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Police to charge ex-nurse for murder and theft

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Bangkok: –Metropolitan Police will charge suspect Sirikan Suwanfoo, 28 for killing Sommat Pongpokha, 61, and stealing his car following a tryst on April 11.

The case is expected to be transferred to the jurisdiction of Crime Suppression Division to complete the police report because the crimes happened in Bangkok and several provinces.

Sommat’s wife Aimon Pongpokhafiled a missing person report on April 20 at Min Buri police station, saying her husband had suspiciously disappeared after he said he would take the April 11 trip to Kanchanaburi.

Looking into the disappearance, investigators came across a police report dated April 14 that the body of an unidentified man was uncovered at a roadside in Chachoengsao.

The body was partially burned using a car rubber mat to start the fire.

Sommat’s relatives later identified his body.

Investigators subsequently reclassified the case as a possible murder. They found evidence that Sirikan was the last person seen with the victim.

On May 2, police detained Sirikan who was living with her boyfriend in Udon Thani and took her for questioning.

In her statement, Sirikan said the victim had died of Viagra overdose, denying the murder charge although admitting to disposing and burning his body and to stealing his car.

She said she worked as a nurse at a Lad Phrao hospital when she met the victim through social media.

She has presently been working as a caretaker for the elderly.

She said she had an affair with the victim. For the April 11 tryst, they met at a love motel on Bangna-Trat Road.

The victim took Viagra and had a seizure and died while making love to her.

Out of panic, she asked one of the motel’s attendants to help carrying his body to the car before driving out, she said. She told the attendant he passed out and that she was the nurse to take him to the hospital, she added.

She drove toward Chachoengsao and found a deserted spot to dispose of his body.

Then she drove to Udon

Thani “to wait for things to cool down”, she said. In the meantime, she bought a fake license plate for 2,000 baht to put on the stolen car.

Police said they had evidence to back up the murder charge.

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Angels of Mercy, Its great to see the value of human life extends into the medical profession.

He died of a Viagra overdose?

What did she do, choke him on the pills after slipping him a mickey finn???

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Hold it just a minute. How are they going to charge her with murder if the guy, on his own, took Viagra, then died while having sex?

Did she force him to take Viagra?

Was the sex so good, so passionate, that his heart couldn't handle it?

From my point of view, she's definitely guilty of trying to hide his death, but that's about it. Sorry, but i don't see how you can charge her with murder, unless there is a lot more to this story we're not being told.

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Hold it just a minute. How are they going to charge her with murder if the guy, on his own, took Viagra, then died while having sex?

Did she force him to take Viagra?

Was the sex so good, so passionate, that his heart couldn't handle it?

From my point of view, she's definitely guilty of trying to hide his death, but that's about it. Sorry, but i don't see how you can charge her with murder, unless there is a lot more to this story we're not being told.

I suppose they think she's lying.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Hold it just a minute. How are they going to charge her with murder if the guy, on his own, took Viagra, then died while having sex?

Did she force him to take Viagra?

Was the sex so good, so passionate, that his heart couldn't handle it?

From my point of view, she's definitely guilty of trying to hide his death, but that's about it. Sorry, but i don't see how you can charge her with murder, unless there is a lot more to this story we're not being told.

Hold it just a minute. How are they going to charge her with murder if the guy, on his own, took Viagra, then died while having sex?

Did she force him to take Viagra?

Was the sex so good, so passionate, that his heart couldn't handle it?

And you believe a person who dumped a body on a deserted road, set it ablaze, bought fake license plates and kept his car? If he died of Viagra overdose (I don't think so), or had a heart attack, she, as a nurse, would know that an autopsy would prove she didn't kill him and she would not be charged. You aren't the suspicious type, are you? New to Thailand?

I'll wait for the autopsy to see if she poisoned him or he died of natural causes, Still, her actions after the death are unforgivable. Imagine the family having to identify a burned corpse as their loved one after days of worrying about him.

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Hold it just a minute. How are they going to charge her with murder if the guy, on his own, took Viagra, then died while having sex?

Did she force him to take Viagra?

Was the sex so good, so passionate, that his heart couldn't handle it?

From my point of view, she's definitely guilty of trying to hide his death, but that's about it. Sorry, but i don't see how you can charge her with murder, unless there is a lot more to this story we're not being told.

How about the part of the report that says: 'Police said they had evidence to back up the murder charge.'

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Perhaps after she admitting dumping the guy's body on a remote roadside, trying to burn it, and then running off and stealing his car....

Just perhaps, the police aren't entirely buying her version of it being a Viagra overdose... Just perhaps...

Not to mention, no apparent effort to resuscitate him and/or call for medical aid at the love motel.

Feel sorry for the wife. Bad enough to lose one's husband, but to lose him under those circumstances. Yeesh!

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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As a nurse she is supposed to know an autopsy would reveal a heart attack, as she claims.
So she could have walked free when this was the real cause of death and she had brought the body to hospital/police, or just had called the police.

