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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists

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If and it's a big if, the two Burmese get found not guilty, will there be further investigations to try to find the perpetrators of this crime, or will it just be forgotten?

It will never be forgotten. However, sadly, unless it becomes politically expedient, there will never be a proper investigation. Further, even if there is, I believe there has been a concerted effort over the last 10 months to dispose of any evidence pointing at the real perpetrators.

The only slight possibility is that a future rape on Koh Tao might be properly investigated and lead to solution of this crime as a side effect.

Depressing, I know.

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Again you make false accusation against me. Up until last September I didn't even know where this Island was. Just heard of Mon a month after that. I do not know him nor have I ever met him, or anyone else on the island.

I also never said that David came upon the crime scene and saw a rape in progress. Somebody else said that.I said I thought they were together when they were attacked. Call it whatever you like but yes, I do think the Motive was to Rape Hannah.

You post stuff here all the time but never back one thing you say that could indicate it wasn't make up by you, or you found it in some Gossiping Link full of Conspiracy Theories. If you like them so much why come here and spread more?

This so called Bribe to the Taxi Driver was no bribe at all. It involved the football team and had nothing to do with Mon or the accused. The Police had this Football Team as early suspects. He was told that if he had information he would be given 700,000 Baht. But that wasn't a bribe. It was the reward money offered to anyone for the arrest and conviction of this rape and murders.

If you chose not to believe this then fine. But I do not call you names as you feel you need to do with me, which is the true test of your colors. If you are so sure they are innocent then prove it. I am open minded to proof that wil show me something more than Blah!Blah!Blah!

Why did the police think the taxi driver might have evidence against the footballers? Why did the taxi driver think the police were trying to use him to frame scapegoats? Why did the police (according to the taxi driver) become angry towards him when he failed to accept the "reward". Why was the taxi driver sufficiently frightened by the police attitude to go public and ask for protection from the police?

The relevance of this is that it shows how energetically some, at least, of the police were seeking scapegoats from an early stage in the "investigation". It is one of many points that make neutral observers extremely skeptical of the claim that the diminutive Burmese, with no prior record of violence, were the perpetrators of this crime.

Trying to make GB see the light is a lost cause I'm afraid. I don't recall calling you names GB, I did ask if you might be a friend of Mon on Facebook, though. That's how I'm rationalizing your mental gymnastics here, but, it was a question not an insult.



Again you make false accusation against me. Up until last September I didn't even know where this Island was. Just heard of Mon a month after that. I do not know him nor have I ever met him, or anyone else on the island.

I also never said that David came upon the crime scene and saw a rape in progress. Somebody else said that.I said I thought they were together when they were attacked. Call it whatever you like but yes, I do think the Motive was to Rape Hannah.

You post stuff here all the time but never back one thing you say that could indicate it wasn't make up by you, or you found it in some Gossiping Link full of Conspiracy Theories. If you like them so much why come here and spread more?

This so called Bribe to the Taxi Driver was no bribe at all. It involved the football team and had nothing to do with Mon or the accused. The Police had this Football Team as early suspects. He was told that if he had information he would be given 700,000 Baht. But that wasn't a bribe. It was the reward money offered to anyone for the arrest and conviction of this rape and murders.

If you chose not to believe this then fine. But I do not call you names as you feel you need to do with me, which is the true test of your colors. If you are so sure they are innocent then prove it. I am open minded to proof that wil show me something more than Blah!Blah!Blah!

Why did the police think the taxi driver might have evidence against the footballers? Why did the taxi driver think the police were trying to use him to frame scapegoats? Why did the police (according to the taxi driver) become angry towards him when he failed to accept the "reward". Why was the taxi driver sufficiently frightened by the police attitude to go public and ask for protection from the police?

The relevance of this is that it shows how energetically some, at least, of the police were seeking scapegoats from an early stage in the "investigation". It is one of many points that make neutral observers extremely skeptical of the claim that the diminutive Burmese, with no prior record of violence, were the perpetrators of this crime.

