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Johnny Depp's dogs face death in Australia


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Of course this has everything to do with envy, American, movie star, attention seeking, grand standing, drama and little else. Would the nasty, apparently drunk, loud mouth have gone public and made such comments if had had been a normal Aussie bringing some contraband into Australie? Of course not!

Did Depp or his camp run to media and act like a loud mouth fool when fat boy with bad skin and alcoholic complexion threatened his pooches? Nope.

Perhaps if the nasty dude had a stunner for a wife he would feel the inmate need to go public and seek so much attention by acting like a drama queen.

Thus far, Depp and his camp have shown exceedingly more class and tact than the Foster camp.

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This is not just a pissy little summary offence, it is a serious criminal offence in Australia which carries a fine of up to 60K, up to 10 yrs imprisonment or both.

Yes, it is a pissy little offense. He didn't smuggle a crate of plague infected rats, or a boatload of cattle with mad cow disease.

It's 2 tiny dogs that probably get better health care than you or I do.

Correct but this law operates without fear or favour and the DYKWIA attitude doesn't go far with customs and nor should it. Other countries might tolerate the arrogance.

Other countries use common sense. I haven't seen anyone saying he shouldn't abide by the law. What I have seen, is that some fat ass, loudmouth, should just shut up and do his job in a responsible manner.

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Lol, at the end of the day, Depp will still be admired and loved for his works, how he has helped sick children, his charities and the way he generally treats people.

Australia will be remembered as having some fat, slobbering, inarticulate loud mouth politician type who threatened to kill two poor puppies that looked a bit like Toto on the Wizard of Oz.

Oh, and you gotta love his statement that US won't take them back either and that the poor dogs are Stateless. What a moron. Well done!

Any more good Aussie humor! Love it. Keep it coming.

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Lol, at the end of the day, Depp will still be admired and loved for his works, how he has helped sick children, his charities and the way he generally treats people.

Australia will be remembered as having some fat, slobbering, inarticulate loud mouth politician type who threatened to kill two poor puppies that looked a bit like Toto on the Wizard of Oz.

Oh, and you gotta love his statement that US won't take them back either and that the poor dogs are Stateless. What a moron. Well done!

Any more good Aussie humor! Love it. Keep it coming.

Well as a lawyer i am sure you will realise he didnt make the law, simply stating what it is. Send the dogs back or by law they will have to die. He did the wrong thing and was told the consequences and how to avoid it.

I dont care if he is mother theresa, the law doesnt care either. Australians, especially those in farming take a very dim view of such things, it has caused much loss of jobs and crops etc in the past. Why he thinks he should not bother is up to him.

If he got drunk and fell over and was arrested, got a parking ticket or swore at people and generally made a dick of himself no one would give a rats.

Edit: he was actually worried the dogs would be stateless and have to be put down. All on Mr Depp's stupidity.

Edited by Linky
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Lol, at the end of the day, Depp will still be admired and loved for his works, how he has helped sick children, his charities and the way he generally treats people.

Australia will be remembered as having some fat, slobbering, inarticulate loud mouth politician type who threatened to kill two poor puppies that looked a bit like Toto on the Wizard of Oz.

Oh, and you gotta love his statement that US won't take them back either and that the poor dogs are Stateless. What a moron. Well done!

Any more good Aussie humor! Love it. Keep it coming.

Well as a lawyer i am sure you will realise he didnt make the law, simply stating what it is. Send the dogs back or by law they will have to die. He did the wrong thing and was told the consequences and how to avoid it.

I dont care if he is mother theresa, the law doesnt care either. Australians, especially those in farming take a very dim view of such things, it has caused much loss of jobs and crops etc in the past. Why he thinks he should not bother is up to him.

If he got drunk and fell over and was arrested, got a parking ticket or swore at people and generally made a dick of himself no one would give a rats.

Edit: he was actually worried the dogs would be stateless and have to be put down. All on Mr Depp's stupidity.

He wanted to kill toto. Savages you Australians are . . ., and cannot read to well given some of your responses . . . Put the Fosters down, eat better, exercise, try some dental hygiene and the stunners may come your way and perhaps, maybe, just maybe some Australians won't be so dang temperamental or drama filled that they want to kill Toto . . . Not one, but two Totos. Savages I tell you.



