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Gen Tawatchai: Father says son was brainwashed by a foreign organisation

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What is the opposite of brainwashing? Because I think that is more likely what occurred.

Gen Tawatchai: Father says son was deprogrammed by a foreign organisation.


Missionaries - round them all up and export ASAP, as for the rest, just a thorn in the side for the establishment.

Will you be taking over their responsibilities and work at the clinics, family assistance centers, orphanages and palliative care hospices they support and run?

It seems that many foreigners and Thais do not realize how much these foreign missionaries do for Thailand. The Catholic church schools and hospitals in Thailand are part of the church's missionary activity. The Anglican church's palliative care and counseling outreach is part of its missionary work. I laugh at Mormons with their magical underwear and prim and proper ways. However, I know that these Mormon kids are volunteering in some rather horrible places, places the Thai government has ignored. Latrines and potable water supplies are built because of those Mormon kids who don't smoke, drink or molest children. Certainly a much better contribution than the typical sex tourist sodomizing hairless boys in Phuket, or the pervs of Pattaya beating up young girls.

When the critics are ready to support the orphanages, schools and other social services for the poor, by all means throw out the missionaries.

Ok, good kick in the arse for me which I accept - my response was probably a little hasty, off the cuff and not all that well thought out.

Actually my comments were aimed at the "god squad" missionaries hell-bent on converting one and all to the "right-path" to the point that in many cases they are trying to and succeeding in turning many youths against their own parents, why - because there parents are heathen and not god worshipers.

This was reported some years back in my own area of Phitsanulok - too far back now to find any reference to back it up (from memory discussed in TV)

I personally had some interaction many moons ago during an education training session with some of these "born-again" Christian kids - sent to Thailand to "preach and convert all the non-believing heathens - they could discuss all day the ins and outs and the greatness etc. of being a Christian - but didn't have one clue or desire to even consider or learn any basic idea of what Buddhism is about.

Yes, there are excellent schemes / support groups / people helping out in Thailand, and as a non believer I admire what they are doing to the point that SWMBO and self give financial support each month to a number of kids in Thailand.


Hardback; I do not believe you have a clue what "Tyrannical Rule" is. Except for those cronies who want status quo from before you can hardly tell there was a coup !! I have lived here for over 11 years and I see many things changing for the good. This Country did not get this screwed up in two years and it will take much longer than that to make the changes.

As for these students, at their age I doubt they have a clue what the real world is about. Whatever, the rules are the rules, if you do not like them make change when the chance comes.

Dear General/PM keep flushing the device as the water is not clear yet !!

You would have to be brainwashed to go against tyrannical rule. Now lets find out who these brainwashers are and boot them out of the country! They'll be telling people they have human rights next - what an outrage

At their age, many young men bled and died on battlefields in their tens of thousand, pretty sure they had a grasp on the real world, at their age I was serving my country, I didn't have a higher education, and I sure as shit knew what was going on in the real world.

How VERY disingenuous your comments come across. Perhaps it's you that doesn't have a grasp, and you have also been conditioned to believe all the <deleted> that comes out Thai Military, and Politicians mouthes ?

Sorry, 'Fat Haggis', but to me you seem to be the 'disingenuous' one, in all matters where a certain 'political movement' you permanently stand on the barricades for, is getting the wind up. Don't tell us you believe these coccooned privileged kids(!) did suck these ideas out of their thumb, or own 'brains' as a matter of fact, IMO there must clearly be some manipulation game being played here, and I do have some idea who the ones sponsoring it might be, could that be the reason of this reaction of yours?

As for many young men being thrown into bloody wars, no doubt about that, but you sound as if they, and you at that age, had 'a grasp on the real world', BEFORE being plunged in the horror, as if those youngsters were NOT 'brainswashed' and freely chose to walk towards their demise chanting, with a flower in the barrel of their rifle. As for me, and all the recruits and freshmen I knew, none of us REALLY knew we were being sent to hell by obtuse politicians, for the big money, industry, and obsolete ideals of dominance, as at that time the noria of planes carrying bodybags had not yet started, and only a few pals had come back with missing limbs. My guess is you're getting really old, too old to remember how blind(ed) and ignorant we were, before the battlefield...

I wouldn't class 52 as being old,

I couldn't care less about who's behind them, no less than who I care is behind Prayuth, you seriously don't think he's at the top of the food chain do you?

You are still being disingenuous towards the men and women who went off to war, you think that those who went off to Iraq in 2003, had no idea as to why, despite there being a war in 1991? You don't believe that young men in uniform with today's technology, and education were kept "cocooned" about wars and warfare? You don't think that many studied previous wars, and they learned and adapted their TTP's and SOP's accordingly?

