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Joh Bjelke Petersen had a great idea, decades ago:

"Just leave them be keep to themselves, and they will breed themselves out of existence" drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEEfKmimwR

No we leave the breeding and expense of raising our young to you heteros, that's why we have fabulous cars, homes, and vacations ?

You forgot to mention, great cheap funerals toothumbsup.gif
I hate to contemplate the meaning of your statement...maybe JT can explain it as he seems to be one of the haters now. Maybe I should just report it as hate speech.

Not too sure why you struggle with understanding or why you think JT would need to explain.

Its pretty simple, you stated unlike heteros who raise kids, while you(whoever that may be,, from my understanding ladyboy lover) has great cars, homes etc.

So you do not have kids and when you die, funeral would be cheap, because no family to attend, memorial would be cheap because no need to engrave the name of kids. So basically die alone, so again no need put on a big wake.

I do struggle to understand though, you prefer man who look like women,, is it confusion? or something else?

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I'm sorry if my post was offensive to you. It certainly wasn't my intent...but a sincere inquiry. To be perfectly frank, on this topic, I find little difference between your posted opinions, couched in slightly more polite language, and the out and out trans-bashers and haters speech posted throughout this thread. With the latest being some kook wishing them cheap funerals, whatever that's supposed to mean.

Maybe it's time to close the thread as any topic concerning ladyboys seems to bring out all the homophobes...seemingly because they know they can't openly bash gays on the forum without drawing a red-card or worse, so they double down on the trans bashing as an acceptable substitute.

Gay and ladyboy are not one of the same. People happily accept gay, people do not accept men who look like women and yet act like men and are notoriously known for their crime activities.

Just because you confused, does not mean others arethumbsup.gif


It's a matter of abusive and/or criminal behavior, not transgender status.

Transgender people deserve the same rights and basic respect and dignity as everyone else.

Transgender people acting obnoxiously and or criminally deserve the same disdain as others behaving that way.

THIS thread is about such misbehaving transgender persons.


Joh Bjelke Petersen had a great idea, decades ago:

"Just leave them be keep to themselves, and they will breed themselves out of existence" drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEEfKmimwR

No we leave the breeding and expense of raising our young to you heteros, that's why we have fabulous cars, homes, and vacations ?

You forgot to mention, great cheap funerals toothumbsup.gif
I hate to contemplate the meaning of your statement...maybe JT can explain it as he seems to be one of the haters now. Maybe I should just report it as hate speech.

Not too sure why you struggle with understanding or why you think JT would need to explain.

Its pretty simple, you stated unlike heteros who raise kids, while you(whoever that may be,, from my understanding ladyboy lover) has great cars, homes etc.

So you do not have kids and when you die, funeral would be cheap, because no family to attend, memorial would be cheap because no need to engrave the name of kids. So basically die alone, so again no need put on a big wake.

I do struggle to understand though, you prefer man who look like women,, is it confusion? or something else?

Oh so fags don't have mothers or fathers, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, colleagues, and others who might want to attend their funeral...so you subscribe to the canard that all queers and homos lead empty solitary lives of quiet desperation (preying on little boys no doubt) and die alone (by suicide right). You're truly one sick <deleted>...and if that opinion get me a suspension I'll gladly wear it with honor.


Gay and ladyboy are not one of the same. People happily accept gay, people do not accept men who look like women and yet act like men and are notoriously known for their crime activities.

Just because you confused, does not mean others arethumbsup.gif

When I was teaching in Thailand the children called all the gay boys, "Ladyboys." Were all the Thai children confused too?whistling.gif


Oh so fags don't have mothers or fathers, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, colleagues, and others who might want to attend their funeral...so you subscribe to the canard that all queers and homos lead empty solitary lives of quiet desperation (preying on little boys no doubt) and die alone (by suicide right). You're truly one sick <deleted>...and if that opinion get me a suspension I'll gladly wear it with honor.

