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Will lack of education be the downfall of Thailand?

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Without grammar, we might as well teach the "Tarzan" method.

"Me Tarzan, you Jane. Umgawah!"

You misunderstood my point.

Communication first.

A baby learns to talk before it can write!


First, speaking, next reading and then writing.

Writing is the hardest skill; one as one impeccable writer has pointed out, I have yet to master!


Me know nuffin, clever sods do!

Thai teachers of English have it back to front.

They teach grammar, which they barely have a grasp of, because they cannot speak or read English!


This is a blog site, quick reply!

If I am writing a serious piece; I first draft, check, second draft, check and so on until I am satisfied with it.

Speaking is far easier than writing.

I pride myself on being an excellent native, born in London, speaker.

Writing I have yet to master as any true practitioner would freely (spilt infinitive) admit!


I have found the dentists here to be pretty good. Is that an exception?

Yes far better than the dentists in the UK. The dental service here is 100% better.

Does anyone in the UK actually go to a dentist?

Er .....

Of course not. There are no dentists in the UK whatsoever. Nobody ever has any dental work carried out at all, cosmetic or necessary procedures. In fact, the people of the UK are unique, they actually don`t have teeth ... just these white things in their mouths that appear to be teeth to people such as yourself.

Are you from Hollywood by any chance?


Just a cockney lad me son, not into high falutin talk.

How the hell did I gotten a degree from Cambridge,

Some chappies don't have coprehension skills!

My apologies, I was thinking your first language was probably Punjabi or Urdu.


Just a cockney lad me son, not into high falutin talk.

How the hell did I gotten a degree from Cambridge,

Some chappies don't have coprehension skills!

My apologies, I was thinking your first language was probably Punjabi or Urdu.

Think the language being here used is Gibberish.


To take up Karen Bravo's input.

I am writing in English not Urdu!

" Me Tarzan, you Jane,".

Or, "Me Jane you Tarzan, ".

Matters not which .

A conversation has started, a dalogue ( sorry is that Punjab) has been initiated. An excellent starting point.

How would I develop that, to a learner of Urdu, sorry English.

" I am Tarzan , you are Jane,".


Am not going to use quatation marks hence. Lazy


The likely response is , I am Tarzan, you are Jane.

Big shake of the head.

I am Tarzan you are Jane, who are you , quick input Jane.

Who are you? Say Jane.

Again, who are you. Wait for confused reply, Jane.

Yes , big smile , you are Jane.

Who am I, wait, point to help elicit, sorry Urdu word, to self, whisper Tarzan.

Repeat, who am I .

Confused , but correct answer, Tarzan.

Who are you?

Jane .

Who am I?


Carry on the dialogue , Hindi, onto another level.

Sorry about my lack of skills in Urdo and Punjab.

Hindi is also not a srong point.

Cockney lad is me!


To take up Karen Bravo's input.

I am writing in English not Urdu!

" Me Tarzan, you Jane,".

Or, "Me Jane you Tarzan, ".

Matters not which .

A conversation has started, a dalogue ( sorry is that Punjab) has been initiated. An excellent starting point.

How would I develop that, to a learner of Urdu, sorry English.

" I am Tarzan , you are Jane,".


Am not going to use quatation marks hence. Lazy


The likely response is , I am Tarzan, you are Jane.

Big shake of the head.

I am Tarzan you are Jane, who are you , quick input Jane.

Who are you? Say Jane.

Again, who are you. Wait for confused reply, Jane.

Yes , big smile , you are Jane.

Who am I, wait, point to help elicit, sorry Urdu word, to self, whisper Tarzan.

Repeat, who am I .

Confused , but correct answer, Tarzan.

Who are you?

Jane .

Who am I?


Carry on the dialogue , Hindi, onto another level.

Sorry about my lack of skills in Urdo and Punjab.

Hindi is also not a srong point.

Cockney lad is me!

I am wring about teaching English, by conversation, to a Thai child who has only learnt:

"How are you?