Trying to make GB see the light is a lost cause I'm afraid. I don't recall calling you names GB, I did ask if you might be a friend of Mon on Facebook, though. That's how I'm rationalizing your mental gymnastics here, but, it was a question not an insult.

Personally I have no interest in trying to bring GB round to my way of thinking, or anyone elses. To me he clearly seems to have an agenda of some sort. I do sometimes pipe up though when he tries to present fiction as fact etc.


If and it's a big if, the two Burmese get found not guilty, will there be further investigations to try to find the perpetrators of this crime, or will it just be forgotten?

It will never be forgotten. However, sadly, unless it becomes politically expedient, there will never be a proper investigation. Further, even if there is, I believe there has been a concerted effort over the last 10 months to dispose of any evidence pointing at the real perpetrators.

The only slight possibility is that a future rape on Koh Tao might be properly investigated and lead to solution of this crime as a side effect.

Depressing, I know.

yeah, sorry bad choice of words there, I know the incident will never be forgotten, I was referring to the investigation and any efforts to rekindle it, if there is a not guilty verdict


This is another plausible explanation and could very well be somewhere near the truth:

I was told by a Thai lady with connections to this island that a local guy did this. I was told the following, i have no idea if this is true but she told me her ex boyfriend is a police man on Koh Tao. The story is that Hannah was partying the night before with a local Thai Guy (maybe some intimacy), the following day he saw her and she blanked him. later than night he got his revenge by attacking her, David Miller heard her being attached and came to her rescue but ended up getting killed as well. Apparently its well known on the Island who was responsible but its a big cover up https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=455434457964491&id=340091729498765


But only hearsay. coffee1.gif ...but a lot more credible than a lot of the prosecutions evidence.

Just can not understand why the trail has to be broken up in to a few day here and then and the odd day or two between...

just wish the 3 judges would properly review the prosecutions evidence and realise it has more holes than a Swiss cheese.


Foreigners die surprisingly often here. There were 362 U.K. citizens who met their end in Thailand in 2014, more so even than in France, which attracts almost 20 times as many British visitors. But generally they lose their lives through traffic accidents, overdoses and suicides. This was very different.

Feuding here is common and vicious. Greg Shepherd, 34, from Luton in the U.K., tells TIME he witnessed a man getting shot in the face in a bar north of Sairee Beach in the mid-2000s. “They took the victim away in a pickup truck and the barman just got a mop out and cleaned up the blood,” he says.

In general, tourists are almost comically unaware of this malevolent undercurrent. Yet it remains an open secret that “organized crime is rampant on these islands,” says Saksith. Little wonder the conversational staple of many long-term expats is, “These are the worst Thais in Thailand.”

full article at


July 16th '15


This is another plausible explanation and could very well be somewhere near the truth:

I was told by a Thai lady with connections to this island that a local guy did this. I was told the following, i have no idea if this is true but she told me her ex boyfriend is a police man on Koh Tao. The story is that Hannah was partying the night before with a local Thai Guy (maybe some intimacy), the following day he saw her and she blanked him. later than night he got his revenge by attacking her, David Miller heard her being attached and came to her rescue but ended up getting killed as well. Apparently its well known on the Island who was responsible but its a big cover up https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=455434457964491&id=340091729498765


But only hearsay. coffee1.gif ...but a lot more credible than a lot of the prosecutions evidence.

Just can not understand why the trail has to be broken up in to a few day here and then and the odd day or two between...

just wish the 3 judges would properly review the prosecutions evidence and realise it has more holes than a Swiss cheese.

If this was the case woudn't hannahs friends be able to id NS ?


This is another plausible explanation and could very well be somewhere near the truth:

I was told by a Thai lady with connections to this island that a local guy did this. I was told the following, i have no idea if this is true but she told me her ex boyfriend is a police man on Koh Tao. The story is that Hannah was partying the night before with a local Thai Guy (maybe some intimacy), the following day he saw her and she blanked him. later than night he got his revenge by attacking her, David Miller heard her being attached and came to her rescue but ended up getting killed as well. Apparently its well known on the Island who was responsible but its a big cover up https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=455434457964491&id=340091729498765


But only hearsay. coffee1.gif ...but a lot more credible than a lot of the prosecutions evidence.