Well, planet where i come from, parents usually get older before kids and die before kids, leaving kids to bury the parents.

Seems you have some serious issues, perhaps best to take it up with medical professional instead of leashing out at people.thumbsup.gif


Gay and ladyboy are not one of the same. People happily accept gay, people do not accept men who look like women and yet act like men and are notoriously known for their crime activities.

Just because you confused, does not mean others arethumbsup.gif

When I was teaching in Thailand the children called all the gay boys, "Ladyboys." Were all the Thai children confused too?whistling.gif

Thai kids also do not know geography, does that mean there are no other countries in the world?


Gay and ladyboy are not one of the same. People happily accept gay, people do not accept men who look like women and yet act like men and are notoriously known for their crime activities.

Just because you confused, does not mean others arethumbsup.gif

When I was teaching in Thailand the children called all the gay boys, "Ladyboys." Were all the Thai children confused too?whistling.gif

Thai culture traditionally has a place for transgender men (that's about gender identity). It does NOT have a traditional place for the more modern concept of gay male identity (that's about sexual orientation), which came from the west. So not sure I would say they are confused. They are Thai. The western view and modern view which more modern Thais are aware of as well, is that gender identity and sexual orientation are very different things.

Of course there has been gay sex through the ages in Thailand and everywhere, not talking here about gay sex when referring to the modern and western concept of gay male as an IDENTITY.


Gay and ladyboy are not one of the same. People happily accept gay, people do not accept men who look like women and yet act like men and are notoriously known for their crime activities.

Just because you confused, does not mean others arethumbsup.gif

When I was teaching in Thailand the children called all the gay boys, "Ladyboys." Were all the Thai children confused too?whistling.gif

Thai culture traditionally has a place for transgender men (that's about gender identity). It does NOT have a traditional place for the more modern concept of gay male identity (that's about sexual orientation), which came from the west. So not sure I would say they are confused. They are Thai. The western view and modern view which more modern Thais are aware of as well, is that gender identity and sexual orientation are very different things.

Of course there has been gay sex through the ages in Thailand and everywhere, not talking here about gay sex when referring to the modern concept of gay male as an IDENTITY.

Seems the only question then is are we discussing traditional gays in the West or in Thailand. You are of course correct in the West, however this is Thailand and when Thais refer to a man as a ladyboy they mean gay (except the modern Thais of which there are 3 in Bangkok and 2 in CM).


Gay and ladyboy are not one of the same. People happily accept gay, people do not accept men who look like women and yet act like men and are notoriously known for their crime activities.

Just because you confused, does not mean others arethumbsup.gif

When I was teaching in Thailand the children called all the gay boys, "Ladyboys." Were all the Thai children confused too?whistling.gif

Thai culture traditionally has a place for transgender men (that's about gender identity). It does NOT have a traditional place for the more modern concept of gay male identity (that's about sexual orientation), which came from the west. So not sure I would say they are confused. They are Thai. The western view and modern view which more modern Thais are aware of as well, is that gender identity and sexual orientation are very different things.

Of course there has been gay sex through the ages in Thailand and everywhere, not talking here about gay sex when referring to the modern concept of gay male as an IDENTITY.

Seems the only question then is are we discussing traditional gays in the West or in Thailand. You are of course correct in the West, however this is Thailand and when Thais refer to a man as a ladyboy they mean gay (except the modern Thais of which there are 3 in Bangkok and 2 in CM).

To the best of my knowledge, there are no Thai kids who are members of this forum or posting in this thread, so would be safe to assume we are discussing from Western point of view, Being ignorant is never really something to be proud of. even when it comes to kids


In my opinion, a lot of males who would have been mainstream gay men if they grow up in the west, identify as ladyboys because there is a social understanding for that here and there isn't for western model gay male identity. Those people aren't REAL transgender persons in the sense of actually thinking they are the different gender mentally.

