a few foreigners that have been awarded Thai citizenship the same as back in our own countries.

Also using the term "We" shows that we differentiate ourselves from the natives.

Is that racism?


Thank you, Costas.

That's one of my pet dislikes on this forum.

People who refer to "their" perceived group as "US" and Thais as "Them".

I am an individual, not part of a group.

And as an individual I always get angry when some poster assumes I am a member of his group and refers to me as part of his "We" and my Thai friends as a "They".

I am an individual not the part of any WE or an US.

i think u missed the point. Just to be clear in this case We=citizen/government of any western country. Them=citizen/government of any Asian or more specifically Thailand. This is not a perception nor a generalization. It is a legally defined grouping and based on sovereignty.

I understand what you mean Sir Charles. More than 220 different nationalities are represented in oz, when they immigrate / emigrate (whichever one it is) and gain citizenship we accept them as our own, embrace the multiculturalism and are better off for it.

Thais on the other hand shun anyone who isn't there own. "That is Racism at its finest"

Local council and federal government positions are open to those of all nationalities (with citizenship). How many non Thais hold these positions here ? I would say none.,,,

Thailand needs to learn how to accept others and embrace them if they ever want to move forward in this world that isn't just Thailand but Earth as we know it and full of many different cultures, nationalities, ethnicity's and races.

Having lived in Oz for 16 years with my Thai wife, who is an Australian citizen, you're dramatically understating the extent of racism in Oz; same applies for my step son's experiences.

The Thai Constitution does guarantee equal rights for all, but no specific legislation regards racism. The Computer Crimes Act & the Internal Security Act do prohibit hate speech, insulting others etc with associated penalties in the Criminal Code - actual enforcement is as always the issue.

Really don't know why Westerners bang on about racism in Thailand, surely they can take care of themselves. There are other groups such as the Hill Tribes who suffer institutionalised discrimination who deserve much more attention.


If you look at what we did for over 5 centuries , Slave Trade , Colonization , East India Company,Clive of India,Slaughter of aborigines, Opium War and much , much more, we shouldn't really cast stones at countries who may have been one of our previous victims in one way or another. We have laws like we do because of our past and to be honest most people are a bit racist


If you look at what we did for over 5 centuries , Slave Trade , Colonization , East India Company,Clive of India,Slaughter of aborigines, Opium War and much , much more, we shouldn't really cast stones at countries who may have been one of our previous victims in one way or another. We have laws like we do because of our past and to be honest most people are a bit racist

I didn't do any of that, and I suspect you didn't either.

So stop saying 'we' and speak for yourself.

Do you still blame the Italians for the Roman invasion of Europe?

Do you still blame current day Germans for what happened in WW2?

Do you still blame current Japanese for what happened in WW2?



If you look at what we did for over 5 centuries , Slave Trade , Colonization , East India Company,Clive of India,Slaughter of aborigines, Opium War and much , much more, we shouldn't really cast stones at countries who may have been one of our previous victims in one way or another. We have laws like we do because of our past and to be honest most people are a bit racist

True. It was farangs who invented the word "racists" because farangs have been guilty of it for so long. The absolute worst kinds of racism. Sadly, it still goes on, even with all the laws in place.


If you look at what we did for over 5 centuries , Slave Trade , Colonization , East India Company,Clive of India,Slaughter of aborigines, Opium War and much , much more, we shouldn't really cast stones at countries who may have been one of our previous victims in one way or another. We have laws like we do because of our past and to be honest most people are a bit racist

I didn't do any of that, and I suspect you didn't either.

So stop saying 'we' and speak for yourself.

Do you still blame the Italians for the Roman invasion of Europe?

Do you still blame current day Germans for what happened in WW2?

Do you still blame current Japanese for what happened in WW2?


Funny how people are so quick to say "we" when talking about their home countries successes. Whether it's economic development, inventions, infrastructure, whatever, people are always saying "we" as if to take credit for the work of their countrymen. But if it's negative....


I think I may have confused race and nationality. I understand the difference. Loosely speaking people who don't accept people from other countries as their own are referred to "racist". The point I was interested in sharing was, let's stick to Thais, a Thai person can gain citizenship of most western countries but people from western countries cannot gain Thai citizenship. I found it interesting when someone here said women can.

You make it sound as if it's easy for someone from a developing nation to gain citizenship in a developed one. Surely you know this isn't true. That's why we have millions of Latin Americans flocking to the USA illegally every year. They would prefer to do it legally if they could. So your entire premise is flawed. A Thai cannot just show up in America and gain citizenship.


I think I may have confused race and nationality. I understand the difference. Loosely speaking people who don't accept people from other countries as their own are referred to "racist". The point I was interested in sharing was, let's stick to Thais, a Thai person can gain citizenship of most western countries but people from western countries cannot gain Thai citizenship. I found it interesting when someone here said women can.

You make it sound as if it's easy for someone from a developing nation to gain citizenship in a developed one. .............

It's extremely easy if you marry a citizen.


If you look at what we did for over 5 centuries , Slave Trade , Colonization , East India Company,Clive of India,Slaughter of aborigines, Opium War and much , much more, we shouldn't really cast stones at countries who may have been one of our previous victims in one way or another. We have laws like we do because of our past and to be honest most people are a bit racist

I didn't do any of that, and I suspect you didn't either.

So stop saying 'we' and speak for yourself.

Do you still blame the Italians for the Roman invasion of Europe?

Do you still blame current day Germans for what happened in WW2?

Do you still blame current Japanese for what happened in WW2?


Yes, I blame and hold responsible for what they did all of the above.

I also blame and hold responsible for:

The exploitation and atrocities committed by European nations in their failed attempt to "colonize" most of the globe.

The atrocities committed by Christians in the crusades, the inquisition, and their attempt to exterminate all of those who they could not convert during Europe's colonization period.

I also blame and hold my home country responsible for all they did to Native Americans, their treatment of Japanese American citizens during WWII and countless other horrible acts they have committed.

Every nation and group has done things to be ashamed of and many are still doing them!

These things should never be forgotten or forgiven.


If we forget the past, we have not learned from it.

There are many different "We s" and 'Us s" in this world.

That is why I asked the OP to define "we" when he started this thread.


To answer, we would need to know what "we" you refer to.

What country are you from?

My country, America, has many laws against being racist, maybe more than any other country.

But America is full of racist, many who would swear on their bibles that they are not racest.

Look how many Americans vowed, and kept their vow to do anything they could keep their current president from accomplishing he attempted.

They failed, but they did try!

And their only reason is that he is half white!

And look how many people voted him because he is black, which is racist as well.

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