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Trump stirs new controversy by criticizing McCain war record

Lite Beer

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"He is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured,"

Quite agree - McCain is a pompous little figure who thinks everyone should love him

Yea. I agree. Still, I have mixed feelings. A former commander of mine, Nick Rowe, was also a pow but in the Forest of Darkness . I was under the impression that both an averted aircraft landing disaster and his subsequent refusal to take early release because of his father's reputation uniquely identifies the quality of the man. The issue is, was his behavior any more noteworthy because he did what was minimally expected of any POW? In this regard, I agree that the US has watered down the value of the word "hero" to near ridiculous levels. Perhaps his actions were honorable, but were they heroic? His actions on the Forrestal rise to heroism, however.

If his past was heroic can it be mitigated? In other words, can one do a heroic, life defining action and have that action compromised of any value by a following lifetime of deceit and inferior character? Is a hero always such, if it is agreed he was a hero? Its a terrible thing to have our heroes disappoint us but this seems to be a valid explanation of how McCain is so despised among the polity that should most adore him.

McCain has evidenced a life of warmongering. Once, when young, I presumed I admired him equally as my later assassinated commander, col. Rowe, in 1989. Yet Rowe was a hero for actually heroic actions- valor in the face of the enemy. History- time- place made McCain get the moniker hero and I remain uncertain his life afterwards deserves this title, yet I concede he was once among our adored Americans.

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No doubt the teabagggers see McCain as a RiNO. Probably won't hurt trump with the base.

I think you nailed it. Trump seems to be playing to the base in a big way, and ignoring or even insulting those who disagree. I think he's also playing to the news media in an attempt (apparently successful so far) to dominate the news. There are a lot of people who agree with Trump but is it enough?

He's got the advantage of not having to play too much money politics, which lets him be a bit freer with his tongue.He isn't beholden to the GOP machinery.

Still, he has to be nominated and it is the ultra conservatives who have to give him that.

If he gets the nomination, watch him start moderating his tone. Politics 101.

Whether his path to the nomination creates enough soundbites for the Dems to run day in day out during the lead up to the General, then that remains to be seen.

I don't like the Donald. But he has 10 Billion and I don't. You don't get that by being stupid. So i'm not going to easily dismiss him.

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All this talk about military records and combat experience.

In the 21st century, I think we would all be better off with a President who is intelligent enough to work out problems without invading countries and killing thousands of our youth and of whatever "enemy" they imagine to be the current economic problem under the guise of fighting for freedom or democracy.

Intelligent people work out their problems.

Ignorant thugs and bullies fight and kill over disagreements.

Give me a President who can fix our economic problems without starting wars for the profits of huge corporations.

Those corporations are the real enemies of the real American people.

Thank you.

Feel The Bern

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All this talk about military records and combat experience.

In the 21st century, I think we would all be better off with a President who is intelligent enough to work out problems without invading countries and killing thousands of our youth and of whatever "enemy" they imagine to be the current economic problem under the guise of fighting for freedom or democracy.

Intelligent people work out their problems.

Ignorant thugs and bullies fight and kill over disagreements.

Give me a President who can fix our economic problems without starting wars for the profits of huge corporations.

Those corporations are the real enemies of the real American people.

Thank you.

Feel The Bern

Do you really think the leaders of North Korea and Iran are capable of understanding anything but brute force? The phrase "Peace for Our Time" was spoken on 30 September 1938 by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in his speech concerning the Munich........

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I dont think theres anything heroic about the killing of three million people in athird world country that had stone age technology by the most powerful country in the world and all because they didnt like their politics..supposedly

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All this talk about military records and combat experience.

In the 21st century, I think we would all be better off with a President who is intelligent enough to work out problems without invading countries and killing thousands of our youth and of whatever "enemy" they imagine to be the current economic problem under the guise of fighting for freedom or democracy.

Intelligent people work out their problems.

Ignorant thugs and bullies fight and kill over disagreements.

Give me a President who can fix our economic problems without starting wars for the profits of huge corporations.

Those corporations are the real enemies of the real American people.

Thank you.

Feel The Bern

Do you really think the leaders of North Korea and Iran are capable of understanding anything but brute force? The phrase "Peace for Our Time" was spoken on 30 September 1938 by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in his speech concerning the Munich........

Yes, I do. Money, or lack of it is a very strong influence.

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The fact that Trump leads in opinion polls makes me wonder about Americans.

Republicans only.

Just a flash in the pan for entertainment purposes.

You should wonder about all nationalities but Trump has no chance of being president.

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What were Clinton's military credentials again? I forget.