Its ironic that you use the terminology "brainwashed" to describe these student, when you fail to see, nor acknowledge that a lifetime serving in the military has more of a "brainwashing indoctrine" going on, and that the very people who have NEVER known a life outside of the Armed forces, actually have NO GRASP of what it means to be a civilian, and how to function in a civilian world?

So how can you say these students are the ones brainwashed, when you have career soldiers running the country... really?

Begs to wonder which party is the more "brainwashed" a student taken out for a couple of nights, or a 30 year service man, who has never done anything else in his life but serve, and take orders? ;)


some people and areas are still dsproving the theory that the fitest, more intelligent species survive and evolve to establish domonice over other species,

some of these people have several hundreds of years to make noticable progross.


LOL those damn foreigners again! hahaha
My son is an activist student, he is a teenager full of hormones and wants to rebel against a system and his dictator dad that he probably hates... erm no scratch that... lets blame it on some farang, much easier!


And I repeat my comment:

" In other words, you conveniently believe it cannot be different."

Ignorance is bliss, I envy you. Come back to me in five years and we'll bask in the reforms - or will you still be saying the Junta needs more time?

And I repeat, you seem to be totally locked into the notion that it will all be the same for every coup, regardless of the circumstances, etc., it will ultimately be the same.

Perhaps you would like to stop for just a moment and examine the circumstances just before the coup.

Nobody is saying the junta members are perfect in fact they do certainly have their faults and their limitations.

But perhaps you would Thailand to revert back to the scenario just before the coup, with clowns like plodprasop, chalerm etc., running the show.


What about a name and some evidence?

Generals are not required to produce evidence, data, or facts.

They are honest, good men who always tell the truth...

I think they also said that Thailand needs "good men" to lead the country...


'Good men',,,, that instantly cancels the shin clan and their leaches. Next.

while you are, in general, correct, why are you so focused on Thaksin?

There are many like him & many far worse than him....


What about a name and some evidence?

Generals are not required to produce evidence, data, or facts.

They are honest, good men who always tell the truth...

I think they also said that Thailand needs "good men" to lead the country...


'Good men',,,, that instantly cancels the shin clan and their leaches. Next.

while you are, in general, correct, why are you so focused on Thaksin?

There are many like him & many far worse than him....

I think they get prizes.whistling.gif


And I repeat my comment:

" In other words, you conveniently believe it cannot be different."

Ignorance is bliss, I envy you. Come back to me in five years and we'll bask in the reforms - or will you still be saying the Junta needs more time?

And I repeat, you seem to be totally locked into the notion that it will all be the same for every coup, regardless of the circumstances, etc., it will ultimately be the same.

No, I do not think things will be any different. No I do not want things to be the way they were before - back to what I said earlier - rinse coup repeat - it's not convenient to believe it, it's depressing. Time will tell though, talk to me in five years. If you actually believe that an institution as backward thinking and corrupt as the military can make Thailand a better place then I'm truly happy for you.


Did I miss something? This General Tawatchai says that some unnamed father claims a "foreign organization" brainwashed his son over the course of two evenings... Really?

Why can he not say which of the 13 sons has been brainwashed? Why can we not name this subversive foreign organization? And why can the father not speak for himself? What evidence is there that there's any shred of truth to this story whatsoever?

I'm sorry... I'm going to wait for a real news story before I post again...


"...The father told him that his son was taken out by a foreign organisation for two nights in a brainwashing session a month ago..."

You can't make this stuff up. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Do these people think the whole country has IQ's in the single digits?

Seems like the junta cheerleaders on here have.

find them, check who finance them, seize their money. Cancel the visa of the foreigner and jail the thais...case finish...

Better yet, cast out all the foreign devils. Foreign teachers influencing their students to think for themselves, foreign businessmen teaching about foreign economic attitudes, NGOs helping the hill tribe people....who knows what new ideas are introduced and don't get me started on those foreign missionaries and their foreign ideas.

But you are aware that Russia and China have restricted foreign NGOs because they finance crazy groups to cause troubles. They wouldn't have done that without reasons.

And that are surely not the NGOs that support the hill tribe people. But also these sometimes cause minor problems....like these who gave houses to the sea gypsies after the tsunami, but only if the convert to be Christs. Causing massive problems within the families. Similar things happened with Muslims NGOs. But that are just minor problems.....

"But you are aware that Russia and China have restricted foreign NGOs because they finance crazy groups to cause troubles."

You left out Egypt. Russia, China, and Egypt, do you think these are governments that Thailand should try to emulate?


Name them or it's just a red herring.

New to Thailand? Name someone and you are held for causing loss of face...true or not the

rules for slander are different, are they not?

It only works that way if you name someone in Thailand who is influential and well connected. Have you ever heard of the defamation laws being used by a foreigner against a Thai, in particular a Thai such as Gen Tawatchai?


