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I would like to purchase a lawnmower - not ride-on - very small lawn

Location of retailers in Nthn Thailand?

Recommendations? Prices?

Searched internet - have distributor details - no pricing.

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Push, electric, petrol??

I would be looking in places like HomePro, they always have a selection of domestic gardening machinery.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Moved to the CM forum for more directed responses.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Honda powered are preferred.

Shop on the SE corner of Mae Rim Road and Super Hwy in CM has a good selection.

Probably get or order from Faang Honda Dealer.


Go Petrol electric ALWAYS wear out.


I've used electric for years and never had a problem.

Maintenance is the key, especially cleaning properly after every use, sharpening the blade once a year during the winter and oil where and when needed.


Go Petrol electric ALWAYS wear out.


I've used electric for years and never had a problem.

Maintenance is the key, especially cleaning properly after every use, sharpening the blade once a year during the winter and oil where and when needed.

30 years with lawn mowers first 15 had 3 electric 1which i gave to an aunt now had a honda petrol for 15 years less effort to use and reckon iI will get another 15 years out of it.



It seems that Honda win this race with ease!


The lawn area is quite small!

But, FIL HAS OFFERED TO DO THE WORK. His preference is a whipper snipper.

What do members think of the whipper snipper?

Chiang Rai is 50km less drive than CNX so we will be heading that way.


In Chaing Rai I have seen lawn mowers at Home Pro. They are expensive. If you only have a small amount then a whipper snipper is the go. The locals use these machine very well


My step-son used to trim our 1.5 Rai of mixed lawn / trees with our petrol strimmer (English for WhipperSnipper), he was delighted when we got the petrol mower so now he just uses the strimmer for finishing the edges.

Are you looking for a bowling green, or just to keep it short enough that the tigers don't move in?

Whatever you get, make it a 4-stroke and preferably a honda power unit.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


If looking for a lawn mower, avoid HomePro. Their mowers are fouth quality with 1st prices. Go directly tro a Honda mower dealer, either CM or CR (selection much better in CM...)


Recently bought a briggs & Stratton 4.5hp mower from one of the shops at Chotana / Superhwy intersection for 9000 baht. Same mower at the time 13,500 in the big DIY stores. Same chassis as much more expensive Honda. B&S easy to maintain - youtube tells all. Our 14yr old B&S still working on new 4000bt chassis bought in CM. Use one for lawns, one for orchard so as to keep weed seeds off the lawn.

OP how small is your lawn? If really small, get electric.


As a rule of thumb, electrical mowers are for lawns up to 100M2. You'll probably need someone to make sure you don't run over the cable.


For 100m2, an electric might be fine. I have 1,000m2. I did a lot of research and talked to a lot of people about mowers before I bought. I finally determined that there was only one decent petrol mower available in this country and that's the Honda HRJ216-K2. I have never seen one in a shop, nor spoken with anyone who has seen one in a shop. You have to find a Honda dealer and order it. The regular price is 25,000 baht, but you can get it for 23,000 baht, and that mower is worth every satang.

It is self propelled, starts every time on the first pull and I can mow the 1,000m2 of hills and curves in 2 hours flat. It is a rear bagger with a large 76 liter capacity. It is three speed and never bogs down. It's all Honda (not a one of the bastardized mowers sold here) and should last 20 years or more with home use.

English Brochure.pdf

As for a weed whacker (American for whipper snipper), I assume you mean the line trimmer model. Problem is, I have never found a decent string trimmer head here. I imported a Speed Feed (many brands, all made under license from Shindaiwa, including Honda brand). You can import from the US or Australia. It is a bump feed type head and is fabulous. I use it for edging and clean-up work.

The problem is the machine sold here. Unlike in the US and Australia, you cannot get one with a string cutter on the grass guard, because most Thais use only the steel blades on these machines. If you get the single string type, you may find yourself screwing around with it every five to ten minutes. If you have a bump feed type head, you need the little grass guard cutter blade to keep the trimmer line the right length. Without the cutter, you will have to screw with the line manually all the time. So if you import a decent bump feed head, what you will need to do is to fabricate a little cutter to attach to the grass guard (you can't buy it here). That's what I did and it works like a dream.

I have a lot of work to do and can run through a whole tank of fuel, never having to service the cutter head. I have the backpack model, and I do not want to stop the engine and take it off every five minutes, which is what I was doing before I imported the "golden" string trimmer head.

I have this Honda power unit:

Honda UMR435T L2TT owners manual cover.pdf

I have this Speed Head:

Oregon_speedfeedhead_55-265 (1).pdf


Beware many Honda engines are Chinese knock offs, especially at shops on the superhighway in CM. Original Honda will cost 20k/24k for manual/self propelled - Briggs and Straton machines widely available for between 10k and 17k.


Especially in LOS, buyer beware.

When I first arrived in CNX, I heavily relied on a friend, Chinese-Thai, to hold my hand when negotiating larger purchases.


In Chiang Rai, along road going to old bus terminal coming from the superhighway are several agricultural equipment shops. Went there to look for lawn mowers both sit down type and push mowers. Thai push mowers available. Have to purchase prime mover separately.


I bought something similar to this at HomePro (couldn't find link to exact same model):


It's basically an electric strimmer on wheels. It works extremely well on long/rough grass. The string feed is automatic. The strimmer is removable for cutting where grass meets wall.

