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If you were a farang living in LOS & had B10m available?


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Learn how to sail! Buy a boat! Travel the world!

LOL. You must be a very old man in your eighties and still living in the past. 10m baht is hardly a huge amount today, can at best buy a cramped 60sqm condo close to a bts/mrt in midtown bangkok. And you think he can buy a luxury yacht and sail around the world for the rest of his life!!

Sure, 10 million will not last very long. The OP also seemed to be looking for new motivations, intelectual challenges and something to occupy him. A boat will definetely cure you of your boredom(and deplete a large chunk of your finances!!!). However, buying a boat you have a house on you own name, which you can travel with and make money with. You can charter your boat out for cruises, dives, island hops etc...You will also pick up a lot of skills. Navigational, mechanical, sail repairs etc.This can also be a source of revenue and chance at meeting like minded people.My age, finances and the "luxury yacht" were never mentioned. Just a figment of your overactive arrogance and imagination.

Edited by pluto_manibo
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Where I live - Fang, there is not a lot of water,

Is that a problem?

Depends if you want to drown yourself or not..............judging by your reply Im really not sure?

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The shoebox condos that are selling for 500,000 baht are rented for less than 5000. I see condos like that on ramkhamheang being rented for 2000-3000 baht. Outside Bangkok it would be less.

Outside of Bangkok you can get condos near universities and rent it out for 6-8000 per month to students. Of course it should be a reputable university such as ABAC or Mahidol. But these condos usually cost close to 2 million, the student market is quite stable for this price point compare to the ones that rent at 3000 baht.

Edited by mike324
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The shoebox condos that are selling for 500,000 baht are rented for less than 5000. I see condos like that on ramkhamheang being rented for 2000-3000 baht. Outside Bangkok it would be less.

Outside of Bangkok you can get condos near universities and rent it out for 6-8000 per month to students. Of course it should be a reputable university such as ABAC or Mahidol. But these condos usually cost close to 2 million, the student market is quite stable for this price point compare to the ones that rent at 3000 baht.

2mil for 6000-8000 return is shockingly bad.

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The shoebox condos that are selling for 500,000 baht are rented for less than 5000. I see condos like that on ramkhamheang being rented for 2000-3000 baht. Outside Bangkok it would be less.

Outside of Bangkok you can get condos near universities and rent it out for 6-8000 per month to students. Of course it should be a reputable university such as ABAC or Mahidol. But these condos usually cost close to 2 million, the student market is quite stable for this price point compare to the ones that rent at 3000 baht.

2mil for 6000-8000 return is shockingly bad.

I would say return is around 4 to 4.5% which is not shockingly bad its about average in this market. Based on experience, trying to collect rent that are around 3000 baht seems to pose more problems than those who pay 6-8000.

If you have something that's a better investment with comparable risk, please do share then!

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Put 5 million away to retire on so you get it sent to you monthly , when u need it , 1 million on hand to live on and 3 Million to do my Deli in Bangkok or Pattaya , I lived here 28 years now and my food has a good reputation ! Phuket's downturn took out the Business in Patong Beach and Pattaya is slow also Tourist wise but not ex-pats , still many. I make my own Pastrami Corned Beef and Knishes...plus many other deli foods and a line of pickled products and a Frozen Food Line...but that's selfish , just retire and send yourself a budget to live on , and get yourself Insurance for any illnesses that might occur , so you don't get wiped out by Hospitalization or we get a shophouse or house that can live and work ! How old are you ?

Just saw last post on not wanting to do a bar , hotel or restaurant , so try the frozen food biz from your home , no need to start it up here for 200,000 to 500,000Baht depending on different ideas of what exactly u make and its not working as the head cook does the work .

We had the frozen foods and pickle business in 1 location and did ok for out of our room.

We sold alot of Pickles to restaurants too!

attachicon.gifbig bills 2 006.jpg

attachicon.gifbig bills 2 010 (1).jpg

Where are you located? Knishes in Thailand? Am I dreaming?

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Put 1/3 in Facebook stock, 1/3 in Google and 1/3 in Apple.
(should have done this yesterday however as Goog is up 14% today)

They all have more cash then most countries in the world and are arranging the (your) future.
Go with them.

Sell half your profits every year and enjoy life.

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Get down to the auctions. Buy 1,000,000B worth of motorbikes at 1 year old. You should be able to buy 40.

Rent them to long term expats at 2500B/month each. There's 100,000B a month income and you still have 9,000,000B in the bank.

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exactly - this is my pension fund

If this is all of your pension fund then it seems you have either paid tax on a single withdrawal or plan to pay tax on a single withdrawal in order to get your hands you the fund.

If this is indeed the case then I think you should take some advice on your plan - assuming that is not too late.

A residue of Bht 10 million (£200,000) after tax would suggest a significantly higher fund available. The new pension freedoms could offer options that would give you a comfortable income to live in Thailand with a great deal more security than brining your money to Thailand.

