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We will have trafficking boss behind bars soon – Thailand's top cop


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"We are cooperating with the Malaysia government but at the moment we have not pinned down the exact whereabouts of the suspect.”

Yes the all powerfull sooth sayer of Malaysia says so He looked in his crystal ball

Common Guys You may never get him. how can you predict he will be in custody soon. Key Stone Cops strick again.

Its like saying that there will be demacracy in Thailand cheesy.gif

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"We will have trafficking boss behind bars soon – Thailand's top cop"

Sure they will...hah! If they do get the bugger what's gonna be

the punishment...a 7,500 Baht fine?

The way this reads it's Thailands top cop who is the trafficking boss,

it would have been better had they put Thailands top cop first in the


Anyway. I needed a good laugh this morning....

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Just do it and then tell the public ! Telegraphing punches serves no investigative purposes unless that's the intention of course. However it does get your picture and quotes in the media and make everything look good.

If the ' boss ' and others are overseas Thailand doesn't have much of a track record on bringing fugitives back

We don't see it very often, but the one case where I really expected them to let the perpetrator get away, Rakesh Saxena from Bangkok Bank of Commerce, they stuck to doggedly and finally brought him back from Canada. I have to say that was a shining star in the prosecutor's office's record, because the Canadian government used discretionary powers to delay the final result for many years.

I am very proud of them for that, because I am usually critical of the ways the prosecutors perform their duties. Very critical. Even in this case they committed gross blunders which looked suspicious at the time.

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If I read article correctly an officer admitted that they found camps and bodies before and did not report it. isn't that dereliction of duty?

In other nations yesit would be. But TiT.

Didn't report it to whom? The way I read the story the low-level policemen who discovered the first camps reported it to their superior officers. Do the police in other countries have a duty to report to the press every time they discover a horrible mass murder and have not yet identified the perpetrator? I don't think any purpose would have been served by announcing this news a month earlier.

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They do love a name the old Malaysians Tan Sri Dato Sri Khalid bin Abu Bakar .

They cannot stop this , Europe has been trying for years. If security becomes tighter the price for the Asylum seeker/economic migrant will go up

The price for asylum seekers is a direct result of European asylum and immigration rules, and there's a lot of human trafficking inside Europe, too. All kinds of pimps and pimp organizations. The banks are making their profits out of the situation, too.

Unfortunately the EU is putting the blame on Africa and starts making plans about killing immigrants in Lybia now.

Edited by micmichd
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"We will have trafficking boss behind bars soon" but then how can he do my favorite Friday night tv show...

Exactly. What he means is that the scapegoat will soon be captured but the real bosses will never be caught as they are busy pretending to run the country.

Strange how all this could happen right under the noses of the military who's job is protection of borders. Maybe they were all busy on parade, polishing their medals or just counting the cash handouts!

Judging by the amount of insignia on their uniforms, they spend most of the time jumping out of aeroplanes.

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Gen. Somyot said, “Anyone who is involved in human trafficking will be prosecuted, not simply moved.

Why has law enforcement never been this direct before? This is the language I've been wanting to hear. Direct. No transfer, prosecuted and hopefully extended prison time. To me, trafficking in human beings is so far worse than trafficking in drugs or endangered species or any other trafficking that they are not comparable. Too bad they won't burn in Hell forever.

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If I read article correctly an officer admitted that they found camps and bodies before and did not report it. isn't that dereliction of duty?

In other nations yesit would be. But TiT.

Didn't report it to whom? The way I read the story the low-level policemen who discovered the first camps reported it to their superior officers. Do the police in other countries have a duty to report to the press every time they discover a horrible mass murder and have not yet identified the perpetrator? I don't think any purpose would have been served by announcing this news a month earlier.

Not talking about reporting anything to the press. Did their superiors report to higher authority?

That's the rub...we'll never know about.

On a global scale the cops wanna keep this kind of event outta the press for as long as possible

since when the press get's a sniff, investigations become hampered...even the RTP's investigations,

or lack thereof.

Edited by sunshine51
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"“If we believe an officer is not doing his job properly we will investigate him. If he is found to have done his job properly he will be reinstated. If not, he will be punished.”"

don't believe this for a second, but if by some miracle it became true... then this would be a recipe for total chaos in the RTP for several years.....there are simply not enough inactive posts available.

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If I read article correctly an officer admitted that they found camps and bodies before and did not report it. isn't that dereliction of duty?

In other nations yesit would be. But TiT.

Didn't report it to whom? The way I read the story the low-level policemen who discovered the first camps reported it to their superior officers. Do the police in other countries have a duty to report to the press every time they discover a horrible mass murder and have not yet identified the perpetrator? I don't think any purpose would have been served by announcing this news a month earlier.

I don't think any purpose would have been served by announcing this news a month earlier.

Other than the fact, since horror show has hit the press, seems a lot of these prisoners have been found alive, and the trafficking networks under a microscope. Had this been reported in the press months ago, who knows how many people that have been found in shallow graves might be alive today.

