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I really think some of you are a little wound to tight.,I have a master's degree in computer science and been living in Thailand for over 8 years citizen of USA Florida Tampa Bay run pretty good industry zz industries I own it with my wife.I do good, better here then in the USA my dollar goes really far here.yay lol.Well thank you and every one have a good life and healthy year.

Kevin Matthew wall

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I really think some of you are a little wound to tight.,I have a master's degree in computer science and been living in Thailand for over 8 years citizen of USA Florida Tampa Bay run pretty good industry zz industries I own it with my wife.I do good, better here then in the USA my dollar goes really far here.yay lol.Well thank you and every one have a good life and healthy year.

Kevin Matthew wall



If the OP would run aan own pub or disco he could understand the policy of that club. A beer or a coke you can drink even you are standing anywhere..... but if you come with friends and wanna open a bottle of Whisky and Champagne then you need and expect a table and a place chair where you can sit.

I had my own discotheque a few years ago and I had the same problem. Some customers come to drink only 1 beer all night but they blocked my chairs and tables while other customers who came to celebrate with friend, buying whisky bottles, ordering food etc cannot find a table. I also asked those guys to move, coz it was my business to make money! Is that so hard to understand?

Which is probably why you don't have a disco any more. If i was sitting down and having a drink anywhere and some grubby mean spirited owner asked me to move i would just walk out and never go back.

And that is exactly what I would want/expect you to do. Stay classy.


OP next time this happens don't stand for it.

Just stay sitting there if you get in a fight so be it.. this is just like Australia. Get a friend to video it and upload it to youtube.

If the BIB come it will be the owner that gets in trouble and you will be able to sue him just like back in Oz. You are always right as you are a foreigner.

Let us know how you go next time.

  • 1 month later...

To the OP -

Don't feel bad, this happens all over Thailand and in Asia. Money talks! Spend more, and you'll get the perks.... sucks, yes, but it is what it is.

I even sometimes go to a bar alone, and drink some beers, but if a large group comes in, and there is no more tables, I have to get up and leave.... sucks, but hey, when in Thailand smile and move on. No biggie.


Pretty much standard anywhere in the world, better spending customers in clubs get priority.

You don't notice it so much in West because clubs are better designed (especially vip/premium areas, cannot think of decent vip area in a club on bangla, they are normally worst seats in the house if you actually want to see anything) and staff are better trained at guiding people to appropriate table for their spend. And if someone needs to be moved, staff are diplomatic and normally 'reward' you for compiling.

Their upfront 3000/6000 bottle plus overpriced mixers trump your pay as you go few hundred baht. Actually, unless you are the 'party' type (ie create atmosphere) you are the least important customer type, basically just 'filler'. (only tai pan buck this tendency a bit, they run that place more like a bar with loud music than a club, but if customer is important enough and you are not, you will get moved, especially if you sit in back between bar and vip area as many big spending regulars prefer that to actual vip)

Now that said, Hollywood staff (both thai and farang) have always been rude, arrogant, confrontational dicks (for lack of better word) and since the partnership fell apart they have only gotten worse, as the club it's self did, obvious now it was not partners who stayed who knew what they were doing. Unless you are either a regular big spender or a young stylish European they can and will treat you like shit. For good reason the place went from fighting for the number one busy spot to fighting not be in last place.

Seduction, only been a few times, not really my age group. I am guessing you were at tables near dance floor? Many people who would normally be granted vip prefer those tables because, as i said above all the vip areas are crap and there is very little tables/seating outside vip. Though always curious how they are making money there as always seems less than 3% of customers seem to be drinking anything, so am guessing big spenders are treated like gods as they are only ones that keep place open.


On point Lashay.

Thai Pan has an interesting setup. Owner has 3 concessions (bar areas) inside and they all buy their stock from the warehouse down Soi Sunset. I guess he also charges them a nominal rent. So no need to employ bar/waitress staff. Just the band and bouncers. Seems to work.


Makes me think about the system in Paris, in downtown café's a coffee, beer or whatever costs more when you sit down instead of stand in front of the counter. But I have never heard of any such system in Thailand.

And inside or outside makes a difference. Come to think of it....at home you pay more if you sit in the lounge than if you sit in the bar...

Here they don't charge you more to sit down in the likes of McDonalds, or KFC. But they do in the UK.


If the OP would run aan own pub or disco he could understand the policy of that club. A beer or a coke you can drink even you are standing anywhere..... but if you come with friends and wanna open a bottle of Whisky and Champagne then you need and expect a table and a place chair where you can sit.

I had my own discotheque a few years ago and I had the same problem. Some customers come to drink only 1 beer all night but they blocked my chairs and tables while other customers who came to celebrate with friend, buying whisky bottles, ordering food etc cannot find a table. I also asked those guys to move, coz it was my business to make money! Is that so hard to understand?

If you want to make money you should take care of all your customers. If your attitude is that you are in business just to make money your customers won't be coming back.

I can see this from both sides, I'm sure that there is some compromise that can be made. I can also see your point in your second sentence.

Yes, people in business are there to make as much money as they can, but there are times when you should stop the Capitalist attitude and take a hit.


