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Are Thai kids/people getting way taller?


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I walk around my kids' school where the max grade is grade 8, and the kids all seem REALLY tall... I also have other friends who have kids in the age 12-14 age range, and they sky over me!

Is there anything to what my eyes are telling me, is anyone aware of any statistics to back this up?

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No statistics. Just our granddaughters.

All tall, the 15 year old is already 1.60 m (5 foot 3).

Years ago it was a problem to find shoes for my size (European 43).

Today no problem.

Thais are getting taller (and fatter more and more sad.png ).

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Yes. I've been around here for quite a few years and have worked in the school system for the past 18 years. There was a time when I was the tallest person in the upper grade school. Over the years, this has changed drastically. Kids are now a lot taller than 15 years ago.

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Yes the are. IMO.

Animals for food are pumped full of growth hormones (or whatever the correct term is) Chickens , cows, pigs here. Girls are apparently starting puberty earlier because of it, whether that's true I don't know.

Baby milk is obviously affected due to the cows. Here they believe the marketing to feed them it until they are 4 where in the UK etc you are told to stop at 1 year old due to possible iron problems later in life. Obviously this only affects those that can afford it, but meat, eggs will affect others.

Add to that that miidle class Thais are eating more western style foods which have more nutrition that white rice and a few bits of meat or Som Tam etc and the western food doesn't have chilli or as much chilli which flushes the food through your body.

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Yes the are. IMO.

Animals for food are pumped full of growth hormones (or whatever the correct term is) Chickens , cows, pigs here. Girls are apparently starting puberty earlier because of it, whether that's true I don't know.

Baby milk is obviously affected due to the cows. Here they believe the marketing to feed them it until they are 4 where in the UK etc you are told to stop at 1 year old due to possible iron problems later in life. Obviously this only affects those that can afford it, but meat, eggs will affect others.

Add to that that miidle class Thais are eating more western style foods which have more nutrition that white rice and a few bits of meat or Som Tam etc and the western food doesn't have chilli or as much chilli which flushes the food through your body.

A lot of middle class Thais feed their kids protein supplements too.

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Any irony here?... Op calls himself LarryBird !

Yep, point also made in post 5 by our TV's visa specialist....

Op: How tall are you ? - If you're 170cm... these days a lot of 'kids' (15 year olds+) will be taller...


I'm 183cm... and taller than my parents... Will my Child be taller than I ?... At some point potential is reached... Will he be 10cm taller than I ?... 5 cm ?... 1 cm ?...

(I hope) With medical, social and educational improvements he will be healthier, fitter and smarter than I...

However, at some point our development as species physically peaks. No longer does physicality matter, our intellect supersedes our physical ability...

So Op.. are kids getting taller? (race irrelevant)... it doesn't matter does it ?... Key question: Are they getting smarter ?

Edited by richard_smith237
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I think it's true, and I think it's due to nutrition.

I think people in the U.S. are getting taller as well.

Yes. I have noticed this based on both my Thai and Western side of the family. Of course they're mostly defined by their genetic code, but I attribute the rest to their diet. As in: the widespread popularity, availability and low cost of protein rich foods.

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Any irony here?... Op calls himself LarryBird !

Yep, point also made in post 5 by our TV's visa specialist....

Op: How tall are you ? - If you're 170cm... these days a lot of 'kids' (15 year olds+) will be taller...


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It seems the vote here is unanimous that Thais are getting taller.

One of my neighbor`s sons who is now 17, is almost 6ft tall. Only 2 or 3 years ago his head only reached my chest and then he suddenly sprung up and is now taller than me.

My daughter`s Thai finance is 5ft 10ins tall. I can remember going back 20 and 30 years ago, I used to tower above the Thais when walking in the street, they used to consider me as a big guy, but now it seems to have evened out. Many are taller than me and I haven`t shrunk over the years, well not that much anyway. Even the girls seem to have grown taller these days. It was unusual to see a Thai girl over 5ft 3ins in the not so distant past, but now seeing girls over 5ft 6ins is quite common.

Perhaps it`s to do with the better economy? Better foods, medical care and living standards.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Yes. I've been around here for quite a few years and have worked in the school system for the past 18 years. There was a time when I was the tallest person in the upper grade school. Over the years, this has changed drastically. Kids are now a lot taller than 15 years ago.

I have to agree. I'm 6 foot 1 and when I came here nearly 2 decades ago it felt as if I towered over people. Now even though I'm still taller than most it seems quite a few younger people are either as tall as me or not far off.

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Any irony here?... Op calls himself LarryBird !

Yep, point also made in post 5 by our TV's visa specialist....

Op: How tall are you ? - If you're 170cm... these days a lot of 'kids' (15 year olds+) will be taller...


Larry Bird was a Basket Ball Player - He's 2.06m tall...

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some get taller

some get fatter

some get taller and fatter

Taller is OK, but some of the fatties that walk around are scary, if a woman has the double weight than I have as male it is bad....

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Mr. Smith, it's important in that it is evidence that perhaps people are less frequently malnourished. I think it's a good sign. I see some of the older people out in the villages, quite small and frail. Perhaps they suffered from malnourishment at sometime... It's nice to see everyone at least has food.

I am also interested in the effect of these growth hormones, etc... Is this a worldwide trend? Perhaps in thailand it is a two fold effect: a better economy leading to more affordable food, and also foods containing hormones...

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Yeah Thai's are getting taller.

I seen quite a few young guys in the 6'3 range.

The tallest Thai guy I saw was about 6'8 and he looked huge. Not 100% sure he was Thai, but definately South east asian.

Thai's are getting fatter, but that is no surprise really, still well behind Australia. I was in Australia at the end of last year, wow that place is full of fatties.

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my 5 year old daughter was in the top 10 out of 100 babies when she was around 2 years old and that was out of foreign children , she is 50-50 thai farang. me and her mum are not tall.

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