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Caught by a speed camera in Doi Saket


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400 baht is way too low a fine. 4000 might be a deterent? Someone mentioned on another thread that the temporary loss of your vehicle for x days or weeks whould be the best way to stop drink driving but it would work just as well with speeding. You pay the 400 baht fine and they say you can collect your car in 7 days or whatever. The inconvience might be very effective?

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"So many of you complain about the standard of Thai drivers and now this knobhead wants to know where the camera is so he can avoid it"

I want to know where the speed camera is so that I can ensure that I am complying with the law.

The funny thing is that I am more disappointed with the suggestion that my standard of driving may be on par with the Thai's than your unnecessary use of unwarranted descriptive.

.. Just drive at all times in compliance with the law.... It's not really that difficult.

Edited by Tywais
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Never seen a speed camera in cm so wouldnt know what to look for

How do you know it wasnt a mobile one or just some guy on the side of the road taking pics with his phone?

Did you even get a pic?

I got one a few months ago on the long straight downhill stretch from Lampang into Lamphun. The cop was standing by the side of the road with the speed camera in hand so it was no surprise when the letter arrived in the post - a pic of the truck and a closeup of the license plate and a speed readout (126 kph for all you TVF queens to chastise me about). No mention of the speed limit and the fine was also 400 baht.

I got one from there about a month ago going 122kph. Didn't see the cop though but my wife told me where that speed trap is. Pretty sneaky being on the downhill stretch.

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400 baht is way too low a fine. 4000 might be a deterent? Someone mentioned on another thread that the temporary loss of your vehicle for x days or weeks whould be the best way to stop drink driving but it would work just as well with speeding. You pay the 400 baht fine and they say you can collect your car in 7 days or whatever. The convience might be very effective?

Maybe they could establish a dedicated 'speeder's prison' where your sentence would be determined by how many kilometers you were clocked above the limit- that would be really inconvenient...

This thread gives me the desire to hop and my bike and fly down that stretch of road at the double-ton. Who hasn't gotten a speeding ticket in their lives (most people have, except for every poster in this thread minus the OP, Prism, and myself- maybe we could share a cell)- if I got nailed by a speed camera, I'd sure like to know exactly where it happened so it doesn't happen again- why trash the guy who asked? I didn't see him making any excuses or feeling sorry for himself, and he wasn't going insanely fast in that particular spot, which is straight, has excellent sight-lines in both directions, and has very little traffic- it's not like he was doing laps around the moat.

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I want to know where the speed camera is so that I can ensure that I am complying with the law.

Why? Are you going to ask the copper how fast you were going?

Or don't you know how to use a speedometer?

Methinks you are taking the piss.


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Like you're planning to do this again?

Planning to NOT do it again which is why I wanted to know where the camera was

NOT break the speed limit?whistling.gif

According to the police yesterday, disclosure of police traps is illegal wai2.gif

Wasn't there a thread here before where someone was asking where they were stopping and testing for drinking and driving, again so they could avoid them?

In your opinion, what is wrong with being well informed ??

Gotta love the sanctimonious posters on here yearning to create some sort of little america and another police state.

Presumably they don't really like Thailand as is ( otherwise there would be fewer complaints ) and are even less likely to have any understanding of the place.

The number of aging westerners married to non Thais who are facing all sorts of family-less end lonely end game scenarios is a serious concern.

It ain't Florida.

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Like you're planning to do this again?

Planning to NOT do it again which is why I wanted to know where the camera was

NOT break the speed limit?whistling.gif

According to the police yesterday, disclosure of police traps is illegal wai2.gif

Wasn't there a thread here before where someone was asking where they were stopping and testing for drinking and driving, again so they could avoid them?

In your opinion, what is wrong with being well informed ??

Gotta love the sanctimonious posters on here yearning to create some sort of little america and another police state.

Presumably they don't really like Thailand as is ( otherwise there would be fewer complaints ) and are even less likely to have any understanding of the place.

The number of aging westerners married to non Thais who are facing all sorts of family-less end lonely end game scenarios is a serious concern.

It ain't Florida.

Don't we all know it ain't Florida, but we all value our lives..., your choice if you don't.... But respect others..

