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Thai Buddhists to help anti-Muslim Myanmar monks set up radio station

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Thai Buddhists to help anti-Muslim Myanmar monks set up radio station

BANGKOK (AFP) - Thai Buddhists have offered to help a network of hardline anti-Muslim Myanmar monks set up a radio station to spread their message across a nation where sectarian hatred is on the rise.

More than a dozen Thai Buddhists were among hundreds who attended a two-day conference in Yangon over the weekend organised by the Ma Ba Tha movement.

During the meeting a Thai group which produces religious radio and television programmes in the kingdom promised to donate $44,000-worth of radio equipment to the Myanmar movement.

The offer was of "support not with money, but with equipment and the installation of a radio station, worth about 1.5 million baht," Woottisarn Panaree, vice president of the National Thai Buddhism and Culture Mass Media Association, who attended the meeting, told AFP on Wednesday.

"Radio and television plays an important role in preaching Buddhism in Thailand. It will help them preach Buddhism in Myanmar," he added.

Myanmar is wrestling with growing Buddhist nationalist sentiment driven by hardline monks, who have urged boycotts of Muslim shops and proposed a raft of deeply controversial laws that critics say are discriminatory.

Their rise has accompanied several bouts of religious violence between Muslims and Buddhists, mainly in Rakhine State.

In recent weeks nationalist monks have been at the forefront of protests against the country’s Rohingya, a persecuted Muslim minority from Rakhine who have fled in their tens of thousands since communal violence broke out there in 2012.

Compared to its western neighbour, Thai Buddhist nationalism plays a less prominent role in the country’s politics and is not as openly hostile towards Islam.

Pornchai Pinyapong, president of the Bangkok-based World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth, said he attended the meeting in a personal capacity.

He said both countries had "difficulties" with Islam that needed to be addressed to protect Buddhism.

"When we see Rakhine state in Myanmar, it’s the same problem as the southern part of Thailand," he told AFP, referring to Thailand’s long battle against ethnic Malay Muslims in the country’s deep south.

Unlike Thailand’s south there is no Muslim insurgency in Rakhine. Instead more than 100,000 Rohingya live in fetid camps after dozens were killed by Buddhist mobs in the 2012 bloodletting.

Pornchai rejected suggestions that Myanmar’s hardline Buddhist monks routinely use hate speech against Muslims.

"They don’t encourage anyone to destroy the mosque or kill Muslim people, they just want to protect Buddhism for the next generation," he said.

"I think it’s good for monks to get together to protect Buddhism," he added.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Thai-Buddhists-to-help-anti-Muslim-Myanmar-monks-s-30263037.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-24

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Some things done or said in the name of a religion, are not consistent with that religion; and this is such an example. I think "tolerance" and "understanding" are key words. I hate hatred and I won't tolerate intolerance.

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The Ma Ba Tha movement? Not sure about Tha, but Ma Ba could be mad dog.

Ma Ba Tha is the Burmese acronym for the "Committee for the Protection of Race and Religion", which is affiliated with the "969 movement". Not nice people, and the numbers tell you who's behind this.

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"He said both countries had "difficulties" with Islam that needed to be addressed to protect Buddhism."

The difficulty being your intolerance and prejudice.

All faiths it seems have their bigots.

All are equally contemptible.

As Elvis Costello once sang, "what's so funny about peace, love and understanding?"

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what a great idea... coffee1.gif

no religion needs "defending".

I have yet to see any group from any religion using "defense of religion" as anything other than a cover for fear/hate-mongering.

Actually it's defense of race and religion, which just underlines your point.

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what a great idea... coffee1.gif

no religion needs "defending".

I have yet to see any group from any religion using "defense of religion" as anything other than a cover for fear/hate-mongering.

Actually it's defense of race and religion.

yeah, they don't even try to be subtle, do they?

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what a great idea... coffee1.gif

no religion needs "defending".

I have yet to see any group from any religion using "defense of religion" as anything other than a cover for fear/hate-mongering.

Actually it's defense of race and religion.

yeah, they don't even try to be subtle, do they?

It's hard to be subtle when all you've got is a bulldozer and heavy weapons.

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Doesn't seem to be much information around on this association that is going to help set up a radio station other than a hint of involvement by the Dhammakaya temple and foundation.

However the headline regarding Thai Buddhists is somewhat misleading giving the impression of 'all Thai Buddhists' while only more than 12 were said to have attended the meeting.