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Of course this has everything to do with envy, American, movie star, attention seeking, grand standing, drama and little else. Would the nasty, apparently drunk, loud mouth have gone public and made such comments if had had been a normal Aussie bringing some contraband into Australie? Of course not!

Did Depp or his camp run to media and act like a loud mouth fool when fat boy with bad skin and alcoholic complexion threatened his pooches? Nope.

Perhaps if the nasty dude had a stunner for a wife he would feel the inmate need to go public and seek so much attention by acting like a drama queen.

Thus far, Depp and his camp have shown exceedingly more class and tact than the Foster camp.

oh please do you really think when Americans break laws in other countries Australians are envious of thier criminal activities. Geez yanks are really full of themselves.

Lol, nice misdirection and failure to answer whether the loud mouth would have made such a public spectacle and such comments if a normal Aussie got popped which is actually the issue and the question.

Mate, if it had been a 'normal aussie' that had smuggled dogs into the country bypassing bio-security the bloody dogs would be dead already. As for making a public spectacle....well, it's Barnaby Joyce of the National Party for Christ's sake. You see, when Barnaby looks at Depp he sees the Leftist Liberal Hollywood Elite. Barnaby doesn't like that and reckons that by makin a fuss he can get a little populist action going in his favor. You know - us against the liberal elites sort of thing. Blokes get the same sort of action going when with a wink wink nudge nudge they discuss aboriginal housing or policing when sitting around with (white) mates having a beer.

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The dogs are gone, the were escorted by Department of agriculture officials to the airport and placed on a private plane. Depp has remained in Australia. He got off extremely lightly as other normal people have had thier animals destroyed and fined heavily.

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This is not just a pissy little summary offence, it is a serious criminal offence in Australia which carries a fine of up to 60K, up to 10 yrs imprisonment or both.

Yes, it is a pissy little offense. He didn't smuggle a crate of plague infected rats, or a boatload of cattle with mad cow disease.

It's 2 tiny dogs that probably get better health care than you or I do.

Correct but this law operates without fear or favour and the DYKWIA attitude doesn't go far with customs and nor should it. Other countries might tolerate the arrogance.

Other countries use common sense. I haven't seen anyone saying he shouldn't abide by the law. What I have seen, is that some fat ass, loudmouth, should just shut up and do his job in a responsible manner.

Apparently, that simple concept is difficult for Aussies to grasp even on here.

And he did just that, he represented his constituants as they voted for him, again and again. If his voters were asked about it they would have used much worse language.

Other countries use common sense? By that you mean they dont adhere to their laws? The law about what you can and cannot bring in is clear, they are quite serious as many can lose their income if someone breaks the law and can cost millions. Why should he be different?

The only reason Barnaby got the media attention is because the media gave it attention to start with. So no, if it was an aussie coming in with pooches Barnaby would not have commentted because that aussie would have been told the same thing, remove them or they will be dealt with according to the law.

So as the media got into it, being American, UK, NZ or Mars makes no difference. He is dealt with exactly the same as anyone else.

All equal yes.

Apparently you have a comprehension issue. No, by common sense, I mean don't use a sledge hammer to kill an ant. I never said Depp should be treated different. What I said, is you have an overweight buffoon, making an idiot of himself, and embarrassing his country. All of that wasn't necessary, even if the media did get involved. Obviously the guy is in over his head.

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The OP says DOGS, but then we discover they are Yorkshire Terriers?

Did you think Yorkies were guinea pigs?

Soak them both in water and I challenge you to tell which is which....

Easy, Guinea pigs are the quiet ones

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I recall very fondly the fracas with Sylvester Stalone. Sly and his entourage flew into Sydney to promote Rocky XXXVIII. Unfortunately (t)he(y) brought a couple of kgs of Human Growth Hormone so that he could slow the mournful sagging of his aging body. Had to throw the lot out of Kings Cross Hotel window when the cops came calling. Apparently his assistant did it. Should have brought his dogs with him and had the dogs eat it.

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I recall very fondly the fracas with Sylvester Stalone. Sly and his entourage flew into Sydney to promote Rocky XXXVIII. Unfortunately (t)he(y) brought a couple of kgs of Human Growth Hormone so that he could slow the mournful sagging of his aging body. Had to throw the lot out of Kings Cross Hotel window when the cops came calling. Apparently his assistant did it. Should have brought his dogs with him and had the dogs eat it.