Just can not understand why the trail has to be broken up in to a few day here and then and the odd day or two between...

just wish the 3 judges would properly review the prosecutions evidence and realise it has more holes than a Swiss cheese.

If this was the case woudn't hannahs friends be able to id NS ?

The quoted article did not mention NS...

My point is apart from the horrific way two very nice young people so tragically had their lives taken away, two young Burmese seem to have been framed and already had many weeks of their lives ruined by corruption and incompetence.

I just want to see justice for Hannah and David, and that is the real killers put away for a very long time, not a couple of innocent lads who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


If this was the case woudn't hannahs friends be able to id NS ?

That is a valid point. Frankly, with the exception of some fuzzy CCTV coverage that shows physical mannerisms with resemblance to Nomsod, there is nothing to implicate him. While not 100% sure, I do not believe Nomsod was involved.

On the other hand, I think Mon is up to his neck, at a minimum, in the cover up.


The purpose of prosecuting B2 was to create a diversion. That strategy has worked perfectly as evidenced by the 119 pages of articles and posts that precede this one.

Those in control of this farce know that when B2 are found guilty later this year, the decision will be very poorly received by expats and the Western media.

But, guess what, they don't care.


Since these murders occurred on 15th September, I have read every article/forum/blog about the situation including, I believe, every post on TV and I would like to say something. First I would like to acknowledge that corruption goes on everywhere and murders happen everywhere, but I want to say something about this particular crime and the people in charge of this particular so called investigation.

It goes without saying that the people who committed these murders are depraved scum.

The people who have investigated these murders and certain other people in authority who have allowed things to proceed as they have, in my opinion, are the lowest of the low, they have no moral compass they are disgusting slime and a blight on the planet.

I hope I have not broken any forum rules....apologies if so.

It's long been my opinion that whoever did these crimes has done it before and will almost certainly do it again, and again, etc.


It has often been observed by researchers that the overwhelming majority of murders are committed by people who have a previous criminal record. For example, burglars become rapists and rapists become murderers and so on.

The B2 had no motive and have no previous record of being involved in any crime.

David had a violent struggle with his killers that is clear on the wounds to his body and hands where he was defending himself. It would have been impossible for the killer/killers not to have scratches and minor wounds also. If it were the B2 surely there should have been witnesses who would have revealed that they saw this on them.

Of course the same can be said about anyone else, Mon did not appear to have any scratches or wounds as we can see from the video and photos of him at the crime scene so I doubt he was directly involved in the killings themselves.

It's been mentioned (by his classmates?) that Nomsod may have had injuries from that weekend, but we'll never know. By the time cops found him, after he'd been evading authorities for about a week, he'd had time to clean himself up and get a haircut. Re; Mon and wounds. I admit, none can be seen on his face or hands, but again, cops don't check such things re; a VIP, particularly those they are buddies with (Mon has local cop friends). Also, clothes cover up such things. Then there are the tough guy friends of Mon (stingray man, bouncer at AC bar, guys who posed with hoes after the crime, and others) who could have been involved in the crime. At least one of them proudly sported a large sharks tooth ring prior to the crime. For obvious reasons, RTP hasn't even looked at those possible suspects. They're all connected to Mon, as is the 'Big Ears' policeman, so they're untouchable.

If this case takes a similar route to the case of the pretty farang girl who was murdered years ago in Bkk, then the following could happen:

The initial court case was found to be full of holes. A second trial was ordered, with a new slew of defendants. All of the new group were convicted, except the mastermind (she must have been rich and/or well connected) ...who ran off to Chiang Rai and is now incognito. The head cop of that investigation, when it was found he skewed evidence, was scheduled to appear before a disciplinary committee. Days before the meeting, he emptied his bank accounts and fled to Miami, where he is today. Thai authorities haven't even tried to extradite him. So it goes, round and round.

