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Not enough evidence then? What do they need, the knife sticking out of his chest? That's crazy! It's clearly a case of premeditated attempted murder. There are quite a few stories like this circulating on the net, were the perp gets off scott free, or albeit with a slap on the wrist.

Like the scummy speedboat driver, that killed two Koreans in Phuket. That boy got two years.

It's a wonder that with the incident happening around Ekamai, that they didn't search Mr Sibbit, to see if he was carrying any drugs on his person. That would have been were the real money is. If he'd been carrying a few pills, they'd have given him twenty years and a massive fine.

I agree there should be enough evidence for some sort of conviction, but I completely disagree that it is "clearly a case of premeditated attempted murder". There is no evidence of pre-meditation, and we do not know if he just wanted to stab the victim without causing his death.

I completely disagree that it is "clearly a case of premeditated attempted murder"

How far in advance does someone have to decide to try and kill another person for it to be 'premeditated'? A week? A day? An hour? A minute? This guy was caught with multiple knives so he must have 'premeditated' something before he left his home.

Premeditated: think out or plan (an action, especially a crime) beforehand. This definition does not include a minimum length of time to 'think out or plan'; it just says "beforehand". For me, if someone decides to kill another person seconds before they make the attempt, they have 'premeditated'. Otherwise, was it just an 'accidental' attempt at murder? What would you call it if not 'premeditated, attempted murder'?

we do not know if he just wanted to stab the victim without causing his death.

You sure are generous; I'll give you that. He might 'accidentally' kill me when his true intention was only to injure me. I certainly wouldn't want to give him the benefit of a doubt that 'maybe' he only wanted to injure me while he is attacking me with a large kitchen knife.

The attacker belongs in a mental ward for the criminally insane.


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Couple of Elastoplast would have sorted it. As for Real Estate agents, well they deserve everything they get!


The perp just did what a lot of Thai people think but don't act on - when they look at a farang

Words are cheap - action speaks for itself

The perp is Ba Ba Bo Bo, and should be put away



Letting somebody you don't know, especially somebody that looks like that perp, get that close to you....let alone touch you....is on you, especially with your mother there vulnerable to danger.

You don't have to understand Thai to know that he was after money. Even if he wasn't after money, when he sees money he will be after it. Therefore, producing a wallet or cash and dropping it "accidentally" would have redirected his attention to the score and while he is picking it up a penalty kick to the throat or face should give you time to go on about your business without further interruption. Don't forget to retrieve your wallet.


I think this may be one of the reason Western tourist are not coming here any longer and this is a bad reputation destroying the image of Thailand with so many lovely people around. If the law take care of things properly and make confidence things would be much better


The perp just did what a lot of Thai people think but don't act on - when they look at a farang

Words are cheap - action speaks for itself

The perp is Ba Ba Bo Bo, and should be put away


"The perp just did what a lot of Thai people think but don't act on - when they look at a farang"

I don't understand this sentence. Were or are we at war with them?

I don't want to be misunderstood by this remark, but the locals must know they're one of the top travel destinations because of foreign currency infusion, right?

Like you've mentioned, he's a nutter and should be locked up.


some people will only stop an assult as they are met with gunsmoke and hot lead.. If they are on some of the real mind alternating drugs it may take a multiple of rounds (4 or 5 ) but placed correctly that should be a real put down. then the bib would probably go after the fellow protecting himself, mother and bystanders' handdy to have a dozen spare clips just to show your not up to taking blaming the unseen / unheard voice no one else heard.

lock the crazed lunitic up in the house for deranged human / animal behavior and place him and others like him right next to the monkey pit at zoos around the country, a diet of peanuts, and water might show the errors of this type of behavior to the general public.

Shooting people, the only solution.!

Drugs or mental illness, fortunately this time there were only minor injuries involved.


Walking the streets with a knife, stabbing random strangers who never spoke to or looked at you, equals serious mental-illness. Doubtless this is not the first innocent person struck by the same knife. In developed nations this would not be premeditated murder, or prison. Most likely this final attack would not even have occurred in some other nations, as the person would already be under heavy doses of hospital drugs in a secure ward somewhere, after his earlier similar attacks.

My sympathies are of course with the victims. But at the same time you have to ask yourself what does Mister walking the streets stabbing people for no reason actually gain from these activities, is this a life that anyone would want. Of course not, it is a terrible way to live, and there are truly no winners in this story. It is the duty of responsible government to intercept people with seriously violent mental-illness, and remove them from the streets. The right location for them is hospital, with drugs and nurses, and seriously locked rooms.



Im a regular at the Coffee Club (opposite Ekamai station)

Ah then, possibly you were sitting in his seat..

(sorry, lame attempt at humour that's related to an old thread on ThaiVisa - hope the OP recovers quickly).


