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Hispanic courtship shapes Bush's early campaign steps


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Hispanic courtship shapes Bush's early campaign steps

HOUSTON (AP) — The man at the microphone spoke in a language most Republican presidential primary voters do not understand.

"You are part of the new wave of hope for this country," Jeb Bush said in fluent Spanish to the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference this week. Switching to English, he said the U.S. needs immigrants for the country "to become young and dynamic again."

It doesn't seem to matter that Hispanic voters typically do not have much say in Republican primaries. The former Florida governor's play to Hispanic values and policy goals has begun to shape his young political operation. Well before the first votes are cast for the Republican nomination — and even before he declares his candidacy — Bush is strengthening ties with Hispanic voters who will be important in the head-to-head contest for the presidency in 2016.

At his side throughout this week's appearances in Puerto Rico and Texas was Raul Henriques, a fresh-faced "body man" recently hired because Bush wanted a Spanish speaker to travel with him regularly. As well, Emily Benavides stood at the back of the hotel ballroom during Bush's Houston address Wednesday, now on board to advise him on Hispanic media. And Bush's Mexican-born wife, Columba, is expected to start doing more in the rising campaign, also with Hispanic media.

Bush primarily speaks Spanish with his wife. He has lived in Puerto Rico and Venezuela; he governed a state with a large Hispanic population — and he regularly cooks Latin cuisine at home.

"You're not going to find a more Latinized anglo than Jeb Bush," says Jorge Arrizurieta, a Miami-based Cuban-American who worked closely with the Bush family for decades. "There really hasn't been a candidate ever in our country that has these attributes."

It's unclear whether those attributes will help or hurt Bush in the Republican primaries, where a vocal conservative minority holds outsized influence. Appealing to such voters, Mitt Romney in 2012 suggested that immigrants in the U.S. illegally should "self-deport." The remark may have helped him win the GOP nomination, but it probably hurt him in the general election.

Not since the 2004 re-election campaign of President George W. Bush, Jeb's older brother, has a Republican presidential candidate earned as much as 40 percent of the Hispanic vote. Romney got a dismal 27 percent in the 2012 contest against President Barack Obama.

Bush does not have a monopoly on Hispanic interest in the GOP race. Cuban-American Marco Rubio of Florida, also fluent in Spanish, is in the hunt. So, too, is Cuban-American Ted Cruz of Texas, who has only limited abilities in Spanish. Others, without cultural connections, may well appeal to Hispanics, too.

Yet Bush has been the most aggressive Republican proponent of an immigration policy that would allow some 11 million people in the country illegally to stay under certain conditions. Rubio authored a Senate bill with such a provision, but he backed off after a conservative backlash. Cruz and most others in the Republican field oppose the policy they call "amnesty."

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, said Republicans must be more willing to "reach out and touch that brown hand." He praised Bush's approach, saying he connects with the Latino community "politically, socially and intellectually."

"Jeb Bush has the possibility of engaging the Latino voter in the way George Walker Bush did in 2004, or even more," Rodriguez said. His organization, which Jeb Bush addressed in Houston, is socially conservative but closer to Democrats on immigration policy.

Bush, a Latin American studies major in college, met his wife while studying in Mexico. They spent two years in Venezuela early in his business career before Bush moved to Puerto Rico for six months to run his father's 1980 primary campaign. The couple settled in Miami.

"Hispanic engagement is going to be one of his top priorities," said Benavides, who served as Romney's Hispanic press secretary. "It has been for decades now." She said it's "part of who he is."

On his recent trip, Bush answered questions in the language they were posed in and switched seamlessly between English and Spanish, drawing thunderous applause.

"Imaginate!" — Imagine that! — he quipped at times during his Houston speech. In Puerto Rico, he embraced supporters as they took selfies, and offered a modest "Gracias por venir" — thank you for coming — which drew wide smiles.

"I love it," said Maria Elena Cruz, a 59-year-old government worker from Toa Baja. "He speaks Spanish just like us."

Associated Press writer Danica Coto in San Juan, Puerto Rico, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-05-01

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George Bush senior was a man I admired for his intelligence and prudence. George W Bush was despicable. Jeb Bush lacks his father's keen intelligence, and the logically challenged shortcomings of his brother. I suppose he is a happy medium, but I do not think the Hispanic voters will flock to him just because he has an Hispanic wife. Actions speak louder than words, and frankly the Republican history on immigration is laughable.