A couple of KG HGH its always fun to read post from the uninformed people with no knowledge of the substance in question. But hey dumb people are entitled to an opinion too.

HGH comes in a powder form and is mixed with sterile water, amounts are not eve measured in KG's but in IU or milligram and would amount to a few gram certainly not more as a 50 gram (an obscene amount if you have it and already an overstatement)

But hey.. let people without knowledge go on spewing nonsense.

I don't defend what the guy did.. was illegal in OZ but just had to comment on how people with no real knowledge make up stories.

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I recall very fondly the fracas with Sylvester Stalone. Sly and his entourage flew into Sydney to promote Rocky XXXVIII. Unfortunately (t)he(y) brought a couple of kgs of Human Growth Hormone so that he could slow the mournful sagging of his aging body. Had to throw the lot out of Kings Cross Hotel window when the cops came calling. Apparently his assistant did it. Should have brought his dogs with him and had the dogs eat it.

A couple of KG HGH its always fun to read post from the uninformed people with no knowledge of the substance in question. But hey dumb people are entitled to an opinion too.

HGH comes in a powder form and is mixed with sterile water, amounts are not eve measured in KG's but in IU or milligram and would amount to a few gram certainly not more as a 50 gram (an obscene amount if you have it and already an overstatement)

But hey.. let people without knowledge go on spewing nonsense.

I don't defend what the guy did.. was illegal in OZ but just had to comment on how people with no real knowledge make up stories.

Probably wasn't Rocky XXXVIII either eh?

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I recall very fondly the fracas with Sylvester Stalone. Sly and his entourage flew into Sydney to promote Rocky XXXVIII. Unfortunately (t)he(y) brought a couple of kgs of Human Growth Hormone so that he could slow the mournful sagging of his aging body. Had to throw the lot out of Kings Cross Hotel window when the cops came calling. Apparently his assistant did it. Should have brought his dogs with him and had the dogs eat it.

A couple of KG HGH its always fun to read post from the uninformed people with no knowledge of the substance in question. But hey dumb people are entitled to an opinion too.

HGH comes in a powder form and is mixed with sterile water, amounts are not eve measured in KG's but in IU or milligram and would amount to a few gram certainly not more as a 50 gram (an obscene amount if you have it and already an overstatement)

But hey.. let people without knowledge go on spewing nonsense.

I don't defend what the guy did.. was illegal in OZ but just had to comment on how people with no real knowledge make up stories.

Hmmmm. It's called satire.

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Gotta kind of wonder..

If this was really about animal diseases, where are the crews fumigating the property, ripping up the lawn where they pooped, taking samples from the home and doggie salon, and impounding the vehicles used to transport the critters around town? (And sending the bill to the perps)

Or maybe it was just about sticking it to a rich Yank.

One more time, I think Mr and Mrs Depp screwed up. They shouldn't have done it, and they should be fined. A big fine. But the minister's handling of the scandal was unprofessional at best. And there are better plans than "kill the dogs".

Edited by impulse
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I recall very fondly the fracas with Sylvester Stalone. Sly and his entourage flew into Sydney to promote Rocky XXXVIII. Unfortunately (t)he(y) brought a couple of kgs of Human Growth Hormone so that he could slow the mournful sagging of his aging body. Had to throw the lot out of Kings Cross Hotel window when the cops came calling. Apparently his assistant did it. Should have brought his dogs with him and had the dogs eat it.

A couple of KG HGH its always fun to read post from the uninformed people with no knowledge of the substance in question. But hey dumb people are entitled to an opinion too.

HGH comes in a powder form and is mixed with sterile water, amounts are not eve measured in KG's but in IU or milligram and would amount to a few gram certainly not more as a 50 gram (an obscene amount if you have it and already an overstatement)

But hey.. let people without knowledge go on spewing nonsense.

I don't defend what the guy did.. was illegal in OZ but just had to comment on how people with no real knowledge make up stories.

Hmmmm. It's called satire.

No satire is funny.. this is just ignorance.. but as I said I understand that people with average IQ also use the internet. So I will have to adapt to the stupidity that is written.

This is satire http://notthenation.com/

Edited by robblok
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Gotta kind of wonder..

If this was really about animal diseases, where are the crews fumigating the property, ripping up the lawn where they pooped, taking samples from the home and doggie salon, and impounding the vehicles used to transport the critters around town? (And sending the bill to the perps)

Or maybe it was just about sticking it to a rich Yank.