Fine thank you and you."

It is not easy, but believe me I do know how to.

I do not use cockney dialect, Hindi word, when teaching, or punjab, urdu and most importantly, never Thai.

I always had a Thai assistant, who had strict instructions never to translate unless I asked her to.

She was great; understood why.

Bombard with simple language and be patient for the correct response.

Sorry am I in Urdu again!


I am not going further with my method, you might make too much money.

Much was play, children learn through play.

I sold all the resources I created to my Thai boss.

Then moved on from there.

Well known in Thai teaching circles.

Please correct my usage!


Well I just read the article. Not a very good article to get his point over. All he could refer to was the result of past education or lack of. Beginning back when Yingluck was in the Education minister knocked the system Yingluck then appointed another one who also said the system had to change.

The current administration is working on it. It like so many other problems with the government is so deep in corruption that it will take time to root it out but progress is slowly being made. I recently purchased a computer for my 10 and 15 year old granddaughters to use in school. This is some thing that never would have been needed 5 years ago.

Yes the school system compared to other countries may be lacking in it's growth. But remember some of them have a long way to go to even catch up to Thailand's. I also noticed that he was beating that old can't speak English drum. It does not take a large percentage of the population to speak English. It is not needed to plant rice the backbone of the country. It is needed in International business and the air flight industry also tourism but that is not a big percentage of the population involved in it.

If you want your children to advance themselves as most parents do..I think English is almost a pre- requisite today. Just a fact, not beating the English drum..


Who do you all think you are? You move to a country and expect them to change everything because you said so?? The arrogance of Westerners(in general) is baffling! The Thai educational system is preparing Thai children to survive in Thai society. The majority of Thai kids will be unaffected by Thailand's entry into ASEAN. There will never be any freedom of movement between these countries other than for tourism.The movement of labour will be highly restricted, as it should be. Thailand has almost full employment and little or no welfare state. The education system here is not trying to prepare students to be statesmen or women.Its giving them the tools to be successful...in Thailand! And it des exactly what it sayd on the tin...

Westerners need to realise that this is not Europe of the US. Things are different here.That doesn't mean that things are bad. Look at how happy Thai people are. Compare that to people from Nanny states in Europe who are miserable and do nothing but complain and pay their taxes and bills. Look at the respect that Thai people have for elders.Look at how they take care of their families.. Look at the positives instead of attempting to impose Western ideas and values upon the world. The most evil race of people to ever walk the Earth were White people! Realise this and open your narrow minded perceptions of Asian civilisation.

Okay, so let me understand this... You think it is good for Thailand and Thai-people that their education system way is behind most other countries? Do you think it is good that a large part of the population can not read and write? Is it good parenting to just accept a bad educational system, that gives your child no real options in life?

Yes, Thailand has a nearly full employment rate. And what does most of the jobs really consist of? Sitting on a chair sleeping or playing Candy Crush all day. Do you really think education is something unimportant in todays world? You sound like you believe education is something only White-persons value... Are you serious?

And by the way... Not all Thai people are happy. I know many Thai-people who are sad and frustrated, that they are forced to work shitty jobs for the rest of their life, because they never had access to a good educational system. Just because they smile when you pay them, does not mean they are happy.

You wrote, "Yes, Thailand has a nearly full employment rate. And what does most of the jobs really consist of? Sitting on a chair sleeping or playing Candy Crush all day."

Based on that statement I have arrived at two conclusions. 1. You don't know much about Thailand and 2. Your purpose in this thread was to denigrate Thailand and really has nothing to do with education.

