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Prostitution: Thailand's worst kept secret

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I've not seen any indication that the current government want to do anything to restrict prostitution. It's already tightly regulated and most businesses operate within the law. Occasional raids for underage girls or overt soliciting are normal. Prostitution is pretty much ingrained in the culture and as long as it happens within the boundaries of the regulations it will continue to be a part of life here.

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I've not seen any indication that the current government want to do anything to restrict prostitution. It's already tightly regulated and most businesses operate within the law. Occasional raids for underage girls or overt soliciting are normal. Prostitution is pretty much ingrained in the culture and as long as it happens within the boundaries of the regulations it will continue to be a part of life here.

Youm are mistaken if you think that "culture" is static. One definite impression I get from my colleagues is that as the middle class in Thailand grows and women are more aware of their rights, prostitution is more and more disapproved of amongst the rank and file....this inevitably will be reflected in government, no mater how much they think they have a right to use prostitutes themselves....they need the support of the middle class in the long run.....


The Thai sex industry has always been a prevalent part of Thailand throughout the centuries, but back in the old days it was mostly kept within the local communities. It could be described as part of the Thai cultural way of life. Prostitution was not frowned upon or considered a taboo subject as in the western countries. As a matter of fact being a cleaner or a servant was considered a lower grade of work than prostitution.

Then when the Japanese troops arrived on mass during WW2, they created large brothels for the servicing of their armies, the prostitutes being known as comfort women These became widespread throughout the country and especially in Bangkok, in areas that later developed into the entertainment complex, PatPong.

During the Vietnam war, American and Australian troops came over on mass that revitalised the sex industry here, what could be described as the first commercialised adult entertainments venues.

Then after the Vietnam war these establishments began to cater for western tourists, many actually holidaying in Thailand because of the lure of it`s women, that in Thai society were considered as a commodity to bring in those $$$$$$$$$$$, plus created employment for millions.

Over the last few years Thailand has tried to suppress it`s commercial sex industry, that has already happened in the northern regions and is now largely contained in certain areas of Bangkok and Pattaya.

The problem being that the sex industry in Thailand was a huge tourist attraction, even if no one wants to admit it or did not like the types of tourists it attracted. The availability of Thailand’s beautiful maidens was as famous and well known as gambling is to Las Vegas. For wine, women and song, Thailand was the country to visit.

If they decide to totally dismantle the commercial sex industry in Thailand, then that will result in the loss of billions each year in tourism revenue, including placing many people, probably in the millions out of work.

Like it or not, these are the facts.

You are mostly right but I highly doubt Thailand has tried to surpress it's commercial sex industry much and most certainly not in the north, Chiang Mai has a number of streets located near the Thapae gate that are one big brothel. But it's not much different to Phuket, Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, Ubon Ratchathani and of course Hat Yai, Sungai Kolok and other Malaysian border towns. In the latter cases, Malaysians are the main customer base, while in the former, when it comes to foreigners there are many nationalities involved.

Thailand's sex industry in these tourist towns and many other lesser known cities and towns, where the industry mostly caters to locals continues to live on and there are no signs that this is changing. It's just that Thailand is trying to promote other attractions too, not to mention it is trying to do something about underage prostitution, as should rightfully be done.


I've not seen any indication that the current government want to do anything to restrict prostitution. It's already tightly regulated and most businesses operate within the law. Occasional raids for underage girls or overt soliciting are normal. Prostitution is pretty much ingrained in the culture and as long as it happens within the boundaries of the regulations it will continue to be a part of life here.

Youm are mistaken if you think that "culture" is static. One definite impression I get from my colleagues is that as the middle class in Thailand grows and women are more aware of their rights, prostitution is more and more disapproved of amongst the rank and file....this inevitably will be reflected in government, no mater how much they think they have a right to use prostitutes themselves....they need the support of the middle class in the long run.....

You may be right, but I can see no sign of this so far.


I think the author made some kind of mistake with the headline... Should have said: "Prostitution: What Thailand is most known for"...


I've not seen any indication that the current government want to do anything to restrict prostitution. It's already tightly regulated and most businesses operate within the law. Occasional raids for underage girls or overt soliciting are normal. Prostitution is pretty much ingrained in the culture and as long as it happens within the boundaries of the regulations it will continue to be a part of life here.

