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Leaving and it's breaking my heart

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Wow, you all have amazing stories. Thank you for sharing.

This place is magical and it stays with you forever. I feel like the people in my neighborhood are a community.

I hope I can make it back someday on a permanent basis.

I don't even live there, but I know exactly how you feel... been to Thailand 4 times for holidays, and every single time when we left, it felt like a limb was being amputated. But we're planning on going back to Thailand for a short holiday later this year, and in a few years, plan on settling down there. This forum and all its members is giving me a whole lot of insight as to the farang way of life and all the ins and outs, so by the time we are ready to settle down there, we should have it all down pat (fingers crossed).

(((((((((((((((((ev1lchris)))))))))))))))) - that's your cyber hug smile.png . I wish you good luck with your future endeavours and may you return soon.

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It is magical. There is something about this place that pulls you back. Having first come 50 years ago and now living here permanently- I know exactly how you feel. I, too had to leave once to go back and make money. Whatever your issue is- trust me on this- you do not want to be Thailand with no income, savings or a legit job. I had to leave and I survived it- you can too. Set your goal to come back and make that your inspiration. Once you make it.....it feels even better.

Best Wishes and Cheers.

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why would anybody want to live in America , Ego driven war horse.. You can have it..

Gee, there must be some reason why so few of such an affluent citizenry travels overseas. Perhaps it is ignorance of the outside world, yet, as you suggest, many Americans have been overseas in the military and even many many more on business to support that great economy. Perhaps it is because the US is so big that you can find the sun even in the dead of winter, or find the mountains, desert, shore, swamp, forest, prairies, rivers, lakes, streams; or big, small and in between cities anytime you want. Perhaps it is because you can find all the most modern conveniences and any product or service you want, and a wide selection of them to boot. Perhaps America is not so bad that most Americans want to go somewhere else, like so many non-Americans seem to want to do.

Perhaps, not so many Americans travel abroad because they like it there. You had better ask the multitudes of Americans who stay there and go nowhere else.

I am an American, and proud of it, but I prefer to live overseas. I have lived overseas all my life and have no overwhelming desire to live indefinitely in any one country in particular. I am here in Thailand because it is convenient at the moment. I could leave here on very short notice, as I have so many other countries, including the US.

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Just think....you are going home to take care of business, so that when you come back you will have that much more time and money to do all the things that you enjoy doing in LOS!!!

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A response to the post as to why anyone would want to live in America- I am an American by birth and have been to 45 countries-always found something good about each of them- Thailand is my favourite. However, there are over 300 million people that call America home- and people from all over the World want to come there. I have no desire to live there- not because of the people- but because of the government policies that I vehemently disagree with. However, there is still plenty of opportunity there and the vastness of the place-has something that many people still like.

I dislike that those in power still push the concept of American exceptionalism which I find arrogant and nonsensical and so far from the truth that it is ridiculous. However, since I was born there and lived there, I figure I have the right to criticise what I know.. Those that have never been there- might want to give it a go- before commenting.

Best Wishes and Cheers..

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why would anybody want to live in America , Ego driven war horse.. You can have it..

Gee, there must be some reason why so few of such an affluent citizenry travels overseas. Perhaps it is ignorance of the outside world, yet, as you suggest, many Americans have been overseas in the military and even many many more on business to support that great economy. Perhaps it is because the US is so big that you can find the sun even in the dead of winter, or find the mountains, desert, shore, swamp, forest, prairies, rivers, lakes, streams; or big, small and in between cities anytime you want. Perhaps it is because you can find all the most modern conveniences and any product or service you want, and a wide selection of them to boot. Perhaps America is not so bad that most Americans want to go somewhere else, like so many non-Americans seem to want to do.

Perhaps, not so many Americans travel abroad because they like it there. You had better ask the multitudes of Americans who stay there and go nowhere else.

I am an American, and proud of it, but I prefer to live overseas. I have lived overseas all my life and have no overwhelming desire to live indefinitely in any one country in particular. I am here in Thailand because it is convenient at the moment. I could leave here on very short notice, as I have so many other countries, including the US.

Well said. Also I never forget the FACT that I have the Rule of Law beside me in the US.

