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Thai politics: It's not possible to eradicate those with different views


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The human trash he is talking about are those who would give some low-life an M79 and a few thousand baht then tell them to go fire it into groups of innocent men, women and children.

If you need to be told who they are, you are an idiot.

If you know but don't think they are trash, you are that same trash yourself.

It suits the red-shirts here who are always foaming at the mouth to say Prayuth thinks this of all red-shirts when he most certainly does not.

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The word he's looking for is not to "eradicate" it's "convert"

He needs to convert those who " didn't vote Democrat" in the last election, not forgetting it wasn't just Redshirts, it was all the other political parties that were not Democrat.

He needs to "convert" the views and opinions to that of what party? He is clearly aligning himself to one political faction despite his claims early on he has no political affiliation to anyone!!

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I was wondering whether any genius would manage to introduce a reference to Thaksin in a completely unrelated subject but concluded that even the pitiful quisling group would grasp there was no conceivable relevance.I was wrong.

Actually it is also moronic at another level.Whatever his faults Thaksin could not be accused of despising any group of his fellow countrymen.

While I wouldn't be prepared to claim to know the thoughts of another, I must point out that Thaksin is quite prepared to use hatred of one group of his countrymen as a political tool. The speeches of his mercenary propagandists in the UDD are littered with references to the "Bangkok elite" in a more than disparaging way, and how they are the cause of all the ills, real and otherwise, that befall his supporters.

It appears that the repeated attempts to promote class division, and advocating violent methods to remedy the situation, was the cause for closure of Peace TV. Just a different point of view to some I suppose.

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The word he's looking for is not to "eradicate" it's "convert"

He needs to convert those who " didn't vote Democrat" in the last election, not forgetting it wasn't just Redshirts, it was all the other political parties that were not Democrat.

He needs to "convert" the views and opinions to that of what party? He is clearly aligning himself to one political faction despite his claims early on he has no political affiliation to anyone!!

i would go for educate. Hopefully there is some peaceful way to convince people that electing criminals who promise much and deliver very little except their own corruption is foolish. Unfortunately, bitter and expensive experience may be the only way, and there nearly as many who are not prepared to pay that price.

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But according to some posters here , Peace TV had toned their rhetoric down quite a lot in recent months, and on the flip side, others state it had not, so what is the truth?

How many of those here who are championing it's closure speak and read fluent Thai to have been able to watch the broadcast in question, and state it was indeed bang out of order?

How is the reconciliation process ever going to move forwards, when words like "eradicate" are used?

Until the Thai electorate are all treated as equals, then it's never ever going to narrow the chasm that's very apparent there just now.

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The word he's looking for is not to "eradicate" it's "convert"

He needs to convert those who " didn't vote Democrat" in the last election, not forgetting it wasn't just Redshirts, it was all the other political parties that were not Democrat.

He needs to "convert" the views and opinions to that of what party? He is clearly aligning himself to one political faction despite his claims early on he has no political affiliation to anyone!!

i would go for educate. Hopefully there is some peaceful way to convince people that electing criminals who promise much and deliver very little except their own corruption is foolish. Unfortunately, bitter and expensive experience may be the only way, and there nearly as many who are not prepared to pay that price.

I agree, but how would you go about doing this? It's like convincing a life long labour supporter to start voting Tories, it's a huge task, and you cannot make people change, they have to want to change, how do you go about educating those who have never voted democrats, and lets face it, this is what they're wanting, even well before the Thaksin era, those who didn't want to vote Democrats did so why? Is it not more likely they have always considered them to be associated with the elite, the rich and powerful?

Thaksin isn't the problem, it's the democrats themselves, they need to be more appealing to those in the far corners of the country, where they didn't pick up many votes.

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But according to some posters here , Peace TV had toned their rhetoric down quite a lot in recent months, and on the flip side, others state it had not, so what is the truth?

How many of those here who are championing it's closure speak and read fluent Thai to have been able to watch the broadcast in question, and state it was indeed bang out of order?

