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Thai tourism to hit the skids if it can't overcome crises

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Nothing to do with aviation safety or Mers.... change the entire Junta to a democratic government , change minister of tourism to one with brains and not just a chick who is married to a high ranked police man.

Change Thai Airways CEO to a real manager.

Get beach beds back on the beaches

Stop the 3 roadblocks every 100k we drive.

Stop the jet ski scams.

Force taxis to put the meter on.

Every bit could help.

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Tourism, or at least Western tourism may well be down. The relentless bad press the country has received over its political turmoil, human trafficking, beach and other scams, crime and the pathetic police responses all have had their effect. Until the country can show that they are actually doing something about this the decline will continue.

I suspect the human trafficking scandal may well be what places the lid on the coffin.

Yes I agree..apart from the other issues you mention once a major holiday destination gets continually bad press about practices it shows the seed of doubt and then if the Human Trafficking issue ends up with a further downgrade or whatever they do next...with social media and the awareness of people today they will crash...that and of course the Air issue is a big problem for internal movement so that could be the final straw if they don't address it...there is one other issue that's going to happen one of these day..although your not allowed to talk about it and I'm my opinion is also going to be a major issue maybe bigger than these other..

Indeed, and even if it goes smoothly it may well close everything down - for how long? More than a week will cripple the tourist industry I suggest.


The baht just took a hit.
That should help.

I agree tourism (except for Chinese) is down..
But remember: It's June. Traditionally the slowest month of the year in Phuket.

Not saying there aren't problems.
Sun beds, and taxi/tuk tuk fares being the biggest IMO.

Corruption has always been here.
That didn't seem to mean to much to the hordes in years past, I doubt it is now.

My 2 cents anyway.


So easy to fix - Government denies MERS and TAT denies aviation issues. Move along, next topic please whistling.gif

(Oh ye of little faith)


I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

tourists would be back.

Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

True that. Prices are really going up. And most of the Thai people in tourism still have this quaint notion that all foreigners are rich, and have unlimited resources. Most just do not get the fact that the economy is hurting worldwide, and it is a very challenging environment to be in this industry. And most do not understand how much of a turnoff visiting a country under a military dictatorship is. Plus the health care issues related to traveling under one.

I do see some places offering more happy hour deals, but do not see much hotel discounting. And very few Thai people even understand how much more expensive things are here, than they used to be. I keep hearing people say, Thailand is cheap, and foreigners are rich. Most do not get it, at all.


I tried to warn my Thai friends years ago that Thailand was pricing themselves out of the market. The "Falangs have big money" attitude is destroying the industry, along with the bad press of course.

Unfortunately, Farangs themselves spread the "Farangs have big money" myth.


I had to check to see which crisis they were speaking of. Really, if ebola didn't scare ppl away then would this?

I know they had an infected person, but it sounds like all has been contained. Unless the rails had fallen off the last 48 hours.


The Government will tell anything people want to hear.

They might reach 28 + million visitors but most of them are Chinese which will result in very low per head spending.

The Aviation industry problems will not be solved for a long time, Thai is flying with &&&'S from Bangkok to Phuket where they have

is no more equipment in the back Galley. Only clanking noise and talking comes put of it.


Although problems exist in the world economy many of Thailands problems would be solved fairly easily if it weren't for the rampant corruption at all levels. Hope the army can make a dent.


Yesterday the headline was:


Don't you just love the Thai Media

Don't worry 'The Nation' soon will be WWIII or a Recession then World Tourism will hit the skids.


I've never been in business so maybe members with experience will weigh in.

I posted last year that a friend booking up for a 3 month visit was shocked at the prices being quoted for accommodation in places he had stayed before and one had jacked their rates up by 200%. One of the receptionists he spoke to and who remembered him said there was nothing she could do because due to a fall in tourism the owner had put the prices up and instructed " no deals, no discounts . "

This seems to be a common attitude here and doesn't sound like good practice, if you're losing custom how does increasing prices encourage what custom is available to buy, stay etc. ?


Tourism is already dying here in Phuket, even though tourist arrivals are up.---KarenBravo

Your right KB Tourist figures are up & more money is being spent---an unusual analogy for dieing ...

The type of tourism--is changing --World wide-- most of the type of tourists coming in from Asia -don't want to spend their days sitting in a small bar telling someone that their last wife never understood them---a lot of those bars will go to the wall. Time after time figures keep coming out about how much the Chinese in particular are spending (way above any other country--so many links here on that fact) & everyone one of those posts to the contrary--are familiar in as much as they are anecdotal ---there has never been one link to show us how having all these extra tourist is so bad for the country.