Bangkok has a large number of mentally disturbed Thais roaming the streets. Open your eyes!!!!!!

Breaking Forum Rule 11?

You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.


The Thong Lor " Franchise" of the RTP has for decades been a rogue branch. Operating on it's own accord . Also the ones who afford us the luxury of all the body and bag searches around Asoke............


"Not enough evidence" .... Is this place getting more stupid by the minute ... facepalm.gif

If it was the other way around the Canadian would be facing "attempted murder" but this lunatic is quite possibly gonna walk until he attack (and kill) his next victim - well done RTP, another bang on job bah.gif

Maybe its time to clear out of this inane asylum and find a civilized country to live in stead of Land of Stabbing...angry.png

BTW sorry about the avatar, Blake, not intended

Not many civilised countries left these days!

If you don't like the land of stabbing don't go to the UK, there are stories of stabbings in the paper every day, how about the little boy going to school with two steak knives threatening to cut his teachers head off.


"Not enough evidence" .... Is this place getting more stupid by the minute ... facepalm.gif

If it was the other way around the Canadian would be facing "attempted murder" but this lunatic is quite possibly gonna walk until he attack (and kill) his next victim - well done RTP, another bang on job bah.gif

Maybe its time to clear out of this inane asylum and find a civilized country to live in stead of Land of Stabbing...angry.png

BTW sorry about the avatar, Blake, not intended

Not many civilised countries left these days!

If you don't like the land of stabbing don't go to the UK, there are stories of stabbings in the paper every day, how about the little boy going to school with two steak knives threatening to cut his teachers head off.

Not to forget the road rage stabbing to death of a 79 year old man in Sussex a few days ago.

Fortunately these types of crimes remain unusual here, even in Bangkok. A horrible experience and a good reminder to always be aware of your surroundings.


Bangkok has a large number of mentally disturbed Thais roaming the streets. Open your eyes!!!!!!

Agree Sir, Bangkok is a very dangerous City to be in

Is that really surprising? Name me a crime-free metropolis!


By "not enough evidence", I suppose the cops meant evidence in the form of cash.

Could be a contract gone wrong! hire a dummy , real estate agents are not the most honest people around espsecially farang ones trying to extort their own kind.

The ones I know here think they can sell xmas to santa for ever and ever.

However might be a genuine looney.


Bangkok has a large number of mentally disturbed Thais roaming the streets. Open your eyes!!!!!!

Agree Sir, Bangkok is a very dangerous City to be in

what garbage ... coffee1.gif


Yeah... Reminds me of a Thai girl who thought I was a guy she spent the night with and disappeared after saying he needed to go to the money tree. She walked up to me and pulled a box cutter from her bra and tried to slash my face. Fortunately she forgot to extend the blade. A male staff of the street bar subdued her until the police came. They talked to her but didn't arrest her because no harm no foul.


some people will only stop an assult as they are met with gunsmoke and hot lead.. If they are on some of the real mind alternating drugs it may take a multiple of rounds (4 or 5 ) but placed correctly that should be a real put down. then the bib would probably go after the fellow protecting himself, mother and bystanders' handdy to have a dozen spare clips just to show your not up to taking blaming the unseen / unheard voice no one else heard.

lock the crazed lunitic up in the house for deranged human / animal behavior and place him and others like him right next to the monkey pit at zoos around the country, a diet of peanuts, and water might show the errors of this type of behavior to the general public.

Well placed .45 or .357 magnum bullets will usually do a good job in stopping drug crazed killers on their tracks. Pity it's so difficult for mere mortals to get permits to carry them. Camronwit's tiny unregistered.22 magnum would probably require a headshot to do the job, even though he claims he is accurate with it at 100 metres but better than nothing. Did a good job in scaring Japanese security officials though.


some people will only stop an assult as they are met with gunsmoke and hot lead.. If they are on some of the real mind alternating drugs it may take a multiple of rounds (4 or 5 ) but placed correctly that should be a real put down. then the bib would probably go after the fellow protecting himself, mother and bystanders' handdy to have a dozen spare clips just to show your not up to taking blaming the unseen / unheard voice no one else heard.

lock the crazed lunitic up in the house for deranged human / animal behavior and place him and others like him right next to the monkey pit at zoos around the country, a diet of peanuts, and water might show the errors of this type of behavior to the general public.

Well placed .45 or .357 magnum bullets will usually do a good job in stopping drug crazed killers on their tracks. Pity it's so difficult for mere mortals to get permits to carry them. Camronwit's tiny unregistered.22 magnum would probably require a headshot to do the job, even though he claims he is accurate with it at 100 metres but better than nothing. Did a good job in scaring Japanese security officials though.

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