How is the reconciliation process ever going to move forwards, when words like "eradicate" are used?

Until the Thai electorate are all treated as equals, then it's never ever going to narrow the chasm that's very apparent there just now.

Don't look to me, man. I have a translator app with a reddish tinge, but even she won't go near Peace TV. I'll drop the "human garbage" on her when she gets back from the market, see if the response is the same as from a farang view.

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"We must eradicate human trash ['kaya manut'] from this country," he said."

To Hitler trash was the Jews.

To Putin trash was the gays.

To Stalin trash was the intellectuals.

To Mao trash was the middle class.

To Prayut trash is EVERY free-thinking Thai.

And to your hero Thaksin - trash is anyone not a Shiniwatra.

And this is an example that this attitude is not just limited to Thais, but to many on this board.... The attitude that you are either for or with me, or you are against me.... black vs white... right vs wrong. Prayut is part of the problem and he is not alone since the political elite are full of them. To Prayut, reconciliation is that everyone has to recognize his view is right and everyone who disagrees is wrong. He is demonstrating why reconciliation is not possible.

Reconciliation comes from understanding different people have different point of views and when you elected to office -- you are there to represent the whole country... not just those that voted for you.

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The word he's looking for is not to "eradicate" it's "convert"

He needs to convert those who " didn't vote Democrat" in the last election, not forgetting it wasn't just Redshirts, it was all the other political parties that were not Democrat.

He needs to "convert" the views and opinions to that of what party? He is clearly aligning himself to one political faction despite his claims early on he has no political affiliation to anyone!!

i would go for educate. Hopefully there is some peaceful way to convince people that electing criminals who promise much and deliver very little except their own corruption is foolish. Unfortunately, bitter and expensive experience may be the only way, and there nearly as many who are not prepared to pay that price.

I agree, but how would you go about doing this? It's like convincing a life long labour supporter to start voting Tories, it's a huge task, and you cannot make people change, they have to want to change, how do you go about educating those who have never voted democrats, and lets face it, this is what they're wanting, even well before the Thaksin era, those who didn't want to vote Democrats did so why? Is it not more likely they have always considered them to be associated with the elite, the rich and powerful?

Thaksin isn't the problem, it's the democrats themselves, they need to be more appealing to those in the far corners of the country, where they didn't pick up many votes.

In some of the not so far corners, Democrat canvassers were harassed and intimidated, I don't need to say by whom. And I remember in blind surveys, northern voters actually preferred Democrat policies (2011 election?). It's hard to overcome the Thaksin propaganda machine which makes the elite association, along with a number of other slurs including murderers.

in the same areas, I was surprised that some of the people I spoke to had never heard of "allegations" that Thaksin was corrupt. OTOH some of the younger people were virulently anti-Thaksin. I was warned not to express my views outside family groups or when certain others were present.

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Another very poorly written article purely designed to stir up a certain percentage of TVF posters. Could not be bothered listing the errors in this grammatical dog's breakfast except to say there are many.

Lots of anti-junta comments - mission accomplished !

Let's ignore all the aggressive rhetoric Prayuth was spewing because we are the Grammar police cheesy.gif


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The word he's looking for is not to "eradicate" it's "convert"

He needs to convert those who " didn't vote Democrat" in the last election, not forgetting it wasn't just Redshirts, it was all the other political parties that were not Democrat.

He needs to "convert" the views and opinions to that of what party? He is clearly aligning himself to one political faction despite his claims early on he has no political affiliation to anyone!!

i would go for educate. Hopefully there is some peaceful way to convince people that electing criminals who promise much and deliver very little except their own corruption is foolish. Unfortunately, bitter and expensive experience may be the only way, and there nearly as many who are not prepared to pay that price.
If he meant "convert" or "educate" then he would have said that. Instead he said "eradicate the trash".

We have been told often enough by his fans here that he is a plain speaking simple soldier, lacking the guile of the duplicit politicians.

He said "eradicate", one must presume he meant "eradicate". Within the military that has a very distinct meaning.

I wonder at which point the "trash" will decide that they are not prepared to be "eradicated"?