One more time, I think Mr and Mrs Depp screwed up. They shouldn't have done it, and they should be fined. A big fine. But the minister's handling of the scandal was unprofessional at best. And there are better plans than "kill the dogs".

There were no plans to kill the dogs as such. They had the option of removing them. If not then it is the law that must be followed.

I dont know if they fumigated anything the dogs where in contact with. They may well have done so and Mr Depp will foot the bill or it will be added to his fine.

Nothing about him being aN American. Will be the same for everyone.

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I recall very fondly the fracas with Sylvester Stalone. Sly and his entourage flew into Sydney to promote Rocky XXXVIII. Unfortunately (t)he(y) brought a couple of kgs of Human Growth Hormone so that he could slow the mournful sagging of his aging body. Had to throw the lot out of Kings Cross Hotel window when the cops came calling. Apparently his assistant did it. Should have brought his dogs with him and had the dogs eat it.

A couple of KG HGH its always fun to read post from the uninformed people with no knowledge of the substance in question. But hey dumb people are entitled to an opinion too.

HGH comes in a powder form and is mixed with sterile water, amounts are not eve measured in KG's but in IU or milligram and would amount to a few gram certainly not more as a 50 gram (an obscene amount if you have it and already an overstatement)

But hey.. let people without knowledge go on spewing nonsense.

I don't defend what the guy did.. was illegal in OZ but just had to comment on how people with no real knowledge make up stories.

Hmmmm. It's called satire.

No satire is funny.. this is just ignorance.. but as I said I understand that people with average IQ also use the internet. So I will have to adapt to the stupidity that is written.

This is satire http://notthenation.com/

Adaptation completed with aplomb smile.png

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Of course this has everything to do with envy, American, movie star, attention seeking, grand standing, drama and little else. Would the nasty, apparently drunk, loud mouth have gone public and made such comments if had had been a normal Aussie bringing some contraband into Australie? Of course not!

Did Depp or his camp run to media and act like a loud mouth fool when fat boy with bad skin and alcoholic complexion threatened his pooches? Nope.

Perhaps if the nasty dude had a stunner for a wife he would feel the inmate need to go public and seek so much attention by acting like a drama queen.

Thus far, Depp and his camp have shown exceedingly more class and tact than the Foster camp.

oh please do you really think when Americans break laws in other countries Australians are envious of thier criminal activities. Geez yanks are really full of themselves.

Lol, nice misdirection and failure to answer whether the loud mouth would have made such a public spectacle and such comments if a normal Aussie got popped which is actually the issue and the question.

Mate, if it had been a 'normal aussie' that had smuggled dogs into the country bypassing bio-security the bloody dogs would be dead already. As for making a public spectacle....well, it's Barnaby Joyce of the National Party for Christ's sake. You see, when Barnaby looks at Depp he sees the Leftist Liberal Hollywood Elite. Barnaby doesn't like that and reckons that by makin a fuss he can get a little populist action going in his favor. You know - us against the liberal elites sort of thing. Blokes get the same sort of action going when with a wink wink nudge nudge they discuss aboriginal housing or policing when sitting around with (white) mates having a beer.

That's no justification or legitimizing of the government's conduct and behaviors in this fiasco but it is a practical and down to Earth realistic assessment concerning some of the cultural and political factors involved.

I can relate to this accounting of the mess far better than to the law and order judicial robed rationales and justifications for Joyce's and his colleagues' shenanigans.

A certain political-culture down there is at the core of it and is probably playing a greater role than the Ministry of Agriculture with all of its law enforcers would like us to believe.

So the constitutional rule of law egalitarians are also having their say, as are the America bashers down under who have also had their usual time of it.

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Gotta kind of wonder..

If this was really about animal diseases, where are the crews fumigating the property, ripping up the lawn where they pooped, taking samples from the home and doggie salon, and impounding the vehicles used to transport the critters around town? (And sending the bill to the perps)

Or maybe it was just about sticking it to a rich Yank.

One more time, I think Mr and Mrs Depp screwed up. They shouldn't have done it, and they should be fined. A big fine. But the minister's handling of the scandal was unprofessional at best. And there are better plans than "kill the dogs".

There were no plans to kill the dogs as such. They had the option of removing them. If not then it is the law that must be followed.