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For what it's worth, OP, I'm leaving too in a couple weeks, after thinking of Thailand as home for 5 years. And, it breaks my heart as well.

For me, I've never worked in Thailand - but working legally in EU/UK for 4-5 months each year, spread out in short trips. But, I'm under 50. And, the last couple years, after first finding immigration completely encouraging of me living here...suddenly, I'm told each entrance that I'm a 'criminal' of sorts, for having developed close ties here as a result, and thinking of it as the place I want to support. People here are always saying how easy it is to get the 'right' visa; but if your circumstances are slightly unusual, or you're not a retiree or one of the few boxes they allow to be checked, immigration have become more like accusatory bigots. When I first came here, 5 years ago, they were begging me to have free, multiple entry visas as often as I wanted. I understand it's their country, etc. But, at least in my case and many of my friends, all they're doing is giving a hard time to people who want to support the economy and be a positive friend to their neighborhoods. Many, many people I know have had to leave recently.

If it really was 'Thailand' who felt that way - and not just angry old guys on TV, and I/O officers accusing me of things I haven't done - it would be easier to accept. But, all the Thai people I know, ask me to stay each day. I know they love me, and they know I love them. It's the government. It's immigration. It's xenophobia and distrust, completely disconnected from most Thai people, and becuase of the nonsense criminality of places like Pattaya, I think mostly.

I'm going to have to get used to life in the EU/UK/US again, full time - and, they all have their great people and aspects. But Thailand, for me, will always be the love that a xenophobic coup came between. My GF is heart broken, and there's nothing I can do to explain it to her.

Geez, quit your whining/whinging already. The simple solution is the Elite Card. Or marry the girl. Thailand offers so many ways to stay legally. If you still can't, then you're either not trying, or you don't belong here.

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why would anybody want to live in America , Ego driven war horse.. You can have it..

Gee, there must be some reason why so few of such an affluent citizenry travels overseas. Perhaps it is ignorance of the outside world, yet, as you suggest, many Americans have been overseas in the military and even many many more on business to support that great economy. Perhaps it is because the US is so big that you can find the sun even in the dead of winter, or find the mountains, desert, shore, swamp, forest, prairies, rivers, lakes, streams; or big, small and in between cities anytime you want. Perhaps it is because you can find all the most modern conveniences and any product or service you want, and a wide selection of them to boot. Perhaps America is not so bad that most Americans want to go somewhere else, like so many non-Americans seem to want to do.

Perhaps, not so many Americans travel abroad because they like it there. You had better ask the multitudes of Americans who stay there and go nowhere else.

I am an American, and proud of it, but I prefer to live overseas. I have lived overseas all my life and have no overwhelming desire to live indefinitely in any one country in particular. I am here in Thailand because it is convenient at the moment. I could leave here on very short notice, as I have so many other countries, including the US.

I think I've seen more of the world than America. I still want to explore other states like Texas.

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why would anybody want to live in America , Ego driven war horse.. You can have it..

Gee, there must be some reason why so few of such an affluent citizenry travels overseas. Perhaps it is ignorance of the outside world, yet, as you suggest, many Americans have been overseas in the military and even many many more on business to support that great economy. Perhaps it is because the US is so big that you can find the sun even in the dead of winter, or find the mountains, desert, shore, swamp, forest, prairies, rivers, lakes, streams; or big, small and in between cities anytime you want. Perhaps it is because you can find all the most modern conveniences and any product or service you want, and a wide selection of them to boot. Perhaps America is not so bad that most Americans want to go somewhere else, like so many non-Americans seem to want to do.

Perhaps, not so many Americans travel abroad because they like it there. You had better ask the multitudes of Americans who stay there and go nowhere else.

I am an American, and proud of it, but I prefer to live overseas. I have lived overseas all my life and have no overwhelming desire to live indefinitely in any one country in particular. I am here in Thailand because it is convenient at the moment. I could leave here on very short notice, as I have so many other countries, including the US.

Well said. Also I never forget the FACT that I have the Rule of Law beside me in the US.

Really?????? when did you last read US news???