People are not having large families anymore, even Catholics. The US has an aging population. The only solution is more people, but no avenue but immigration can lead to a population increase. Unfortunately, Republicans see a clear threat in immigration because....immigrants tend to vote Democrat. If the average immigrant tended to vote Republican we would have had immigration reform decades ago, but the Republicans would have lead the charge, and the Democrats would have been the ones blocking its advancement.

That's politics, but counter-productive and imprudent.

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George Bush senior was a man I admired for his intelligence and prudence. George W Bush was despicable. Jeb Bush lacks his father's keen intelligence, and the logically challenged shortcomings of his brother. I suppose he is a happy medium, but I do not think the Hispanic voters will flock to him just because he has an Hispanic wife. Actions speak louder than words, and frankly the Republican history on immigration is laughable.

People are not having large families anymore, even Catholics. The US has an aging population. The only solution is more people, but no avenue but immigration can lead to a population increase. Unfortunately, Republicans see a clear threat in immigration because....immigrants tend to vote Democrat. If the average immigrant tended to vote Republican we would have had immigration reform decades ago, but the Republicans would have lead the charge, and the Democrats would have been the ones blocking its advancement.

That's politics, but counter-productive and imprudent.

Go a little further back in time and look at Prescott Bush you may change your thinking.

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GRACIAS POR VENIR???? IMAGINATE????...Two poors spanish words and really speak and understand spanish lenguaje, Mr. Bush ?

ok.. I say "KAP PUN KRAP" ... I assume that I can speak and understand THAI languaje, THAI culture, THAI socials and economics issues...

Very good and very smart...Mr. Bush!

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GRACIAS POR VENIR???? IMAGINATE????...Two poors spanish words and really speak and understand spanish lenguaje, Mr. Bush ?

ok.. I say "KAP PUN KRAP" ... I assume that I can speak and understand THAI languaje, THAI culture, THAI socials and economics issues...

Very good and very smart...Mr. Bush!

You might try to keep up.

Jeb is married to a Mexican, speaks Spanish around the house and is fluent in the language.

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Only know about 14% of the US population speak Spanish. Is important for a leader, can communicate and understands their citizens...never before any leader talk it fluently. I'm Spanish expat., tryng to improve my English here in Thailand, reading, news like Thaivisa news, post and forum. In any case...excuse my knowledge's lack and thanks for you for you information.smile.png

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I fear that poor Jeb is running a Presidential campaign, rather than a Primary campaign.

Appealing to the Hispanic vote is a great strategy if you are in a general election, not so great if you are trying to appeal to the generally xenophobic, older, white, ultra right wing kinda Republican who votes in the primaries.

Jeb Bush, love him or hate him, typifies the problem that Republicans have with Presidential elections...you need to appeal to all the crazies to win the nomination, then somehow pivot back to the center to attract the normal folks in the real election

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"You are part of the new wave of hope for this country," Jeb Bush said in fluent Spanish to the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference this week. Switching to English, he said the U.S. needs immigrants for the country "to become young and dynamic again."

Hey!!!! what are we non Hispanics, old and un-dynamic chopped liver ?

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Switching to English, he said the U.S. needs immigrants for the country "to become young and dynamic again."

No, we need less war, less spending, less trade treaties (especially those classified secret) and less sending of our jobs overseas, to make America "young and dynamic again."

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Switching to English, he said the U.S. needs immigrants for the country "to become young and dynamic again."

No, we need less war, less spending, less trade treaties (especially those classified secret) and less sending of our jobs overseas, to make America "young and dynamic again."

This is what we need not what Corporate America needs

Corporate America needs cheep Hispanic labor, and since they pay for the political process in America, that's what they get.

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"You are part of the new wave of hope for this country," Jeb Bush said in fluent Spanish to the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference this week. Switching to English, he said the U.S. needs immigrants for the country "to become young and dynamic again."

Hey!!!! what are we non Hispanics, old and un-dynamic chopped liver ?

As an aging grey Hispanic, I think the largest point he may well be trying to make is the demographic timebomb. Regardless of whether it is white, hispanic or asian immigration, you need to reduce the average age of the population to stimulate economic growth. A population that tips the young/old balance tends to result in more spending than tax returns can support, so young workers are required.

Now the problem that Republican have is that they can't see past the racial/xenophobic aspect of immigration, and to the politicians shame they play and appeal to that, rather than laying it out on an economic basis. Attract; no encourage younger high skills people to immigrate and that would be a policy that makes sense.

So long as the debate is stuck in the 'secure the borders', 'no amnesty' real an meaningful immigration reform is doomed, and consequently the future of the economy of the country

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I fear that poor Jeb is running a Presidential campaign, rather than a Primary campaign.