Australia's not always that much different.

I was dining in an hotel restaurant in Australia where we were eating, drinking bottles of wine and having a good time - not over the top. The couple at the table next to us called the waiter and complained we were too noisy. The waiter looked at us and looked at them and said to them that table is going to spend hundreds of dollars tonight and you're going to have a beer and a lemonade, you better move.

Pragmatic. And he got a very good tip.


Can you speak in English!

In Australia, u sit down and it's your spot unless you leave and someone can take it!

Don't want to burst your bubble sweet cakes, but this is not OZ. What he asked was, were you sucking on the same drinks forever, being a cheap skate, when there were paying customers needing a table?


If the OP would run aan own pub or disco he could understand the policy of that club. A beer or a coke you can drink even you are standing anywhere..... but if you come with friends and wanna open a bottle of Whisky and Champagne then you need and expect a table and a place chair where you can sit.

I had my own discotheque a few years ago and I had the same problem. Some customers come to drink only 1 beer all night but they blocked my chairs and tables while other customers who came to celebrate with friend, buying whisky bottles, ordering food etc cannot find a table. I also asked those guys to move, coz it was my business to make money! Is that so hard to understand?

money talks in all walks of life as they say no money no honey

in this case was no spending no table and chairs goodnight


COMPLY or not, you think you are a VIP, sorry BIGGER Thai VIP's.

Stop thinking you as a farang are important, just because you spend 1-2-3 thousand baht, MAYBE

You are in nightclubs where the HI(lo)SO rich Thais go. You do not stand a chance.

You, OP, are a DOG, in these establishment, just like me and any other farang.


Well if you do not like this Thai attitude in clubs

You can always stay in your hotel room with your gay mates and dance to MTV on the TV in your pants


Would you really feel good as a VIP in a club surrounded by virtually freelancers of exceedingly limited intellectual, emotional, manners, and education?? One doubts even Federico Fellini would have the animosity to not create such a backdrop.

Next time you are evicted from the so called VIP table be elated.


Makes me think about the system in Paris, in downtown café's a coffee, beer or whatever costs more when you sit down instead of stand in front of the counter. But I have never heard of any such system in Thailand.

And inside or outside makes a difference. Come to think of it....at home you pay more if you sit in the lounge than if you sit in the bar...

Here they don't charge you more to sit down in the likes of McDonalds, or KFC. But they do in the UK.

Not true. McDonalds, Burger King etc. charge same for takeaway or sit-down in UK.

The difference comes with places like Pret a Manger who sell cold sandwiches. This is because cold food to take away has zero rating for VAT, but not if consumed on premises.


Perhaps someone bought bottle service then Cheap Charlies need to move..

The OP is not an Indian is he?

Are these practices based on nationality?


Let me give you another perspective and I am not suggesting this is what you did in the case you mentioned. My wife owned a very successful bar in town with a live band. This place was standing room only from Wednesday to Saturday. There were always a good number of people who would show up early e ought to get a table. They would buy one maybe two beer or whiskey and sit at a table with their group of friends who did the same and stay for the evening to listen to the band. I am sure it would not surprise you that these people did not indulge in tipping. Often times the "regulars" (good spenders) would have to stand in the back Now there are things you can do to deal with freeloaders like this but many of these actions inconvenience legitimate customers (eg cover charge, minimum spend per table etc). My own reaction was to ask them to leave. My Thai wife handled it differently. If she saw them enter the establishment again ... "sorry all these tables are reserved, you can sit upstairs beside the pool table". She claimed not to see them back a third time. Now my wife's bar was a small to medium place that she managed closely. In a large venue like Hollywood it's simply not practical to manage things the way my wife did. All you can do is give blanket instructions to the grade school drop out staff you employ at minimum wage. These instructions seem to be that tables are for regular customers that spend (and tip) heavily. I presume you did not fall into this category. My point is that a bar/nightclub is a business and not a charity, either the table you are at is producing sufficient revenue and staff tips or you need to move on for people who do meet that criteria.


Can you speak in English!

In Australia, u sit down and it's your spot unless you leave and someone can take it!

Well you are not in Australia. They serve better those who spend more here. Now you are lucky that new government have made it more difficult to misbehave otherwise you could have even been thrown out or beaten up if not listen to them.


COMPLY or not, you think you are a VIP, sorry BIGGER Thai VIP's.

Stop thinking you as a farang are important, just because you spend 1-2-3 thousand baht, MAYBE

You are in nightclubs where the HI(lo)SO rich Thais go. You do not stand a chance.

You, OP, are a DOG, in these establishment, just like me and any other farang.

Bangla clubs are not really a hangout for HiSo thais. Also most of the clubs are farang owned and managed so they don't really discriminate that way either, they just care about color of your money and how much you will be dropping. More of it you are dropping, more VIP you are to them.

With one exception, if someone comes in who can hurt/shut them (club), like off duty police, army, government, then all bets are off...for obvious reasons. And once again, that is same anywhere in the world


Can you speak in English!

In Australia, u sit down and it's your spot unless you leave and someone can take it!

Well since you pretend you are in Australia, why not also pretend you are sitting in someone else's seat.

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