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Abhisit to talk on Moving Reforms Forward programme Monday night

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Abhisit to talk on Moving Reforms Forward programme Monday night
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva will talk during the Moving Reforms Forward programme on Channel 5 at 9 pm Monday, Army Chief-of-Staff Gen Chatchalerm Chalermsuk said Monday.

Chatchalerm, who is deputy secretary general of the National Council for Peace and Order, said Abhisit has been invited to air his opinions on bureaucratic reforms during the programme.

Chatchalerm said it would be up to the host of the programmew whether to ask Abhisit to comment on political reforms or not.

He said he had not yet invited former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra to be a guest speaker because she appeared busy these days.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Abhisit-to-talk-on-Moving-Reforms-Forward-programm-30264350.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-13


Practically speaking, Abhisit's the only one of them intelligent enough to input into any reforms. Wish they'd bring Korn front and center though. Best PM they never had.


Practically speaking, Abhisit's the only one of them intelligent enough to input into any reforms. Wish they'd bring Korn front and center though. Best PM they never had.

I liked Khun Chuan even though under he's watch the Thaitanic happened, he showed that Thailand could be up there with the rest and Thailand was on everyone's lips during that period , it has since then stagnated and become a laughing stock and who ever comes in as an Elected leader has got enormous problems to contend with not with standing trying to get ride of the dead wood after this administration leaves the building. .coffee1.gif


Really a pity Ms. Yingluck seems so busy these days. She probably spends hours with her legal team preparing her input for the case against her at the Supreme Court. Her mushrooms might also need attention what with the lack of rain and humidity.


It's a shame there's no legal betting in Thailand as the odds for Abhisit becoming PM must be at least 2/7 !!

Sportsmans bet Abhisit will be PM end of 2017 anyone?


It's a shame there's no legal betting in Thailand as the odds for Abhisit becoming PM must be at least 2/7 !!

Sportsmans bet Abhisit will be PM end of 2017 anyone?

As you well know all decent Thai frown upon betting, that's not cricket rolleyes.gif


It's a shame there's no legal betting in Thailand as the odds for Abhisit becoming PM must be at least 2/7 !!

Sportsmans bet Abhisit will be PM end of 2017 anyone?

He will be shoe horned in you just know it.

Do they never learn from their mistakes? Why am I bothering asking? facepalm.gif

They could put a frickin shoe up for PM and it would be more popular than him.


It's a shame there's no legal betting in Thailand as the odds for Abhisit becoming PM must be at least 2/7 !!

Sportsmans bet Abhisit will be PM end of 2017 anyone?

He will be shoe horned in you just know it.

Do they never learn from their mistakes? Why am I bothering asking? facepalm.gif

They could put a frickin shoe up for PM and it would be more popular than him.

Yes, I'm sure a lot of you would vote for a shoe if someone told you it would make you rich.

You must be so clever to see all those mistakes everybody else keeps making.


It's a shame there's no legal betting in Thailand as the odds for Abhisit becoming PM must be at least 2/7 !!

Sportsmans bet Abhisit will be PM end of 2017 anyone?

its a bit early to be placing bets - we don't know all the runners yet - but what's going to be interesting is whether the greens decide to pursue political interests and form a new party with a new leader.

Yingluck would probably bow out for someone new..or be disqualified. No idea who would replace her.

Prayut should be excluded too purely for the fact that he initiated the coup.

What's the best we can hope for?

A dem/green coalition would be my bet..


It's a shame there's no legal betting in Thailand as the odds for Abhisit becoming PM must be at least 2/7 !!

Sportsmans bet Abhisit will be PM end of 2017 anyone?

You are assuming there will be elections before the end of 2017.

Here is a prediction to bookmark.

1. By the end of the year the country would be in recession. The world economy will be in a major downturn.

2. By year end there will be an EU fish embargo inplace as well as an air safety ban. Due to the air ban and slowing world economy tourism figures will plummet.

3. Exports will continue to slump due to the recession in the world economy (approx. - 7% yoy).

4. To promote exports they will depreciate the Baht. This will eventually cause imported inflation through fertiliser, diesel, herbicide and pesticide imports. This price increases in production inputs together with a continued drought push food inflation to +-10%.

5. There will be major lay offs at factories, which will see unemployment spike. Unlike present unemployment which is mostly in the rural areas, this unemployment will be in their faces in BKK.

6. The above factors cause protest in BKK which prompts the junta to postpone the elections for security reasons.

7. After this we will see as it can go in 2 different directions one peacefull and the other not so peaceful.

I think that many people are missing an important point. The present junta has made many enemies among the BKK middleclass and the poor in the south. If AV is openly the candidate for the junta he may get less votes than in the past.


