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Chinese tourists boost Thai economy but stir outrage

Lite Beer

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"With the recent easing of visa rules between the kingdom and China, where the growing ranks of the middle-classes are increasingly holidaying abroad"

yes Thais have benefitted greatly from the relaxing of rules allowing them to visit China any time they want without a visa.

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Chinese tourists everywhere in patong but cheap tourists.

Like the russians who come here, buy food and drinks at 7/11 and take them to their room or the lobby.

It's not the russians or the chinese who go to Paris or the french riviera in st tropez to buy Chanel or Vuitton handbags...

Here you get the worse...

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I see the "wannabee-cool-Thais" spitting, as I see Thais "queue-jumping", as I see Thais "urinating" in certain roads, so why the big fuss about Chinese visitors doing same same ??

It's the "pot calling the kettle black". Usual hypocritical stuff here.

Only difference is the Chinese spend much money here, unlike these locals. So maybe the authorities should turn the usual "blind-eye".

"Only difference is the Chinese spend much money here"

Not according to every poster so far. Evidence ?

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Look at this politically-correct wash-over. The chinese know better than to do their dirty business/behavior in another country. There is no misunderstanding, it is plain willful-ignorance and disregard for other people and culture.They feel that they are spending their money, so they can do as they please. Where would the tourist-economy in Thailand be without the other races of people visiting and spending? Thailand can do without chinese running amok. They cause more damage and strife for the Thais and other tourists that is beyond the need for their tourist-dollars. Thai-officials do not have to deal with the aftermath, but only the Thai/expat residents and/or business owners. Therefore, it is easy for the former to spout-off diplomatic/bureaucratic politically-correct ineffective rubbish. Let these same puffed-up bureaucrats directly deal with the aftermath and see if they will sing the same tune, year after year. Heavy fines, jail-time and deportation is necessary to set things straight with the chinese. If you can't do the job as a Thai-official,then get the f-out and let someone else in who can

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This article and some of the comments are worrying to me. First, having been to China many times for work, I can tell you that Chinese people DO follow rules. The penalty for not doing so is costly. But they don't respect other cultures at all, believing that their 5000 year old culture is the best. Sound familiar? Nationalism worries me. As for tourism dollars that they 'spend' in Thailand, much of it is spent before they come, for the tours which are all inclusive. They ONLY frequent businesses that give them commissions, with the exception of Nong Nuch, The Grand Palace, or other such places. They have a group think mentality and an air of superiority about them. Perhaps in their country these folks are more wealthy, prosperous, etc. But compared to the world these folks are paupers. And the most worry thing to me, just as with Russia and the Ukraine, once China has a railroad spreading all over Asia, they might make a similar claim to 'protecting the rights and investments of ethnic Chinese everywhere. They are in a land grab now, evidenced by the disputes over island that have historically belonged to others (Vietnam, Phillipines). Would it surprise you to see military equipment being sent over these lines at some point. Sure, the farangs are not perfect tourists, but hugely better than the current lot that are third world misfits, and that includes the Russians.

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"In March a Thai models video of tourists from China jumping the queue at an airport was viewed more than two million times and saw a similarly angry rant against Thailands largest group of foreign holidaymakers"

I don't know why Thai's would be complaining about queue jumping as I have had many Thai's try to push in front of me on the roads in Tescos and many other places some were successful most were not.

While I do agree that it seems the Chinese can be impolite it is there way of doing things and perhaps Thai's should learn to accept other countries culture as everyone is expected to respect theirs.

You pose and interesting question. It is a tourists way so the host country should just accept it.

I think, rather, the tourist should learn to respect the culture of the country he or she is visiting.

Anyway, rudeness is rudeness, doesn't matter where you come from.

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I remember when Thailand use to have a reasonably good quality of tourists, but now that the Thai government is making out with the chinese you have lost all your quality for what???? MONEY that's what. Not good business.

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I don't think that the Thai government or the Thai people would want to go too far berating

the Chinese people and risking irritating the big Chinese bear, surly the politburo will not

see too kindly to people or nation rubbishing it's people, and if there is one thing Thailand

don't want to do it to rub China the wrong way....

<deleted> B.S. So, in other words, let them do as they please and we won't say anything because we're too scared to do so. You would make a nice N.W.O citizen. Chinese bear? Beyond anything to say any further.

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I don't think that the Thai government or the Thai people would want to go too far berating

the Chinese people and risking irritating the big Chinese bear, surly the politburo will not

see too kindly to people or nation rubbishing it's people, and if there is one thing Thailand

don't want to do it to rub China the wrong way....