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Stop criticising the buddhists...its about time that they woke up and also the rest of the world to the threats of the Islam religion. Laws should be passed that prohibits the conversion of buddhists, hindus, christians, sikhs, etc by birth to Islam. Stop the building of mosques in non-Islamic countries just like they prevent other religions form setting up shop in muslim countries like Saudia Arabia, UAE, etc. Start boycotting all muslim owned shops like in Thailand...brands like XXI Forever, Forever 21, Zara, Ted Baker, Massimo Dutti, Adidas, Berskha,etc inThailand are controlled by muslims from Dubai.

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"He said both countries had "difficulties" with Islam that needed to be addressed to protect Buddhism."

The difficulty being your intolerance and prejudice.

All faiths it seems have their bigots.

All are equally contemptible.

As Elvis Costello once sang, "what's so funny about peace, love and understanding?"

Thailand promotes the Buddhist religion through the use of subsidies and taxation policies. Buddhism is the state religion and enjoys multiple benefits from its protected status. This preferred treatment should then impose an obligation, a duty upon the Thai national government to intervene if there is an abuse of position. In a civilised country, the promotion of sectarian violence, harassment ,theft and other abuse is considered an abuse of position. It will be interesting to see how the Thai government responds to this activity. I suppose in a country where multiple military personnel have been implicated in the trafficking of muslim migrants and their subsequent death, a quick response may not occur.

Peace, love and understanding is turned into a joke when it is misappropriated by those who despite their preaching of the mantra, live their lives in an opposite manner. An example of this was the love-in staged by Yoko Ono and John Lennon. She of a miserable, manipulative disposition and he, the selfish, nasty, family abuser. There is one individual on TVF who claims to promote peace, at least that's what he says, but his posts are manifestations of ignorance and hate. I suggest you have a word with him. wink.png (You have bigger biceps than me.)

edited military reference to clarify /accuracy to keep it legal.

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Stop criticising the buddhists...its about time that they woke up and also the rest of the world to the threats of the Islam religion. Laws should be passed that prohibits the conversion of buddhists, hindus, christians, sikhs, etc by birth to Islam. Stop the building of mosques in non-Islamic countries just like they prevent other religions form setting up shop in muslim countries like Saudia Arabia, UAE, etc. Start boycotting all muslim owned shops like in Thailand...brands like XXI Forever, Forever 21, Zara, Ted Baker, Massimo Dutti, Adidas, Berskha,etc inThailand are controlled by muslims from Dubai.

Dear me, didn't take long for the nonsense to emerge.

Hate is hate and should always be criticised, no matter who is promoting it.

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Anyone wanting a taste of Islam or who thinks our Buddhist Hosts, are being a tad unkind to the Freedom Loving, kind hearted Islamists should just go visit Saudi Arabia or even Brunei for a couple of weeks.

Then come back and tell our Buddhist Hosts, how well their Religion and it's teachings, would be accepted in those wonderful countries.

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Anyone wanting a taste of Islam or who thinks our Buddhist Hosts, are being a tad unkind to the Freedom Loving, kind hearted Islamists should just go visit Saudi Arabia or even Brunei for a couple of weeks.

Then come back and tell our Buddhist Hosts, how well their Religion and it's teachings, would be accepted in those wonderful countries.

why would we want to see buddhists lower themselves to that level?

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Stop criticising the buddhists...its about time that they woke up and also the rest of the world to the threats of the Islam religion. Laws should be passed that prohibits the conversion of buddhists, hindus, christians, sikhs, etc by birth to Islam. Stop the building of mosques in non-Islamic countries just like they prevent other religions form setting up shop in muslim countries like Saudia Arabia, UAE, etc. Start boycotting all muslim owned shops like in Thailand...brands like XXI Forever, Forever 21, Zara, Ted Baker, Massimo Dutti, Adidas, Berskha,etc inThailand are controlled by muslims from Dubai.

Great idea. I, for one, will henceforth refuse to eat dates (except in muesli or date and walnut cake). Damn! are walnuts Islamic?

Edited by Enoon
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Oh dear, it seems some believe religious bigotry, prejudice and intolerance is perfectly acceptable if it's directed against Islam.

No religion is free of bigots and zealots whose hatred is stronger than their faith.

Such people are all equally wrong.

To justify such hatred in one faith and condemn it in another is pure hypocrisy.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Doesn't seem to be much information around on this association that is going to help set up a radio station other than a hint of involvement by the Dhammakaya temple and foundation.