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why would anybody want to live in America , Ego driven war horse.. You can have it..

put a sock in it. How relevant is it to the subject matter? I'm not an American but they have saved the world including Europe from evil a few times. Your freedom is indebted to us of a. Back to the subject. Never say never. I guarantee you'll be back. Biiiiig e hug granted. E-rub your e-hands on these e-titties for an e-comfort. ( o )Y( o )
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When I first got here, I went back to UK once per year for a few weeks for the first 3 years. Each time I felt more empty and uncomfortable in UK and was counting the days until I left. That feeling of reaching final destination here, and getting out of the plane to the warm air walking the short trip across the airport tarmac was intoxicating.

These days I don't feel so great about this place. Maybe that's the change in political/financial climate here, maybe because I've become complacent and need to travel for a while. UK is certainly not a place I have any desire to see again though. It's changed over there too.

Edited by Shiver
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I remember clearly 12 years ago, my late Wife and I were traveling the Globe looking for somewhere other than the good old UK to retire. We did most of Europe and whilst the places we visited were great for holidays, they didn't quite "ring that bell". Then one day I said to my lovely Lady, what do you want to do before we get too old. She said she wanted to ride an elephant (nearly all our ornaments in the house are elephants of wood, bronze, etc but not ivory). So I said, jump on the internet and book what ever takes your fancy. She was so excited that she had booked a package of 4 days in Bangkok and 10 days in Koh Samui. We loved Samui so much that on the return trip, waiting in the Bangkok Airport I said to my nearest and dearest, "I'm home sick", with that empty feeling in my stomach. She said, "You can't be you silly fool, you'll be home in 24 hours!" I said, "no, not for UK, but for Koh Samui!. "Me too" she said and that was how our plans to live here started. It took us four years to finish work and organize ourselves to come here, but sadly the lovely Lady never made it, courtesy of the Big C. But I clearly remember every time I left the Island, my stomach would sink and I would feel quite down, so long story longer, I completely feel for you. As a previous writer said, "set a plan to come back" and you hopefully will feel less depressed about leaving. By the way, I am now married to a lovely Thai Lady and living in Paradise Island. Love it, love it, love it!!

Both sad and lovely story, good on yer mate for getting through it.

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why would anybody want to live in America , Ego driven war horse.. You can have it..

Gee, there must be some reason why so few of such an affluent citizenry travels overseas. Perhaps it is ignorance of the outside world, yet, as you suggest, many Americans have been overseas in the military and even many many more on business to support that great economy. Perhaps it is because the US is so big that you can find the sun even in the dead of winter, or find the mountains, desert, shore, swamp, forest, prairies, rivers, lakes, streams; or big, small and in between cities anytime you want. Perhaps it is because you can find all the most modern conveniences and any product or service you want, and a wide selection of them to boot. Perhaps America is not so bad that most Americans want to go somewhere else, like so many non-Americans seem to want to do.

Perhaps, not so many Americans travel abroad because they like it there. You had better ask the multitudes of Americans who stay there and go nowhere else.

I am an American, and proud of it, but I prefer to live overseas. I have lived overseas all my life and have no overwhelming desire to live indefinitely in any one country in particular. I am here in Thailand because it is convenient at the moment. I could leave here on very short notice, as I have so many other countries, including the US.

Well said. Also I never forget the FACT that I have the Rule of Law beside me in the US.

Really?????? when did you last read US news???

Making conclusions via reading the news from abroad is usually the root of these anti US conclusions.

This really is a nice, touching thread, and it is too bad that, as often happens, it has degenerated into anti US rants.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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Strange, because when I left I was so happy !

Id also be interested to know as my perception now is its not such a wonderful place....however those that spend their time with rented female company probably don't notice all the other stuff thats going around around them
Its not so wrong for people to be on a permanent holiday, as long as they can afford it, why not? Good luck to them i say.....enjoy lads, keep yourselves young!
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You will be back - like General McArthur, except his cup of tea was the Filipina ladies, and you like your Thai women, like usthumbsup.gif

God speed, and take the best of your country as it were, it ain't all bad, that from a Canadian


R and Y = Orange

Oh women like you totally. I've become addicted.

If that is you in the avatar ..... cyber hug on the way

I can do better than that!tongue.png

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

For what it's worth, OP, I'm leaving too in a couple weeks, after thinking of Thailand as home for 5 years. And, it breaks my heart as well.