Youm are mistaken if you think that "culture" is static. One definite impression I get from my colleagues is that as the middle class in Thailand grows and women are more aware of their rights, prostitution is more and more disapproved of amongst the rank and file....this inevitably will be reflected in government, no mater how much they think they have a right to use prostitutes themselves....they need the support of the middle class in the long run.....

You may be right, but I can see no sign of this so far.

I can.

I live on "the dark side of Pattaya" (not Pattaya Beach), and there are more and more Thais coming as weekly commuters that work in Pattaya. Some even come from Bangkok, they go to work every morning with their cars, laptops, everything that you would expect from a middle class.

So, something seems to be changing. Not necessarily the attitude towards sex and prostitution.

The stigmatisation of everything that comes close to sex, and the denigration of sex workers seem to be a typical Western attitude. The West should change in this matter, not Thailand.

Eventually, more and more bars are run now by Thai female cooperatives, groups like Empower arise, so there's a change in the entertainment scene, too.

Once the West realises that a waitress is not necessarily is prostitute, and sex work (I prefer to call it "body work") is not something to be looked down upon, then Thailand's image in the West might change.


I think the author made some kind of mistake with the headline... Should have said: "Prostitution: What Thailand is most known for"...

Guess the absurdity in the headline ("worst kept secret") reflects the absurdity in the media and the public perception of Thailand quite well.


I agree sex trafficking and underage girls should be abolished from the sex trade. But I’m in favor of a regulated sex industry. The sex drive is the one of the strongest (if not the strongest) natural desires a man has. A man is built that way through evolution to keep the species thriving. It will not be “corrected” through Utopian ideas of man meets woman and they fall in love and live out the rest of their lives in monogamous matrimony. If you study evolutionary psychology/biology you will see how men and women are different on many levels but particularly about sex and the selection of sexual partners.

For those wanting to learn more I suggest the following links to informative articles:



“There is no dispute among evolutionary psychologists over the basic source of this male open-mindedness. A woman, regardless of how many sex partners she has, can generally have only one offspring a year. For a man, each new mate offers a real chance for pumping genes into the future. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the most prolific human parent in world history was Moulay ("The Bloodthirsty") Ismail, the last Sharifian Emperor of Morocco, who died in 1727. He fathered more than 1,000 children. This logic behind undiscerning male lust seems obvious now, but it wasn't always. Darwin had noted that in species after species the female is "less eager than the male," but he never figured out why. Only in the late 1960s and early 1970s did biologists George Williams and Robert Trivers attribute the raging libido of males to their nearly infinite potential rate of reproduction.”

And yes, “supermodels do prefer aging billionaires. And Gary Becker proved it mathematically decades before The Donald married Melania.”

"If you study evolutionary psychology/biology you will see how men and women are different on many levels but particularly about sex and the selection of sexual partners."

Just quoting from Google does NOT constitute "study" of psychology/biology.

You are way off mark with your justifications of the sex industry which is based on greed not sex....those who sell seldom do so willingly or as a first option.

those who buy are seldom "complete" personalties motivated just by sex, they are motivated by inadequacies and the urge to dominate in compensation.


I agree sex trafficking and underage girls should be abolished from the sex trade. But I’m in favor of a regulated sex industry. The sex drive is the one of the strongest (if not the strongest) natural desires a man has. A man is built that way through evolution to keep the species thriving. It will not be “corrected” through Utopian ideas of man meets woman and they fall in love and live out the rest of their lives in monogamous matrimony. If you study evolutionary psychology/biology you will see how men and women are different on many levels but particularly about sex and the selection of sexual partners.

For those wanting to learn more I suggest the following links to informative articles:



“There is no dispute among evolutionary psychologists over the basic source of this male open-mindedness. A woman, regardless of how many sex partners she has, can generally have only one offspring a year. For a man, each new mate offers a real chance for pumping genes into the future. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the most prolific human parent in world history was Moulay ("The Bloodthirsty") Ismail, the last Sharifian Emperor of Morocco, who died in 1727. He fathered more than 1,000 children. This logic behind undiscerning male lust seems obvious now, but it wasn't always. Darwin had noted that in species after species the female is "less eager than the male," but he never figured out why. Only in the late 1960s and early 1970s did biologists George Williams and Robert Trivers attribute the raging libido of males to their nearly infinite potential rate of reproduction.”

