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Thailand celebrates 'supportive' relationship with North Korea

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Sometimes all you can do is hang your head with disbelief.

Seriously, we're now celebrating relations with the most bizarre authoritarian and all round bat shit crazy regime? I'm almost ready to celebrate fixing deck chair and taxi scams, helluva lot less crazy!

Dislike them all you want, but there is nothing crazy at all about the D.P.R.K. leadership. They know exactly what they are doing.

Mass murder = psychopath = crazy. At least in my book.




have killed lot more people (including civilians women, children) than the crazy one in NK.

No, not really.

It is estimated that up to 2.5 million North Koreans died of starvation in the 1990's.

And that was just the neglect part. Not even a state of war. No bombs dropping with collateral damage. Just your plain old totalitarian state doing what it does best.

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A press release stated " Next year we are looking forward to celebrating 50 light years of our mutual ties and frienship with the Klingon, Cylon and Imperial Empires"


Okay, now just a minute before we all go "sticking the boot" into the General !

Did any of the Prayut Bashers, happen to notice that this relationship has been in existence for FORTY, yes... 40 YEARS.

So if you're all scratching your rash over the most recently removed PM and her" Dear Brother," why didn't either of them pull-the-pin on the relationship with North Korea?

I personally don't like the fat little chap in North Korea, but come on, get real and stop looking to "sink the boot" into someone who is doing his level best to root out corruption and drag this country into the 21st Century, instead of wallowing around letting every corrupt Cop, Former Cop and/ or Polly, rip off the people they should be serving.


Prayut can only admire North Korea's democracy. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea has had the same constitution since 1972 without a single military coup, albeit a couple leadership executions. If the NCPO abandons its darft 2015 Constitution it might consider adopting parts of the DPRK Constitution:

- the rights and duties of citizens are based on the collectivist principle,“One for all and all for one.”

- The State shall effectively guarantee democratic rights and liberties as well as the material and cultural well-bing of its citizens.

- Citizens enjoy equal rights in all sphere of State and public activities.

- All citizens who have reached the age of 17 have the right to elect and to be elected, irrespective of sex, race, occupation, length of residence, property status, education, party affiliation, political views or religion.


Sometimes all you can do is hang your head with disbelief.

Seriously, we're now celebrating relations with the most bizarre authoritarian and all round bat shit crazy regime? I'm almost ready to celebrate fixing deck chair and taxi scams, helluva lot less crazy!

Dislike them all you want, but there is nothing crazy at all about the D.P.R.K. leadership. They know exactly what they are doing.

Mass murder = psychopath = crazy. At least in my book.




have killed lot more people (including civilians women, children) than the crazy one in NK.

I must have missed the part where all the people you mentioned killed off there Aunts and Uncles and any Party Officials they deemed a threat to their rule.


What a relief to learn it's not this farce but a Thaksin interview considered to hurt the country's dignity and reputation.

Why not signing a free visa agreement with N.K.? Good chance to get rid of all rotten rice in LOS within two days.


Sometimes all you can do is hang your head with disbelief.

Seriously, we're now celebrating relations with the most bizarre authoritarian and all round bat shit crazy regime? I'm almost ready to celebrate fixing deck chair and taxi scams, helluva lot less crazy!

Dislike them all you want, but there is nothing crazy at all about the D.P.R.K. leadership. They know exactly what they are doing.

Mass murder = psychopath = crazy. At least in my book.




have killed lot more people (including civilians women, children) than the crazy one in NK.

No, not really.

It is estimated that up to 2.5 million North Koreans died of starvation in the 1990's.

And that was just the neglect part. Not even a state of war. No bombs dropping with collateral damage. Just your plain old totalitarian state doing what it does best.

45,000 deaths yearly add up too. For that to happen in a wealthy country says a lot about its people.



"The two nations released commemorative postage stamps featuring their national birds, the Northern Goshawk and Siamese fireback, meaning citizen-internees of the DPRK can swell with pride when their pre-opened mail shows up three months late."

OK, I'm not a fan of coconuts or some of the nonsense they present as news, but that sentence is sheer bloody genius.



I am reminded of the comments by the daughter of Google Chairman Schmidt, after visiting N. Korea and being shown a room full of people supposedly web surfing.

"One problem: No one was actually doing anything. A few scrolled or clicked, but the rest just stared. More disturbing: when our group walked in--a noisy bunch, with media in tow--not one of them looked up from their desks. Not a head turn, no eye contact, no reaction to stimuli. They might as well have been figurines. "

"Of all the stops we made, the e-Potemkin Village was among the more unsettling. We knew nothing about what we were seeing, even as it was in front of us. Were they really students? Did our handlers honestly think we bought it? Did they even care? Photo op and tour completed, maybe they dismantled the whole set and went home."

More hilarity at https://sites.google.com/site/sophieinnorthkorea/home

Thanks for the link thumbsup.gif


First time that I have felt sympathy for a Diplomat. This guy was given the talking points, and I am sure that he was choking on every word as he was saying them, just as perplexed by the statements as we are.



This is about the Thai-China love fest, yes?

one dear leader supports another! and thailand celebrates the most despotic, closed ruthless country in the world? where human rights are non existent, where executions have occured daily on people who do not agree with the dear leader?


Yeah I get where you're coming from, though there are also some first world countries that don't respect human rights and start world wars. It's just that they don't do it within hand shake distance or have an iconic figure for people to vent at.