Now you have traced the money--well done-- showing that it doesn't benefit Thailand at all --------LINKS PLEEEEAASEEE

As a long time resident who can actually see the empty restaurants, bars and sundry attractions, you're just going to have to take my word for it.

Or, you could try Googling Phuket Zero Baht Tourism.

So the one link is to a local newspaper about a meeting that is over 2 years old then about what might happen---the other link is "I live here trust me"

OK that seems to wrap it up for me KB......you win.............all completely irrefutable stuff.................coffee1.gif


Just had friends visit from Australia they come every year but as stated were surprised at regular accommodation they book here had risen sharply, stated they would be looking elsewhere next year


Couldn't have anything to do with a brutal double homicide, or tourists dying in their hotel rooms from bug poison, or martial law, or cops demanding public urination. Each all over the internet.

Must be the "air crisis."

Agree ... to have a policeforce that acts like a criminal gang is certainly not gonna make things better and the bad thing for Thailand is that the World are changing but are Thailand ... ?

Someone made fun of people decide to go to for example Vietnam - reason for that (my self incl.) is that its cheaper, cleaner, no RTP and the vietnamese people are just making you feel more welcome (no fake smiles)

oh yes and, even tho many might think its not true, the food is better in Vietnam thumbsup.gif


Tourism is already dying here in Phuket, even though tourist arrivals are up.---KarenBravo

Your right KB Tourist figures are up & more money is being spent---an unusual analogy for dieing ...

The type of tourism--is changing --World wide-- most of the type of tourists coming in from Asia -don't want to spend their days sitting in a small bar telling someone that their last wife never understood them---a lot of those bars will go to the wall. Time after time figures keep coming out about how much the Chinese in particular are spending (way above any other country--so many links here on that fact) & everyone one of those posts to the contrary--are familiar in as much as they are anecdotal ---there has never been one link to show us how having all these extra tourist is so bad for the country.

Now you have traced the money--well done-- showing that it doesn't benefit Thailand at all --------LINKS PLEEEEAASEEE

As a long time resident who can actually see the empty restaurants, bars and sundry attractions, you're just going to have to take my word for it.

Or, you could try Googling Phuket Zero Baht Tourism.

So the one link is to a local newspaper about a meeting that is over 2 years old then about what might happen---the other link is "I live here trust me"

OK that seems to wrap it up for me KB......you win.............all completely irrefutable stuff.................coffee1.gif

Two other people who actually live here agree with me.

Do you actually know about the Chinese tours and how they work? There are many more than only one article on it.

Why would you take the word of a link from someone that doesn't live here over three people that do?

You're haven't really thought it through, have you?

You think I'm wrong, but, I KNOW I'm right. Why don't you yourself provide some links disproving my position?


I think there is something wrong with the way TAT advertises Thailand, in Oz at least. I talk to many people in my job (cabbie) who are interested in coming here, but have no idea how cheap it is to fly budget airlines or how little they will pay for food and accommodation. They watch TV programs like Getaway, like what they see, and then get hotel rates for Meridien on Samui while my friend has just paid B4000 for a month (fan/HW bungalow 150m from beach). They go to travel agents and get quoted AU$1000-1200 airfares, when my next return trip Surat-KL-Gold Coast-KL-Surat has cost me $330 (AA, carry-on only, booked during sales).

You only have to get them here ONCE and they will come back. 2 years ago I booked a friend a package at a nice resort, 7 people,7 nights AU$700. He has been back twice since. I enticed my sister to come here with a friend and they were caught in BKK during the airport seizure. Both girls bring their husbands back EVERY year since.


I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

tourists would be back.

Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

In Thailand these days the feel good factor has long since gone. Prices have rocketed with the usual " mentality " of trying to get more money from less tourists.

Condominiums. Previously in years gone by, easily affordable and better built than they are today with better materials. Nowadays, anybody with half a rai of land or less is throwing up a cheap, shabbily built condominium block. There are virtually no building or quality controls.The going rates of 3.5 million baht up for anything decent are no longer the value they were as a holiday getaway/ beach second home/ bit of fun investment. My advice for expats moving out to Thailand is, DON'T BUY, RENT! every time. The rental prices are always better value for money than the purchase prices and you can walk away as and when a condominium block standards drop, or when the area goes downhill.

Beaches and beach holidays. There are far better and cleaner beach destinations than Thailand and (nearer) in Europe and Africa. Also, your money can go further and is appreciated more and you won't get, " If you don't like it, go home " as the punchline for even the slightest complaint.