Edited by JAG
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But according to some posters here , Peace TV had toned their rhetoric down quite a lot in recent months, and on the flip side, others state it had not, so what is the truth?

How many of those here who are championing it's closure speak and read fluent Thai to have been able to watch the broadcast in question, and state it was indeed bang out of order?

How is the reconciliation process ever going to move forwards, when words like "eradicate" are used?

Until the Thai electorate are all treated as equals, then it's never ever going to narrow the chasm that's very apparent there just now.

Don't look to me, man. I have a translator app with a reddish tinge, but even she won't go near Peace TV. I'll drop the "human garbage" on her when she gets back from the market, see if the response is the same as from a farang view.

555 yeah I have two of those in our home, but to be honest, all I see them watching is the shitty soaps and Muay Thai ..

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It is possible to eradicate all those in Opposition....

Singapore also does it, but humanely (without blood) - they simply Sue the 'rse of the Opposition, usually at least a Sin$1M does enough damage to Bankrupt them each time...

"but.., I thought that this is the room for an Argument?"

"No, it isn't"

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Another very poorly written article purely designed to stir up a certain percentage of TVF posters. Could not be bothered listing the errors in this grammatical dog's breakfast except to say there are many.

Lots of anti-junta comments - mission accomplished !

I wasn't aware that the Nation was targeting a specific group of Farangs within Thailand who solely frequent TVF?? wink.png

Sorry Fatty, did not mean the Nation was targeting a specific group of farangs on TVF, I meant it was published on TVF knowing what sort of reaction it would receive.

Funny thing is, a lot of Shin fans on this forum have long said the Nation was pro-yellow and had nothing good to say about the Shins, reds etc. In fact The Nation has even been described as "rubbish" on this forum, which is similar to "garbage".

And yet because this story suits their junta-bashing agenda they are all over it like cheap suit.

I have read the op a number of times and find it to be one of the worse stories ever published on this forum. It is full of holes, contradictions and grammatical errors.

Maybe it is all to do with the translation. whistling.gif

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Another very poorly written article purely designed to stir up a certain percentage of TVF posters. Could not be bothered listing the errors in this grammatical dog's breakfast except to say there are many.

Lots of anti-junta comments - mission accomplished !

Let's ignore all the aggressive rhetoric Prayuth was spewing because we are the Grammar police cheesy.gif


If the same article was aimed at a member of the PTP you would say it was typical dribble a-la The Nation. All of a sudden the same newspaper is printing what you want to hear.

Next week you will be attacking the Nation if it dares to say a bad word about the PTP.

You are just another turncoat.

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The word he's looking for is not to "eradicate" it's "convert"

He needs to convert those who " didn't vote Democrat" in the last election, not forgetting it wasn't just Redshirts, it was all the other political parties that were not Democrat.

He needs to "convert" the views and opinions to that of what party? He is clearly aligning himself to one political faction despite his claims early on he has no political affiliation to anyone!!

i would go for educate. Hopefully there is some peaceful way to convince people that electing criminals who promise much and deliver very little except their own corruption is foolish. Unfortunately, bitter and expensive experience may be the only way, and there nearly as many who are not prepared to pay that price.
If he meant "convert" or "educate" then he would have said that. Instead he said "eradicate the trash".

We have been told often enough by his fans here that he is a plain speaking simple soldier, lacking the guile of the duplicit politicians.

He said "eradicate", one must presume he meant "eradicate". Within the military that has a very distinct meaning.

I wonder at which point the "trash" will decide that they are not prepared to be "eradicated"?

Yes, I read the quote but not in context. And with only Pravit's take on it, who acknowledges himself as an enemy, I'm not prepared to accept that it was referring to any one or group in particular without confirmation from a less biased source.

If he was referring to people traffickers, would the quote not be acceptable? Of course, you would be less accepting if he was referring to the Shinawatras and their criminal cohorts - others would have less reservation.

My choice of education was referring to Pravit's choice of PTP supporters (which may have been an incorrect reading). They certainly need it.