​I think I can show indubitably that you know almost nothing about the Thai economy. 1. 40% of the hard drives in the world are made in Thailand. thumbsup.gif 2. As of 2012, the Thailand automotive industry was the largest in Southeast Asia and the 9th largest in the World. The Thailand industry has an annual output of near 1.5 million vehicles (mostly commercial vehicles), more than countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Czech Republic, and Turkey. whistling.gif

Those millions of cars and hard drives can not be made while sleeping or playing candy crush. giggle.gif

Lets take a look at a country close by, Malaysia. Tourists' naked photo shoot atop Malaysian peak blamed for major earthquake as locals claim nudity angered 'mountain spirits. Now that is dead dumb. cheesy.gif

Try googling the ten most worthless currencies in the world and what countries come up? Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia and Vietnam.gigglem.gif 19,327 Dong to the Dollar.

I can tell you without a doubt that the Thai education system is better than Detroit or DC (I was in a D mood).

I think there should be a rule that before you are allowed to comment on the Thai education system that you should know something about it; like teaching in a Thai college for a few years.

And before you comment on Thailand's economy that you should realize that there are about 100 countries in the world that have a GDP per capita less than Thailand. That means that more than half the countries in the world play candy crush and sleep on the job more than Thailand,wai2.gif


Sort of a follow up to lostoday and I do not disagree with his point.

Thai teachers' of English are terrified of a real professional, better qualified and with greater experience or knowledge than them.

When I was teaching in the poorest areas of Bangkok , the teachers ( many, I worked in several schools legitimately) whose class I was taking, thought it was time for a break, scared tried to run away.

Like hell I told them, I am here to teach you new methods that you can implement ; how can you learn if you are not present?


Sort of a follow up to lostoday and I do not disagree with his point.

Thai teachers' of English are terrified of a real professional, better qualified and with greater experience or knowledge than them.

When I was teaching in the poorest areas of Bangkok , the teachers ( many, I worked in several schools legitimately) whose class I was taking, thought it was time for a break, scared tried to run away.

Like hell I told them, I am here to teach you new methods that you can implement ; how can you learn if you are not present?

Thai teachers were always begging me for help and advice. I wonder what the difference was?


I think some people either mix in the underclasses (understandably poor education) or they have not been 'home' in a longggggg time . My Thai family puts me to shame with how intelligent they are ! You do realise the west gives out university degrees like confetti these days ? Education is big business now , the more students that role through those doors the more money they make ....... Simple

I can assure you that the university i got my degree from (Stockholms universitet) do not give degrees like "confetti" to anyone. And i can assure you that not a single university in Sweden does such a thing.


Who do you all think you are? You move to a country and expect them to change everything because you said so?? The arrogance of Westerners(in general) is baffling! The Thai educational system is preparing Thai children to survive in Thai society. The majority of Thai kids will be unaffected by Thailand's entry into ASEAN. There will never be any freedom of movement between these countries other than for tourism.The movement of labour will be highly restricted, as it should be. Thailand has almost full employment and little or no welfare state. The education system here is not trying to prepare students to be statesmen or women.Its giving them the tools to be successful...in Thailand! And it des exactly what it sayd on the tin...

Westerners need to realise that this is not Europe of the US. Things are different here.That doesn't mean that things are bad. Look at how happy Thai people are. Compare that to people from Nanny states in Europe who are miserable and do nothing but complain and pay their taxes and bills. Look at the respect that Thai people have for elders.Look at how they take care of their families.. Look at the positives instead of attempting to impose Western ideas and values upon the world. The most evil race of people to ever walk the Earth were White people! Realise this and open your narrow minded perceptions of Asian civilisation.

Okay, so let me understand this... You think it is good for Thailand and Thai-people that their education system way is behind most other countries? Do you think it is good that a large part of the population can not read and write? Is it good parenting to just accept a bad educational system, that gives your child no real options in life?

Yes, Thailand has a nearly full employment rate. And what does most of the jobs really consist of? Sitting on a chair sleeping or playing Candy Crush all day. Do you really think education is something unimportant in todays world? You sound like you believe education is something only White-persons value... Are you serious?

And by the way... Not all Thai people are happy. I know many Thai-people who are sad and frustrated, that they are forced to work shitty jobs for the rest of their life, because they never had access to a good educational system. Just because they smile when you pay them, does not mean they are happy.