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Just do it and then tell the public ! Telegraphing punches serves no investigative purposes unless that's the intention of course. However it does get your picture and quotes in the media and make everything look good.

If the ' boss ' and others are overseas Thailand doesn't have much of a track record on bringing fugitives back

You have experience doing police work. Or just need to hear yourself talk and find fault.

Aren't you a little piece of work, even though I had many years in profiling, it doesn't take much experience to profile you. A mouth, pathetic bully and one that would run and hide behind Mummy's apron strings at the first sign of trouble. A person who would sell everything and everybody down the drain to save his own bacon. Coward, I believe is the clinical word for you. Now these are only my own observations based on my past learning, so don't take it personal. Oh yeah! nearly forgot, see others can play your game and target others with unwarranted pathetic comments, how does it feel sunshine?

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"Thailand expects to have one of the top ringleaders of the southern Thailand human trafficking ring "

In order for the Thai authorities to know this person is one of the top ringleaders means they have to already know who ALL the ringleaders are!

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He told reporters that the most recent discoveries of detention camps and dead bodies were not the first. “I want to tell you that these are not the first camps we found. We found others before, but we did not tell the media about them. We did this [action against traffickers] because the Government made it a policy from January this year.

So essentially the Thai Gov has been complicit in aiding and abetting human traffickers and only once international pressure is applied in the form that could see them lose money do they act. Wonderful humanitarians!

With all the current pressure Thailand is putting on human trafficking gangs, did Gen Somyot think the US might now lift Thailand from Tier 3 in its Trafficking in Persons listings – the lowest rank?

He replied, “You’ll have to ask the US about that. But we are working as hard as we can to solve all illegal activities, whether it be illegal labor, human trafficking or [other kinds of] transnational crime.”

There's a very simple answer to that question ... NO.

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Since they have been paid to look the other way all these years they already know who the "big boss" is and they can get him at any time. I think they're waiting so the big boss can decide which of his underlings is going to take the fall for him.

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How many more bodies?

surely this was of international concern

Why the secrecy?

The whole world is now like a secret society/enclave with big money behind it. Its called stay the course do not rock the boat. The UN also has been remarkably silent on many human rights issues. If you listen to the free traders spout off now about the PTT they say yes some workers will get hurt but the free trade agreement will benefit the greater good. Greater good my arse. Big business will benefit yes but no one else. There will be more rust belts as companies scramble no run to relocate in countries with low wages and no pollution or labor laws. Its a Nirvana for them They reduce costs yet keep on charging the same high price world wide for their product. Its all about shareholder value forget the greater good that's a myth. Why are negotiations done in a top secret atmosphere. OBama wants to fast track it. It is stalled right now in the senate as even his own Democrats think it stinks. They now say to unblock the logjam maybe they should strike out the part where countries cannot devalue their currencies. Well if thats one clause you can pretty well guess what the rest reads like. Its all shrouded in secrecy till the government drops the poverty bomb on us. These treaties are geared for big business not workers. Our governments seem to be secret societies for big business we are kept in the dark on treaties that will affect half the worlds population something is terribly wrong.

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. . . and Then we will release him after we get his bail money. cheesy.gif

“Perfection isn’t reached when there’s nothing left to add— it’s when there’s nothing left to remove.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Sounds like the world about 500 years from now and I am being generous with the time frame.

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We will have trafficking boss behind bars soon – Thailand's top cop

Even if it is a top police or military general? I don't think so.

It will go quiet for a while as small expendable small fry are sacrificed. Then it will all start again. There is too much lovely money involved and too many Rohingyas in Burma and Bangladesk anxious to fall into the trap.

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he say : if -- if any police would be cooperating with the trafficers - we would panish him,

but he is pretty sure no police was ever involved of trafficking peoples ( they are for them just cash enemys )

They will show the Big Trafficking boss in short !!

They are already in talk with him to get the agreement clear :

a) No thai police or official were ever involved in the trafficking - he will guarantee this on court !

B) He will be released for bail - not more than 1 mill thb !!

c) he will be never charged on court !

d) he will bring in some minor traffockers to be panished for the show case of UN, US and Thai people !!

Amen ;

So expect UN and US will declare in short:



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Please define sòon?

Or do they really mean ... the big guns have all fled the country but if they return we will arrest them

Soon in Thailand can mean 2 min, 20 min, 2 hr, 2 day, 2 week or what ever, maybe 2 year.

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Human trafficking a sick, twisted thing that destroys whole families and communities all over the world. What makes this case worse is the fact that many of those who are supposed to be combatting this sick trade are themselves involved from the top down.

It's obvious that many of the victims, whole families men, women, and children who resisted have been murdered and dumped in mass graves by the traffickers. What of the punishment for those involved they are simply given a new posting within the organisation.

May all the victims RIP, and I hope the families find justice.

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