I dont know if they fumigated anything the dogs where in contact with. They may well have done so and Mr Depp will foot the bill or it will be added to his fine.

Nothing about him being aN American. Will be the same for everyone.

Quite agree with you on some of this. (Except I doubt it would have made headlines, or whether someone at the minister's level would have seen fit to take the lead... had it not been a famous person with some political or ego mileage for the grabbing) And it seems rather arbitrary that he gave them 72 hours to "bugger off", given they'd been on the ground for weeks. Can you imagine what it costs to round up a charter jet to cross the pond in 72 hours or less?

I'm mostly tossing out some bait to those on the forum here who keep lecturing me here on how seriously the Aussies take their Biosecurity rules, and this minister's amazing commitment to keeping out the bad organisms.

Seems like that's not happening here... So what's his real motivation? If it were doggie parasites, there would be press all over the effort to sanitize the location, Facebook pages full of swabbing the doggie beauty parlor for bugs, and some paparazzi down taking photos of the inside of Johnny Depp's hired car at the impound yard being fumigated. There isn't. Nada. Zip. No effort whatsoever to protect the livestock and natural fauna. Just a lot of hot air.

So I have to wonder... (Mostly I wonder what response I'll get from the Yank haters here, because I really don't care what happens on the ground now that the doggies are safely away.)

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Gotta kind of wonder..

If this was really about animal diseases, where are the crews fumigating the property, ripping up the lawn where they pooped, taking samples from the home and doggie salon, and impounding the vehicles used to transport the critters around town? (And sending the bill to the perps)

Or maybe it was just about sticking it to a rich Yank.

One more time, I think Mr and Mrs Depp screwed up. They shouldn't have done it, and they should be fined. A big fine. But the minister's handling of the scandal was unprofessional at best. And there are better plans than "kill the dogs".

There were no plans to kill the dogs as such. They had the option of removing them. If not then it is the law that must be followed.

I dont know if they fumigated anything the dogs where in contact with. They may well have done so and Mr Depp will foot the bill or it will be added to his fine.

Nothing about him being aN American. Will be the same for everyone.

You wrote, "There were no plans to kill the dogs as such."

The Aussie agriculture minister said, "When asked what will happen if the dogs aren't removed within 50 hours, Joyce said 'We're going to have to destroy them'.

(DELETED) but seems to me, "destroy them" has only one interpretation.

I don't think he said anything about making them "drug dogs" and flying them to Indonesia and alerting the authorities. I think he said, "destroy them." How would you destroy a dog without killing it?

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oh please do you really think when Americans break laws in other countries Australians are envious of thier criminal activities. Geez yanks are really full of themselves.

Lol, nice misdirection and failure to answer whether the loud mouth would have made such a public spectacle and such comments if a normal Aussie got popped which is actually the issue and the question.

Mate, if it had been a 'normal aussie' that had smuggled dogs into the country bypassing bio-security the bloody dogs would be dead already. As for making a public spectacle....well, it's Barnaby Joyce of the National Party for Christ's sake. You see, when Barnaby looks at Depp he sees the Leftist Liberal Hollywood Elite. Barnaby doesn't like that and reckons that by makin a fuss he can get a little populist action going in his favor. You know - us against the liberal elites sort of thing. Blokes get the same sort of action going when with a wink wink nudge nudge they discuss aboriginal housing or policing when sitting around with (white) mates having a beer.

That's no justification or legitimizing of the government's conduct and behaviors in this fiasco but it is a practical and down to Earth realistic assessment concerning some of the cultural and political factors involved.

I can relate to this accounting of the mess far better than to the law and order judicial robed rationales and justifications for Joyce's and his colleagues' shenanigans.

A certain political-culture down there is at the core of it and is probably playing a greater role than the Ministry of Agriculture with all of its law enforcers would like us to believe.

So the constitutional rule of law egalitarians are also having their say, as are the America bashers down under who have also had their usual time of it.

Lot's of American bashers in Australia - it's the narcissism of minor differences. Australians find it amusing, so do Poms to a large extent. Americans tend to find it upsetting, probably because we expect to be universally admired and loved and through that to have exceptions made for our exceptionalism. And the really sad thing is that it's the dogs that suffer. Let's not forget the dogs - sent home on a plane all alone.

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Gotta kind of wonder..