We are getting a little off-topic here, but I thought that you even you knew Chuck, about her heroic escape from artillery fire in Bosnia? smile.png

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What were Clinton's military credentials again? I forget.

Bill's or Hillary's? Doesn't matter, as the answer is the same: They were married to each other. They both deserve "combat pay". cheesy.gif

I am not a huge Hillary supporter, but I would choose her over a Trump or Bush any day.

I think someone who has served as Secretary of State has a much better understanding of foreign affairs and international relations than any one who has served in combat.

Those who have served in combat did just that. They served, and did what they were ordered to do without knowledge of why.

I respect them for doing what they were told to do, but that does not put them in a position to lead a country.

I think a Secretary of State knows and understand more about what is really going on in the world than 99.9% of the U.S. citizens.

Most of us never know the truth about what is really going on.

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All this talk about military records and combat experience.

In the 21st century, I think we would all be better off with a President who is intelligent enough to work out problems without invading countries and killing thousands of our youth and of whatever "enemy" they imagine to be the current economic problem under the guise of fighting for freedom or democracy.

Intelligent people work out their problems.

Ignorant thugs and bullies fight and kill over disagreements.

Give me a President who can fix our economic problems without starting wars for the profits of huge corporations.

Those corporations are the real enemies of the real American people.

Thank you.

Feel The Bern

Do you really think the leaders of North Korea and Iran are capable of understanding anything but brute force? The phrase "Peace for Our Time" was spoken on 30 September 1938 by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in his speech concerning the Munich........

Yes, I do. Money, or lack of it is a very strong influence.

Estimates of the death toll vary widely. Out of a total population of approximately 22 million, somewhere between 240,000 and 3,500,000 North Koreans died from starvation or hunger-related illnesses, with the deaths peaking in 1997. I think you and Neville both left the realm of reality and if taken seriously you attitude would lead the the same things that Neville's led to. Those who don't know about the mistakes of the past are destined to repeat them. Gee look at what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is a double edged sword. Some places you need to make a stand and other places you just want to nuke them back to the stone age.

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This is golden. Someone who is actually saying it as he sees it regardless of whether right or wrong. It is freedom of expression that separates freedom from dictatorship and this is not the usual politically correct bought and paid for politician. McCain is probably senile and a war monger at his best. He should have been institutionalized long ago. Can't wait until he goes after Hitlary.

Edited by losworld
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The fact that Trump leads in opinion polls makes me wonder about Americans.

Republicans only.

Just a flash in the pan for entertainment purposes.

You should wonder about all nationalities but Trump has no chance of being president.

They said the same thing about Reagan. I think Hillary could be in for a race. People are so fed up with the Democrats and Republicans alike that anyone not towing their line has instant appeal.

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Well let's see. In two weeks, Trump has royally offended Mexicans, Latinos, and now veterans. Keep it up Trump, it's selling a lot of newspapers, and talk-show hosts love you. who's next in line to offend? pre-schoolers? nurses? janitors? I guess anyone who makes less money than Trump is, by definition, inferior to him. Disregard that he's declared bankruptcy four times. Even if he were running for head of a business college, his credentials would be tarnished.

The vast majority of Mexicans and Latinos will never vote Republican! From a Machiavellian point of view Trump has nothing to lose here as these votes are not his anyway. If he can consolidate other groups or gain a bit of ground from the undecided he is ahead. And regarding Vets - John McCain has little sway. Trump is actually running a fairly smart campaign and the polls are confirming it.

Edited by losworld
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Well let's see. In two weeks, Trump has royally offended Mexicans, Latinos, and now veterans. Keep it up Trump, it's selling a lot of newspapers, and talk-show hosts love you. who's next in line to offend? pre-schoolers? nurses? janitors? I guess anyone who makes less money than Trump is, by definition, inferior to him. Disregard that he's declared bankruptcy four times. Even if he were running for head of a business college, his credentials would be tarnished.

The vast majority of Mexicans and Latinos will never vote Republican! From a Machiavellian point of view Trump has nothing to lose here as these votes are not his anyway. If he can consolidate other groups or gain a bit of ground from the undecided he is ahead. And regarding Vets - John McCain has little sway. Trump is actually running a fairly smart campaign and the polls are confirming it.

McCain's Non-Support for Troops and Veterans: The Master List.


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All this talk about military records and combat experience.

In the 21st century, I think we would all be better off with a President who is intelligent enough to work out problems without invading countries and killing thousands of our youth and of whatever "enemy" they imagine to be the current economic problem under the guise of fighting for freedom or democracy.

Intelligent people work out their problems.