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If the BiB were concerned about safety,why didn't they put a sign up warning of radar trap. Result, folk drive slower. Getting a fine after the event is not a way to save lives......

The Japanese police do this. It works very well. They also put parked patrol cars with dummies dressed as cops in areas where people are likely to speed. Both methods slow down the speeders very nicely.

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It ain't Florida.

Don't we all know it ain't Florida, but we all value our lives..., your choice if you don't.... But respect others..

That's the point that drunk driving alcoholics never comprehend.

The tragedy is that they end up taking out people who do value their lives.

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It ain't Florida.

Don't we all know it ain't Florida, but we all value our lives..., your choice if you don't.... But respect others..

That's the point that drunk driving alcoholics never comprehend.

The tragedy is that they end up taking out people who do value their lives.

What's that got to do with the OP?

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It ain't Florida.

Don't we all know it ain't Florida, but we all value our lives..., your choice if you don't.... But respect others..

That's the point that drunk driving alcoholics never comprehend.

The tragedy is that they end up taking out people who do value their lives.

What's that got to do with the OP?

I'm wondering about the 'purpose' of the original post...

Was it to discover the location of the camera so the poster can slow down just before it, or was it to brag about breaking the law? There seems to be some real 'need' for people to announce to the world that they break the law.

Am I missing something? Is it considered 'cool' to be a lawbreaker? Or do the people who do it have so little self-respect that they hope other people will chastise them, thus showing them some attention even though it's negative? There have been so many instances of the Thai police nabbing people because of their Facebook postings about breaking the law that I'd think anyone with half the sense God gave a turnip would know better and just keep quiet about it!

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Sometimes I just despair about this forum and the small minded pettiness that seems to be the norm from posters who probably don't even bother to read the posts before they add their three penny worth.

Look, I was 10 MPH over the speed limit and I got caught by a camera speed trap, I had not been drinking, i was not on the phone, I was not driving like a Thai, I was not boasting that I had broken the law.

I just asked if anyone knew where the camera was so that I can ensure that I am driving at a speed to keep you all happy

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400 baht is way too low a fine. 4000 might be a deterent? Someone mentioned on another thread that the temporary loss of your vehicle for x days or weeks whould be the best way to stop drink driving but it would work just as well with speeding. You pay the 400 baht fine and they say you can collect your car in 7 days or whatever. The convience might be very effective?

Maybe they could establish a dedicated 'speeder's prison' where your sentence would be determined by how many kilometers you were clocked above the limit- that would be really inconvenient...

This thread gives me the desire to hop and my bike and fly down that stretch of road at the double-ton. Who hasn't gotten a speeding ticket in their lives (most people have, except for every poster in this thread minus the OP, Prism, and myself- maybe we could share a cell)- if I got nailed by a speed camera, I'd sure like to know exactly where it happened so it doesn't happen again- why trash the guy who asked? I didn't see him making any excuses or feeling sorry for himself, and he wasn't going insanely fast in that particular spot, which is straight, has excellent sight-lines in both directions, and has very little traffic- it's not like he was doing laps around the moat.

87mph or whatever it was is not a good speed. The road isn't a motorway or autobahn type road. Houses and shops on either side. Are you aware that pedestrians have to cross this road. Locals trying to cross and u-turn on an old beat up Honda Dream. Riding against the traffic. Before you race down doing double-ton get out of your car and try crossing the road as a pedestrian or doing a u-turn on a bicycle or motorcycle loaded up with kids going to school. Its not pleasant standing on the side of the road waiting for a gap in endless 87mph pick ups and cement trucks traffic. Totally different world to inside your car with the aircon and stereo playing flying along at 87.

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Sometimes I just despair about this forum and the small minded pettiness that seems to be the norm from posters who probably don't even bother to read the posts before they add their three penny worth.

Look, I was 10 MPH over the speed limit and I got caught by a camera speed trap, I had not been drinking, i was not on the phone, I was not driving like a Thai, I was not boasting that I had broken the law.

I just asked if anyone knew where the camera was so that I can ensure that I am driving at a speed to keep you all happy

Has nothing to do with keeping anyone happy.

What you mean is where is the camera so you can slow down and not get nicked, before speeding up again.

