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Bandido chief stranded in Thailand after Australian govt refuses to renew visa


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I find it quite amusing that the Oz govt dont want this guy back, yet for the past however many months, have tried to save the lives of 2 REAL scumbags recently killed by firing squad in Indonesia.

The 2 in Indonesia were Australian citizens. This guy isn't.

I mean is it really that difficult for you to understand? Every country in the world acts like this. Australia is no different. (well maybe Thailand does welcome foreign criminals - but most countries don't_

People seem to think that this scumbag somehow has a right to remain in Australia, he doesn't.

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Perhaps because since he entered Australia, he has become a "person not of good character", i.e. :-

Do you really need to copy all that text just to add those few words?

Sorry, but I could have copied a heck of a lot more! I was merely trying to show that his previous conduct in Australia was probably the reason why they refused him re-entry, specifically :-

" (ii) the person's past and present general conduct;"


(d) in the event the person were allowed to enter or to remain in Australia, there is a risk that the person would:

(ii) harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person in Australia;

It just seemed easier to copy and paste the block of text, rather than just the parts that I have emphasised above, but it would probably be logical to assume that this kind of person was also involved in criminal activities to a degree, but I don't know that, which is why I didn't include that in my post.

Edited by sambum
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Ay yai yai yai!

The Frito Bandito!

Easily identified by the salty-yellow fingertips, 555

BTW, when did Australia start keeping criminals OUT?

Oh, give me a break. Another would-be comedian who still thinks that a joke about Australia being a penal colony 200 years ago is still funny. It's already been done to death on this post alone, never mind the 100's of other posts where it's been done. For god's sake, try a bit of originality.

Crikey whats wrong with you giddyup? Its called banter and maybe even rivalry. Why do you bite at EVERY penal/Oz remark?

Geez how to get an Aussie in a bad mood . . . . if it was 200 years ago or whatever, aint it about time you started ignoring the jokes? As it happens, its all true, Australia's real people are the Aborigines, just like the US were/are the native Indians. Is it jealousy that gets every Aussie biting cos you feel you have no identity to the land you live in?

Im English but having blonde hair and blue eyes classes me as a Hun or Scandanavian via ancestry. So what?

Seems to me you dont like being from Oz? Seriously if we talk about chips on shoulders, you lot could feed Ireland for centuries!!

No chips, just boring. It had already been posted. It's as if every time an Englishman was mentioned we made jokes about their aversion to soap and water. 'Remember to take the coal out of the bath before Saturday night, Mavis. I always have a bath then whether I need it or not. Boom, boom. Boring also. Get a new script writer.

And if you don't know why the Irish are so enamoured with the English then it says something about your education system. Like the Japanese - selective in what it teaches.

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Perhaps because since he entered Australia, he has become a "person not of good character", i.e. :-

© having regard to either or both of the following:

(i) the person's past and present criminal conduct;

(ii) the person's past and present general conduct;

the person is not of good character; or

(d) in the event the person were allowed to enter or to remain in Australia, there is a risk that the person would:

(i) engage in criminal conduct in Australia; or

(ii) harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person in Australia;

Etc etc etc

So, if he joined the club after arriving, has he broken the law? Is it actually illegal to belong to the Bandidos? If so why aren´t the rest of them being arrested and charged?

Can they show any of his conduct ¨is not of good character? Has he commited aany crimes?

All this is doing is making the chapter exclusive to Australian Nationals.

All he had to do was get Nationalised, or at least he should have renewed his PR visa while in Aus......

They got Capone on Tax fraud, at least he did something wrong they could convict him on! I am not saying this guy is a babe in the woods, but they don´t have anything on him they can use or they would have. Politicians always find loop holes in the law to justify their means and ends. Are they going down this path because they can´t convict them? Doesn´t say much for local law enforcement, maybe some of these so called lowlifes are smarter than a lot of you are giving them credit for......

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"The man is alleged to have had involvement in a range of criminal activities, including drug offences, through his alleged association with an outlaw motorcycle gang in Victoria," the spokesman said."

So nothing proven then?

Ah well, I'm sure his wife and 2 kids understand this move. Who needs their dad, eh?

All he needs to do is move them with him back to England, the children don't have to be apart from him. Don't put the blame on the Australian government.