Ignorant thugs and bullies fight and kill over disagreements.

Give me a President who can fix our economic problems without starting wars for the profits of huge corporations.

Those corporations are the real enemies of the real American people.

Thank you.

Feel The Bern

Do you really think the leaders of North Korea and Iran are capable of understanding anything but brute force? The phrase "Peace for Our Time" was spoken on 30 September 1938 by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in his speech concerning the Munich........

Yes, I do. Money, or lack of it is a very strong influence.

Estimates of the death toll vary widely. Out of a total population of approximately 22 million, somewhere between 240,000 and 3,500,000 North Koreans died from starvation or hunger-related illnesses, with the deaths peaking in 1997. I think you and Neville both left the realm of reality and if taken seriously you attitude would lead the the same things that Neville's led to. Those who don't know about the mistakes of the past are destined to repeat them. Gee look at what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is a double edged sword. Some places you need to make a stand and other places you just want to nuke them back to the stone age.

Yes, look at what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq!

Neither one was a threat to the U.S ( Saudi Arabians flew planes on 911) . and no WMDs were found.

Bush and Chaney planned to invade Iraq long before 911 for economic gain, Afghanistan was an added bonus.

U.S. corporations like Cheney's Halliburton made and are still making billions from those unjustified wars.

They are perfect corporate wars. They will drag on forever and the profits will just keep flowing.

That is what happened to Afghanistan and Iraq. LOOK!

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Do you really think the leaders of North Korea and Iran are capable of understanding anything but brute force? The phrase "Peace for Our Time" was spoken on 30 September 1938 by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in his speech concerning the Munich........

Yes, I do. Money, or lack of it is a very strong influence.

Estimates of the death toll vary widely. Out of a total population of approximately 22 million, somewhere between 240,000 and 3,500,000 North Koreans died from starvation or hunger-related illnesses, with the deaths peaking in 1997. I think you and Neville both left the realm of reality and if taken seriously you attitude would lead the the same things that Neville's led to. Those who don't know about the mistakes of the past are destined to repeat them. Gee look at what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is a double edged sword. Some places you need to make a stand and other places you just want to nuke them back to the stone age.

Yes, look at what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq!

Neither one was a threat to the U.S ( Saudi Arabians flew planes on 911) . and no WMDs were found.

Bush and Chaney planned to invade Iraq long before 911 for economic gain, Afghanistan was an added bonus.

U.S. corporations like Cheney's Halliburton made and are still making billions from those unjustified wars.

They are perfect corporate wars. They will drag on forever and the profits will just keep flowing.

That is what happened to Afghanistan and Iraq. LOOK!

I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm saying a look at history will tell you to stay out of Afghanistan. There are countries that demand force to be understood and others that negotiating will work.

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Fox News (commentary) has almost single handedly redefined and cheapened the word "hero" according to the FOX pundits

if you wear a uniform, be it police, fireman, military, etc..... by definition you are a hero. It does not matter what you have done,

you are a hero. These people, do there jobs, some more dangerous than others. (take note, commercial fishing, logging, are

more dangerous, but I am not sure if FOX calls these people heroes for putting seafood on our plate, and providing the wood

needed to shelter us). That said there are many heroes in the military, but for me doing the job you have signed to do is not

heroic. It is going above and beyond that is more than should be expected in the face of extreme danger that is heroic. I am

not sure John McCain in a hero, but I do hold him in high esteem surviving in the Hanoi Hilton for six years. Everyone owes

a debt of gratitude to service members around the world for there service, but that does not make everyone who serves a hero.

Just my opinion, everyone is entitled to there own.whistling.gif

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What were Clinton's military credentials again? I forget.

Bill's or Hillary's? Doesn't matter, as the answer is the same: They were married to each other. They both deserve "combat pay". cheesy.gif

I am not a huge Hillary supporter, but I would choose her over a Trump or Bush any day.

I think someone who has served as Secretary of State has a much better understanding of foreign affairs and international relations than any one who has served in combat.

Those who have served in combat did just that. They served, and did what they were ordered to do without knowledge of why.

I respect them for doing what they were told to do, but that does not put them in a position to lead a country.

I think a Secretary of State knows and understand more about what is really going on in the world than 99.9% of the U.S. citizens.

Most of us never know the truth about what is really going on.

Most of the time I agree with your posts and the things you say. However, when it comes to Hillary, we're going to have to agree to disagree. I've read far too many reports and articles and highlight the fact that the woman is a complete bitch who abuses her staff, and anyone who disagrees with her, with a mouth that could embarrass a combat vet Marine . She's also been a proven liar on a lot of important issues. Benghazi ring any bells?

