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Cheeky Carpark Attendant

Sawan Chan 7

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My wife is a teacher. I just spoke to her about it & her advice is to go straight to the top (Nun) and complain and have this person removed from the school

get it stopped now.

Good luck with your decision.coffee1.gif

You want the guy fired for what exactly? Talking to a student? Some of you guys are losing what's left of your mind.

This car park guy is right out of line.

C'mon. It wasn't like he was telling her all the nasty things he wanted to do to her nubile body. He asked her father's age. And he talked about her daddy's car. That's it. And you guys are getting bent about this? I don't get it.

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My wife is a teacher. I just spoke to her about it & her advice is to go straight to the top (Nun) and complain and have this person removed from the school

get it stopped now.

Good luck with your decision.coffee1.gif

You want the guy fired for what exactly? Talking to a student? Some of you guys are losing what's left of your mind.

Just after she got out of the car he asked her how old I was.

As we she was getting into the car, he bent down and said to tell me that I need to buy a new car.

He is just being a tosser, my girl is 175 cm and attractive to most Thai men wherever we go.

Is it my ego? Good question. Loss of face, I have turned Thai a bit by osmosis over the years. I just spent 40,000 baht on new tyres and a bit for my air conditioning which is probably at least 5 times his salary. I don't put having a fancy new car as a priority. I have 3 older kids at university, one abroad which is far more important in my budget.

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My wife is a teacher. I just spoke to her about it & her advice is to go straight to the top (Nun) and complain and have this person removed from the school

get it stopped now.

Good luck with your decision.coffee1.gif

You want the guy fired for what exactly? Talking to a student? Some of you guys are losing what's left of your mind.

Just after she got out of the car he asked her how old I was.

As we she was getting into the car, he bent down and said to tell me that I need to buy a new car.

He is just being a tosser, my girl is 175 cm and attractive to most Thai men wherever we go.

Is it my ego? Good question. Loss of face, I have turned Thai a bit by osmosis over the years. I just spent 40,000 baht on new tyres and a bit for my air conditioning which is probably at least 5 times his salary. I don't put having a fancy new car as a priority. I have 3 older kids at university, one abroad which is far more important in my budget.

if you were concerned about your daughter, id be very much in suppor of you, the thing is you are worried about your damn car.

personally neither i nor the yam could care less about your new tires and how much they cost.

perhaps you should try screaming "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM" at him at the top of your lungs/ it seems to be that which concerns you most here.

quit talking about your money. nobody cares

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My wife is a teacher. I just spoke to her about it & her advice is to go straight to the top (Nun) and complain and have this person removed from the school

get it stopped now.

Good luck with your decision.coffee1.gif

You want the guy fired for what exactly? Talking to a student? Some of you guys are losing what's left of your mind.

This car park guy is right out of line.

C'mon. It wasn't like he was telling her all the nasty things he wanted to do to her nubile body. He asked her father's age. And he talked about her daddy's car. That's it. And you guys are getting bent about this? I don't get it.

Frankly neither do I. I have had some very poor remarks made to me and my daughter..its part of the territory (for the ignorant), I was a little concerned for my daughter but for me no.

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This is grooming.

He is using the classic "cocky funny" chat-up approach, disrespecting the authority figures in your daughter's life, he aims to create a bond of trust whilst simultaneously driving a wedge between the target and anyone else who exerts control over her (i.e. you), the groomer's essential first tactic. The fact he did it right under your nose just as your daughter was getting in the car is a confident, cocky tactic which aims to appeal to any teenager's yearning to free themselves from parental control whilst increasing his influence.

These guys often work for a security company and can be rotated at a moment's notice.

This should be done by going to the head teacher. No fuss. Just want the guy removed and kept away from teenage girls at the school.

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Remember the One Baht Killer last year?

Gas pump attendant went over by one baht. Asked the car owner for it. He refused. Gas pump attendant took out his gun and shot him in the head.

Remember this when dealing with Thai men and your automotive services.

Good luck.


Edited by DLang
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This is grooming.

He is using the classic "cocky funny" chat-up approach, disrespecting the authority figures in your daughter's life, he aims to create a bond of trust whilst simultaneously driving a wedge between the target and anyone else who exerts control over her (i.e. you), the groomer's essential first tactic. The fact he did it right under your nose just as your daughter was getting in the car is a confident, cocky tactic which aims to appeal to any teenager's yearning to free themselves from parental control whilst increasing his influence.

These guys often work for a security company and can be rotated at a moment's notice.

This should be done by going to the head teacher. No fuss. Just want the guy removed and kept away from teenage girls at the school.

agreed, grooming was my first thought.