I think the opposite is true in the west ... that naturally effeminate boys that would instantly be labeled ladyboy in Thailand would generally not do that in the west, instead they would identify as gay unless there was a very strong internal feeling that they were born the wrong sex ("real" trangender) which is of course quite a bit more rare then being gay.

I'm sure also some Thai boys who go into the lady boy clique because it's there also grow up to be mainstream gay men, either masculine or effeminate, but when adult not identifying as ladyboy, but rather as gay, and never having considered themselves not male gender.

Different societies have different pressures and social conventions on these matters.

Thailand's are pretty darn unique.


When I was teaching in Thailand the children called all the gay boys, "Ladyboys." Were all the Thai children confused too?whistling.gif

Thai culture traditionally has a place for transgender men (that's about gender identity). It does NOT have a traditional place for the more modern concept of gay male identity (that's about sexual orientation), which came from the west. So not sure I would say they are confused. They are Thai. The western view and modern view which more modern Thais are aware of as well, is that gender identity and sexual orientation are very different things.

Of course there has been gay sex through the ages in Thailand and everywhere, not talking here about gay sex when referring to the modern concept of gay male as an IDENTITY.

Seems the only question then is are we discussing traditional gays in the West or in Thailand. You are of course correct in the West, however this is Thailand and when Thais refer to a man as a ladyboy they mean gay (except the modern Thais of which there are 3 in Bangkok and 2 in CM).

To the best of my knowledge, there are no Thai kids who are members of this forum or posting in this thread, so would be safe to assume we are discussing from Western point of view, Being ignorant is never really something to be proud of. even when it comes to kids

My point was Thai children are taught to call gay men ladyboys from a young age and that term is accepted in Thailand. I think you should get used to it if you live in Thailand and interact with Thai people and stop casting aspersions on Thai people identified as ladyboys by calling them straight men (I think that was you, my apologies if I got it wrong,)


I personally do not give a flying bleep about what goes on behind

closed doors, and what organ goes in what hole . However what

I do resent is the criminal behavior exhibited by what seems to

be a large percent of the transgender community.

The best thing that group could do is to publicly denounce the

criminal element,rather than protect them. This would go miles

towards a more genial acceptance by the public at large.

If you want to wear a woman's clothes, don a wig and prance

around , that is fine. If you want to attack someone who resisted

your ridiculous" advances", then they should go straight to jail where

they belong.


I don't think Thai ladyboy sex workers are straight men.

There are straight men who get erotic thrills by dressing in women's clothing, but that's a fetish.

There are also some straight men "drag" performers who dress up and put on shows.


Not sure about homophobia regarding overly aggressive transgender sex workers.

I'm totally gay and feel threatened by their monstrous behavior as well.

I don't want sex with them and I don't want to be attacked by them either.

They want money from me for that ... should be the other way around, and no, still not interested.

The ones that do like them are normally NOT gay men.

They're usually straight men walking on the wild side.

No it doesn't help to tell them you're gay ... a lot of them get angry to hear that because they KNOW gay men aren't into them. Gay men usually like persons that present as MALES. They don't.

PC people, don't get me wrong.

I'm all for civil rights for people of all genders and sexualities.

But overly aggressive sex workers, and face it, the most agressive ones are usually transgender types, are public hazards in my book.

To be fair a fair portion of all kinds of sex workers are sometimes thieves, or worse ... behind closed doors.

Wow...what a bunch of hogwash, with a side order of transgender queer bashing...kinda negates those other 50,000 posts. Maybe you should stick to food, which is something you obviously enjoy and know something about, and not comment on transsexuals and the people who love them.
Haha, even your own "kind" don't like them. As he said they are a public hazard, and should be banned/removed in the interest of public safety.

Eventually one day they will attack a VIP and then hopefully the army will get rid of them once and for all.