For me, I've never worked in Thailand - but working legally in EU/UK for 4-5 months each year, spread out in short trips. But, I'm under 50. And, the last couple years, after first finding immigration completely encouraging of me living here...suddenly, I'm told each entrance that I'm a 'criminal' of sorts, for having developed close ties here as a result, and thinking of it as the place I want to support. People here are always saying how easy it is to get the 'right' visa; but if your circumstances are slightly unusual, or you're not a retiree or one of the few boxes they allow to be checked, immigration have become more like accusatory bigots. When I first came here, 5 years ago, they were begging me to have free, multiple entry visas as often as I wanted. I understand it's their country, etc. But, at least in my case and many of my friends, all they're doing is giving a hard time to people who want to support the economy and be a positive friend to their neighborhoods. Many, many people I know have had to leave recently.

If it really was 'Thailand' who felt that way - and not just angry old guys on TV, and I/O officers accusing me of things I haven't done - it would be easier to accept. But, all the Thai people I know, ask me to stay each day. I know they love me, and they know I love them. It's the government. It's immigration. It's xenophobia and distrust, completely disconnected from most Thai people, and becuase of the nonsense criminality of places like Pattaya, I think mostly.

I'm going to have to get used to life in the EU/UK/US again, full time - and, they all have their great people and aspects. But Thailand, for me, will always be the love that a xenophobic coup came between. My GF is heart broken, and there's nothing I can do to explain it to her.

Geez, quit your whining/whinging already. The simple solution is the Elite Card. Or marry the girl. Thailand offers so many ways to stay legally. If you still can't, then you're either not trying, or you don't belong here.

Sounding a bit mela dramatic dear,

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To the op, play the long game. Don't work like a dog & live like a peasant on 35 k bt a month by pretending to be a teacher.

Remember the longer you do that the harder you life will be in the future.

Get back to US, retrain, get a proper teaching degree & experience. It'll take 4-5yrs but you can the be a proper qualified teacher, earn more & have a better quality life in Los.

All the best

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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With an "Attitude of Gratitude" like you possess....you will always be happy no matter where you are. A hugh big hug from myself to see you off.

We await your return......God Bless and safe journey.

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The makings of an expat. lol. I've left many times too... only to return a short time later. The US is no place to live these days. Very little economic opportunity. It's a sad sad place now. I recently came back myself and I'm ready to return again. You'll find a way to live in Thailand if you really want to. There is just no stopping the addiction. wai.gif

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For what it's worth, OP, I'm leaving too in a couple weeks, after thinking of Thailand as home for 5 years. And, it breaks my heart as well.

For me, I've never worked in Thailand - but working legally in EU/UK for 4-5 months each year, spread out in short trips. But, I'm under 50. And, the last couple years, after first finding immigration completely encouraging of me living here...suddenly, I'm told each entrance that I'm a 'criminal' of sorts, for having developed close ties here as a result, and thinking of it as the place I want to support. People here are always saying how easy it is to get the 'right' visa; but if your circumstances are slightly unusual, or you're not a retiree or one of the few boxes they allow to be checked, immigration have become more like accusatory bigots. When I first came here, 5 years ago, they were begging me to have free, multiple entry visas as often as I wanted. I understand it's their country, etc. But, at least in my case and many of my friends, all they're doing is giving a hard time to people who want to support the economy and be a positive friend to their neighborhoods. Many, many people I know have had to leave recently.

If it really was 'Thailand' who felt that way - and not just angry old guys on TV, and I/O officers accusing me of things I haven't done - it would be easier to accept. But, all the Thai people I know, ask me to stay each day. I know they love me, and they know I love them. It's the government. It's immigration. It's xenophobia and distrust, completely disconnected from most Thai people, and becuase of the nonsense criminality of places like Pattaya, I think mostly.

I'm going to have to get used to life in the EU/UK/US again, full time - and, they all have their great people and aspects. But Thailand, for me, will always be the love that a xenophobic coup came between. My GF is heart broken, and there's nothing I can do to explain it to her.

I can't figure out why you're leaving. Have you been refused a visa or refused entry? Perhaps you can elaborate. Why cares what immigration treat you like. Don't leave just because some official gives you a hard time. That's life.

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