She burned the body and stole the car, so she did at least 2 things that are criminal.

What more you need to at least investigate this as a murder?

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The hotel 'attendant' seems to me to be the key. When he helped her take the body to the car he must have known something was not quite right. Did he help to prop him up in a seat or put him in the boot.

Lifting a dead body out of a car alone to burn it is some feat for anyone, let alone a woman.

I find the whole thing, simply based on the OP, bizzare.

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Hold it just a minute. How are they going to charge her with murder if the guy, on his own, took Viagra, then died while having sex?

Did she force him to take Viagra?

Was the sex so good, so passionate, that his heart couldn't handle it?

From my point of view, she's definitely guilty of trying to hide his death, but that's about it. Sorry, but i don't see how you can charge her with murder, unless there is a lot more to this story we're not being told.

Are you naive ? Just because she stated that's what happened doesn't mean that is what really occurred. The police may have other evidence such as no viagra in his system, strangulation marks , blunt force trauma marks or poison and that's why they charged her with murdering him.Depends on what the autopsy results of the death are not some made up story she gave.

Edited by Tony125
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if it is proved the man died from taking Viagra she cant be charged with murder attempting to conceal a body is a crime and stealing the car should be taken into account ..

Everyone seems to miss the point.......an overdose of viagra can't kill you! It doesn't work that way! Wood ducks!! thumbsup.gifsmile.pngcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

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Hold it just a minute. How are they going to charge her with murder if the guy, on his own, took Viagra, then died while having sex?

Did she force him to take Viagra?

Was the sex so good, so passionate, that his heart couldn't handle it?

From my point of view, she's definitely guilty of trying to hide his death, but that's about it. Sorry, but i don't see how you can charge her with murder, unless there is a lot more to this story we're not being told.

You should be really so naive to believe that woman's story. Someone who tries to hide someone's death, steals the car and changes the plate number, deceiving the motel attendant that the man passed out and she was a nurse taking him to hospital. Not just threw the corpse but went as far as burning it and you just believe that the man died of overdosed Viagra. Very very strange how some of us can easily believe and be deceived by women. According to you, she should not be charged for murder. If she didn't kill the man, why did she hide the body? Why did she steal his car? Why did she try to burn his body? Why did she not report or call for help when the man passed out? She is a murderer and should be charged for his death.

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if it is proved the man died from taking Viagra she cant be charged with murder attempting to conceal a body is a crime and stealing the car should be taken into account ..

Everyone seems to miss the point.......an overdose of viagra can't kill you! It doesn't work that way! Wood ducks!! thumbsup.gifsmile.pngcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

I didn't miss the point, it was the first response too. Do you miss my point?
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if it is proved the man died from taking Viagra she cant be charged with murder attempting to conceal a body is a crime and stealing the car should be taken into account ..

Everyone seems to miss the point.......an overdose of viagra can't kill you! It doesn't work that way! Wood ducks!! thumbsup.gifsmile.pngcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

I didn't miss the point, it was the first response too. Do you miss my point?

You need to check your medical notes again. An overdose, and sometimes even a regular dose, of Viagra, Cialis or Levetra CAN kills you if you just happen to have a heart problem, high blood pressure, or have had a stroke. After I had my stroke, one of the first things my doctor told me was NO Viagra, Cialis, etc, as even just one pill could kill me. Please do try to keep up with medical news.

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Hold it just a minute. How are they going to charge her with murder if the guy, on his own, took Viagra, then died while having sex?

Did she force him to take Viagra?

Was the sex so good, so passionate, that his heart couldn't handle it?

From my point of view, she's definitely guilty of trying to hide his death, but that's about it. Sorry, but i don't see how you can charge her with murder, unless there is a lot more to this story we're not being told.

I suppose they think she's lying.

The guy who helped her carry the body may have some useful info.

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I'm not sure if it was the .38 diameter hole between his eyes or the carving knife sticking out of his ribs that gave the BIB their first clue.

Wow, talk about jumping to conclusions, the hole in his forehead and knife in his ribs were obviously the results of bad aim while attempting to perform a tracheotomy.

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if it is proved the man died from taking Viagra she cant be charged with murder attempting to conceal a body is a crime and stealing the car should be taken into account ..

Everyone seems to miss the point.......an overdose of viagra can't kill you! It doesn't work that way! Wood ducks!! thumbsup.gifsmile.pngcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

I didn't miss the point, it was the first response too. Do you miss my point?

You need to check your medical notes again. An overdose, and sometimes even a regular dose, of Viagra, Cialis or Levetra CAN kills you if you just happen to have a heart problem, high blood pressure, or have had a stroke. After I had my stroke, one of the first things my doctor told me was NO Viagra, Cialis, etc, as even just one pill could kill me. Please do try to keep up with medical news.

thats what she told them, until there is evidence that he indeed took viagra,people do lie to get off with murder

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