<deleted> B.S. So, in other words, let them do as they please and we won't say anything because we're too scared to do so. You would make a nice N.W.O citizen. Chinese bear? Beyond anything to say any further.

Do as they please? They have been allowing 10s of millions of sexpatriates into the country to have their way with their young women for decades. I am sure Thailand can survive a little kid taking a pee in a temple.....

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Hmmmmm....let sensibilities prevail here while everyone needs to be reminded...in Capital Letters....SOME CHINESE


HK, Chinese Not Included.

No most chinese Jack. I agree those from HK are definitely different and want nothing to do with them. In fact, the same issues were starting to happen in HK and the guilty party (chinese) were immediately arrested and/or fined.

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Last year around 4.6 million Chinese nationals visited Thailand, with the average tourist spending 5,500 baht ($160) per day -- more than the average European visitor.

Total copy paste from New York City figures which I can believe because one needs money to get a visa and a hotel room at $150 a day and $10 for meals in Chinatown.

Bunch of bogus lies about the stuff in black though.

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I see the "wannabee-cool-Thais" spitting, as I see Thais "queue-jumping", as I see Thais "urinating" in certain roads, so why the big fuss about Chinese visitors doing same same ??

It's the "pot calling the kettle black". Usual hypocritical stuff here.

Only difference is the Chinese spend much money here, unlike these locals. So maybe the authorities should turn the usual "blind-eye".

Spend money where?

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Makes me laugh, was reading the other day about the fake outrage at tour companies doing Loy Kratong and Songkran at weird times of year to please the Chinese tourists.

They've already commercialised the faeces out of it, so how they've got the gall to complain about insults to their "culture" I have no idea.

Edited by Chicog
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Last year around 4.6 million Chinese nationals visited Thailand, with the average tourist spending 5,500 baht ($160) per day -- more than the average European visitor.

That would also mean 12,602 people per day which means 34 boeing 777's arrived at Swampy everyday from mainland China. Crazy stuff..

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Yes i agree they can be quite rude. Not all i see some are quite reserved. I applaud the ones who venture out on their own exploring outside of tour groups coming along by themselves. I agree the big tours only benefit the chinese tour companies and the businesses that they direct the tourists towards.

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I too have seen plenty of line jumping, trash leaving (even when bin within 3 meters), kids and adults peeing where ever, nose picking and blowing, etc etc. However has been by local Thais. Not seen from Chinese (sure it happens, however. I'm not that stupid). Ye olde pot and kettle black situation.

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Was waiting at the airport link loading area at airport the other day for a ride to the city. There were perhaps 50 or more people waiting, mostly Thai and farang. It was very quiet and people were speaking in a soft tone. In comes 4 Chinese and all 4 were trying to see who could speak over who... Sad part is they got directly behind me in line. Soon as the doors opened and the other people got off the Chinese wanted to jump line and head in the car only to be stopped by security. Got inside car and sure enough everyone quiet except the 4 Chinese. They just don't have a clue and even getting dirty looks from everyone they just continue as if everything is normal. I welcome the Russians back sad.png

INTERESTING i was in Japan few weeks ago for 2 weeks, i have relatives there, and the only LOUD voices on the subways and trains are THAI.... So much so that the Thai embassy in Tokyo has issued a list of DOs and DONT s, including how to speak on train how NOT to use phone on trains etc.

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cultural misunderstandings are prevalent throughout the world not just in Thailand and the Chinese must learn the rules there must be interpreters with the groups to explain how they should behave while they are in this country and I am sure once they know they will come back again .

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Another Thais looking down their nose at their neighbours non-story.

The phrase of an old comedy show comes to mind. "I'm your NEW neighbor." Maybe the large influx of Chinese has overloaded the system. Hire more people is the obvious answer. Guess they are leaving a little more than their money behind but you cannot separate the money from the bad manners so adjust.

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Any groups of tourists that travel en masse are usually a nightmare and generally package tourists have little idea about anything. Let them be herded around the usual photo spots and let the Thais be outraged until they count their money.

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Last year around 4.6 million Chinese nationals visited Thailand, with the average tourist spending 5,500 baht ($160) per day -- more than the average European visitor.

If you keep repeating the same dross over and over, maybe you will believe it, but you are fooling nobody.

Without exception, every Thai business I have spoken with, tells the same story.... The chinese are everywhere, but they don't spend any money.

According to the above figure, a family of three would be spending USD $480 a day. Complete fiction.

Their main goal in coming here is to assimilate Thailand into their way of thinking. It will make the transition in future years that much easier.

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