If this was really about animal diseases, where are the crews fumigating the property, ripping up the lawn where they pooped, taking samples from the home and doggie salon, and impounding the vehicles used to transport the critters around town? (And sending the bill to the perps)

Or maybe it was just about sticking it to a rich Yank.

One more time, I think Mr and Mrs Depp screwed up. They shouldn't have done it, and they should be fined. A big fine. But the minister's handling of the scandal was unprofessional at best. And there are better plans than "kill the dogs".

There were no plans to kill the dogs as such. They had the option of removing them. If not then it is the law that must be followed.

I dont know if they fumigated anything the dogs where in contact with. They may well have done so and Mr Depp will foot the bill or it will be added to his fine.

Nothing about him being aN American. Will be the same for everyone.

You wrote, "There were no plans to kill the dogs as such."

The Aussie agriculture minister said, "When asked what will happen if the dogs aren't removed within 50 hours, Joyce said 'We're going to have to destroy them'.

I know Aussies aren't famous for their English skills but seems to me, "destroy them" has only one interpretation.

I don't think he said anything about making them "drug dogs" and flying them to Indonesia and alerting the authorities. I think he said, "destroy them." How would you destroy a dog without killing it?

You could sew it's head onto another dog's body. Or attach onto the middle of the chest of someone who whines too much so that when they feel upset the dogs head would yap. A kind of alarm for oversensitive nationalities.

Edited by seedy
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Lol, at the end of the day, Depp will still be admired and loved for his works, how he has helped sick children, his charities and the way he generally treats people.

Australia will be remembered as having some fat, slobbering, inarticulate loud mouth politician type who threatened to kill two poor puppies that looked a bit like Toto on the Wizard of Oz.

Oh, and you gotta love his statement that US won't take them back either and that the poor dogs are Stateless. What a moron. Well done!

Any more good Aussie humor! Love it. Keep it coming.

Well as a lawyer i am sure you will realise he didnt make the law, simply stating what it is. Send the dogs back or by law they will have to die. He did the wrong thing and was told the consequences and how to avoid it.

I dont care if he is mother theresa, the law doesnt care either. Australians, especially those in farming take a very dim view of such things, it has caused much loss of jobs and crops etc in the past. Why he thinks he should not bother is up to him.

If he got drunk and fell over and was arrested, got a parking ticket or swore at people and generally made a dick of himself no one would give a rats.

Edit: he was actually worried the dogs would be stateless and have to be put down. All on Mr Depp's stupidity.

He wanted to kill toto. Savages you Australians are . . ., and cannot read to well given some of your responses . . . Put the Fosters down, eat better, exercise, try some dental hygiene and the stunners may come your way and perhaps, maybe, just maybe some Australians won't be so dang temperamental or drama filled that they want to kill Toto . . . Not one, but two Totos. Savages I tell you.

No, not Kansas, Glinda. But one can imagine arriving at LAX or JFK with a couple of dogs in tow...I am sure they would just roll out the red carpet. Alternatively, pax and dogs stun-gunned , shot, kicked out....all of the above.

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Gotta kind of wonder..

If this was really about animal diseases, where are the crews fumigating the property, ripping up the lawn where they pooped, taking samples from the home and doggie salon, and impounding the vehicles used to transport the critters around town? (And sending the bill to the perps)

Or maybe it was just about sticking it to a rich Yank.

One more time, I think Mr and Mrs Depp screwed up. They shouldn't have done it, and they should be fined. A big fine. But the minister's handling of the scandal was unprofessional at best. And there are better plans than "kill the dogs".

There were no plans to kill the dogs as such. They had the option of removing them. If not then it is the law that must be followed.

I dont know if they fumigated anything the dogs where in contact with. They may well have done so and Mr Depp will foot the bill or it will be added to his fine.

Nothing about him being aN American. Will be the same for everyone.

You wrote, "There were no plans to kill the dogs as such."

The Aussie agriculture minister said, "When asked what will happen if the dogs aren't removed within 50 hours, Joyce said 'We're going to have to destroy them'.

(DELETED) but seems to me, "destroy them" has only one interpretation.

I don't think he said anything about making them "drug dogs" and flying them to Indonesia and alerting the authorities. I think he said, "destroy them." How would you destroy a dog without killing it?

If the plan was to kill them then Mr Depp would not have been given the option to remove them.

The plan was to have them removed but if that offer was not accepted then the law demands they be put down.

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