You wrote, "Yes, Thailand has a nearly full employment rate. And what does most of the jobs really consist of? Sitting on a chair sleeping or playing Candy Crush all day."

Based on that statement I have arrived at two conclusions. 1. You don't know much about Thailand and 2. Your purpose in this thread was to denigrate Thailand and really has nothing to do with education.

​I think I can show indubitably that you know almost nothing about the Thai economy. 1. 40% of the hard drives in the world are made in Thailand. thumbsup.gif 2. As of 2012, the Thailand automotive industry was the largest in Southeast Asia and the 9th largest in the World. The Thailand industry has an annual output of near 1.5 million vehicles (mostly commercial vehicles), more than countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Czech Republic, and Turkey. whistling.gif

Those millions of cars and hard drives can not be made while sleeping or playing candy crush. giggle.gif

Lets take a look at a country close by, Malaysia. Tourists' naked photo shoot atop Malaysian peak blamed for major earthquake as locals claim nudity angered 'mountain spirits. Now that is dead dumb. cheesy.gif

Try googling the ten most worthless currencies in the world and what countries come up? Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia and Vietnam.gigglem.gif 19,327 Dong to the Dollar.

I can tell you without a doubt that the Thai education system is better than Detroit or DC (I was in a D mood).

I think there should be a rule that before you are allowed to comment on the Thai education system that you should know something about it; like teaching in a Thai college for a few years.

And before you comment on Thailand's economy that you should realize that there are about 100 countries in the world that have a GDP per capita less than Thailand. That means that more than half the countries in the world play candy crush and sleep on the job more than Thailand,wai2.gif

Did Thailand design the Ferrari?

Did Thailand design the Ducati?

Did Thailand design any of the crap being produced in the automotive or computer sector ?etc,,,,,,,,,

Simple answers NO!

If most of said factorys where to pack up and move to greener paistures i wonder what the Thai economy would look like?The only reason they are there is because of cheap labour.


Khunpa: Everything you have said is very accurate, insightful, and well stated.

The bottom line is Thais don't take life seriously. Their major concern is what's for lunch.

And therein lies their charm. Have worked in Singapore for almost 16 years, part of that in the university system, and much of it assessing scholarship candidates and scholars. They are very intelligent and driven people. They take life 'seriously', as you say. Weekends are for tuition. Travel is for learning. But surveys suggest that they are among the least happy people on the planet. I've supervised business students who are desperately unhappy because they studying something to make their parents happy or to make enough money to live a lifestyle others expect of them. So I'm happy to see less seriousness. And more happiness.

[Just to be clear, I'm not dismissing the importance of a good education, but questioning the trend for success to be measured in terms of one's job and bank account].

I underlined the parts I wanted to stress in your post above ....because while I understand what you are saying, I think it really does NOT apply to Thailand. Well yes, many don't measure success in banks accounts or job status ...they only measure it in various consumer status symbols that are easier for all to get (criminals, sleazy dishonest people, good honest people with better jobs, bar girls, cops, corrupt everyone, great business people, all can join the group) you just need the best car 5 people in your family can afford,the best phone, best whiskey, some big fat gold chunks, etc. And of course like many places/people, you also may not OWN anything, just have tons of debt. I find it rare that anyone questions how people get something, ONLY having it matters! But it really seems to matter a lot!

So, are they really that charming? And of course, I do not mean EVERY person.


You wrote, "Yes, Thailand has a nearly full employment rate. And what does most of the jobs really consist of? Sitting on a chair sleeping or playing Candy Crush all day."

Based on that statement I have arrived at two conclusions. 1. You don't know much about Thailand and 2. Your purpose in this thread was to denigrate Thailand and really has nothing to do with education.