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Perhaps because since he entered Australia, he has become a "person not of good character", i.e. :-

© having regard to either or both of the following:

(i) the person's past and present criminal conduct;

(ii) the person's past and present general conduct;

the person is not of good character; or

(d) in the event the person were allowed to enter or to remain in Australia, there is a risk that the person would:

(i) engage in criminal conduct in Australia; or

(ii) harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person in Australia;

Etc etc etc

So, if he joined the club after arriving, has he broken the law? Is it actually illegal to belong to the Bandidos? If so why aren´t the rest of them being arrested and charged?

Can they show any of his conduct ¨is not of good character? Has he commited aany crimes?

All this is doing is making the chapter exclusive to Australian Nationals.

All he had to do was get Nationalised, or at least he should have renewed his PR visa while in Aus......

They got Capone on Tax fraud, at least he did something wrong they could convict him on! I am not saying this guy is a babe in the woods, but they don´t have anything on him they can use or they would have. Politicians always find loop holes in the law to justify their means and ends. Are they going down this path because they can´t convict them? Doesn´t say much for local law enforcement, maybe some of these so called lowlifes are smarter than a lot of you are giving them credit for......

How many times does this have to be said. He belongs to a criminal organisation, he's not a person of good character, he's not an Australian national, he's been refused entry back into Australia on those grounds. He doesn't have to be convicted of an offence.

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Doubt he would be allowed into UK if refused entry in AUS.

UK Immi first question, "why were you refused entry into AUS?" ......Answer:"Cos, I roughed up a few geysers, caught wif a bit of Ice & ride me Harley wif me mates. An' I'm married wif wife & 2 kids OK??"

UK Immi, "Sure, you sound like a fine upstanding citizen compared to last lot from Africa.....don't know what's wrong with the old penal colony!!!" Hahaha

"Doubt he would be allowed into UK if refused entry in AUS."

What? He's British, why would he be questioned about entering his own country?

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So, if he joined the club after arriving, has he broken the law? Is it actually illegal to belong to the Bandidos? If so why aren´t the rest of them being arrested and charged?

Can they show any of his conduct ¨is not of good character? Has he commited aany crimes?

All this is doing is making the chapter exclusive to Australian Nationals.

All he had to do was get Nationalised, or at least he should have renewed his PR visa while in Aus......

They got Capone on Tax fraud, at least he did something wrong they could convict him on! I am not saying this guy is a babe in the woods, but they don´t have anything on him they can use or they would have. Politicians always find loop holes in the law to justify their means and ends. Are they going down this path because they can´t convict them? Doesn´t say much for local law enforcement, maybe some of these so called lowlifes are smarter than a lot of you are giving them credit for......

The rules apply if he applied in or out of the country. In country, he could have appealed and delayed deportation.

You don't list membership of a criminal organisation as a character reference, and we have the right to refuse a visa to anybody where there is a RISK of criminal activity. That you don't like it is of little consequence.

Would he get a tourism visa to your country if it was known he was a Bandido?

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I find it quite amusing that the Oz govt dont want this guy back, yet for the past however many months, have tried to save the lives of 2 REAL scumbags recently killed by firing squad in Indonesia.

The 2 in Indonesia were Australian citizens. This guy isn't.

I mean is it really that difficult for you to understand? Every country in the world acts like this. Australia is no different. (well maybe Thailand does welcome foreign criminals - but most countries don't_

No I understand perfectly, many in Oz wanted the lives to be spared of those to who bring nothing but despair to other peoples lives by dealing in Heroin, smack and anything else they could make money from, including Abbott, pleading with the Indo authorities to spare them??? <deleted>?

As already stated MANY times on here, this Roach guy has not been convicted of anything, he has only had his visa refused because the Aus govt seem to think it's best to take the easy way out and just refuse his visa. Fair enough, I have no real argument with that. After all, as again has been mentioned, being given a visa is a privilege not a right. But to say yeah keep this piece of scum out, then on the other hand want dirty smack dealers to be spared seems like double standards to me . . . and there we go generalising again. I bet there are many countries in the world that certainly do not act like that!! Anyway they got a bullet to the chest so good riddance, and Roach will probably not step foot on Ozzy soil again, so hey good riddance - everyones a winner thumbsup.gif

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Ay yai yai yai!

The Frito Bandito!

Easily identified by the salty-yellow fingertips, 555

BTW, when did Australia start keeping criminals OUT?

Oh, give me a break. Another would-be comedian who still thinks that a joke about Australia being a penal colony 200 years ago is still funny. It's already been done to death on this post alone, never mind the 100's of other posts where it's been done. For god's sake, try a bit of originality.