Thailand has become bored of Western tourists and believes they can and always will be replaced with Chinese,Russians and the Middle East. Yes, they complain about them, but at the end of the day, they complain about us.

Businesses, land and houses. I find the increases in these in all parts of Thailand, a nonsense, and they bear no resemblance to recognized norms in the West on business valuations. I think they basically go in their back yard with a bucket with tickets containing various prices, throw it in the air, and whichever they pull out, that is what they wish to sell at.No rhyme nor reason. Try to ask them to justify the price of something and you get the nonsensical answer " This is Thailand " which they feel justifies giving to facts and figures, sales returns or anything else.

Beer bars. It is now cheaper to drink in most places in the UK than it is in the likes of Bangkok or Pattaya. The equivalent of half a pint of lager beer such as Singha going out at 120/130 baht in a cheap beer bar equates to 5.00 a pint in a UK pub. If you go to anywhere that has shows or entertainment, the price here rises considerably and tips are expected.

Restaurants. With the exception of eating on the streets, ( Thais are complaining bitterly about these prices as well ) these have risen considerably and are now on a par with any city centre eatery in the UK with the exception of local Thai food which one expects to be cheaper in its country of origin.

Taxis. Whilst still cheaper than the UK, especially in the capital London, these are starting to climb when you look at the tollway increases, increased airport charges to hire, and the general cheating and scams that the taxi drivers try non stop to get up to, these are becoming a challenge.

Hotels. You can still get hotels considerably cheaper in all major towns and cities in Thailand than almost anywhere in the UK or main European destinations.

Hospital treatment. Thailand is no longer the destination of choice for medical tourism with a number of European countries as well as India and various other destinations offering similar, if not better care, at more affordable prices.

Clothing. Cheaper and far better quality in the UK without a doubt.The likes of Central are pretty much ridiculous.The shabby goods available in the Thai markets are now a non starter, The market standards are better and higher in the UK and prices on a par or cheaper, better made and you can take them back if you have an issue.

Adult entertainment. You can hardly find anybody wishing to go overnight without expecting 2500 - 3000 baht. Add back the bar fine and the obligatory drinks and tips,it is minimum of 5000-7500 baht (120-150 GBP ) for a night out.You can do better in Europe without the add ons of being asked to buy a house or motorbike or Gold. You also run less chance of drugs in your drink or some lunatic boyfriend coming looking for you with a gun for sleeping with his " wife "

Now, if you wish to travel Thailand and South East Asia, it can still be done and cheaply by budgeting carefully, booking your flights with the economy airlines, using search engines for affordable hotels, using public transport when possible,not buying cheap, shoddy Chinese imported goods and avoiding the local " talent? "

No, Thailand is no longer a cheap destination nor is it any longer a particularly value for money or fun destination.You must be on the ball and switched on at all times to extract the good things it has to offer and discard the bad.


It has already hit the skids. My example I recently joined a website to meet Thai women, not the first time, and not the first one.

I have received over 100 replies in one week, never in 6 years have I had that kind of response.

That tells you money is short and women are looking for it with a foreign male connection

I am a 64 year old foreigner living in Thailand.


Tourism is already dying here in Phuket, even though tourist arrivals are up.

Massive Chinese tourist presence, though, all money spent by them is kept among only a few agencies and tour companies.

Outrageous tuk-tuk prices, no public transport, beaches taken over by the jet-ski mafia, no sun-beds for older people to use, pollution running into the sea, rubbish strewn at the side of the roads, unfettered building that stays closed after completion, the constant rip-offs, aggressive touts and grid-lock on the roads. These are the real reasons that tourism here has started to collapse and it's only going to accelerate. Everyone with a business here that doesn't cater to the Chinese is dreading the next high season.

There was a lot of hope that the army would sort out all the problems, but, they have been as effective as a chocolate tea-pot. All talk, a little bit of action and when they leave, it all goes back to the way it was.

Thai greed, compromise and cowardly corrupt officials are killing this place.

Only been to Phuket twice and the first time was okay although noticed the rip,offs etc..the second time was maybe 2005 and right from the start at the airport and the taxi scams and then the stop half way to town trying to get you to change your hotel booking and then when eventually warning the driver he had to take us to the hotel him driving like a lunatic to make a point it all went down hill...would not go back again and tell everyone to avoid it that's asks me where to go in Thailand. And I was lucky in those days as I knew about the jet skis etc but many still don't..it's not hard to sort out either is it..pigs and troughs come to mind though

I too have only been twice. Once in the 1970's when it was a paradise with no hotels and once 10years ago. It was a nightmare for me having to witness the total destruction of a beautiful place.