And yes, “supermodels do prefer aging billionaires. And Gary Becker proved it mathematically decades before The Donald married Melania.”

"If you study evolutionary psychology/biology you will see how men and women are different on many levels but particularly about sex and the selection of sexual partners."

Just quoting from Google does NOT constitute "study" of psychology/biology.

You are way off mark with your justifications of the sex industry which is based on greed not sex....those who sell seldom do so willingly or as a first option.

those who buy are seldom "complete" personalties motivated just by sex, they are motivated by inadequacies and the urge to dominate in compensation.

If you have better sources than those in Google, please come up with them.

"those who sell seldom do so willingly or as a first option."

Any difference between a bar girl and a factory girl?

Both sell part of their life time as labour time for compensation. And I really doubt it was the ultimate dream of a factory girl to be a factory girl.

What would you call a man who regards himself a communist and sells part of his life time in a bank?

Here I am, I prostituted myself to a bank. Out of greed? Yes, and no. My motivation was quite extrinsic. I did it to be able to return to Asia as a pensioner, and to return a reward for the only society where I was socialized. In the West, I was socialized in various subcultures.

Back to sex workers and their customers.

Farangs usually come here for holidays from their jobs, ie. they don't sell part of their life-time as labour-time for some weeks. But for the girls it's still labour time, many misunderstandings arise out this difference.

Farangs are usually dominated by their bosses at home, even by their wives, and they want to break out of this. Prostitutes may give them a feeling that they are masters for a certain time. Exactly the time they are paid for, a normal worker's attitude.

Many (if not most) customers are sexually frustrated, in fact many Farangs are quite paranoid about women. So they start drinking, to "get the courage" and feel stronger. In reality, sex and alcohol don"t go together so well, and viagra is a doubtful crunge for drunkards.

A good prostitute could be able to heal her customer from sexual paranoia, maybe even if he suffers from high blood pressure (quite common in the West)

But once a Farang is healed by a Thai girl, he wouldn't like Farang women too much anymore. You can see this on TVF: many Farangs prefer Thai women to Farang women, hardly vice versa. And Farang women hate Thai women for this. So they come up and denigrate them wherever they can.

Funny enough, many Farang women are customers of prostitutes themselves. Kenya for example is full of frustrated Farang women that hire young natives.

Should these women be criminalized, too?

I get many offers these days from Farang women on Skype. Farang's worst kept secret?

The motivation of Farang sex customers might be beyond sex, driven by the urge to compensate for something they are missing in everyday life, yes.

But it that the fault of sex workers? Or rather a reason to pay them twice - maybe stay with them - if they are good?

Even "commie" prostitutes in a bank (like me) get a bonus if they are doing a good job.

If you call a Thai prostitute greedy, then apply the same frame of judgement to me, please, and call me a greedy prostitute, too. But please look in the mirror before.


Just quoting from Google does NOT constitute "study" of psychology/biology.

You are way off mark with your justifications of the sex industry which is based on greed not sex....those who sell seldom do so willingly or as a first option.

those who buy are seldom "complete" personalties motivated just by sex, they are motivated by inadequacies and the urge to dominate in compensation.

"The sex industry is based on greed not sex"...REALLY??? That view is pure propaganda spread by Christians, moralists and anti-prostitution crusading NGOs that have an agenda to push and it isn't based on scientific research and/or facts. And your view that "those who buy are seldom 'complete' personalities motivated just by sex but are motivated by inadequacies and the urge to dominated in compensation" is again just basless propaganda. If you go to brothels or red-light districts around the world (try the sauna clubs in Europe) you will find bankers, lawyers, doctors and your neighbors partaking in the pleasures. And if you really feel the way you do you should leave Thailand because 90% of Thai males have been to prostitutes and you must thus have a very low opinion of everyone you meet on the street...let alone your Thai friends and neighbors. It must be miserable going around grumpy all the time. Maybe it would be better to go live in a monastery where can you live in your separate but unrealistic reality. Better yet go out and "have a good time" tonight.