Yes! Many of Nomsod's Classmates did spread rumors of him doing it. From reading Forums and Facebook from people who spread these rumors and like were you found this information about him for example.Like here for example.

Nomsod was not required by the Police to give his DNA. He did this in the hopes these rumors would stop and he could get on with his business of studying, rather than having to answer 100 times a day that he did not do it. When they still didn't believe him anyway.

Who would believe him? You have seen what has happened here and how this spreads like wild fire. Even after his DNA proved Negative he was still not believed. You have also seen what happens here when someone even suggests he is innocent, like me. I am sure Nomsod faced that to at university every day and worst than here.

I am no Cop, or Criminal, but if I wanted to evade authorities the last place I would want to hide is in my Dorm at the University, and attend school. You must have read from this same Gossip Column his friends saw him at this University on September 16th. I am sure many people on the Island knew Nomsod goes to University in Bangkok. Just ask someone at his Father Bar.

So let me ask you this. In this massive Man Hunt in which Nomsod evaded the authorities for a week, not one cop thought of going to the University in Bangkok and ask for his home address, or his next class? Come On Man! You are smarted then that. Believe what you want but you are smarter than this.

I'm not accusing here, but playing devil's advocate -

So why did it take the police a week to 'find' him then? or why did he not go to the police and say 'here I am'?


Since these murders occurred on 15th September, I have read every article/forum/blog about the situation including, I believe, every post on TV and I would like to say something. First I would like to acknowledge that corruption goes on everywhere and murders happen everywhere, but I want to say something about this particular crime and the people in charge of this particular so called investigation.

It goes without saying that the people who committed these murders are depraved scum.

The people who have investigated these murders and certain other people in authority who have allowed things to proceed as they have, in my opinion, are the lowest of the low, they have no moral compass they are disgusting slime and a blight on the planet.

I hope I have not broken any forum rules....apologies if so.

It's long been my opinion that whoever did these crimes has done it before and will almost certainly do it again, and again, etc.

Well maybe the defense will get lucky and they'll do it again while the trial is still in session.


Another part of the blame in my opinion has to rest with the british media they all jumped on the bandwagon of this young innocent backpacker being framed for murder,

Sean would have been a prime suspect he was meant to meet the victim, he has i weak alibi

People where seen on the beach playing a guitar, he has a guitar

I don't think I would of lost much sleep if the RTP had used him as a scapegoat ?

Say what!?

You wouldn't lose much sleep knowing someone was fitted up leaving the real culprits for these atrocious crimes unpunished and running free to commit more!!

Would you still lose no sleep if you had a daughter who was visiting the island too?


I doubt the end result will bring true justice.

The mai mee kwam saa marth (incompetent) RTP appear to have failed miserably in crime scene integrity and investigation and have done a potentially stellar job in covering it up.

This feudal system has, is, and I think will fail the family.

The British FCO have wished for a fair and transparent trial.

Well already, that's failing. The British have already stated they have no means for involvement within Thai law, judicial, or policing.

I fear this case will fail miserably by western standards and there is little that can, or will be done about it following what just may be a huge miscarriage of justice.


Another thing with Sean is he claimed that Mon and the copper were threatening to kill him, he managed to take a photo of them on the cashiers phone and post it to facebook,

So he would have had to taken the photo

maybe logged out of her facebook

logged into face book

attached the photo and paste.

Why didn't they just put a gun to his head and Take the phone of him ?

Why did they let him do it and wait for the police to turn up if he did the crime ?

Maybe because of the cctv? which for once seemed to be working and was handed over.

Also I don't think the picture of them was his first post from the store. Did he not write 'Owner of AC bar did it' as his first post, then a further post with the picture saying 'the guy on the left is the leader'. Then another asking people to get sky news reporter to contact him.

Once he had typed anything into the phone then it becomes more risky for them to they can't really risk it as they don't know what he has said or done.

I was following his posts that night and could not go to sleep until I knew he was safe. As I understood it he waited it out in the shop after that and didn't come out until the police turned up later and took Mon and his buddy away for questionning (and an alleged (speedy) DNA test on Mon). Then he (said he) went and moved around the jungle every 30 mins until he was able to hook up with people who made it safer for him the next day (reporters / and some locals?)