Appealing to the Hispanic vote is a great strategy if you are in a general election, not so great if you are trying to appeal to the generally xenophobic, older, white, ultra right wing kinda Republican who votes in the primaries.

Jeb Bush, love him or hate him, typifies the problem that Republicans have with Presidential elections...you need to appeal to all the crazies to win the nomination, then somehow pivot back to the center to attract the normal folks in the real election

Sure but a big part of his sale's pitch in the primary is going to electability. That will win a lot of votes. He has a good chance to be nominated. Nobody in their lineup is a lock.

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I fear that poor Jeb is running a Presidential campaign, rather than a Primary campaign.

Appealing to the Hispanic vote is a great strategy if you are in a general election, not so great if you are trying to appeal to the generally xenophobic, older, white, ultra right wing kinda Republican who votes in the primaries.

Jeb Bush, love him or hate him, typifies the problem that Republicans have with Presidential elections...you need to appeal to all the crazies to win the nomination, then somehow pivot back to the center to attract the normal folks in the real election

Sure but a big part of his sale's pitch in the primary is going to electability. That will win a lot of votes. He has a good chance to be nominated. Nobody in their lineup is a lock.

I totally disagree with you there. If everyone voted in primaries then your premise would be true, but unfortunately is a small sub section of the electorate that even bothers to vote in primaries, which results in the most extreme wings, dare I say crazy fringes that get nominated. Those folks have no concept of the bigger picture

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How did Romney get the nomination last time then?

He wasn't nearly the most right wing batsheit bonkers of the choices last time.

They thought he could win because he was more moderate.

He didn't of course but that was the reason for his nomination.

Edited by Jingthing
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How did Romney get the nomination last time then?

He wasn't nearly the most right wing batsheit bonkers of the choices last time.

They thought he could win because he was more moderate.

He didn't of course but that was the reason for his nomination.

Just think back how he 'whored' his real beliefs to get the nomination.

That was a guy who actually was quite reasonable, but in some 'blinding flash on the road to Damascus' moment suddenly discovered he was anti Gay, Abortion, Immigration, Poor People...maybe he like Joseph Smith he had some mystical revelation, although I for one think it was more based in self preservation

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that's true. It happen in others countries. Youth is energy, which provide competitivity and productivity are the base for the growth of a country.

if that was true then the countries with the highest birth rate would also be the richest

youth is strong, stupid, and works cheaplaugh.png

a low wage demogrophic

the demographics required to maintain such a work force unfortunately also leads to an overpopulated world and associated problems

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Jeb Gush ... is an idiot ... he will NEVER get 25-30 percent of the Republican vote to even get nominated... Conservatives despise him ..His poll numbers are manufactured by the Carl Rove machine..

Jeb Bush should just admit it and go run for the Democrat Nomination ... his positions are already written in the Democrat platform

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How did Romney get the nomination last time then?

He wasn't nearly the most right wing batsheit bonkers of the choices last time.

They thought he could win because he was more moderate.

He didn't of course but that was the reason for his nomination.

Romney lost because he was weak against Obama in the debates at the end... Romney lost because about 15-20 % of Conservatives refused to vote for him ...

But the GOP / RNC just keeps putting up losers - DOLE / McCain and Romney -- THREE out of FOUR ...

The Bush name would be like lightening rod ... the Leftist that control the Democrat party now will be so shrill in their hatred for the Bush name that before the election was over the low information Democrat voters will think they are voting for G.W. Bush ... Bush would lose to any Democrat candidate by 20 percent and more of the vote. But the GOP/RNC machine must have a malleable man that the big business types can manipulate and the Republican Elitists --- known at the Republican Leadership can feel warm and fuzzy about --- so called leadership anyway ... The GOP / RNC leaders will be so proud of their FOURTH LOSER...

Jeb Bush - is 180 degrees opposite of the 35-40 percent of Republicans that are Conservatives ... Jeb is Liberal Lite ... and will be abandoned by the core of the Republican Party ... who have vowed NEVER AGAIN to vote for the least of two evils ... Jeb only makes headway because of the Party Machine ... not what the Republican voter want ...

If Jeb Bush is the Nominated Republican a majority of Conservatives will not even watch the elections on TV ...

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How did Romney get the nomination last time then?

He wasn't nearly the most right wing batsheit bonkers of the choices last time.

They thought he could win because he was more moderate.

He didn't of course but that was the reason for his nomination.