Previously I've used a "hover" type and an old fashioned rotary mower. Neither was a patch on this marvel.


Word of warning if you buy an electric mower. Somewhere on it you will find a small sticker with the length of time you can use it,some as short as 10 mins without giving it a rest.

We got 6 years out of a B & D using it on a very small patch of grass,motor burnt out and to replace it Home Pro advised it had to go to Bangkok, return time min 45 days,cost around 2,000 baht.

They have a small German made model for around 2,999 b at Home Pro. B & D products IMO are now rubbish.

As has been said depends on how many sq m of lawn you have.


I agree that Honda is the best way to go (engine wise) Briggs & Stratton come a close second.

In regards the bump and go line feed for the weed wacker / strimmer / line cutter, I found a supply in Chiang Mai that has a good inexpensive auto head. Its at Home Mart on Sridonchi Road. Thats the road that goes from the South East corner of the moat up to Pantip Plaza, Gecko garden etc. Last time I brought a head there it was just 160 baht, the identical item was selling in HomePro for 680 baht!!!

But I will add there is one down side to this head. If youre not careful the head may come apart if you `bump`it on the ground too hard. When that happens you can lose the internal spring which is not good. Easy to fix though. A couple of self tapping phillips head screws keeps the unit all together. I did that to mine and never had a problem since. Still works out cheaper than HomePro`s prices.

Oh forgot to add, if you want a blade for one of these beasties go to Global House. Ive found the 3 tooth blade to be the best, the straight or 2 tooth blade is ok but can be a handful if you accidently hit something hard. The 4 tooth blade doesnt seem to cut as well. But if you have some pretty big weeds or thick scrub you can get the tungsten tipped blades that are designed for these machines. Ive got 2 such blades and they are like a hot knife thru butter. However make sure the user is wearing safety foot wear when using these blades.... toes are easier to cut through than trees and crocs (footware) are not good protection. Very good prices for these at Global.


Recently bought a briggs & Stratton 4.5hp mower from one of the shops at Chotana / Superhwy intersection for 9000 baht. Same mower at the time 13,500 in the big DIY stores. Same chassis as much more expensive Honda. B&S easy to maintain - youtube tells all. Our 14yr old B&S still working on new 4000bt chassis bought in CM. Use one for lawns, one for orchard so as to keep weed seeds off the lawn.

OP how small is your lawn? If really small, get electric.

Do you do your own repairs? I tried a shop down by the Muang Mai market repeatedly without luck. They have parts but .....fouled plug within 4 hours, loping, and and and

Age has reduced my repair effectiveness so if you know a shop that can really fix it please let me/us know. Or is there a day that the ME Smith shop is open for business?


Beware many Honda engines are Chinese knock offs, especially at shops on the superhighway in CM. Original Honda will cost 20k/24k for manual/self propelled - Briggs and Straton machines widely available for between 10k and 17k.

That's exactly right and the reason why it's best to buy a 100% Honda mower from a Honda dealer. A friend bought a bastardized mower -- not Honda brand, but with Honda engine, only it turned out to be a Honda Knock-off engine and the engine shaft broke after about six months. Some of the knock-offs have skins that make it almost impossible to tell.


I agree that Honda is the best way to go (engine wise) Briggs & Stratton come a close second.

In regards the bump and go line feed for the weed wacker / strimmer / line cutter, I found a supply in Chiang Mai that has a good inexpensive auto head. Its at Home Mart on Sridonchi Road. Thats the road that goes from the South East corner of the moat up to Pantip Plaza, Gecko garden etc. Last time I brought a head there it was just 160 baht, the identical item was selling in HomePro for 680 baht!!!

But I will add there is one down side to this head. If youre not careful the head may come apart if you `bump`it on the ground too hard. When that happens you can lose the internal spring which is not good. Easy to fix though. A couple of self tapping phillips head screws keeps the unit all together. I did that to mine and never had a problem since. Still works out cheaper than HomePro`s prices.

Oh forgot to add, if you want a blade for one of these beasties go to Global House. Ive found the 3 tooth blade to be the best, the straight or 2 tooth blade is ok but can be a handful if you accidently hit something hard. The 4 tooth blade doesnt seem to cut as well. But if you have some pretty big weeds or thick scrub you can get the tungsten tipped blades that are designed for these machines. Ive got 2 such blades and they are like a hot knife thru butter. However make sure the user is wearing safety foot wear when using these blades.... toes are easier to cut through than trees and crocs (footware) are not good protection. Very good prices for these at Global.

I bought one of those heads. It was terrible. String kept breaking off at the eyelet and I would have to stop working, take the thing apart and pull the string back out. I used the thing twice, then went online and paid $40 for a Speed Feed and then paid for the shipping (which a friend handled). It was worth every baht/penny.

I just got in from doing my edging, borders and a little weed whacking. What a dream after that cheap Chinese POS they sell here. One of the great things about the speed feed is that you can reload it in about 2 minutes. You don't even take it apart. I have never yet had the string break off at the eyelet. Sometimes if you buy cheap, it will make you crazy. But to each his own.

Here's a demo of reloading the Honda branded unit:



More input!

FIL is a motor mechanic - self-employed.

There is not much that he cannot fix!

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