Sex between a man and a women is about power and control in many instances. Prostitution simply has a middleman,money. The power of money the man has to rent the woman is greater than the power of the womans sex appeal and the power the money will have for the woman after the deed is done is her goal.


Sex between a man and a women is about power and control in many instances. Prostitution simply has a middleman,money. The power of money the man has to rent the woman is greater than the power of the womans sex appeal and the power the money will have for the woman after the deed is done is her goal.

Oh hogwash. This opinion makes no sense at all.


Just quoting from Google does NOT constitute "study" of psychology/biology.

You are way off mark with your justifications of the sex industry which is based on greed not sex....those who sell seldom do so willingly or as a first option.

those who buy are seldom "complete" personalties motivated just by sex, they are motivated by inadequacies and the urge to dominate in compensation.

"The sex industry is based on greed not sex"...REALLY??? That view is pure propaganda spread by Christians, moralists and anti-prostitution crusading NGOs that have an agenda to push and it isn't based on scientific research and/or facts. And your view that "those who buy are seldom 'complete' personalities motivated just by sex but are motivated by inadequacies and the urge to dominated in compensation" is again just basless propaganda. If you go to brothels or red-light districts around the world (try the sauna clubs in Europe) you will find bankers, lawyers, doctors and your neighbors partaking in the pleasures. And if you really feel the way you do you should leave Thailand because 90% of Thai males have been to prostitutes and you must thus have a very low opinion of everyone you meet on the street...let alone your Thai friends and neighbors. It must be miserable going around grumpy all the time. Maybe it would be better to go live in a monastery where can you live in your separate but unrealistic reality. Better yet go out and "have a good time" tonight.

The sex industry is based on sex for the buyer who deems that the service he receives is worth more than the money he parts with.The sex industry is based on money for the seller who deems that the money received is worth more than the service given. If not so the transaction would never happen, it's a service and a job.The sex industry is based on greed for other non participants who profit off the backs of those who are forced into the trade when there is little choice or when they have been trafficked.


Something is missing in this thread: a sex worker's view, or maybe the view of a Mama san.

In labour you give away your body for a certain (paid) time, and you expect that your body is not irreversibly hurt after the job.

So, how high is the risk of tissue widening for sex workers, especially when Farang customers use viagra or kamagra?

Sex workers might need some recreation time after a job. Shouldn't this time be paid by customers, too?

Sex workers get hungry and thirsty sometimes. But many Farang customers treat them like a used condom and throw them out of the room immediately after they're finished. That's no way to treat a lady, just saying...


Sex workers might need some recreation time after a job. Shouldn't this time be paid by customers, too?

The most stupid reply on this thread, and you are the fool that is thinking of paying sin sod for a worn out Surin prostitute complete with baggage (a child) that you met in Pattaya.


Sex workers might need some recreation time after a job. Shouldn't this time be paid by customers, too?

The most stupid reply on this thread, and you are the fool that is thinking of paying sin sod for a worn out Surin prostitute complete with baggage (a child) that you met in Pattaya.


I think Micmichd is drawing a parallel with workers rights taken for granted and compensated for in so called normal jobs especially in the West, and the lack of such benefits in jobs of fringe culture and in this case "worst kept secret" unprotected occupations.

Additionally with reference to sinsot, it is not our place to judge the reasons or the motivations of others in where or with whom they bestow their money or indeed their hearts


Sex workers might need some recreation time after a job. Shouldn't this time be paid by customers, too?

The most stupid reply on this thread, and you are the fool that is thinking of paying sin sod for a worn out Surin prostitute complete with baggage (a child) that you met in Pattaya.

There are just as many hookers in the EU if not more than Thailand, Also Micm is right,


Something is missing in this thread: a sex worker's view, or maybe the view of a Mama san.

In labour you give away your body for a certain (paid) time, and you expect that your body is not irreversibly hurt after the job.

So, how high is the risk of tissue widening for sex workers, especially when Farang customers use viagra or kamagra?