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Look increasingly people are embarrassing themselves here over time defending the position of this Military rule.

Time is not making their cause look good.

Translation is correct and found online .

He did say the word "Eradicate ."

Here you have a paper like the Nation even pointing out the obvious.

The statement is not a soft statement .

It goes far beyond mere threats of detaining dissenters .

That word strongly implies harm.

Events are seemingly heading in a clear direction now.

A bad one.

It's way past suggestive threats -historians have long remembered such terminology as a bad sign.

But it's gotten to the point where we are witnessing a huge change taking place and the language is getting red flags from most thinking people.

Internationally , he has some explaining to do...if he even bothers.?°

Attitude adjustment was bad enough.

But this is far too wrong to even begin to morally defend.

What will happen in the future is anyone's guess.

But right now nothing is off the table .

Thailand is lurching very radically towards the unknown.

Edited by Plutojames88
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Would "Eradicate" be only the word of the commentator here ?

None of us have any way of knowing if The PM actually used the Thai equivalent, but using it in a headline certainly gets attention and gets a reaction from usual bashers.

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Another very poorly written article purely designed to stir up a certain percentage of TVF posters. Could not be bothered listing the errors in this grammatical dog's breakfast except to say there are many.

Lots of anti-junta comments - mission accomplished !

Let's ignore all the aggressive rhetoric Prayuth was spewing because we are the Grammar police cheesy.gif


If the same article was aimed at a member of the PTP you would say it was typical dribble a-la The Nation. All of a sudden the same newspaper is printing what you want to hear.

Next week you will be attacking the Nation if it dares to say a bad word about the PTP.

You are just another turncoat.

Ahh the old "you question my beloved general so you must be a red shirt" come back. I see all the elite for what they are my friend. They are all as bad as each other. It's a waste of time cheering one or the other.

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Another very poorly written article purely designed to stir up a certain percentage of TVF posters. Could not be bothered listing the errors in this grammatical dog's breakfast except to say there are many.

Lots of anti-junta comments - mission accomplished !

Let's ignore all the aggressive rhetoric Prayuth was spewing because we are the Grammar police cheesy.gif


If the same article was aimed at a member of the PTP you would say it was typical dribble a-la The Nation. All of a sudden the same newspaper is printing what you want to hear.

Next week you will be attacking the Nation if it dares to say a bad word about the PTP.

You are just another turncoat.

Ahh the old "you question my beloved general so you must be a red shirt" come back. I see all the elite for what they are my friend. They are all as bad as each other. It's a waste of time cheering one or the other.

I'm not in complete agreement. The elites that are chosen by the voters and then allow the voters the chance to remove them from power are not as bad as the elites that use the military to seize power and hold onto it as long as they like.

I consider myself anti-Shinawatra, but I wanted them removed from power by the voters, not the military. If the voters choose differently from what I think is correct, I accept that as their choice for their country.

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"We must eradicate human trash ['kaya manut'] from this country," he said."

To Hitler trash was the Jews.

To Putin trash was the gays.

To Stalin trash was the intellectuals.

To Mao trash was the middle class.

To Prayut trash is EVERY free-thinking Thai.

And to your hero Thaksin - trash is anyone not a Shiniwatra.

And this is an example that this attitude is not just limited to Thais, but to many on this board.... The attitude that you are either for or with me, or you are against me.... black vs white... right vs wrong. Prayut is part of the problem and he is not alone since the political elite are full of them. To Prayut, reconciliation is that everyone has to recognize his view is right and everyone who disagrees is wrong. He is demonstrating why reconciliation is not possible.

Reconciliation comes from understanding different people have different point of views and when you elected to office -- you are there to represent the whole country... not just those that voted for you.

Yeah right. All those nice Western politicians really represent those who didn't vote for them, and take note when forcing their own parties policies through.

I don't disagree how it should be, but it ain't. And the poster I replied to is yet another Shin apologist / supporter which is why I replied in the way I did.