Some good company your keeping with here JT...your a "kind" now. How does it feel to be accepted and be one with the haters? This guy sounds like he wants to round them up and make them wear pink stars...sound familiar...be careful...they'll come for you next.
Stop baiting me.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I'm sorry if my post was offensive to you. It certainly wasn't my intent...but a sincere inquiry. To be perfectly frank, on this topic, I find little difference between your posted opinions, couched in slightly more polite language, and the out and out trans-bashers and haters speech posted throughout this thread. With the latest being some kook wishing them cheap funerals, whatever that's supposed to mean (some of these people are truly sickos...they remind me of the early days of the AIDS crises when many were happy for god's "just" punishment of the queers.)

Maybe it's time to close the thread as any topic concerning ladyboys seems to bring out all the homophobes...seemingly because they know they can't openly bash gays on the forum without drawing a red-card or worse, so they double down on the trans bashing as an acceptable substitute.

Are you low on IQ or something? People get robbed left and right by LBs, evidenced by both the news and many posters personal experiences - and when they get upset about it you consider it homophobia!

Btw, the cheap funeral may have referred to the fact that if you get no kids and grandkids, then there wont be many ppl attending your funeral, hence a cheap funeral. But sure, could have been AIDS too, although I fail to see how that makes a funeral cheap?

Last but not least, if the average gay guy thinks like you, then yes, I am a homophobe :-)


I think some are implying that there is a higher percent of lady boy criminals in Pattaya than normal criminals and I would dispute that and I'm sure so would the Pattaya police. I think the high heels prevent them from doing most burglaries and snatch and grab motorbike stuff to say nothing about getting into fights about football games.


My point was Thai children are taught to call gay men ladyboys from a young age and that term is accepted in Thailand. I think you should get used to it if you live in Thailand and interact with Thai people and stop casting aspersions on Thai people identified as ladyboys by calling them straight men (I think that was you, my apologies if I got it wrong,)

Haha. So if Thai people start jumping off the cliffs I should also follow?


I think some are implying that there is a higher percent of lady boy criminals in Pattaya than normal criminals and I would dispute that and I'm sure so would the Pattaya police. I think the high heels prevent them from doing most burglaries and snatch and grab motorbike stuff to say nothing about getting into fights about football games.

If you wish to compare with criminals in general, then you have to divide the amount criminals in pattaya with the entire population of pattaya, and then match that percentage with the the amount of criminal LBs divided by the total number of LBs in Pattaya. If you do that then I am willing to bet anything that police records will show a far higher percentage among LBs.

If we discuss people working in the nightlife industry then there are probably at least 10 times more female workers than LBs in Pattaya, yet if you check the news, theft and robbery committed by ladyboys are much more common that theft and robbery committed by girls, which suggests that ladyboys are at least 10 times (probably much more) more likely to be thieves and robbers than their female counterparts.

It makes sense though, as men in general are much more likely to be criminals than women, and men on drugs (hormones) even more so.

I dont want anyone grabbing me on the crotch or reaching towards any of my pockets and I believe I have a right to expect that.

So you're never going to fly again ? It is not the first time airport security grabs me there !

Then you really have a problem if you cant distinguish between someone who has a legal and valid reason to place their hands on you and someone who does not. If I went to the doctor and asked him to make certain key health checks for men over 50, I dont push him away when he slips on a rubber glove and asks me to bend over - it would be a very different story if the creature in the accompanying photo made the same request.

Just a little tip for you WW, when your doctor slips on a rubber glove, asks you to bend over and commences the examination, make sure he doesn't have both hands on your shoulders!whistling.gif


Well OMG managed to totally derail this with the perpetual, "Are katoeys gay or is it just their customers (...or just me)?" conundrum. That along with his (?) and some others inability to address the forum prompt 'you have responded to too many quotes' properly. Rather than trim the diatribe or even just shut up, they turn off the BB code and then post the whole, basically unreadable string of unformatted text. Thanks!