Sex workers might need some recreation time after a job. Shouldn't this time be paid by customers, too?

Sex workers get hungry and thirsty sometimes. But many Farang customers treat them like a used condom and throw them out of the room immediately after they're finished. That's no way to treat a lady, just saying...

Err , tissue widening , please would you elaborate .

Why blame the farlang customer , i think you are being a tad judgemental ,,,,

in my case.wub.png


Something is missing in this thread: a sex worker's view, or maybe the view of a Mama san.

In labour you give away your body for a certain (paid) time, and you expect that your body is not irreversibly hurt after the job.

So, how high is the risk of tissue widening for sex workers, especially when Farang customers use viagra or kamagra?

Sex workers might need some recreation time after a job. Shouldn't this time be paid by customers, too?

Sex workers get hungry and thirsty sometimes. But many Farang customers treat them like a used condom and throw them out of the room immediately after they're finished. That's no way to treat a lady, just saying...

Err , tissue widening , please would you elaborate .

Why blame the farlang customer , i think you are being a tad judgemental ,,,,

in my case.wub.png

I will elaborate. If you read "micmichd" replies on this forum you will know he is a expert on Pattaya prostitutes. So he will know all about "tissue widening". That is all tissue ie. even the sphinlter. This is why you never pay sin sod for a worn out prostitute. period. Over to you "Fritz"


Something is missing in this thread: a sex worker's view, or maybe the view of a Mama san.

In labour you give away your body for a certain (paid) time, and you expect that your body is not irreversibly hurt after the job.

So, how high is the risk of tissue widening for sex workers, especially when Farang customers use viagra or kamagra?

Sex workers might need some recreation time after a job. Shouldn't this time be paid by customers, too?

Sex workers get hungry and thirsty sometimes. But many Farang customers treat them like a used condom and throw them out of the room immediately after they're finished. That's no way to treat a lady, just saying...

Err , tissue widening , please would you elaborate .

Why blame the farlang customer , i think you are being a tad judgemental ,,,,

in my case.wub.png

I will elaborate. If you read "micmichd" replies on this forum you will know he is a expert on Pattaya prostitutes. So he will know all about "tissue widening". That is all tissue ie. even the sphinlter. This is why you never pay sin sod for a worn out prostitute. period. Over to you "Fritz"

What is Sod Sin? I take it you got the word round the wrong way. Something to do with anal sex?



Just fyi.

Notice that sin sod is usually higher for a virgin. But I never wanted to marry a virgin, for an obvious reason.

There are many different sorts of women, both physically and mentally, and there are many sorts of men. You've got to get in(side a woman) to find out if she's the perfect fit for you, and the woman should do the same. Why should one marry a virgin woman or a virgin man without knowing if they sexually go together well?

Fortunately, my has been in the West many times, and she has the same liberal attitude to the necessity of sexual experience. Call it what you want, but please don't use different benchmarks for Farang and Thai women.

I'm not an expert on Pattaya prostitutes, I simply know many women. I lost my virginity to a Dutch bar girl at the age of 15, she was far older than me and also denigrated as a prostitute - by German tourists. So, I've been through that movie before. I was inside many girls and women when I grew up, but I also listened and talked to them. About many things, including rape, abortion, contraception, all intimate details. Guess I know females far better than males. And I hate Puritans or Catholics who condemn sex as a sin.

brling, your remarks about the lower value of 'worn out' women maybe halfway true - for Western or Muslim women.

But Isaan ladies have a long tradition in sexual fitness, including ways to avoid to become 'worn out'. Remember, Buddhism originally came from India, and parts of contemporary Isaan was Hinduistic Cambodia not long ago. So, they also know the contents of Kamasutra (all parts of it), even if they don't know the name. And they practice to keep their bodies (including the intimate parts) in a good shape, you can see bar girls dance in the streets of Pattaya every morning eg. They can move like snakes, and some can use every part of their body for communication with somebody else's body, even after giving birth to a child.

While Farang women usually are kind of paralyzed below their hips, ie in the intimate region.

That's why I prefer non-Farang women.

Some Farang women attend special gym courses when they are pregnant. Unfortunately, the focus of these courses is the birth process (and maybe breast feeding) only, sex is still a taboo.Not so in Thailand.