​I think I can show indubitably that you know almost nothing about the Thai economy. 1. 40% of the hard drives in the world are made in Thailand. thumbsup.gif 2. As of 2012, the Thailand automotive industry was the largest in Southeast Asia and the 9th largest in the World. The Thailand industry has an annual output of near 1.5 million vehicles (mostly commercial vehicles), more than countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Czech Republic, and Turkey. whistling.gif

Those millions of cars and hard drives can not be made while sleeping or playing candy crush. giggle.gif

Lets take a look at a country close by, Malaysia. Tourists' naked photo shoot atop Malaysian peak blamed for major earthquake as locals claim nudity angered 'mountain spirits. Now that is dead dumb. cheesy.gif

Try googling the ten most worthless currencies in the world and what countries come up? Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia and Vietnam.gigglem.gif 19,327 Dong to the Dollar.

I can tell you without a doubt that the Thai education system is better than Detroit or DC (I was in a D mood).

I think there should be a rule that before you are allowed to comment on the Thai education system that you should know something about it; like teaching in a Thai college for a few years.

And before you comment on Thailand's economy that you should realize that there are about 100 countries in the world that have a GDP per capita less than Thailand. That means that more than half the countries in the world play candy crush and sleep on the job more than Thailand,wai2.gif

Did Thailand design the Ferrari?

Did Thailand design the Ducati?

Did Thailand design any of the crap being produced in the automotive or computer sector ?etc,,,,,,,,,

Simple answers NO!

If most of said factorys where to pack up and move to greener paistures i wonder what the Thai economy would look like?The only reason they are there is because of cheap labour.

You don't have a clue how the world works in the age of the global economy. There are a 100 countries with lower costs of labor than Thailand. There are many reasons for auto and computer hard drive manufacture in Thailand. According to MIT the cost of labor in new car production is only 6.5% anyway. Raw materiel is 47%. Truth is Thailand has the 94th largest GDP per capita out of 180 countries in the world. There are about 30,000 parts in a car and they all have to be designed. Who does it? More than a 100 different countries.


Who do you all think you are? You move to a country and expect them to change everything because you said so?? The arrogance of Westerners(in general) is baffling! The Thai educational system is preparing Thai children to survive in Thai society. The majority of Thai kids will be unaffected by Thailand's entry into ASEAN. There will never be any freedom of movement between these countries other than for tourism.The movement of labour will be highly restricted, as it should be. Thailand has almost full employment and little or no welfare state. The education system here is not trying to prepare students to be statesmen or women.Its giving them the tools to be successful...in Thailand! And it des exactly what it sayd on the tin...

Westerners need to realise that this is not Europe of the US. Things are different here.That doesn't mean that things are bad. Look at how happy Thai people are. Compare that to people from Nanny states in Europe who are miserable and do nothing but complain and pay their taxes and bills. Look at the respect that Thai people have for elders.Look at how they take care of their families.. Look at the positives instead of attempting to impose Western ideas and values upon the world. The most evil race of people to ever walk the Earth were White people! Realise this and open your narrow minded perceptions of Asian civilisation.

Okay, so let me understand this... You think it is good for Thailand and Thai-people that their education system way is behind most other countries? Do you think it is good that a large part of the population can not read and write? Is it good parenting to just accept a bad educational system, that gives your child no real options in life?

Yes, Thailand has a nearly full employment rate. And what does most of the jobs really consist of? Sitting on a chair sleeping or playing Candy Crush all day. Do you really think education is something unimportant in todays world? You sound like you believe education is something only White-persons value... Are you serious?

And by the way... Not all Thai people are happy. I know many Thai-people who are sad and frustrated, that they are forced to work shitty jobs for the rest of their life, because they never had access to a good educational system. Just because they smile when you pay them, does not mean they are happy.

You wrote, "Yes, Thailand has a nearly full employment rate. And what does most of the jobs really consist of? Sitting on a chair sleeping or playing Candy Crush all day."

Based on that statement I have arrived at two conclusions. 1. You don't know much about Thailand and 2. Your purpose in this thread was to denigrate Thailand and really has nothing to do with education.