Crikey whats wrong with you giddyup? Its called banter and maybe even rivalry. Why do you bite at EVERY penal/Oz remark?

Geez how to get an Aussie in a bad mood . . . . if it was 200 years ago or whatever, aint it about time you started ignoring the jokes? As it happens, its all true, Australia's real people are the Aborigines, just like the US were/are the native Indians. Is it jealousy that gets every Aussie biting cos you feel you have no identity to the land you live in?

Im English but having blonde hair and blue eyes classes me as a Hun or Scandanavian via ancestry. So what?

Seems to me you dont like being from Oz? Seriously if we talk about chips on shoulders, you lot could feed Ireland for centuries!!

No chips, just boring. It had already been posted. It's as if every time an Englishman was mentioned we made jokes about their aversion to soap and water. 'Remember to take the coal out of the bath before Saturday night, Mavis. I always have a bath then whether I need it or not. Boom, boom. Boring also. Get a new script writer.

And if you don't know why the Irish are so enamoured with the English then it says something about your education system. Like the Japanese - selective in what it teaches.

Plenty of chips kid, I for 1 do not get offended at jokes aimed at me or my country because I can laugh at most things without being offended by the slightest little thing. England is a very old country and we can take the mick out of ourselves because we have grown to have a sense of humour. Sorry to mention mick it was not to offend any of the Irish on here, and as for the irish, i could not care any less about them than I do already. They bombed the cr@p out of us for decades and enjoyed every minute of it. I went to Dublin on a stag do not long after the troubles and the hatred was still there to see, and still is now.

Better order some more chips

Im sweating like a pig so I might have a shower tomorrow clap2.gif

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I find it quite amusing that the Oz govt dont want this guy back, yet for the past however many months, have tried to save the lives of 2 REAL scumbags recently killed by firing squad in Indonesia.

The 2 in Indonesia were Australian citizens. This guy isn't.

I mean is it really that difficult for you to understand? Every country in the world acts like this. Australia is no different. (well maybe Thailand does welcome foreign criminals - but most countries don't_

No I understand perfectly, many in Oz wanted the lives to be spared of those to who bring nothing but despair to other peoples lives by dealing in Heroin, smack and anything else they could make money from, including Abbott, pleading with the Indo authorities to spare them??? <deleted>?

As already stated MANY times on here, this Roach guy has not been convicted of anything, he has only had his visa refused because the Aus govt seem to think it's best to take the easy way out and just refuse his visa. Fair enough, I have no real argument with that. After all, as again has been mentioned, being given a visa is a privilege not a right. But to say yeah keep this piece of scum out, then on the other hand want dirty smack dealers to be spared seems like double standards to me . . . and there we go generalising again. I bet there are many countries in the world that certainly do not act like that!! Anyway they got a bullet to the chest so good riddance, and Roach will probably not step foot on Ozzy soil again, so hey good riddance - everyones a winner thumbsup.gif

I doubt you are. You sound like the opposite

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Come too OZ break laws, GET OUT AND DON'T COME BACK!!!

Should be a lot more of this for all visa holders,

Only one problem, it could be appealed and rescinded as to proof of character or crimes committed in OZ to be confirmed.

Seems a rather cowardly move by the Aussies to wait until he went on holiday. Why didn't they confront him face to face and deport him back to the UK?

I will assume the comments not made as a moderator:

Maybe a bit obvious, but maybe his renewal came up while he was in Thailand?

Quote " Peter Dutton made the decision to reject the Bandido Daniel Roach's Residency Renewal Visa" etc etc

A visa to Australia is a privilege, not a right! Probably exactly the same for most countries.


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Perhaps because since he entered Australia, he has become a "person not of good character", i.e. :-

© having regard to either or both of the following:

(i) the person's past and present criminal conduct;

(ii) the person's past and present general conduct;

the person is not of good character; or

(d) in the event the person were allowed to enter or to remain in Australia, there is a risk that the person would:

(i) engage in criminal conduct in Australia; or

(ii) harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person in Australia;

Etc etc etc

So, if he joined the club after arriving, has he broken the law? Is it actually illegal to belong to the Bandidos? If so why aren´t the rest of them being arrested and charged?

Can they show any of his conduct ¨is not of good character? Has he commited aany crimes?

All this is doing is making the chapter exclusive to Australian Nationals.

All he had to do was get Nationalised, or at least he should have renewed his PR visa while in Aus......