The general consensus seems to be that if you stuck to the speed limit (a) you wouldn't get nicked, and (B) statistically you and other road users would be safer.

What's so hard to understand?

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400 baht is way too low a fine. 4000 might be a deterent? Someone mentioned on another thread that the temporary loss of your vehicle for x days or weeks whould be the best way to stop drink driving but it would work just as well with speeding. You pay the 400 baht fine and they say you can collect your car in 7 days or whatever. The convience might be very effective?

Maybe they could establish a dedicated 'speeder's prison' where your sentence would be determined by how many kilometers you were clocked above the limit- that would be really inconvenient...

This thread gives me the desire to hop and my bike and fly down that stretch of road at the double-ton. Who hasn't gotten a speeding ticket in their lives (most people have, except for every poster in this thread minus the OP, Prism, and myself- maybe we could share a cell)- if I got nailed by a speed camera, I'd sure like to know exactly where it happened so it doesn't happen again- why trash the guy who asked? I didn't see him making any excuses or feeling sorry for himself, and he wasn't going insanely fast in that particular spot, which is straight, has excellent sight-lines in both directions, and has very little traffic- it's not like he was doing laps around the moat.

87mph or whatever it was is not a good speed. The road isn't a motorway or autobahn type road. Houses and shops on either side. Are you aware that pedestrians have to cross this road. Locals trying to cross and u-turn on an old beat up Honda Dream. Riding against the traffic. Before you race down doing double-ton get out of your car and try crossing the road as a pedestrian or doing a u-turn on a bicycle or motorcycle loaded up with kids going to school. Its not pleasant standing on the side of the road waiting for a gap in endless 87mph pick ups and cement trucks traffic. Totally different world to inside your car with the aircon and stereo playing flying along at 87.

You're obviously not familiar with the stretch of road in question- drive down it sometime and see if you still advocate the confiscation of vehicles exceeding the speed limit on it. Like many roads, it has sections that dictate driving under the limit, and sections where the limit can be safely exceeded (i.e. the section on which the OP was cited). It has little traffic during much of the day (practically none in the early morning on the weekend). I doubt the OP was flying through rush hour dodging cars, as traffic flows at a high rate of speed there in any case- 120+ is the norm. There are certainly many areas where your description above would be accurate, but not the one being referred to.

As far as the camera goes, I think every person who's read this thread will be sure to slow down as they pass the area where it happens to be (if it's ever determined)- I sure will, and if I decide I can safely exceed the limit after passing it, I'll speed up again.

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136 in a 90 zone is not 10 "mph". No you were not driving like a thai. you were driving like a crazy man.

Look, I was 10 MPH over the speed limit and I got caught by a camera speed trap, I had not been drinking, i was not on the phone, I was not driving like a Thai, I was not boasting that I had broken the law.

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To give you an honest answer About Driving 136km an hour on an Road where 80 is allowed.

I would suggestie that they take your Driving license on THE spot and let you go again after 3 months with no license to test your self to get an new license.

People like you must be Ashemed to drive here, i best you are Driving most times faster Then that.

I never drive that speed herder, 2 simpel reasons. 1 im farang and dont want to end up in mail after an crash.

2. Im not an idiot thinking that im living above THE law and just can do what i want.

Be happy you are in this country, if THE limit was 80 Then you last your Driving license in my country, and had an ticket of around 1000 euro to pay.

Good luck maybe you end up with THE cars neAr our police station. (Crashed cars)

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The thing about speed is that it's relative to the conditions, how much traffic is on the road and the vehicle you are driving.

90km per hour is much more dangerous is some vehicles than 140km per hour in others.

I totally agree with the need for speed limits, but I'd bet the camera was placed at a location where its more likely that drivers will exceed the speed limit rather than a location where it's dangerous to do so.

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Whilst the 400 baht fine will not break the bank I would like to avoid another one in the future.

Easy to avoid, Don't break the Law.

Nothing wrong with speed its the stupidity that goes with it thats the real problem, we are all travelling at about 446,000 mph now anyway as our galaxy moves thru space

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The camera is as people say near the weigh station, also most of that area of road has a limit of 90 KPH. Got stopped doing 95-100 on that stretch and just warned about the limit, luckily.

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