I wouldn't vote for her to be Head Dog Catcher.

As an outsider I find it a trifle worrying that The United States, a country which I admire and for all its faults is a force for good in the world, may be required to choose between Hilary Clinton and that cretin with a plastic hairdo - Donald Trump.

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Trump is a master huckster and marketing guy. I fully believe that at some point, hopefully sooner than later, he will sink to the bottom and disappear. Meanwhile it is, as usual, all about him and he is sucking all the air out of these early presidential primary days.

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Relax. Trump ain't going anywhere. The republicans have real candidates running and Trump isn't one of them. Maybe he'll run as an independent like Ross Perot did. I'd like to see an independent ticket with Trump and Palin as running mates (Pres and Vice Pres) with Bachmann as nominated Secretary For Conventional Sex Acts and Abominations.

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Trump is a master huckster and marketing guy. I fully believe that at some point, hopefully sooner than later, he will sink to the bottom and disappear. Meanwhile it is, as usual, all about him and he is sucking all the air out of these early presidential primary days.

He's just saying explicitly what the other candidates think best said by innuendo. It's a difficult position to be in for them. Trump isn't as subtle or morally dexterous. He's saying what they can only intimate and then later deny that they said or meant. Gotta hurt.

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The fact that Trump leads in opinion polls makes me wonder about Americans.

Republicans only.

Just a flash in the pan for entertainment purposes.

You should wonder about all nationalities but Trump has no chance of being president.

Is there only an insignificant percentage of Republicans in the US? I was under an impression that they are one of the two political parties to speak of.

I do wonder about other nations too - but they rarely leave me in such bewilderment.

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I just hope they don't give him the nuclear codes...

Yeah, I tend to agree with you on that one. cheesy.gif

the valise they're in is called 'the football' and it's always near the president.

Well let's see. In two weeks, Trump has royally offended Mexicans, Latinos, and now veterans. Keep it up Trump, it's selling a lot of newspapers, and talk-show hosts love you. who's next in line to offend? pre-schoolers? nurses? janitors? I guess anyone who makes less money than Trump is, by definition, inferior to him. Disregard that he's declared bankruptcy four times. Even if he were running for head of a business college, his credentials would be tarnished.

The vast majority of Mexicans and Latinos will never vote Republican! From a Machiavellian point of view Trump has nothing to lose here as these votes are not his anyway. If he can consolidate other groups or gain a bit of ground from the undecided he is ahead. And regarding Vets - John McCain has little sway. Trump is actually running a fairly smart campaign and the polls are confirming it.

on the other side of the political carousel, Bernie Sanders is polling numbers and percentages better than any Rep candidate.

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It always appears to be those who did their best to avoid active service who find it so easy to criticize those that actually served. We saw the same with Bush and John Kerry.

John Kerry served with distinction in Vietnam. He volunteered for service, was wounded in action and was awarded the bronze star for valor in combat.

You are falling for the malicious political rhetoric that the GOP launched against Kerry which questioned his service because Kerry also became a prominent voice against the Vietnam war.

Nothing Trump has said is untruthful. Yes, Sen. McCain was a POW and was captured while on active service. He wasn't an inspiring leader, or a brilliant tactician. McCain has been out of touch for some time, particularly on the issue of ISIS. This is the senator who wanted to arm the Syrian rebels and attacked Obama for not doing so. Fortunately, the USA didn't listen to McCain otherwise ISIS would be stronger than ever. McCain did get it right when he fought against waterboarding. However, it is now time for him to move on.

Trump is an alternative voice if he shakes up the GOP, good. He is one of the few people who can attract crossover voters from registered Democrats. He would put an end to the threat of ISIS through the demonstration of glass manufacturing techniques.

I am well aware of Kerry's service and I haven't fallen for anything.. Kerry when he stood against Bush was smeared by the GOP and this came from a man along with his VP who did their best not to serve their country. I hope this makes it clear to you.

This presumably is a reference to the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth who said that Kerry 'was unfit to serve' during his election campaign.

Edited by SheungWan
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The fact that Trump leads in opinion polls makes me wonder about Americans.


People keep making this wild generalization about all Americans.

Trump is running for the Republican party nomination for prez, which he will never see or realize.


The polling is NOT of all Americans, nor is the polling of most Americans, nor is the polling of many Americans. Trumps supporters are a handful of right wing crackpots only. Trump supporters.

And, of the Republican party voters, Trump has the support of approx 15-18 percent max. That constitutes too many right wing crackpots but it certainly is not all Americans or all of America.

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