​I think I can show indubitably that you know almost nothing about the Thai economy. 1. 40% of the hard drives in the world are made in Thailand. thumbsup.gif 2. As of 2012, the Thailand automotive industry was the largest in Southeast Asia and the 9th largest in the World. The Thailand industry has an annual output of near 1.5 million vehicles (mostly commercial vehicles), more than countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Czech Republic, and Turkey. whistling.gif

Those millions of cars and hard drives can not be made while sleeping or playing candy crush. giggle.gif

Lets take a look at a country close by, Malaysia. Tourists' naked photo shoot atop Malaysian peak blamed for major earthquake as locals claim nudity angered 'mountain spirits. Now that is dead dumb. cheesy.gif

Try googling the ten most worthless currencies in the world and what countries come up? Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia and Vietnam.gigglem.gif 19,327 Dong to the Dollar.

I can tell you without a doubt that the Thai education system is better than Detroit or DC (I was in a D mood).

I think there should be a rule that before you are allowed to comment on the Thai education system that you should know something about it; like teaching in a Thai college for a few years.

And before you comment on Thailand's economy that you should realize that there are about 100 countries in the world that have a GDP per capita less than Thailand. That means that more than half the countries in the world play candy crush and sleep on the job more than Thailand,wai2.gif

I don't see your point of listing Thailand making hard drives and have a big production base. That still does not prove the level of education and laziness of the people. Some jobs you are not allow to slack off such as in factories, others such as office jobs many do. Just take a look at workers in civil offices, malls, or restaurants everyone is playing with facebook and on their phones all the time ignoring customers.

Comparing Thailands car output is something to be proud of? Who cares! Its not as if its a Thai car brand, if so then I will allow you to be proud of Thai car company.

Thailand is better than Malaysia just because silly politician made idiotic comments? Don't get me started on silly comments coming from Thailand!

Don't even say Thai education is better Detroit, you like to pick your points. Is that something to be proud of? haha its better than one of the worst cities in the USA, but probably worse than 80% of the other large cities. Like it or not, education in public schools in the US is on average better than Thailand.

The efficiency in this country is so poor considering how fast the society is progressing, the education is also falling behind too! In fact it is moving backwards! There is this worldwide test that students take, forgot the name PISCA? Thailand students scores are dropping! Meaning that students are getting dumb and dumber!

So to bash Thailand and their education is for a good reason, we love it here and hope Thais can progress, they need to get a good kick on their butt to get on their feet and start running.

Even though Vietnam and Myanmar currency may be worthless, it has to do with their government but their education and students are steps ahead of Thais. That is what will change the nation in the future. Do you think dumb and dumber Thai students will be able to do that for Thailand?


You wrote, "Yes, Thailand has a nearly full employment rate. And what does most of the jobs really consist of? Sitting on a chair sleeping or playing Candy Crush all day."

Based on that statement I have arrived at two conclusions. 1. You don't know much about Thailand and 2. Your purpose in this thread was to denigrate Thailand and really has nothing to do with education.

​I think I can show indubitably that you know almost nothing about the Thai economy. 1. 40% of the hard drives in the world are made in Thailand. thumbsup.gif 2. As of 2012, the Thailand automotive industry was the largest in Southeast Asia and the 9th largest in the World. The Thailand industry has an annual output of near 1.5 million vehicles (mostly commercial vehicles), more than countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Czech Republic, and Turkey. whistling.gif

Those millions of cars and hard drives can not be made while sleeping or playing candy crush. giggle.gif

Lets take a look at a country close by, Malaysia. Tourists' naked photo shoot atop Malaysian peak blamed for major earthquake as locals claim nudity angered 'mountain spirits. Now that is dead dumb. cheesy.gif

Try googling the ten most worthless currencies in the world and what countries come up? Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia and Vietnam.gigglem.gif 19,327 Dong to the Dollar.

I can tell you without a doubt that the Thai education system is better than Detroit or DC (I was in a D mood).