If the £200K is the 25% tax free lump sum from a pension fund then clearly the residue is enough to provide you with an even more comfortable secure life in Thailand.


Your single biggest challenge with your plan is going to be keeping hold of your money once you bring it to Thailand.

I strongly advise that you not to bring your £200K to Thailand at least until after you have lived in Thailand for a minimum one year.

Bring enough to live on (not all in on lump) and bring a single cash lump sum over that would be enough to cover the cost of a vasectomy.

Rent, don't buy.

And pay very close attention to the threads of Simon43, 12Drinkmore and others who have what may be described as a 'critical view of money matters in Thailand'.

The only thing that will keep your money in your hands is a very vigilant guard on who gets access to it.

Be warned, people who have given away their life savings are disproportionately represented in the people leaving Thailand never to return.

If they are brutally honest with themselves, they will admit they were smiling when they handed control of their money to the person who robbed them.

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Get down to the auctions. Buy 1,000,000B worth of motorbikes at 1 year old. You should be able to buy 40.

Rent them to long term expats at 2500B/month each. There's 100,000B a month income and you still have 9,000,000B in the bank.

Renting 40 bikes to foreigners.

That kind of activity would put you in direct competition with the unsavoury characters already running this business.

Going into competition in Thailand without a work permit or in any low skill business requires you keep your head very low below the radar.

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Get down to the auctions. Buy 1,000,000B worth of motorbikes at 1 year old. You should be able to buy 40.

Rent them to long term expats at 2500B/month each. There's 100,000B a month income and you still have 9,000,000B in the bank.

Renting 40 bikes to foreigners.

That kind of activity would put you in direct competition with the unsavoury characters already running this business.

Going into competition in Thailand without a work permit or in any low skill business requires you keep your head very low below the radar.

You would be lucky to find 40 long term expats without transportation already in place.

More likely, you would end up doing daily rentals to tourists at 150 baht a day along with all the hassles involved including accidents, having to secure passports and deposits and people damaging the bikes. Not to mention sitting in a store all day and having to hire Thai workers and all the hassles that would involve. Your better off just investing the money offshore and collecting dividends.

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I would

1. Buy a property for me to live in

2. Invest other half of the money left in something for rent

3. The remainder of the money in term deposit which pays interest monthly.

Use interest to live off , while rental as a back up.

I believe OP lives in isaan , so something rental in the nearest city Center

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B10m is about US$300,000. Not alot of money, If that's all I have I would still be working in US..

If I had to do it, I would keep it in US, hopefully the dollar will hold strong or appreciate, invest in a "lazy portfolio", draw 4-5%, about US$15,000 and have a budget.

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Bear in mind that when you buy lots of condos the UK tax man will know, as you will be declaring what you are buying when you wire the money from your bank in the UK. Therefor you will probably have to pay capital gains in the UK on any property you sell in Thailand. Ad for rent, I'm not sure how you would get around that, but that is up to you. If you have a Thai wife you can legally gift her your money and then what its used for is no business of the UK tax man.

the UK taxman won't know what you buy if you get a cashier's cheque and submit it to be credited at your Thai bank. moreover, you are not liable to pay a single Satang to the UK taxman if you do your homework and cut all ties which could cause any tax liability.

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I would buy a nice condo and invest everything else in a diversified manner, some stocks, bonds, metals, and a small portion in scarce digital assets

not to forget some precious metals, diamonds, works of art and a Ferrari wink.png

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And pay very close attention to the threads of Simon43, 12Drinkmore and others who have what may be described as a 'critical view of money matters in Thailand'.

Is that a polite way of saying that we were screwed by our ex's? cheesy.gif

At least I came out with a smile on my face - twice!

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What i would do with that kind of money is buy land in my childrens name, build about 50 rooms for rent, make an usufruct for everything and enjoy saving the money for renting the rooms for my children when i die.

You would have to put it in another Thai name first, do the usufruct then transfer it into your child's name, it cannot be done after it is in a child's name

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What i would do with that kind of money is buy land in my childrens name, build about 50 rooms for rent, make an usufruct for everything and enjoy saving the money for renting the rooms for my children when i die.

You would have to put it in another Thai name first, do the usufruct then transfer it into your child's name, it cannot be done after it is in a child's name

If that is the case then i would just put it in my childrens name. No way i would trust any other thai to have their name on any document for a nano second.

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Get down to the auctions. Buy 1,000,000B worth of motorbikes at 1 year old. You should be able to buy 40.

Rent them to long term expats at 2500B/month each. There's 100,000B a month income and you still have 9,000,000B in the bank.

If you are a long term expat you'd have to be barking to RENT a m'bike. Can buy second hand for not much.

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Get down to the auctions. Buy 1,000,000B worth of motorbikes at 1 year old. You should be able to buy 40.

Rent them to long term expats at 2500B/month each. There's 100,000B a month income and you still have 9,000,000B in the bank.

If you are a long term expat you'd have to be barking to RENT a m'bike. Can buy second hand for not much.

Thankfully, Thailand is not short of barking mad expats.

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