The purpose of prosecuting B2 was to create a diversion. That strategy has worked perfectly as evidenced by the 119 pages of articles and posts that precede this one.

Those in control of this farce know that when B2 are found guilty later this year, the decision will be very poorly received by expats and the Western media.

But, guess what, they don't care.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

some german chap


All this talk of retesting DNA is it in fact retesting or just testing for the first time, early on there was some discussion on the speed of the original testing and as for the DNA testing of mumnuts or whatever his name is well how long did that take to prove is innocence.

The trial is a joke but will we be laughing at the end?

So Mumnuts' DNA was tested against a sample that was made available to him but not to the defence team of defendants on a capital charge, even though the sample was all use up in the initial testing? Something doesn't add up here.


Everything you have stated about the B2 here (apart from minimum education possibly) is just based on your imagination. How do you know if they were licking their chops every time a beautiful woman in a bikini walked by, what a ridiculous statement to make and you present it as fact!!

You're not the Thai PM in disguise are you?

And who do you think is more likely to take Yaba - The 'cool' and edgy DJs, fire dancers, tough guys, or a couple of migrant workers having a singsong and a beer on the beach. You say because they had a beer then maybe they have also had Yaba. Well does that not apply to he aforementioned DJs, tough guys etc. Do you think they don't touch a drop of alcohol or drugs?

The young edgy DJs ? don't think so




Again you make false accusation against me. Up until last September I didn't even know where this Island was. Just heard of Mon a month after that. I do not know him nor have I ever met him, or anyone else on the island.

I also never said that David came upon the crime scene and saw a rape in progress. Somebody else said that.I said I thought they were together when they were attacked. Call it whatever you like but yes, I do think the Motive was to Rape Hannah.

You post stuff here all the time but never back one thing you say that could indicate it wasn't make up by you, or you found it in some Gossiping Link full of Conspiracy Theories. If you like them so much why come here and spread more?

This so called Bribe to the Taxi Driver was no bribe at all. It involved the football team and had nothing to do with Mon or the accused. The Police had this Football Team as early suspects. He was told that if he had information he would be given 700,000 Baht. But that wasn't a bribe. It was the reward money offered to anyone for the arrest and conviction of this rape and murders.

If you chose not to believe this then fine. But I do not call you names as you feel you need to do with me, which is the true test of your colors. If you are so sure they are innocent then prove it. I am open minded to proof that wil show me something more than Blah!Blah!Blah!

Why did the police think the taxi driver might have evidence against the footballers? Why did the taxi driver think the police were trying to use him to frame scapegoats? Why did the police (according to the taxi driver) become angry towards him when he failed to accept the "reward". Why was the taxi driver sufficiently frightened by the police attitude to go public and ask for protection from the police?

The relevance of this is that it shows how energetically some, at least, of the police were seeking scapegoats from an early stage in the "investigation". It is one of many points that make neutral observers extremely skeptical of the claim that the diminutive Burmese, with no prior record of violence, were the perpetrators of this crime.

Trying to make GB see the light is a lost cause I'm afraid. I don't recall calling you names GB, I did ask if you might be a friend of Mon on Facebook, though. That's how I'm rationalizing your mental gymnastics here, but, it was a question not an insult.

I am hoping this trial may shed some of this light you talk about on this case.

Thank you for trying but B.S. I can find anywhere.


Everything you have stated about the B2 here (apart from minimum education possibly) is just based on your imagination. How do you know if they were licking their chops every time a beautiful woman in a bikini walked by, what a ridiculous statement to make and you present it as fact!!

You're not the Thai PM in disguise are you?

And who do you think is more likely to take Yaba - The 'cool' and edgy DJs, fire dancers, tough guys, or a couple of migrant workers having a singsong and a beer on the beach. You say because they had a beer then maybe they have also had Yaba. Well does that not apply to he aforementioned DJs, tough guys etc. Do you think they don't touch a drop of alcohol or drugs?

