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Premier League stars' racist orgy shame caught on camera during Thailand end of season tour

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This will do the Thai tourist numbers no harm at all, it is after all what a large number come here for- sex with Thai prostitutes, this is free publicity. If the owners did not lose face over the shady goings on at King Power in the past then they are unlikely to be very concerned about three young lads shagging girls, much ado about not very much. The 3 have been sent home in 'disgrace' I think that will be the end of it. The 'racial abuse' was borderline stuff, people are too easily offended and outraged these days egged on by the gutter press.

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Why are poeple calling these young lads as white trash or as garbage......they were merely exposing what thainess is all about......these thais girls were selling their bodies, dignity and respect for money...which is a common daily occurence in thailand.

..............."were selling their bodies, dignity and respect for money"........................

Nobody, whether they are prostitutes or not, should have their bodies, dignity or respect abused, no matter who is the buyer and how much money is involved.

I hope all the foreigners in Thailand don't think the same as you. coffee1.gif


Why are poeple calling these young lads as white trash or as garbage......they were merely exposing what thainess is all about......these thais girls were selling their bodies, dignity and respect for money...which is a common daily occurence in thailand.

..............."were selling their bodies, dignity and respect for money"........................

Nobody, whether they are prostitutes or not, should have their bodies, dignity or respect abused, no matter who is the buyer and how much money is involved.

I hope all the foreigners in Thailand don't think the same as you. coffee1.gif

If you read the UK press reports, the sex angle is uncontroversial and played up purely for titillation. The "outrage" is about the racism, as professional football paints itself as being free of racist attitudes.
If you read the UK press reports, the sex angle is uncontroversial and played up purely for titillation. The "outrage" is about the racism, as professional football paints itself as being free of racist attitudes.

If there's any ironic justice in the world (dare I say Karma?), they'll soon be presented with child support claims for their mixed race kids, and they'll be girls...


Usual PC rabid over-reaction. There should be a law against this kind of public humiliation and the wrecking of lives when it is out of all proportion to the misdemeanour.

It was a bit of laddish humour, which is all about peer-group bonding and putting a toe over the line. The Mirror's hysterical scandal-mongering to sell their rag is far more shameful.

Another one who wants to have a pop at the PC brigade ?

How about this ? The media of any nation does actually represent (or is symbolic of) the general public in that country. Or we can say that newspapers have an attitude that is representative of their readers. If The Mirror's readers reckoned that the Mirror has got it all wrong by calling this a scandal, well, surely, it's readers would simply not buy the paper.

There are people back home who do feel outraged by all this. And this shows itself in the media's response.

And also, if a man is married (and maybe has a couple of kids), will he be stupid enough to tell his wife that three men in a sex orgy with three paid for women is harmless fun ?? :)

A lot of women back home DO HAVE boyfriends/husbands who they know went to Thailand for a holiday with other men or alone. Women back home do know about the paid for sex in Thailand, they will certainly be having a pop at the boyfriend/husband if he says 'it is no big deal to have a sex orgy with sex workers in Thailand' !! :)


young lads.....no girlfriends let alone married, parents / well they were young too so what the heck....right?


wait a second.....their paymaster is Thai, but they just saw the 'Thainess' explanation on line, so again what the heck.

The 'ladies' its a choice so what the heck?

So what's my problem then?..........



It's Thailand, you can do what you want here. Want to make a depraved sex video and hurl racial slurs.....can. Want to solicit children for sex.....can. Want to buy drugs.....can. Doesn't mean that it's right or legal. But, there is money to be make in sex and drugs, so we know it will be overlooked. I love how he government overlooks all of this crap, then will act surprised when it all comes out on social media.

Not only Thailand,the whole world,if you got the money,just cheaper here.Haven't you got hookers,drugs and children in Blighty.


White English trash

And wot RU then? White German, Russian, Swedish, Dutch, Australian or American trash??

Nah,we're just white and a bit red on a hot day.


i just would like to know how many members here participated(or wish to) in similar activities...whistling.gif

I would guess and hope very few. I like to think most human beings are at least slightly better than these worthless pond scum.

Might I suggest a change of avatar?


You have a pretty low bar for sainthood.


Why are poeple calling these young lads as white trash or as garbage......they were merely exposing what thainess is all about......these thais girls were selling their bodies, dignity and respect for money...which is a common daily occurence in thailand.

..............."were selling their bodies, dignity and respect for money"........................

Nobody, whether they are prostitutes or not, should have their bodies, dignity or respect abused, no matter who is the buyer and how much money is involved.

I hope all the foreigners in Thailand don't think the same as you. coffee1.gif

I keep hoping his type of thinking is dying out the world over.

Getting used to being disappointed though.


I agree that the racist and demeaning remarks are disgusting and require very harsh punishment.

It may be true that many TV members have enjoyed themselves with young ladies in Thailand but they don't boast about it or film it. And probably don't insult the girls either.

The 'beautiful game' is getting its fair share of shame this week.


To any of you who have said bad things about the Thai women involved then consider this:-

Do you think they enjoy having to belittle themselves to foreigners by doing what they do? Do you think if they had any other choice that they would still do this?

They are very very good at making the men they are with feel special but deep down they feel sick having to degrade themselves, some literally are sick after they leave "handsome mans" hotel room.

They do this to feed their children and their families, they are from very poor backgrounds with little or no education....

How do I know this? I have spoken to and am friends with many Thai people and have gained their trust and they tell me this....it took me a long time to get their trust, they do these things only for money and never for pleasure...

So the next time any of you thoughtless <deleted> slag these women off then just think how they must really feel......