It's a shame there's no legal betting in Thailand as the odds for Abhisit becoming PM must be at least 2/7 !!

Sportsmans bet Abhisit will be PM end of 2017 anyone?

He will be shoe horned in you just know it.

Do they never learn from their mistakes? Why am I bothering asking? facepalm.gif

They could put a frickin shoe up for PM and it would be more popular than him.

Yes, I'm sure a lot of you would vote for a shoe if someone told you it would make you rich.

You must be so clever to see all those mistakes everybody else keeps making.

There you are again John with your snide remarks. Are you ok? Maybe you should get therapy.

I eagerly await your reply where you imply I need therapy because I am a mindless red shirt drone.

Like clockwork.


Really a pity Ms. Yingluck seems so busy these days. She probably spends hours with her legal team preparing her input for the case against her at the Supreme Court. Her mushrooms might also need attention what with the lack of rain and humidity.

We'll never know her real excuse for not attending UNTIL SHE'S INVITED.

Up until now the "forum" looks like a one-sided discussion on a military channel sponsored by the military and attended by a former PM who benefitted from the previous military coup. This is not a forum but a political campaign.


Really a pity Ms. Yingluck seems so busy these days. She probably spends hours with her legal team preparing her input for the case against her at the Supreme Court. Her mushrooms might also need attention what with the lack of rain and humidity.

We'll never know her real excuse for not attending UNTIL SHE'S INVITED.

Up until now the "forum" looks like a one-sided discussion on a military channel sponsored by the military and attended by a former PM who benefitted from the previous military coup. This is not a forum but a political campaign.

Bringing happiness back to the (Bangkok elite) people is what is may as well be called.


Really a pity Ms. Yingluck seems so busy these days. She probably spends hours with her legal team preparing her input for the case against her at the Supreme Court. Her mushrooms might also need attention what with the lack of rain and humidity.

We'll never know her real excuse for not attending UNTIL SHE'S INVITED.

Up until now the "forum" looks like a one-sided discussion on a military channel sponsored by the military and attended by a former PM who benefitted from the previous military coup. This is not a forum but a political campaign.

Bringing happiness back to the (Bangkok elite) people is what is may as well be called.

Well, with Ms. Yingluck having it said by fellow Pheu Thai members, her legal team and whoever that she is too busy, doesn't have time, should not be tricked in going, etc., it's difficult to say much more about her views.

Fortunately the junta is able to make this a multi-party happening as there are still other political parties with an esteemed leader.

I've been a bit busy this week. Any change in plans yet?


"He said he had not yet invited former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra to be a guest speaker because she appeared busy these days"

Good god!!! I truly am on a role...

I wonder if they read my post about her being so busy on the day she was supposed to attend the NACC hearing when I discovered on her FB page she was actually looking at Durian on that very same day...

Like I said if she is too busy to help the majority then why invite her.

EDIT - The post I refer to is here.


Practically speaking, Abhisit's the only one of them intelligent enough to input into any reforms. Wish they'd bring Korn front and center though. Best PM they never had.

" Best PM they never had "

wouldn't that have something to do with the fact that he would be unlikely to get enough votes from the people of Issan or don't their votes matter at all any more?blink.png


Practically speaking, Abhisit's the only one of them intelligent enough to input into any reforms. Wish they'd bring Korn front and center though. Best PM they never had.

Dreams may come true my friend. Dreams may come true. How I wish Korn would be PM. It may well happen too the way he is going.

While we have the reds breaking the law and causing dissent we have Khon Korn visiting the Northern provinces and implementing rice schemes that target improving the livelihoods of the poor. The very poor the previous govt' scheme did not include.

Khon Korn has a rice scheme called "imm rice" that have made the front page of most Thai newspapers papers and business papers. He has tirelessly tried to improve the lives of the farmers using his own money without asking for publicity to further a political agenda. An absolute selfless drive to help the farmers and that will undoubtedly be rewarded through votes in the next election.

Why wouldn't it? It is this selfless work by Khon Korn as opposed to the bitter memory of the reds threatening the farmers families if they dared protest in Bangkok that made not only Korn more popular in the north, but the UDD less popular. The farmers are after all only human.

Much to my distain the Right Honourable Abhisit will not rub this inconvenient truth into his narrative when talking on the reform program. That is why he is not banned from TV shows or from leaving the county. He is polite and constructive in his comments.


And he is so modest.... as he did not want to participate in the previous elections.... He surely did not want to burden his political opponents... :)

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