That's why my Isaan lady is far from being 'worn out'.

Unfortunately, she's also far from being cheap. But she is worth the money.

And her daughter is not a baggage, she's an add-on to her family.

Back to topic:

The word 'prostitution' is discriminating if Puritanistic Farangs use it.

Call it the arts of love and sexual healing. And don't forget to give the artists some.


Surprise. It's not a secret.

No, the existance of some sirt of pprostitution is not a secret. But the fact that most of the ladies working in bars are just waitresses seems to be a secret to many Farangs, the fact that sex work is socially accepted in Thailand seems to be also a secret.

In Germany prostitution is legal. So, why don't they get prostitution out of the twilight zone and make it a real vocation, with vocational schools and all this stuff?

They could hire some female experts from Thailand as teachers if they don't have any.


Wow, I have to see those bargirls dancing in the street and other fantasies like that.

Prostitution exists because poor people want to buy stuff they cant afford. There is no work for Isaan girls on the farm.

They have been epically hoodwinked into believing that they should support their lazy parents.

Thailand has little or no culture that is not rooted in superstition, idolatry and suppression. Thais are no more or less 'spiritual' than the rest of us.

Prostitution damages people emotionally in the same way that soldiers are damaged by combat.

It may be tru that other people use their bodies to offer service or care but not quite in the same way or in the same context of imbalance between purchaser and vendor.

Equating money with sex or love diminishes the latter two so don't expect anyone who has been a hooker for any length of time to make a girlfriend or wife.

There may be exceptions but why take the chance with your economic and literal health.

Why would any relatively well-educated, traveled foreigner pay sin-sod for some illiterate farm girl or any girl for that matter.

Her parents know they are going to be relatively well off for the rest of their lives so why do they try to get sin-sod?

Because they are greedy and lazy.

Amongst Thais sin sod is symbolic and a large sum is only asked if they DON'T want their daughter to marry the guy in question.

We are all weak vessels and prostitution is an easy way to have sex without any commitment and can done with the minimum amount of fuss and time. What's the down side for men as long as they are careful? It may just keep marriages together as long as one is discreet?

Making money from prostitution is what Thai people have done for generations and while the notion of the mama-san with a heart of gold is a misnomer with a flick knife, we won't change that kind of activity.

However, foreigners who run bars and make money pimping out whores for the bar-fine should have the error of their ways pointed out to them and then be deported.


You can see bargirls dancing in the street in the sois off Pattaya Beach Road, eg in Soi Post Office, they do gymns there every morning before the bars open.

You're right, hooking Farangs is like a war for many, and some show PTSD symptoms. Many are really grateful if someone comes to cool them down.

I'm not sure if it happens too often, but in my case the family agreed that a new life for my gf and a better future for her daughter is more important than sin sod, they actually gave most of it back.

There's certainly nothing wrong with prostitution as long as customers don't get violent and show a little respect for the ladies. Talking about love in English is quite complicated, Thais have more words for different kinds of love. So, it's too easy to say prostitution is for sex and kills love. Thai prostitutes want to be loved, too, some even give some money back if her customer turns out to be a good man. And they love to have fun (sanuk).

Maybe bargirls have special ethics of their own, maybe it's just the ethics of the Buddhist working class.



Just fyi.

Notice that sin sod is usually higher for a virgin. But I never wanted to marry a virgin, for an obvious reason.

You say you never wanted to marry a virgin, but why did you choose a worn out Surin prostitute working in Pattaya ? Even more ridiculous is that you are even thinking of paying sin sod for a prostitute with baggage.



Just fyi.

Notice that sin sod is usually higher for a virgin. But I never wanted to marry a virgin, for an obvious reason.

You say you never wanted to marry a virgin, but why did you choose a worn out Surin prostitute working in Pattaya ? Even more ridiculous is that you are even thinking of paying sin sod for a prostitute with baggage.

As I said previously with reference to sinsot, it is not our place to judge the reasons or the motivations of others in where or with whom they bestow their money or indeed their hearts. Again your statement is very presumptuous and inflammatory. Do you personally know micmichd and his circumstances?

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