I'm no fan of the fat kid in NK either, but do question whether it is materially worse than the glass houses on the other side of the pond(s).



This is about the Thai-China love fest, yes?

one dear leader supports another! and thailand celebrates the most despotic, closed ruthless country in the world? where human rights are non existent, where executions have occured daily on people who do not agree with the dear leader?


Yeah I get where you're coming from, though there are also some first world countries that don't respect human rights and start world wars. It's just that they don't do it within hand shake distance or have an iconic figure for people to vent at.

I'm no fan of the fat kid in NK either, but do question whether it is materially worse than the glass houses on the other side of the pond(s).

You question whether the UK is materially worse than N Korea?


The Northern Goshawk is a dull-looking creature with few distinguishing characteristics other than its rather squat appearance and a brush-like head crest. The Siamese Firebird, as its name implies, frequently displays in colours much brighter than its diagnostic green/khaki and is easily identified by its relentless warbling.

Despite their relatively modest size and unprepossessing appearance, both species can be aggressive and dangerous when provoked.

(source: Mickeypedia).


Okay, now just a minute before we all go "sticking the boot" into the General !

Did any of the Prayut Bashers, happen to notice that this relationship has been in existence for FORTY, yes... 40 YEARS.

So if you're all scratching your rash over the most recently removed PM and her" Dear Brother," why didn't either of them pull-the-pin on the relationship with North Korea?

I personally don't like the fat little chap in North Korea, but come on, get real and stop looking to "sink the boot" into someone who is doing his level best to root out corruption and drag this country into the 21st Century, instead of wallowing around letting every corrupt Cop, Former Cop and/ or Polly, rip off the people they should be serving.

Many countries have diplomatic relations with DPRK...thats a far cry from 'celebrating' relations


How can a celebration happen with a country that is mistreating any human rights!!!!!!!

OK the corruptions systems seem to be very similar!

Shame on Thailand!


How can a celebration happen with a country that is mistreating any human rights!!!!!!!

OK the corruptions systems seem to be very similar!

Shame on Thailand!

I suppose it's the old Asian "face" thing ... don't criticize us. we won't criticize you, as long as you're Asian. coffee1.gif

To add, my understanding is that Thailand is a top destination for escapees from N.K. after the dangerous trek through China, etc.

Then they hope to make it to South Korea and I am not aware, to Thailand's credit, that these people are sent back to N.K. by Thailand.


How can a celebration happen with a country that is mistreating any human rights!!!!!!!

OK the corruptions systems seem to be very similar!

Shame on Thailand!

I suppose it's the old Asian "face" thing ... don't criticize us. we won't criticize you, as long as you're Asian. coffee1.gif

Obviously not as other non Asian countries are also ruled by totalitarian dictators and many Asian countries are not ruled by totalitarian dictators.

Is Thailand getting cozy with Cambodia? Or Burma?

Seems a familiar theme though. Maybe too much pulp fiction?



How can a celebration happen with a country that is mistreating any human rights!!!!!!!

OK the corruptions systems seem to be very similar!

Shame on Thailand!

I suppose it's the old Asian "face" thing ... don't criticize us. we won't criticize you, as long as you're Asian. coffee1.gif

To add, my understanding is that Thailand is a top destination for escapees from N.K. after the dangerous trek through China, etc.

Then they hope to make it to South Korea and I am not aware, to Thailand's credit, that these people are sent back to N.K. by Thailand.

ah so that's ok then... 'your understanding' so everything's ok really Thailand is the 'saviour' and 'facilitator' of NK escapees??? are you serious??????????????????



The last I saw news about this, Thailand is NOT sending them back and NOT giving them up to NK officials.

If that has changed, please post about it.

I think they are generally then detained if caught.

International agencies then help some make it to South Korea. Again, in my understanding.

I have no idea of what percentage make it to South Korea of the ones that make it to Thailand, how many stay detained a long time, etc.

In that sense, they are behaving better than CHINA. Yes or no?

Getting sent back would mean death.

If you think I am defending NK or think expressing "celebration" about a friendship with NK is admirable, think again.

The route through China is the best chance, even though very risky.

Going "directly" to the south, even though obviously close, is almost guaranteed deadly.


Ages ago, back in the pre-Thaksin days, North Korean diplomats were always so active on the scene in Thailand it seemed. Many situations in which they were getting caught out in huge drug shipments arranged to go through Thailand etc., there were various kidnappings performed by North Korean diplomats with the cooperation of the Thai police as I recall, perhaps I've gotten it wrong as to the particulars, but it was along those lines. You always got the sense that there was quite a lot of similar thinking, cooperation back then. So, this isn't anything new, is it?


How can a celebration happen with a country that is mistreating any human rights!!!!!!!

OK the corruptions systems seem to be very similar!

Shame on Thailand!

I suppose it's the old Asian "face" thing ... don't criticize us. we won't criticize you, as long as you're Asian. coffee1.gif

To add, my understanding is that Thailand is a top destination for escapees from N.K. after the dangerous trek through China, etc.

Then they hope to make it to South Korea and I am not aware, to Thailand's credit, that these people are sent back to N.K. by Thailand.

The poor one who make it from N.K. to Thailand rot away in the IDC if they are caught. Not even a lawyer from the UN is allowed to talk to them as Thailand agreed to N.K. request not to let the refugees have any contact to anyone in jail...

Really shame on you, Thailand. Lots of bad Kharma there...

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