The young edgy DJs ? don't think so


I've looked at the link. I'm not sure how that rules out the 'cool' guys who worked in the bar? You know, the ones into Western women, posing with guns, wearing jewellery that doubles as weapons etc.

Do I really need to find 10 posts about Thais getting busted with thousands of Yaba pills? I doubt it, I'm sure you've read about some. Not that that has anything to do with this case or even the hypothesis that whoever carried out these crimes might have been under the influence..


Are there credible reports Sean was freely moving about the island giving reports the following day prior to his departure from the island?

My thoughts; he's just a gutless piss ant little Jock that shat himself when his personal security was potentially threatened (his say so) and cried to Mommy.

Listening to him, I don't think he has great moral fibre and I also don't think he has any idea what happened going by his reports.

I think he's just a wee girl formerly drunk on hedonism and cried for attention.

Nevertheless, I'll sure stand corrected if evidence to the contrary comes to light.

Look, you don't have to like Sean or anyone else connected to this case. This is not a popularity contest. We're trying to gauge who committed these heinous crimes. Sean likely holds some clues. Don't worry, he's not going to ask to date your daughter. Stay focused on what's important. There are some very nasty people walking around free on the island and maybe elsewhere. We want the real culprits tried and, if found guilty, suffer the full punishment of the law.

If and it's a big if, the two Burmese get found not guilty, will there be further investigations to try to find the perpetrators of this crime, or will it just be forgotten?

Not likely, but not impossible. There is precedent, in the case of a farang girl who was murdered by a taxi driver in Bkk, 20 yrs ago. There was an initial case. When it was found the first slew of defendants were scapegoats, they were set free, and a whole new trial took place. Some men were found guilty in the 2nd trial, though the mastermind was allowed to run off (she must have been rich and/or well-connected).

Please just answer this with a simple yes or no, If you was Mon and you was threatening someone would you let them take a photo of you and then post it on facebook ? again simple yes or no ?

I don't know if you're asking me, but the answer is 'yes' if you mean that things can happen quickly without forewarning. The answer is probably 'no' if Sean had waved the phone around and taunted Mon by saying, "if you're not going to leave me alone, I'm going to call the police." In that case, Mon might have walked out or he may have struck Sean and/or grabbed the phone.

But Tony, the bigger issue is there are 10,000 what ifs, could-haves, should haves. It's a waste of time and energy to ruminate on all those. We need to try and gauge, as best as possible, what actually happened before during and after the crime, and try to put the puzzle pieces together to ascertain who did the crime. RTP is purposefully skewing evidence, so that makes our endeavors particularly challenging. Still, we're making progress, and many of the things we predicted would transpire (catching the RTP in lies, for example) are playing out. Wait for Wednesday's trial day, without a doubt, the RTP and prosecution will continue digging themselves in a deeper muddy stinky hole.


Everything you have stated about the B2 here (apart from minimum education possibly) is just based on your imagination. How do you know if they were licking their chops every time a beautiful woman in a bikini walked by, what a ridiculous statement to make and you present it as fact!!

You're not the Thai PM in disguise are you?

And who do you think is more likely to take Yaba - The 'cool' and edgy DJs, fire dancers, tough guys, or a couple of migrant workers having a singsong and a beer on the beach. You say because they had a beer then maybe they have also had Yaba. Well does that not apply to he aforementioned DJs, tough guys etc. Do you think they don't touch a drop of alcohol or drugs?

The young edgy DJs ? don't think so


I've looked at the link. I'm not sure how that rules out the 'cool' guys who worked in the bar? You know, the ones into Western women, posing with guns, wearing jewellery that doubles as weapons etc.

Do I really need to find 10 posts about Thais getting busted with thousands of Yaba pills? I doubt it, I'm sure you've read about some. Not that that has anything to do with this case or even the hypothesis that whoever carried out these crimes might have been under the influence..

well you have posted it is unlikely that some migrant workers would be taking yaba, and I have proved you wrong simple !