They got Capone on Tax fraud, at least he did something wrong they could convict him on! I am not saying this guy is a babe in the woods, but they don´t have anything on him they can use or they would have. Politicians always find loop holes in the law to justify their means and ends. Are they going down this path because they can´t convict them? Doesn´t say much for local law enforcement, maybe some of these so called lowlifes are smarter than a lot of you are giving them credit for......

Quote: Can they show any of his conduct ¨is not of good character? Has he commited any crimes? Unquote.

Where have you been for the past day, it is very clear that the Australian government decides on who enters Australia for the many reasons already spelt out in clear language for understanding.

Refer to post 313# for clarification.

Edited by Artisi
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I find it quite amusing that the Oz govt dont want this guy back, yet for the past however many months, have tried to save the lives of 2 REAL scumbags recently killed by firing squad in Indonesia.

The 2 in Indonesia were Australian citizens. This guy isn't.

I mean is it really that difficult for you to understand? Every country in the world acts like this. Australia is no different. (well maybe Thailand does welcome foreign criminals - but most countries don't_

No I understand perfectly, many in Oz wanted the lives to be spared of those to who bring nothing but despair to other peoples lives by dealing in Heroin, smack and anything else they could make money from, including Abbott, pleading with the Indo authorities to spare them??? <deleted>?

As already stated MANY times on here, this Roach guy has not been convicted of anything, he has only had his visa refused because the Aus govt seem to think it's best to take the easy way out and just refuse his visa. Fair enough, I have no real argument with that. After all, as again has been mentioned, being given a visa is a privilege not a right. But to say yeah keep this piece of scum out, then on the other hand want dirty smack dealers to be spared seems like double standards to me . . . and there we go generalising again. I bet there are many countries in the world that certainly do not act like that!! Anyway they got a bullet to the chest so good riddance, and Roach will probably not step foot on Ozzy soil again, so hey good riddance - everyones a winner thumbsup.gif

You really need to get better informed. Australia asked for the lives of the two drug dealers to be spared because Australia doesn't have the death penalty, and because they had already been in jail for 10 years and had shown very positive signs of rehabilitation. Didn't mean they wouldn't spend the rest of their life in jail, just wouldn't be executed. I believe the UK and other countries have also asked for their citizens to be spared death sentences as well. I'd like to know why you think Australia is taking "the easy way out" by refusing Roach re-entry into Australia?

Edited by giddyup
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For those who don't understand, this is the relevant section of the Migration Act of Australia relating to the character test: (6) b (I) and (ii) would apply if he doesn't qualify under (6)(a).

An Act of Parliament is law, and Federal Law would usually overrule State criminal law if there is a conflict.

It paints with a pretty broad brush, and a Minister's decision is non-appellable.

Character test

(6) For the purposes of this section, a person does not pass the character test if:

(a) the person has a substantial criminal record (as defined by subsection (7)); or

(aa) the person has been convicted of an offence that was committed:

(i) while the person was in immigration detention; or

(ii) during an escape by the person from immigration detention; or

(iii) after the person escaped from immigration detention but before the person was taken into immigration detention again; or

(ab) the person has been convicted of an offence against section 197A; or

b the Minister reasonably suspects:

(i) that the person has been or is a member of a group or organisation, or has had or has an association with a group, organisation or person; and

(ii) that the group, organisation or person has been or is involved in criminal conduct; or

(ba) the Minister reasonably suspects that the person has been or is involved in conduct constituting one or more of the following:

(i) an offence under one or more of sections 233A to 234A (people smuggling);

(ii) an offence of trafficking in persons;

(iii) the crime of genocide, a crime against humanity, a war crime, a crime involving torture or slavery or a crime that is otherwise of serious international concern;

whether or not the person, or another person, has been convicted of an offence constituted by the conduct; or

© having regard to either or both of the following:

(i) the person's past and present criminal conduct;

(ii) the person's past and present general conduct;

the person is not of good character; or

(d) in the event the person were allowed to enter or to remain in Australia, there is a risk that the person would:

(i) engage in criminal conduct in Australia; or

(ii) harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person in Australia; or

(iii) vilify a segment of the Australian community; or

(iv) incite discord in the Australian community or in a segment of that community; or

(v) represent a danger to the Australian community or to a segment of that community, whether by way of being liable to become involved in activities that are disruptive to, or in violence threatening harm to, that community or segment, or in any other way; or

(e) a court in Australia or a foreign country has:

(i) convicted the person of one or more sexually based offences involving a child; or

(ii) found the person guilty of such an offence, or found a charge against the person proved for such an offence, even if the person was discharged without a conviction; or

(f) the person has, in Australia or a foreign country, been charged with or indicted for one or more of the following:

(i) the crime of genocide;

(ii) a crime against humanity;

(iii) a war crime;

(iv) a crime involving torture or slavery;

(v) a crime that is otherwise of serious international concern; or

(g) the person has been assessed by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation to be directly or indirectly a risk to security (within the meaning of section 4 of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 ); or

(h) an Interpol notice in relation to the person, from which it is reasonable to infer that the person would present a risk to the Australian community or a segment of that community, is in force.

Otherwise, the person passes the character test .

So why don´t they use these rules to keep out and deport Muslims? Seems to me they would fit into the same catagory, guilt by association and such seems to apply here!

Ahhh maybe they should have formed a religion instead of a ¨club¨, yeah that would work.......

If he was of ¨dubious¨ character how did he get a visa in the first place? And what has changed since then to warrant his expulsion? There should be some ¨accountability for this decision and I don´t feel one person having that responsibility (maybe he hasn´t) is right. If he was OK to enter the country in the first place, what has changed? Justify it !!!

"If he was OK to enter the country in the first place, what has changed?" Shit, how thick are some people. Maybe he arrived many, many moons ago. Still innocent & a sweet young thing... just maybe. Over the years he's elected to lay with dogs & now has flees. He's become Alpha dog in the pack. Sargent at arms, enforcer, king dick, the man,...... get it. He has elected to join, & rise through the ranks of an outlawed association. You don't get to his position coz you are a "nice guy"

What part of common sense don't you & your like understand ? He alone created his current situation.

Do you for one second think the decision to oppose his visa was a knee jerk reaction by one minister ? You think, maybe, just maybe, this situation was put before an appropriate panel, with legal input, before being put into motion ???

Bottom line... Australia don't want him....... UNDERSTAND !

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I find it quite amusing that the Oz govt dont want this guy back, yet for the past however many months, have tried to save the lives of 2 REAL scumbags recently killed by firing squad in Indonesia.

The 2 in Indonesia were Australian citizens. This guy isn't.

I mean is it really that difficult for you to understand? Every country in the world acts like this. Australia is no different. (well maybe Thailand does welcome foreign criminals - but most countries don't_

No I understand perfectly, many in Oz wanted the lives to be spared of those to who bring nothing but despair to other peoples lives by dealing in Heroin, smack and anything else they could make money from, including Abbott, pleading with the Indo authorities to spare them??? <deleted>?

As already stated MANY times on here, this Roach guy has not been convicted of anything, he has only had his visa refused because the Aus govt seem to think it's best to take the easy way out and just refuse his visa. Fair enough, I have no real argument with that. After all, as again has been mentioned, being given a visa is a privilege not a right. But to say yeah keep this piece of scum out, then on the other hand want dirty smack dealers to be spared seems like double standards to me . . . and there we go generalising again. I bet there are many countries in the world that certainly do not act like that!! Anyway they got a bullet to the chest so good riddance, and Roach will probably not step foot on Ozzy soil again, so hey good riddance - everyones a winner thumbsup.gif

You really need to get better informed. Australia asked for the lives of the two drug dealers to be spared because Australia doesn't have the death penalty, and because they had already been in jail for 10 years and had shown very positive signs of rehabilitation. Didn't mean they wouldn't spend the rest of their life in jail, just wouldn't be executed. I believe the UK and other countries have also asked for their citizens to be spared death sentences as well. I'd like to know why you think Australia is taking "the easy way out" by refusing Roach re-entry into Australia?

And yet Australia gave Johnny Depp a handful of hours to remove his dogs or they would face the death penalty.

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Stranded? Who writes this tripe? He is free to go back to his home country, the UK.

With any luck his British passport might go missing at some time soon - then he will have to jump thru' many hoops proving who he is and why he is entitled to enter the UK -- it is known to have been done previously by various governments..

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You really need to get better informed. Australia asked for the lives of the two drug dealers to be spared because Australia doesn't have the death penalty, and because they had already been in jail for 10 years and had shown very positive signs of rehabilitation. Didn't mean they wouldn't spend the rest of their life in jail, just wouldn't be executed. I believe the UK and other countries have also asked for their citizens to be spared death sentences as well. I'd like to know why you think Australia is taking "the easy way out" by refusing Roach re-entry into Australia?