Romney lost because he was weak against Obama in the debates at the end... Romney lost because about 15-20 % of Conservatives refused to vote for him ...

But the GOP / RNC just keeps putting up losers - DOLE / McCain and Romney -- THREE out of FOUR ...

The Bush name would be like lightening rod ... the Leftist that control the Democrat party now will be so shrill in their hatred for the Bush name that before the election was over the low information Democrat voters will think they are voting for G.W. Bush ... Bush would lose to any Democrat candidate by 20 percent and more of the vote. But the GOP/RNC machine must have a malleable man that the big business types can manipulate and the Republican Elitists --- known at the Republican Leadership can feel warm and fuzzy about --- so called leadership anyway ... The GOP / RNC leaders will be so proud of their FOURTH LOSER...

Jeb Bush - is 180 degrees opposite of the 35-40 percent of Republicans that are Conservatives ... Jeb is Liberal Lite ... and will be abandoned by the core of the Republican Party ... who have vowed NEVER AGAIN to vote for the least of two evils ... Jeb only makes headway because of the Party Machine ... not what the Republican voter want ...

If Jeb Bush is the Nominated Republican a majority of Conservatives will not even watch the elections on TV ...

Jeb Bush would be an attractive candidate, if his last name was not Bush

IMO he does not have an ice cubes chance in hell,

same for Hillary

If the republicans end up with Jeb as their Nominee they will have a fourth looser

and the Dems seem to be making the same mistake with Hillary

If those two end up facing each other in the General, I think will leave the door open for a third party candidate

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How did Romney get the nomination last time then?

He wasn't nearly the most right wing batsheit bonkers of the choices last time.

They thought he could win because he was more moderate.

He didn't of course but that was the reason for his nomination.

Romney lost because he was weak against Obama in the debates at the end... Romney lost because about 15-20 % of Conservatives refused to vote for him ...

But the GOP / RNC just keeps putting up losers - DOLE / McCain and Romney -- THREE out of FOUR ...

The Bush name would be like lightening rod ... the Leftist that control the Democrat party now will be so shrill in their hatred for the Bush name that before the election was over the low information Democrat voters will think they are voting for G.W. Bush ... Bush would lose to any Democrat candidate by 20 percent and more of the vote. But the GOP/RNC machine must have a malleable man that the big business types can manipulate and the Republican Elitists --- known at the Republican Leadership can feel warm and fuzzy about --- so called leadership anyway ... The GOP / RNC leaders will be so proud of their FOURTH LOSER...

Jeb Bush - is 180 degrees opposite of the 35-40 percent of Republicans that are Conservatives ... Jeb is Liberal Lite ... and will be abandoned by the core of the Republican Party ... who have vowed NEVER AGAIN to vote for the least of two evils ... Jeb only makes headway because of the Party Machine ... not what the Republican voter want ...

If Jeb Bush is the Nominated Republican a majority of Conservatives will not even watch the elections on TV ...

Jeb Bush would be an attractive candidate, if his last name was not Bush

IMO he does not have an ice cubes chance in hell,

same for Hillary

If the republicans end up with Jeb as their Nominee they will have a fourth looser

and the Dems seem to be making the same mistake with Hillary

If those two end up facing each other in the General, I think will leave the door open for a third party candidate

. Wrong just a waste of Votes, this country is not smart enough to have 3 Parties, just a Vote Waster, Hilliary Will Win It, btw it's LOSER, Not Looser, sorry pet peeve
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  • 2 weeks later...

How did Romney get the nomination last time then?

He wasn't nearly the most right wing batsheit bonkers of the choices last time.

They thought he could win because he was more moderate.

He didn't of course but that was the reason for his nomination.

Romney lost because he was weak against Obama in the debates at the end... Romney lost because about 15-20 % of Conservatives refused to vote for him ...

But the GOP / RNC just keeps putting up losers - DOLE / McCain and Romney -- THREE out of FOUR ...

The Bush name would be like lightening rod ... the Leftist that control the Democrat party now will be so shrill in their hatred for the Bush name that before the election was over the low information Democrat voters will think they are voting for G.W. Bush ... Bush would lose to any Democrat candidate by 20 percent and more of the vote. But the GOP/RNC machine must have a malleable man that the big business types can manipulate and the Republican Elitists --- known at the Republican Leadership can feel warm and fuzzy about --- so called leadership anyway ... The GOP / RNC leaders will be so proud of their FOURTH LOSER...