I agree, there is no reason to not treat these ladies with kindness and compassion, and to behave like gentlemen, even if one is paying for their services. I pay taxi drivers and maids for their services, it doesn't mean I have the right to insult them or look down on them. They are just doing the jobs that were available to them. In the case of sex workers there is the extra dimension of being sold or pressured into the job, by gangs or even relatives.

"There but for the grace of God, go I."

A little manners and understanding costs nothing, and means a lot to the workers in this business.

Yes, a little manners and understanding while you're exploiting economically disadvantaged foreign sex workers makes you a good person.


If you are in the prostitution game you are open to be ridiculed, especially if you are getting paid to do silly things, that's the price you pay for the job you do, it does not make it right, and I think they are arse holes, but it is what it is, wont be the first wont be the last, that's Thailand for you, and as far as racism goes, well I believe that racism only applies in mostly in the black majority, I never hear or see any whites being upset by names and protesting, and in and out of court, racism is a card thet is played too many times, as the lesse majestic card is played in the same manner, my opinion, not others,

Ah so here's one now - " racism is a card thet is played too many times," - and so now the prostitutes are having blame apportioned on them too?

Isn't it the norm to blame the victim in this country or does that only apply to foreigners? Just curious?



Verb, present continuative tense of ming, q.v.

1. smelly

2. ugly

3. drunk, (usu. used in relating last night's events)

4. generally distasteful, Someone who is minging is also a minger, q.v.

This word is widely used in the North of England and Scotland.


What complete and utter bull $hit , this and much worse happens in Thailand on a daily basis the girls are getting well paid i'm sure and seem to be enjoy the laugh. No one would give a toss if they were just a regular Joe, &lt;deleted&gt; tabloids with there racist headlines trying to sell papers with bull Shit.. coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif


Really do not know why people would be so shocked, been going on for years.........coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

Indeed. I remember the days of George Best, Stan Bowles and Rodney Marsh! I don't think anyone is really shocked. It's a typical tabloid story.


Why are poeple calling these young lads as white trash or as garbage......they were merely exposing what thainess is all about......these thais girls were selling their bodies, dignity and respect for money...which is a common daily occurence in thailand.

..............."were selling their bodies, dignity and respect for money"........................

Nobody, whether they are prostitutes or not, should have their bodies, dignity or respect abused, no matter who is the buyer and how much money is involved.

I hope all the foreigners in Thailand don't think the same as you. coffee1.gif

If you read the UK press reports, the sex angle is uncontroversial and played up purely for titillation. The "outrage" is about the racism, as professional football paints itself as being free of racist attitudes.

You're lucky not to have seen the uncensored version then. More to this than a racial insult - these 3, one in particular, are proper nasty little abusive pieces of shit. Gone today I hope.


Many super rich Thai Chinese like to buy assets in the UK now and travel there frequently to pose as Englih gentlemen (poo dee angrit). Vichai is very proud of having played polo at Cowdray Park with Princes Charles, William and Harry (don't know what racial slur the latter would have used for him behind his back - perhaps the same one as these footballers used and Prince Phillip famously used in China). Now he has received an object lesson about what you actually buy in terms of human content when you buy an English football team. Never mind, his rich friends are still envious.


A reasonable defence against any disciplinary action by the FA would be to tell them to bugger off until THIEFA has its house in order.


As mentioned earlier these 3 can't really expect diciplinary action until THIEFA has its house in order.

Team owner is a Thai billionaire who is probably pretty embarrassed. I suspect he may not wait...


As mentioned earlier these 3 can't really expect diciplinary action until THIEFA has its house in order.

Team owner is a Thai billionaire who is probably pretty embarrassed. I suspect he may not wait...

Understood, but throwing teddies isn't so easy in a proper juristiction.


As mentioned earlier these 3 can't really expect diciplinary action until THIEFA has its house in order.

Team owner is a Thai billionaire who is probably pretty embarrassed. I suspect he may not wait...

Understood, but throwing teddies isn't so easy in a proper juristiction.

I'm pretty sure they'll find a "termination for moral turpitude" clause in their contracts.

If not, he also needs to fire his attorneys.


There is an old maxim that says 'what goes on on tour stays on tour'. Neglect that and you're toast. For young (so-called) professional footballers to act so stupidly, film their activities with sound, and then send the vids to their mates - well they deserve all the vitriol they get for letting down their host owners, their club, and their supporters, let alone a broader English society.

The club should have made it abundantly clear to all the tour group that any behaviour that brought discredit to the club and their hosts would result in disciplinary action, possibly dismissal. If they did that, the players should pay the forfeit of losing their jobs.


It's Thailand, you can do what you want here. Want to make a depraved sex video and hurl racial slurs.....can. Want to solicit children for sex.....can. Want to buy drugs.....can. Doesn't mean that it's right or legal. But, there is money to be make in sex and drugs, so we know it will be overlooked. I love how he government overlooks all of this crap, then will act surprised when it all comes out on social media.

Before readers of this forum get the idea that they can come to Thailand and get away with pedophilia and taking drugs, I would like to point out that in fact that pedophilia has for some time been on the wane in SE Asia, including Thailand. Foreigners who come to Thailand with drug taking and under-age sex in mind are highly likely to find themselves behind bars following a sting stitch-up. Criminals who are likely to offer such services will be only too happy to shop such tourists to the police so they can get brownie points as it makes the police look good (and no Thai person was involved).

We may not like the motivation that leads us to this result or the fact that well-connected Thais get off while foreigners do not but it has probably brought at least under-age sex offences down to levels that are below that found in certain parts of the EU.


Thank God they didn't have smart phones in the days of Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle and Magic Johnson...

Or we wouldn't have had many sports heroes.

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