I think there should be a rule that before you are allowed to comment on the Thai education system that you should know something about it; like teaching in a Thai college for a few years.

And before you comment on Thailand's economy that you should realize that there are about 100 countries in the world that have a GDP per capita less than Thailand. That means that more than half the countries in the world play candy crush and sleep on the job more than Thailand,wai2.gif

Did Thailand design the Ferrari?

Did Thailand design the Ducati?

Did Thailand design any of the crap being produced in the automotive or computer sector ?etc,,,,,,,,,

Simple answers NO!

If most of said factorys where to pack up and move to greener paistures i wonder what the Thai economy would look like?The only reason they are there is because of cheap labour.

You don't have a clue how the world works in the age of the global economy. There are a 100 countries with lower costs of labor than Thailand. There are many reasons for auto and computer hard drive manufacture in Thailand. According to MIT the cost of labor in new car production is only 6.5% anyway. Raw materiel is 47%. Truth is Thailand has the 94th largest GDP per capita out of 180 countries in the world. There are about 30,000 parts in a car and they all have to be designed. Who does it? More than a 100 different countries.

Yes all this is very true..but the education system here is terrible, when I realized this I took my daughter out immediately.

Thailand has a stronger economic base than many realize, I would have thought the flooding a couple of years ago and the effect it had on supply chains globally would have taught the casual observe that.

But if there is one irrefutable truth, the Thai education system does not do justice to its children who have no wealth, no advantage, live outside Bangkok etc..

The leaders / politicians etc/ rich families didn't prevail themselves of the temple school, local catholic school etc..no they prevail themselves of the very good schools in Bangkok, international schools or educate their children overseas..


My wife's niece went to the state school in Chonburi. She is now studying clinical medicine on an international English speaking course at a university in China and she was awarded a scholarship on her first year results. She did fairly well at school but was not at the top of the class. It is not all bad.

While in the mean time 100 000 doctors working in Thailand can not speak a word of English and prescribe antibiotic for muscle pain. wink.png

Why should a doctor have to speak English when the patients are Thai?

Are you implying that doctors have not been trained properly if they do not speak English.

My comment was regarding the education provided by the state school in Chonburi and not the medical profession but as usual there is always someone that wants to go off at a tangent.

If they do not speak English they can not improve by reading English medical literature...not everything is published in Thai, but everything is published in English....in my 20 + years in Thailand i have seen many Doctors and those that speak fairly good English are better than those that don't .......????

I had a stroke in Bang Sapan, in the local hospital the doctor did not know what to do. Went to Pratchuap Kiri Khan...bigger hospital, same thing the Doctor said I had a normal headache....and wanted to prescribe paracetamol....my wife was so angry at there incompetence. Only in Hua Hin Bangkok Hospital did they had a competent Female doctor who knew exactly what to do........is it a coincidence that the Doctors in Bang Sapan and Pratchuap could not speak any English and the one in Hua Hin did quiet well....???

Best regards, Off Road pat


You wrote, "Yes, Thailand has a nearly full employment rate. And what does most of the jobs really consist of? Sitting on a chair sleeping or playing Candy Crush all day."

Based on that statement I have arrived at two conclusions. 1. You don't know much about Thailand and 2. Your purpose in this thread was to denigrate Thailand and really has nothing to do with education.

​I think I can show indubitably that you know almost nothing about the Thai economy. 1. 40% of the hard drives in the world are made in Thailand. thumbsup.gif 2. As of 2012, the Thailand automotive industry was the largest in Southeast Asia and the 9th largest in the World. The Thailand industry has an annual output of near 1.5 million vehicles (mostly commercial vehicles), more than countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Italy, Czech Republic, and Turkey. whistling.gif

Those millions of cars and hard drives can not be made while sleeping or playing candy crush. giggle.gif

Lets take a look at a country close by, Malaysia. Tourists' naked photo shoot atop Malaysian peak blamed for major earthquake as locals claim nudity angered 'mountain spirits. Now that is dead dumb. cheesy.gif

Try googling the ten most worthless currencies in the world and what countries come up? Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia and Vietnam.gigglem.gif 19,327 Dong to the Dollar.