From my point of view I hope all the businesses do go bust and leave but i know that is just a dream and I can never go back but I do have some wonderful if old memories.


I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

tourists would be back.

Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

Absolutely! I remember nine years ago how I would leave my apartment with baht 5,000 in my pocket, get laid, have a nice meal, drink until the sun came up, and still get back home with change in my pocket. Not any more!


A lot of tourists enjoy street-food and night-markets etc. and in some places these traditional local cultures are being bulldozed to make space for new projects. I think this is short-sighted, and shows that the planners are evaluating these existing Thai features based on their own personal view of these things being lo-so and outmoded. Infact many tourists see these things as a central part of traditional local Thai culture, and part of the perfect Thai holiday experience.

I do not claim that this is a huge factor in the wobbly and strangely quantum predicted-tourist charts. But I do talk to many long-time visitors who share my feelings of sorrow at the clumsy modernisation in some areas, often at the cost of traditional local Thai culture which so many visitors have known and loved for decades.

Spot on. I believe the reason most "tourists" come to Thailand (apart from the beaches etc) is because of Thai culture. Its viewed as being so different from their own country's culture that it makes an interesting exciting holiday destination. They can get shopping malls and modern world conveniences closer to home.


Nice to have a few scapegoats to blame the decline in tourism for...

The problem is not some stupid virus or a bad aviation safety listing that was given despite Thailand's rather good track record. The problem is that LOS has an arrogant self indulgent and power addicted Fuhrer at the helm who thinks and talks through his arse boasting about having brought peace to the country while Thailand is going south at an alarming rate with ever more terrorism and bombings in the south, a person who is babbling about returning Thailand to democracy while ruling with an iron fist, silencing any opposition, not allowing the media to ask inconvenient questions...

Nobody in Europe talks about MERS or flight safety, but overall echo there is that tourists are not wanted on Thailand's beaches, that you are not allowed to eat, drink or sunbath at the beach, that all restaurants along beaches are gone and that visitors are harrassed by army and police wherever they go, having to fear hefty fines or jailtime if caught without passport, etc. This is the result of MR Superman's blind and planless activism... Congratulations, PM - you truly can be proud of yourself. Many have tried to ruin Thailand, but failed, you might be hitting the jackpot!


Was in Thailand..both Bangkok and Chiang Mai for two visits for a total of 6 months last year..I accept the drinks etc are not included in my approx figures but the prices you quote are so wrong..maybe they saw you coming..1000 -2000 for bar fine is nonsense...anyway I'll agree to disagree...try Foxy lady in Chiang Mai or any of the ground floor in Nana...nowhere near those prices your mentioning..

Schools out Nana..think that's the name..2400 plus 500 bar fine...Foxy lady Chiang Mai 2000 plus 600 both LT..fact..and both really fit..one stayed with me for 3 days from Nana...sorry mate..haggle a bit more..

Perfect example of clueless.

Last year for a a total of 6 months, so another expert , lol

Once you live full time for at least 15 years, then come back to teach me.


The loss of tourism here in Phuket is particularly acute amongst the many repeat tourists.

Those that have been coming year after year. They have had enough and are either going elsewhere in Thailand, or, heading to the relatively untouched beaches of Vietnam and Myanmar.


Tourism is already dying here in Phuket, even though tourist arrivals are up.---KarenBravo

Your right KB Tourist figures are up & more money is being spent---an unusual analogy for dieing ...

The type of tourism--is changing --World wide-- most of the type of tourists coming in from Asia -don't want to spend their days sitting in a small bar telling someone that their last wife never understood them---a lot of those bars will go to the wall. Time after time figures keep coming out about how much the Chinese in particular are spending (way above any other country--so many links here on that fact) & everyone one of those posts to the contrary--are familiar in as much as they are anecdotal ---there has never been one link to show us how having all these extra tourist is so bad for the country.

Now you have traced the money--well done-- showing that it doesn't benefit Thailand at all --------LINKS PLEEEEAASEEE

As a long time resident who can actually see the empty restaurants, bars and sundry attractions, you're just going to have to take my word for it.

Or, you could try Googling Phuket Zero Baht Tourism.

So the one link is to a local newspaper about a meeting that is over 2 years old then about what might happen---the other link is "I live here trust me"

OK that seems to wrap it up for me KB......you win.............all completely irrefutable stuff.................coffee1.gif

Two other people who actually live here agree with me.