Jeb Bush - is 180 degrees opposite of the 35-40 percent of Republicans that are Conservatives ... Jeb is Liberal Lite ... and will be abandoned by the core of the Republican Party ... who have vowed NEVER AGAIN to vote for the least of two evils ... Jeb only makes headway because of the Party Machine ... not what the Republican voter want ...

If Jeb Bush is the Nominated Republican a majority of Conservatives will not even watch the elections on TV ...

Jeb Bush would be an attractive candidate, if his last name was not Bush

IMO he does not have an ice cubes chance in hell,

same for Hillary

If the republicans end up with Jeb as their Nominee they will have a fourth looser

and the Dems seem to be making the same mistake with Hillary

If those two end up facing each other in the General, I think will leave the door open for a third party candidate

He has not even declared him self a candidate

and Jeb is going down in flames trying to defend his brother's Iraq war policy

PS: you know why he has not declared yet? to circumvent election commission rules concerning Supper Packs

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How did Romney get the nomination last time then?

He wasn't nearly the most right wing batsheit bonkers of the choices last time.

They thought he could win because he was more moderate.

He didn't of course but that was the reason for his nomination.

Romney lost because he was weak against Obama in the debates at the end... Romney lost because about 15-20 % of Conservatives refused to vote for him ...

But the GOP / RNC just keeps putting up losers - DOLE / McCain and Romney -- THREE out of FOUR ...

The Bush name would be like lightening rod ... the Leftist that control the Democrat party now will be so shrill in their hatred for the Bush name that before the election was over the low information Democrat voters will think they are voting for G.W. Bush ... Bush would lose to any Democrat candidate by 20 percent and more of the vote. But the GOP/RNC machine must have a malleable man that the big business types can manipulate and the Republican Elitists --- known at the Republican Leadership can feel warm and fuzzy about --- so called leadership anyway ... The GOP / RNC leaders will be so proud of their FOURTH LOSER...

Jeb Bush - is 180 degrees opposite of the 35-40 percent of Republicans that are Conservatives ... Jeb is Liberal Lite ... and will be abandoned by the core of the Republican Party ... who have vowed NEVER AGAIN to vote for the least of two evils ... Jeb only makes headway because of the Party Machine ... not what the Republican voter want ...

If Jeb Bush is the Nominated Republican a majority of Conservatives will not even watch the elections on TV ...

All the reliable and respected surveys of R party voters say upwards of 40% of Republicans reject the Bush candidacy and say they will not vote for another Bush, not in a primary vote or in the GE.

Independent voters leaning R say the same thing and even more strongly than the Rs opposed to another Bush say.

It is highly unlikely that this time around the R party voters will accept choosing a centrist, even a center-right candidate such as JEB (John Ellis Bush), Chris Christie or anyone like either. It's more likely the R's will choose either Scott Walker or Marco Rubio with a very outside possibility of Rand Paul, each of whom is decidedly on the right.

JEB has the HRC 2008 problem of being considered the front runner in the respective party, but of not having an actual avenue to the nomination.

As with HRC in 2008, JEB presumes nomination but hasn't enough of a base to succeed. The R party besides has at least a couple of equivalent Barack Obama upstarts whom I've already identified. JEB is as incompetent on the issues in this go-around as HRC was in her 2008 fiasco, and each staff incompetent too.

JEB is demonstrating an acute chronic fumbling and bumbling incompetence on the nomination campaign trail, as did HRC in 2008 and as Mitt Romney did in 2008 also. HRC in 08 had and JEB now has the same problem of being too much in charge of the campaign which means for one important thing he wanders and fumbles much too much in his self-drafted public statements. It also shows a distrust of top strategists and advisors.

The critical difference in securing the nomination is that this is the second time around for HRC and she's doing it up with an impressive savvy. The same was true of Sen John McCain who won nomination in 08 after losing in 2000, Mitt Romney who succeeded in nomination in 12 after falling down in 08, and now HRC in 16 after blowing it in 08.

Barack Obama demonstrates not everyone needs two bites at the apple, but since 2000 Prez Obama is the only one to do it all with only one bite (GW Bush did it in 2000 on his parents' coattails).

JEB started out slipping and sliding at the top of the hillside of presidential and party politics and he's only continued to slip bit by bit a step at a time down from the upper heights. JEB is finding out he himself is on a slippery slope as he tries to gain his footing. Everything indicates he'll soon look like a helter-skelter downhill Wile E. Coyote in Gucci shoes trying to balance with arms extended but whose only stop will occur when he meets up with a giant tree.

Edited by Publicus
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