And yet Australia gave Johnny Depp a handful of hours to remove his dogs or they would face the death penalty.

What an absurd comparison.

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"The man is alleged to have had involvement in a range of criminal activities, including drug offences, through his alleged association with an outlaw motorcycle gang in Victoria," the spokesman said."

So nothing proven then?

Ah well, I'm sure his wife and 2 kids understand this move. Who needs their dad, eh?

All he needs to do is move them with him back to England, the children don't have to be apart from him. Don't put the blame on the Australian government.

I dont. They brought it upon themselves.

Why should the children have to leave their country of birth because the govt decides a man convicted of nothing should be banned?

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Perhaps because since he entered Australia, he has become a "person not of good character", i.e. :-

© having regard to either or both of the following:

(i) the person's past and present criminal conduct;

(ii) the person's past and present general conduct;

the person is not of good character; or

(d) in the event the person were allowed to enter or to remain in Australia, there is a risk that the person would:

(i) engage in criminal conduct in Australia; or

(ii) harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person in Australia;

Etc etc etc

So, if he joined the club after arriving, has he broken the law? Is it actually illegal to belong to the Bandidos? If so why aren´t the rest of them being arrested and charged?

Can they show any of his conduct ¨is not of good character? Has he commited aany crimes?

All this is doing is making the chapter exclusive to Australian Nationals.

All he had to do was get Nationalised, or at least he should have renewed his PR visa while in Aus......

They got Capone on Tax fraud, at least he did something wrong they could convict him on! I am not saying this guy is a babe in the woods, but they don´t have anything on him they can use or they would have. Politicians always find loop holes in the law to justify their means and ends. Are they going down this path because they can´t convict them? Doesn´t say much for local law enforcement, maybe some of these so called lowlifes are smarter than a lot of you are giving them credit for......

How many times does this have to be said. He belongs to a criminal organisation, he's not a person of good character, he's not an Australian national, he's been refused entry back into Australia on those grounds. He doesn't have to be convicted of an offence.

Yes I fully understand that this is the way the law is.

However the point I am trying to make is that the reason for the refusal to renew his visa is legal AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL! And by this I am refering to belonging to a Motorcycle Club, and yes it is a registered club, and that is what the ¨MC¨ stands for on their club insignia. I am not saying the guy should not be locked up or deported, what I am saying is they have resorted to this because they couldn´t ¨pin¨ anything else on him. I don´t think that having a system that allows someone to reside for 15 years and has a family there, and then because it is too hard to ¨catch¨ the guy throw his file on someones desk of someone who is only relyingon what he is told, who then ¨rubber stamps¨ it.

And the reason is because it is political, not because of some ideal of ¨protection¨ for the masses. As I commented before, use the same law to expell all of the Muslim population, those rules apply to them equally and they could all be deported for as people put it ¨being convicted by association¨. There are VERY good reasons they don´t do this and those same reasons apply to this man.....


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...if he has never been charged or accused of any crime...what is the basis of refusal.....

Did you not read the story? Character Test.

i'm not getting the argument about countries not being able to control their own borders as i saw the nightmare in Hong Kong where the govt was forced by London to accept the increasing flood of Vietnamese Boat People. Now in Europe Brussels is trying to force acceptance of migrants who simply arrive and say " we're here so what are you going to do for us ? " This is not off topic it's about a country and it's own border control.

Roach is a senior member of a Victorian biker ' club ' and I'm presuming he joined or became affiliated after arriving in OZ. He may not have actual convictions in Australia bu tI would think the minister will be in possession of intelligence reports from the State and Federal Police, possibly other organisations like Customs, ASIO etc. Therein likes a problem as the govt can say they are in possession of information etc which leads to their decision then the human rights people will be all over them demanding production.

If Roach is really the Master at Arms, he is essentially the enforcer of all group edicts.

He is the most hard-nosed and likely aggressive of the lot. Because he is the one sent to maintain order within a particularly violent order of men. So no wonder the government want him gone and have found a legal hook to do so. He's not the guy who knows where the bodies are buried, but more likely the guy who ordered the burials and enforced the sentence.

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If this guy continues on to become a Muay Thai martial arts expert, pity help the person who might confront him physically entering Aus wherever that situation might happen. But he might really have a soft heart? unsure.png

He should keep those kindy kids well sorted when he lands a job teaching english here lol

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