Do you actually know about the Chinese tours and how they work? There are many more than only one article on it.

Why would you take the word of a link from someone that doesn't live here over three people that do?

You're haven't really thought it through, have you?

You think I'm wrong, but, I KNOW I'm right. Why don't you yourself provide some links disproving my position?

Two other people who actually live here agree with me. And I KNOW I'm right.....clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif


It has already hit the skids. My example I recently joined a website to meet Thai women, not the first time, and not the first one.

I have received over 100 replies in one week, never in 6 years have I had that kind of response.

That tells you money is short and women are looking for it with a foreign male connection

I am a 64 year old foreigner living in Thailand.

Hey, Colabamumbai! Or perhaps the increase of responses came because with age you became more handsome? whistling.gif


I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

tourists would be back.

Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

Absolutely! I remember nine years ago how I would leave my apartment with baht 5,000 in my pocket, get laid, have a nice meal, drink until the sun came up, and still get back home with change in my pocket. Not any more!

Those were the days, Quandow, those were the days... sad.png


Tourism is already dying here in Phuket, even though tourist arrivals are up.---KarenBravo

Your right KB Tourist figures are up & more money is being spent---an unusual analogy for dieing ...

The type of tourism--is changing --World wide-- most of the type of tourists coming in from Asia -don't want to spend their days sitting in a small bar telling someone that their last wife never understood them---a lot of those bars will go to the wall. Time after time figures keep coming out about how much the Chinese in particular are spending (way above any other country--so many links here on that fact) & everyone one of those posts to the contrary--are familiar in as much as they are anecdotal ---there has never been one link to show us how having all these extra tourist is so bad for the country.

Now you have traced the money--well done-- showing that it doesn't benefit Thailand at all --------LINKS PLEEEEAASEEE

As a long time resident who can actually see the empty restaurants, bars and sundry attractions, you're just going to have to take my word for it.

Or, you could try Googling Phuket Zero Baht Tourism.

So the one link is to a local newspaper about a meeting that is over 2 years old then about what might happen---the other link is "I live here trust me"

OK that seems to wrap it up for me KB......you win.............all completely irrefutable stuff.................coffee1.gif

Two other people who actually live here agree with me.

Do you actually know about the Chinese tours and how they work? There are many more than only one article on it.

Why would you take the word of a link from someone that doesn't live here over three people that do?

You're haven't really thought it through, have you?

You think I'm wrong, but, I KNOW I'm right. Why don't you yourself provide some links disproving my position?

Seriously KB just look back at my posts----I have provided that many links (none of them are 2 years old from local meetings talking about what might happen) to Visa/mastercard......etc etc showing how much money is being spent in Thailand by Chinese tourist---the answers that come back from people with your mind set is that its all a plot thought up by TAT & the government---so the last links I posted on Chinese tourism were from America'

For now, many countries are reaping the benefits. According to Brand USA, a tourism initiative launched by the American government, the average Chinese tourist spent $5,400 during their trip to the U.S., outspending other international tourists by 21 percent. These figures were released at the beginning of February-- Yes KB this not 2 years ago--http://www.ibtimes.com/chinese-tourists-break-spending-records-abroad-inbound-tourism-falls-1798196

You can find many figures on the Chinese spending in Thailand from Bloomberg bank to where ever ----but post them & you will be told its all lies & plots by TAT.

But after all you do not need to take any notice of the facts do ....as you stated........"I KNOW I'm right."-(KB)


Was in Thailand..both Bangkok and Chiang Mai for two visits for a total of 6 months last year..I accept the drinks etc are not included in my approx figures but the prices you quote are so wrong..maybe they saw you coming..1000 -2000 for bar fine is nonsense...anyway I'll agree to disagree...try Foxy lady in Chiang Mai or any of the ground floor in Nana...nowhere near those prices your mentioning..

Schools out Nana..think that's the name..2400 plus 500 bar fine...Foxy lady Chiang Mai 2000 plus 600 both LT..fact..and both really fit..one stayed with me for 3 days from Nana...sorry mate..haggle a bit more..

Perfect example of clueless.

Last year for a a total of 6 months, so another expert , lol

Once you live full time for at least 15 years, then come back to teach me.

That's a little harsh! This guy was writing about his specific experiences, and a six month sample is more than enough to get a sense of what is currently going on - far from "clueless."

I've only lived here nine years, so I'm considered "clueless," too?

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