The purpose of prosecuting B2 was to create a diversion. That strategy has worked perfectly as evidenced by the 119 pages of articles and posts that precede this one.

Those in control of this farce know that when B2 are found guilty later this year, the decision will be very poorly received by expats and the Western media.

But, guess what, they don't care.

You're right. I venture that, regardless of the outcome, the Headman + the RTP are not far off their plan. The primary issue, for them, is to divert attention away from looking at who are likely the real culprits. In that, they've been quite successful. I wouldn't doubt some serious money has changed hands (or expensive gifts given), but that's another item we'll never know for sure. Another factor with money & gifts: Sometimes they're offered for a future contingency, similar to the Headman offering to pay 1 million baht to charity for whomever could prove his son was involved (a hollow offer from a buffoon, if ever there was).


The purpose of prosecuting B2 was to create a diversion. That strategy has worked perfectly as evidenced by the 119 pages of articles and posts that precede this one.

Those in control of this farce know that when B2 are found guilty later this year, the decision will be very poorly received by expats and the Western media.

But, guess what, they don't care.

In fact if the Burmese are found guilty and executed there will be mass parties in the Government buildings in Bangkok and in Koh Tao.

I can see the General and Police Chief holding a joint press conference congratulating themselves and telling the world about Thai justice.

Evil and sickening thought!


The young edgy DJs ? don't think so

not the Thai PM in disguise are you?

And who do you think is more likely to take Yaba - The 'cool' and edgy DJs, fire dancers, tough guys, or a couple of migrant workers having a singsong and a beer on the beach. You say because they had a beer then maybe they have also had Yaba. Well does that not apply to he aforementioned DJs, tough guys etc. Do you think they don't touch a drop of alcohol or drugs?


I've looked at the link. I'm not sure how that rules out the 'cool' guys who worked in the bar? You know, the ones into Western women, posing with guns, wearing jewellery that doubles as weapons etc.

Do I really need to find 10 posts about Thais getting busted with thousands of Yaba pills? I doubt it, I'm sure you've read about some. Not that that has anything to do with this case or even the hypothesis that whoever carried out these crimes might have been under the influence..

Dont worry about it, he gets easily confused, he may post some links of other Burmese getting caught with yaba in Bangkok next. But to some of those Thai DJ's in KT here's a prime example of what they get up to with tourists, this is a one named DJ Love:

Sorry I don't see what point you are making with the photo is he on Yaba ? looks like it could of been taken in maguluf

anyway here is another link about yaba and who are typical users funny Hiso rich kids are not on it.


Read the post I responded to and you'll see the reason I posted the photo of DJ love who actually works in the AC bar KT, but just so you are clear here's another of his poses. Regards your link to yaba no thanks I have no need to read whether HiSo rich kids are likely to take it or not as that was also not being discussed nor does a report that obviously states the obvious.



Its funny how we now have a poster poorly attempting to accuse the B2 of being meth/yaba users and even dealers as a reason for having the money to be able to ride a motorbike down the beach Road, buy LM cigarettes and 2 beers on their day off and kill Hannah and David in a drug hazed stupor! Wow even the RTP never thought that one up!


anyway here is another link about yaba and who are typical users funny Hiso rich kids are not on it.


Read the post I responded to and you'll see the reason I posted the photo of DJ love who actually works in the AC bar KT, but just so you are clear here's another of his poses. Regards your link to yaba no thanks I have no need to read whether HiSo rich kids are likely to take it or not as that was also not being discussed nor does a report that obviously states the obvious.

Wow another photo that proves nothing 2 people holding an air rifle and a bb Gun,


anyway here is another link about yaba and who are typical users funny Hiso rich kids are not on it.


Read the post I responded to and you'll see the reason I posted the photo of DJ love who actually works in the AC bar KT, but just so you are clear here's another of his poses. Regards your link to yaba no thanks I have no need to read whether HiSo rich kids are likely to take it or not as that was also not being discussed nor does a report that obviously states the obvious.

Wow another photo that proves nothing 2 people holding an air rifle and a bb Gun,

You've lost the plot man, what was it supposed to prove?

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