However the headline regarding Thai Buddhists is somewhat misleading giving the impression of 'all Thai Buddhists' while only more than 12 were said to have attended the meeting

I would assume it is deliberate editing on part of the Nation. Always a good policy to protect the gulty

Yes I noticed only 12 attended, so unless 54 million trot over there Thai Buddhists do not support this coffee1.gif

The local xenophobic radio stations are pretty good here in T Land, excellent reason the Burmese seek their expertise. Good thing it is under the radar of most expats, they might get a little concerned, perhaps knock over a leo glass if they knew.

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I use to think Buddhist were the least bias and judgmental of all religious peoples and the least likely to kill and make war, but I guess I'm going to have to rethink that given what's happening in Myanmar and now the Thai monks supporting them.

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Seems the Thai radio station run by the association that wants to help set up in Burma is http://thairadiofm1063.com/ all in Thai and no translation available.

Yes that's Dhammakaya temple and foundation. You can listen to them on FM 106.25.

So we have an extremely rich Thai temple that is implicated in the disappearance of several billion from a fund in Thailand that their abbot doesn't want to talk about.

Which has around 40 branches overseas along with TV stations now supporting the setting up of a radio station by militant anti-Islam monks in Burma with 1.5 million baht of radio gear.

Could there just be a slight misnomer there when they are referred to as "Thai Buddhists".

Try reading a bit about them, things like a temple enterprise lending money to the faithful, at a rate of interest, so they can donate that money to he temple. Then perhaps it may start to look more like a dodgy commercial enterprise hiding behind religion.

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""I think it’s good for monks to get together to protect Buddhism," he added."

Agreed. Senior monks should get together and have these 12 defrocked. What they are doing by promoting hate is harmful to image of Buddhism. At a minimum they perhaps need a refresher course regarding what the vows they took meant.

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use to think Buddhist were the least bias and judgmental of all religious peoples and the least likely to kill and make war, but I guess I'm going to have to rethink that given what's happening in Myanmar and now the Thai monks supporting them.

Chance are it was just Buddhism explained through the saffron eyeshades of westerners that got you thinking this way. If you look at the Sri Lankan war (... granted the Tamils were nutters too) check out how militant Buddhism has been tapped into in the last couple decades and

What is shocking and something directly relevant to the situation in Burma is Black July 83 when the Sinhalese ran amuck, in a savage anti Tamil Pogrom that extended throughout the country and set the stage for the civil war

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Yes, you can't color all monks with the same brush, but there are a lot of bad ones out there. More than I would have thought. At least there are a lot that do not strictly adhere to what I believe Buddha teaches and stands for.

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Anyone wanting a taste of Islam or who thinks our Buddhist Hosts, are being a tad unkind to the Freedom Loving, kind hearted Islamists should just go visit Saudi Arabia or even Brunei for a couple of weeks.

Then come back and tell our Buddhist Hosts, how well their Religion and it's teachings, would be accepted in those wonderful countries.

how is that relevant to buddhists abusing others in Burma?

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Anyone wanting a taste of Islam or who thinks our Buddhist Hosts, are being a tad unkind to the Freedom Loving, kind hearted Islamists should just go visit Saudi Arabia or even Brunei for a couple of weeks.

Then come back and tell our Buddhist Hosts, how well their Religion and it's teachings, would be accepted in those wonderful countries.

why would we want to see buddhists lower themselves to that level?


I think you are missing the point !

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I think FEAR is the driving factor behind Islamaphobia. Fear that our PC governments and liberal wa**ers are not standing up and countering in an agressive and decisive manner when dealing with blatant examples of Moslems trying to, and sometimes succeeding, in dominating non Moslem cultures. Islam is at war with non Islamic cultures. So if groups start acting on their own to counter the rise of this medieval, or just evil, so called religion within their own countries it is because their governments are not proactive enough to protect the existing culture from this insidious cancer growing in our society. I believe in PEACEFUL coexistance, Islam wants to dominate and subjugate all (ISIL , Iran, Taliban,Hamas etc) . NOT ACCEPTABLE. Let the PC apologists go into a feeding frenzy

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Terrorists strike around the world.

28 British and German tourists killed in Tunisia.

25 dead in Islamic State attack on a Kuwait Mosque.

Man beheaded in Islamist attack a French factory.

Long may the 'religion of peace' be allowed to flourish in non-moslem countries!!!!!!! NOT

Apologists and multiculturalists, wake up Islam is at war with 'Kuffars' (us). Islamic communities in non Islamic countries act as a safe haven for extremists to infiltrate and dominate the native culture. It is a cancer, that will eventually become terminal unless we start moving to contain and if necessary eradicate it.

So go for it Myanmar Budfdhists. F&&k the PC brigade.

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