I can tell you without a doubt that the Thai education system is better than Detroit or DC (I was in a D mood).

I think there should be a rule that before you are allowed to comment on the Thai education system that you should know something about it; like teaching in a Thai college for a few years.

And before you comment on Thailand's economy that you should realize that there are about 100 countries in the world that have a GDP per capita less than Thailand. That means that more than half the countries in the world play candy crush and sleep on the job more than Thailand,wai2.gif

I don't see your point of listing Thailand making hard drives and have a big production base. That still does not prove the level of education and laziness of the people. Some jobs you are not allow to slack off such as in factories, others such as office jobs many do. Just take a look at workers in civil offices, malls, or restaurants everyone is playing with facebook and on their phones all the time ignoring customers.

Comparing Thailands car output is something to be proud of? Who cares! Its not as if its a Thai car brand, if so then I will allow you to be proud of Thai car company.

Thailand is better than Malaysia just because silly politician made idiotic comments? Don't get me started on silly comments coming from Thailand!

Don't even say Thai education is better Detroit, you like to pick your points. Is that something to be proud of? haha its better than one of the worst cities in the USA, but probably worse than 80% of the other large cities. Like it or not, education in public schools in the US is on average better than Thailand.

The efficiency in this country is so poor considering how fast the society is progressing, the education is also falling behind too! In fact it is moving backwards! There is this worldwide test that students take, forgot the name PISCA? Thailand students scores are dropping! Meaning that students are getting dumb and dumber!

So to bash Thailand and their education is for a good reason, we love it here and hope Thais can progress, they need to get a good kick on their butt to get on their feet and start running.

Even though Vietnam and Myanmar currency may be worthless, it has to do with their government but their education and students are steps ahead of Thais. That is what will change the nation in the future. Do you think dumb and dumber Thai students will be able to do that for Thailand?

Cars are not made by countries they are made by international industrial concerns that are based in many countries. China can be as proud of Jaguar as anyone. It is not a country thing anymore. Not even the American sailors racing for the America's cup are from America! So you can forget about the national identity it went the way of the wind in sailboat racing. (We can debate this forever but the America's cup is the oldest trophy in Yachting history and a source of pride to Americans for a hundred years and it's now bogus.)

Do you think Thai education just got bad and Vietnamese and Burmese education just got good? The Thais are smarter than the Vietnamese and the Burmese that's why they have the bucks and the Vietnamese are still living in poverty.

Do you think thousands of wealthy educated Thai people are rushing to retire in the UK?

Thailand is not the UK. All those folks who want it to be like the UK should go back to the UK. All those who like Thailand better should come to Thailand.

You want to change Thailand but if you really liked Thailand you would not want to change it.

In the 1930's Thai women didn't wear tops and they were just fine and cool. Some nut wanted to make Siam just like the West so he mandated that Thai women wear tops. Now are you happy?

Just leave the Siamese alone. If you want to change someone go colonize India or something.


The political structure and history has a lot do with the progress of Vietnam and Burma up to the present day.

Silly to say if you like Thailand not to change it. I would like the the education system for my future grandchildren etc...even though my child went to international school.

Thailand has changed enormously just since the Asian crisis..no country is static..you simply have no idea.


Yes all this is very true..but the education system here is terrible, when I realized this I took my daughter out immediately.

I agree with you 100%. If you want your child to have a Western education Thailand is not the place to send her to school. Since Thailand is not going to change the answer is obvious.


Just speaking to a sixteen year old boy.

Have known him since he was knee high to a grasshopper.

Had to speak in Thai, he could not speak basic English.

I asked him how long had he been taught English at school.

Seven years plus he replied, in Thai.

How much English can you speak I asked.

We resorted to sign language, zero!

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