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Chiang Mai cop hunts webmaster for 'mimicking' his lottery prophecies

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Cop Hunts Webmaster for 'Mimicking' His Lottery Prophecies
By Khaosod English

Pol.Maj.Gen. Nitipat Pattanatabutr, commander of the Fifth Region Police, speaking to reporters on 14 July 2015.

CHIANG MAI — A police commander and part-time lottery prophet in Chiang Mai province said he has ordered an investigation into the owner of a website that has impersonated him and offered lottery number predictions in his name.

Pol.Maj.Gen. Nitipat Pattanatabutr, commander of the Fifth Region Police, said the website falsely claims to be run by him and his father, and has been providing hints to "lucky" lottery numbers. According to Pol.Maj.Gen. Nithipat, many people have been duped by the website and bought tickets based on its predictions.

"I don't know the owner of this poser website," Pol.Maj.Gen. Nitipat said. "I don't know how this website got the numbers. I have already ordered the investigative team of the Fifth Region Police to look for clues about the website's owner. Once we find the owners, they will be prosecuted for fraud and posing as other individuals."

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1436963880&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2015-07-16

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I don't know where to begin with this idiot and his idiotic story.

So, instead, I'll just sit quietly in the corner with my head in my hands and cry.


I don't know where to begin with this idiot and his idiotic story.

So, instead, I'll just sit quietly in the corner with my head in my hands and cry.

Begin with the fact that this new Nostradamus wannabe think that he's got the rights to predict

winning lottery numbers all by himself and that he's offended that someone else muscling in

on his caper... that police man has a lot of time on his hands to open an investigations on

such silly thing....


Put this together with the story from yesterday about the Banglok top cop who refused a breathalizer test and then had the gall to go public with his dressing down of the cops who tried to test him and you get a very real picture of the state of law inforcement in Thailand. It's hopeless when you have these types of clowns running the show. I never had any respect for the Thai police and this just goes to show why.


So this clown, a major-general at that, is getting some competition in defrauding people and giving them false hope, and is now going to use his position to stop said competition from committing the same fraud he himself is guilty of...

That's called malfeasance.

Is there a single, real, upper echelon law enforcement officer Thailand?


click on the link and read the rest of the story. this guy is in a position of power and is taken seriously... facepalm.gif

He is still an idiot.


So reading the full report,his father and him predicted 1 number from the

winning lottery number, amazing,bloody amazing,nobody would think that

would be possible,no wonder he is very angry at the person that impersonated him !facepalm.gif

regards worgeordie


For Gods Sakes! When is the Royal Thai Police Force going to be reformed. A lot of the senior cops need to be removed and also the criminals and mafia within the force. Please Khun Prayuth, do something or else dissolve the Police Force and let the army handle things which has been so good so far.


I am interested to see how accurate he has been with his predictions. Even if he always got one and only one number correct, that would point to a very big problem with the lottery. Considering his rank, I wouldn't be at all surprised.


The more I keep hearing and reading about these people in these roles of power, the more I pray for the entire bunch of them to be put against a wall and shot!


"I don't know the owner of this poser website,"

"Poser", did he really say "Poser". cheesy.gif

It must be nice to be in charge of the police so he can pursue his own personal agenda with taxpayer money. One "smoke and mirror" artist chasing another...only in Thailand.


I am interested to see how accurate he has been with his predictions. Even if he always got one and only one number correct, that would point to a very big problem with the lottery. Considering his rank, I wouldn't be at all surprised.

I am guessing for any one digit he gets it right one time in ten. Any more than that and your right something fishy going on.


For Gods Sakes! When is the Royal Thai Police Force going to be reformed. A lot of the senior cops need to be removed and also the criminals and mafia within the force. Please Khun Prayuth, do something or else dissolve the Police Force and let the army handle things which has been so good so far.

Unfortunately Uncle Too has decided that the task of reforming the police will be left to the next government (whenever that will be!) and instead he concentrates on reforming the state lottery system.

Can't wait for the cheerleaders to explain how this makes sense (or is the fault of the Man In Dubai).


But how it is a fraud? The website owner just give numbers but not sell something. It don't give online lottery in Thailand.

So how it can be fraud?

It where funny if the name of the website owner is real. Than the cop has a big problem!!!

How much Michael Myers give it in the US?


Hope this guy gets investigated for conflict of interest and not paying tax on his income. Another clown in the RTP with a superiority complex that feels he can do whatever he wants.


"many people have been duped by the website and bought tickets based on its predictions."

If this is criminal, can I bring charges against and sue every lottery salesman that dupped me into buying tickets that didn't win a prize?


The issue is not lottery numbers but impersonation of another individual. Likely this is to draw traffic to the site and then perhaps monetize through advertising. However, anyone who *predicts* lottery numbers is clearly a fraud. That should start a second investigation.


I don't know where to begin with this idiot and his idiotic story.

So, instead, I'll just sit quietly in the corner with my head in my hands and cry.

Begin with the fact that this new Nostradamus wannabe think that he's got the rights to predict

winning lottery numbers all by himself and that he's offended that someone else muscling in

on his caper... that police man has a lot of time on his hands to open an investigations on

such silly thing....

did you read the story? the site claimed that lottery number came from the Gen. Maj. this is a false claim, and that's why site owners are going to be prosecuted.

so who is silly?


So the fraud who fraudulently predicts numbers is going to go after another fraud who fraudulently uses his fraudulently predicted numbers? cheesy.gif


I am interested to see how accurate he has been with his predictions. Even if he always got one and only one number correct, that would point to a very big problem with the lottery. Considering his rank, I wouldn't be at all surprised.

I am guessing for any one digit he gets it right one time in ten. Any more than that and your right something fishy going on.

We have one local here who has a good reputation for predicting the last two numbers (no guesses required for the colour of his robe) hundreds visit him every two weeks, crossing his bowl with Baht of course.

If he gets three hundred people visiting, three people win, exactly three people.

It staggers me that they haven't figured out a mathematical relationship yet, and stick with ''he knows''

Third world, always will be.

Oh, and, most of the RTP are predators and pure scum.


I'm sure this will be priority number one for his police station as they ignore the murders and missing persons and assault cases that are awaiting investigation.

Pol.Maj.Gen. Nitipat Pattanatabutr, commander of the Fifth Region Police and part-time lottery prophet.
I think his predictions are not for free.
Since when does he do it then?
Would certainly useful to review his tax declarations from the last years.
Contradicting his activities also not the gambling ban?
The promotion to gamble on the part of a policeman, is certainly not good for society and the reputation of the police.
The separation between duty and private life do not succeed here, if he tries in his service time to track competitors.

As far as I know there is a law regarding: "Misleading the public" get this snake oil salesman for that and strip him of the brass for running a phony business. However, laws here are more or less understood as vague statutory provisions to punish the poor.

The most scary part is that a fair amount of power is given to such clowns.

​And giving a press conference in uniform regarding a private issue in his office to reporters tops it all to show this is a third world country.

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