So, back on topic. Irish guy defended himself from unsolicited sexual advances .TEXT REMOVED but this refusal to engage was ignored. The ensuing physical contact resulted in TEXT REMOVED getting dropped to their rightful place in that particular social arena, whereupon the gender-confused (politically correct description) miscreant went postal with an offensive weapon. I can almost hear what the barking must have sounded like.

I would be happy to buy the Irish guy a drink.


3 days after the attempted murder (spike in the head) of this Irish tourist, the culprit is back on Walking Street looking for the next victim.

ldyby1.jpg ldyby.jpg


That is indeed good news. Perhaps someone in charge has finally realised what a menace these LBs are to Pattaya - and everywhere else.

Unfortunately they will probably continue warning them instead of putting them in prison where they belong.


Troll post and a couple of replies removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


3 days after the attempted murder (spike in the head) of this Irish tourist, the culprit is back on Walking Street looking for the next victim.

attachicon.gifldyby1.jpg attachicon.gifldyby.jpg


Yes, i just wanted to post the same thing. You was faster. So, what we learn? These freaks enjoy a fool's license. They just pay 100 baht and are free to go. It's a shame.


I guess both sides, the ladyboys and the homophobes, should learn to exert some restraint.

Wishful thinking I know.

eh? So a straight person refusing the advances and offers of sex from another man is homophobic? How about the aggressive and violent ladyboys understanding that no, means no? How about they understand that it's not acceptable to harass people who are minding their own business? How about they understand it's not normal to chase people backwards and forwards on their motorbikes when the only sign of interest the person made was simply riding his motorbike? If a man does this shit to a woman it's sexual harassment, why do ladyboys think it's acceptable or normal?

Anywhere else in Thaliand other than Pattaya\Walking St, it doesn't appear to be normal or acceptable. Maybe Nana Plaza is an exception - I've had my bits grabbed a couple of times in there.

However it certainly does appear to be normal in Walking St - though perhaps not acceptable to some foreigners. On the 2 occasions I've been there with my partner of 8 years - also a 'ladyboy', I was groped on numerous occasions. It didn't bother me or my partner, who I thought might have had something to say about it, but just laughed and said "now you know Walking St".

I think the thing to remember is that Walking St is a 'red light' zone, and as such there's a good chance you are going to get sexual advances made to you by women, men and transexuals. In such a scenario I'm not sure that the appropriate response is to push someone with such force that they fall to the ground. I've had by bits squeezed by women in pubs in the UK before - I never felt the need to respond by pushing them over. I cant help wondering if Mr Marry would have responded in the same manner if it was a pretty young Thai girl giving his nuts a squeeze....

"In such a scenario I'm not sure that the appropriate response is to push someone with such force that they fall to the ground".

+1. In any red light district in the world if someone should push any hooker that way the answer would have been similar.

But you will notice that this post of you did not get a single like whistling.gif


3 days after the attempted murder (spike in the head) of this Irish tourist, the culprit is back on Walking Street looking for the next victim.

attachicon.gifldyby1.jpg attachicon.gifldyby.jpg


Maybe that's why media never report about the case progress...

That is because there is no case " progress" for the media. In the real world this <DELETED>

would be facing major jail time for assault with a deadly weapon. Here in Amazing Thailand

it is able to pay some minor fine, and then be out robbing a new tourist.


3 days after the attempted murder (spike in the head) of this Irish tourist, the culprit is back on Walking Street looking for the next victim.

Yes, i just wanted to post the same thing. You was faster. So, what we learn? These freaks enjoy a fool's license. They just pay 100 baht and are free to go. It's a shame.

I can't imagine there isn't somebody getting yelled at right now for letting that picture show up in the media.

Really reflects poorly on the city's commitment to protect visitors. Which, of course, damages Thailand's tourism image...


i dont like lady boys and being grabbed against my will,i consider it assault,if this makes me a homophobe then so be it.

But if its a lady it's just cute and brushed off and not reported, no big deal.

Why are they sitting on the floor in the pic? Bizarre setup.

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