Missionaries - round them all up and export ASAP, as for the rest, just a thorn in the side for the establishment.

Will you be taking over their responsibilities and work at the clinics, family assistance centers, orphanages and palliative care hospices they support and run?

It seems that many foreigners and Thais do not realize how much these foreign missionaries do for Thailand. The Catholic church schools and hospitals in Thailand are part of the church's missionary activity. The Anglican church's palliative care and counseling outreach is part of its missionary work. I laugh at Mormons with their magical underwear and prim and proper ways. However, I know that these Mormon kids are volunteering in some rather horrible places, places the Thai government has ignored. Latrines and potable water supplies are built because of those Mormon kids who don't smoke, drink or molest children. Certainly a much better contribution than the typical sex tourist sodomizing hairless boys in Phuket, or the pervs of Pattaya beating up young girls.

When the critics are ready to support the orphanages, schools and other social services for the poor, by all means throw out the missionaries.

I couldn't have said it better. I am not an overly religious person but was brought up with understanding of the Christian faith and find that most people who "live" their faith are not generally the problem in this world as they go quietly about their business giving the helping hand. Those that criticize or make fun of those of faith are the ones have the problem. I have yet to meet a mormon who was not one of the nicest of persons. Yes they want to share their religion but also in the process are giving of themselves helping others as are the missionaries of all faiths. They do good in the process. That's a hell of a lot more than most of the posters here on TV ever do in a lifetime. Persons of faith also generally tend to be happier people as they have confidence in their beliefs. No reason to knock people who live their faith while doing good. No one has to accept the message that's about choice.


Taken out for 2 nights on the Lao khao I suspect, that would do a good job of clearing out his head and making space for a bit of propaganda!

Really, to suggest there must be some mental issue beyond a brain and being informed to have a political stance is proof the former is lacking.


Lots of speculation about what organization.

Like a pack of baying mongrels you took the bait when it was waved in front of your faces and thrown off stage, exit right.

The real point being whats an army general's son doing with the 'foreign brain-washer'

Surely giving voice to those ever popular, north-eastern political views being espoused around the dinner table.

What happens now, as the General has thrown the Ex-Pm under the bus.

The Ex- Pm found to be at play in the field of the lords...

And the trial of the year has yet to be concluded.

Queue the dramatic cliffhanger music


Human rights watch has told to release the students. This will make the powers to be lose face by being told what to do. Therefore the powers to be have to find a scapegoat that the thai people will accept as factual , so who better to blame than farangs. Those bloody farangs again. They keep interfering with Utopia. Skin them alive after the people are made to believe it was them (farangs). Rid the kingdom of them.blink.png


Lots of speculation about what organization.

Like a pack of baying mongrels you took the bait when it was waved in front of your faces and thrown off stage, exit right.

The real point being whats an army general's son doing with the 'foreign brain-washer'

Read the headline more carefully

Gen Tawatchai: Father (of one of the 14 students) says son was brainwashed by a foreign organisation

There is no mention of the General's son. Baying mongrels indeed


Has anyone proved he had a brain to wash in the first place.If he does have a brain then the prime suspects should be Uni Lever as they are known globally for their washing products ability.Or they are lining up another remake of The Manchurian Candidate.


Lots of speculation about what organization.

Like a pack of baying mongrels you took the bait when it was waved in front of your faces and thrown off stage, exit right.

The real point being whats an army general's son doing with the 'foreign brain-washer'

Surely giving voice to those ever popular, north-eastern political views being espoused around the dinner table.

What happens now, as the General has thrown the Ex-Pm under the bus.

The Ex- Pm found to be at play in the field of the lords...

And the trial of the year has yet to be concluded.

Queue the dramatic cliffhanger music

Its not the army General's son. He spoke to a father whose son had been brainwashed.

Cannot believe that is difficult if the General is proof of what the good and educated in the country know.


Lots of speculation about what organization.

Like a pack of baying mongrels you took the bait when it was waved in front of your faces and thrown off stage, exit right.

The real point being whats an army general's son doing with the 'foreign brain-washer'

Surely giving voice to those ever popular, north-eastern political views being espoused around the dinner table.

What happens now, as the General has thrown the Ex-Pm under the bus.

The Ex- Pm found to be at play in the field of the lords...

And the trial of the year has yet to be concluded.

Queue the dramatic cliffhanger music

Its not the army General's son. He spoke to a father whose son had been brainwashed.

Cannot believe that is difficult if the General is proof of what the good and educated in the country know.

no he didn't, that's the point, the father denies ever speaking to the General (go read the 'other' paper today). Further the father does not think his son, or the group, were 'brainwashed' by anyone and he considers it a slur on his family's name

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