Also remember the tactic of threatening that only areas "that vote for us will be looked after" was a Thaksin tactic; and Plod informed Phuket openly that the reason they didn't get a convention center was because they didn't vote PTP.

Ironic as it seems, a non elected Junta is more likely to represent the interests of the whole country far more than the previous regime which came to power via and election and then represented themselves.

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"We must eradicate human trash ['kaya manut'] from this country," he said."

To Hitler trash was the Jews.

To Putin trash was the gays.

To Stalin trash was the intellectuals.

To Mao trash was the middle class.

To Prayut trash is EVERY free-thinking Thai.

And to your hero Thaksin - trash is anyone not a Shiniwatra.

And this is an example that this attitude is not just limited to Thais, but to many on this board.... The attitude that you are either for or with me, or you are against me.... black vs white... right vs wrong. Prayut is part of the problem and he is not alone since the political elite are full of them. To Prayut, reconciliation is that everyone has to recognize his view is right and everyone who disagrees is wrong. He is demonstrating why reconciliation is not possible.

Reconciliation comes from understanding different people have different point of views and when you elected to office -- you are there to represent the whole country... not just those that voted for you.

Ironic as it seems, a non elected Junta is more likely to represent the interests of the whole country far more than the previous regime which came to power via and election and then represented themselves.

...In your opinion and ignoring the bloodshed mmeted out by previous non elected juntas representing the interests of the whole country far more than the previous regime.

As many posters have pointed out on numerous occasions, Thai history does not begin in 2001.

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And this is an example that this attitude is not just limited to Thais, but to many on this board.... The attitude that you are either for or with me, or you are against me.... black vs white... right vs wrong. Prayut is part of the problem and he is not alone since the political elite are full of them. To Prayut, reconciliation is that everyone has to recognize his view is right and everyone who disagrees is wrong. He is demonstrating why reconciliation is not possible.

Reconciliation comes from understanding different people have different point of views and when you elected to office -- you are there to represent the whole country... not just those that voted for you.

Yeah right. All those nice Western politicians really represent those who didn't vote for them, and take note when forcing their own parties policies through.

I don't disagree how it should be, but it ain't. And the poster I replied to is yet another Shin apologist / supporter which is why I replied in the way I did.

Also remember the tactic of threatening that only areas "that vote for us will be looked after" was a Thaksin tactic; and Plod informed Phuket openly that the reason they didn't get a convention center was because they didn't vote PTP.

Ironic as it seems, a non elected Junta is more likely to represent the interests of the whole country far more than the previous regime which came to power via and election and then represented themselves.

Actually, there has been a long history of western politicians that represent those that didn't vote for them. Usually a party is pulled to the wings of the political spectrum by the faithful, and then during the general election the parties have to tack back closer to the centre of the political spectrum (at least for Parliamentary).

In the United States you had many Presidents and Senators that work across party lines (which unfortunately was never important to President Obama - and is lost during the last few years). Bill Clinton success was that he was able to compromise and be pragmatic in representing a wider spectrum than originally elected him. Senators have had a long history of co-sponsoring bills across party lines. Unfortunately the corruption of the political process in the US (which makes elected leaders less willing to compromise lest they lose their big money donors) has made them less responsive to the general electorate.

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The human trash he is talking about are those who would give some low-life an M79 and a few thousand baht then tell them to go fire it into groups of innocent men, women and children.

If you need to be told who they are, you are an idiot.

If you know but don't think they are trash, you are that same trash yourself.

It suits the red-shirts here who are always foaming at the mouth to say Prayuth thinks this of all red-shirts when he most certainly does not.

Man, Gen P is one lucky dude to have you to interpret his statements and tell us what he really means!!

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Couldn't get the sound, but those old films have some great one liners.

The best one I recall was James Cagney in, I think, "White Heat', when he slapped his fellow gangster across the face and said "You can dish it out but can't take it".

Could apply to the General..

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I remember being pretty annoyed when Mrs Thatcher called the UK unions 'the enemy within'.

Seems now quite mild when compared with this guy's ranting's.

Another difference was that she was quite right.

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