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Most likely an ex student

Most likely a village peasant/savage suffering from little man syndrome and a chip on his shoulder, needing to have a go at someone he can (a Thai would likely have gotten out and smacked him or come back later with a few friends) so he can feel big and secure within himself.


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My step-daughter happens to also attend Catholic school. After thinking about this a while, I think the (emotionally) smartest course of action for the OP to take is to park your car the next time you see the parking attendant, and engage him in an extended conversation in Thai in order to establish that you can speak Thai, and allow him an opportunity to get to know you. Just a friendly chat, with no mention of your grievances about his earlier remarks. In this way, the next time he feels the urge to talk, he will address his comments to you instead of your daughter.

While I don't welcome overfamiliarity any more than the OP, asking a kid how old her father is, and teasing someone about his 10+ year old car being in need of replacement are not exactly capital offenses (mortal sins if you will), and until I hear that he's making comments about the OP's weight, big nose, or asking why he doesn't shave more often, I'm inclined to cut the guy some slack. He's probably just trying to be friendly, and make his day go by faster.

By resolving the problem amicably you also have an opportunity to teach your daughter a valuable lesson about conflict resolution. thumbsup.gif

Edited by Gecko123
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This is grooming.

He is using the classic "cocky funny" chat-up approach, disrespecting the authority figures in your daughter's life, he aims to create a bond of trust whilst simultaneously driving a wedge between the target and anyone else who exerts control over her (i.e. you), the groomer's essential first tactic. The fact he did it right under your nose just as your daughter was getting in the car is a confident, cocky tactic which aims to appeal to any teenager's yearning to free themselves from parental control whilst increasing his influence.

These guys often work for a security company and can be rotated at a moment's notice.

This should be done by going to the head teacher. No fuss. Just want the guy removed and kept away from teenage girls at the school.

The OPs major concern and complaint is that he was disrespected. He wasn't talking about his daughter being disrespected or mistreated.

I think he realizes that his daughter can take care of herself. If she's really that attractive, then she would be getting hit-on constantly. Everyday and everywhere she goes. Girls like that know how to handle it.

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engage him in an extended conversation in Thai in order to establish that you can speak Thai, and allow him an opportunity to get to know you. Just a friendly chat, with no mention of your grievances about his earlier remarks.


Tell him you're looking to buy a new car, and ask him what new car he has and where he bought it because you are interested in buying one.

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This is grooming.

He is using the classic "cocky funny" chat-up approach, disrespecting the authority figures in your daughter's life, he aims to create a bond of trust whilst simultaneously driving a wedge between the target and anyone else who exerts control over her (i.e. you), the groomer's essential first tactic. The fact he did it right under your nose just as your daughter was getting in the car is a confident, cocky tactic which aims to appeal to any teenager's yearning to free themselves from parental control whilst increasing his influence.

These guys often work for a security company and can be rotated at a moment's notice.

This should be done by going to the head teacher. No fuss. Just want the guy removed and kept away from teenage girls at the school.

I thought post 55 was a too extreme with the generalisations...

This one takes the biscuit for paranoia...

Of course there is nothing wrong with the father being cautious about this, but apply some balanced perspective... the Parking Attendant is simply behaving like an uneducated buffoon because, well, he's an uneducated buffoon...

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Ask the idiot what type of car he drives and if he owns it or has taken out a lifetime loan

What does he say when the car attendants car is newer and paid for. Maybe bwana should just grow up.

I think it's higher chance for winning the lottery than that being true.

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engage him in an extended conversation in Thai in order to establish that you can speak Thai, and allow him an opportunity to get to know you. Just a friendly chat, with no mention of your grievances about his earlier remarks.


Tell him you're looking to buy a new car, and ask him what new car he has and where he bought it because you are interested in buying one.

Disagree - don't get too familiar with 'hired help' or those in such positions where professional distance should be maintained....

i.e. maintain a professional but polite distance, this avoids the sometimes difficult situation of over familiarity.

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engage him in an extended conversation in Thai in order to establish that you can speak Thai, and allow him an opportunity to get to know you. Just a friendly chat, with no mention of your grievances about his earlier remarks.


Tell him you're looking to buy a new car, and ask him what new car he has and where he bought it because you are interested in buying one.

Disagree - don't get too familiar with 'hired help' or those in such positions where professional distance should be maintained....

i.e. maintain a professional but polite distance, this avoids the sometimes difficult situation of over familiarity.

At my daughter's school the teachers and administrators do double duty as foot and car traffic wardens at the beginning and the end of the day. What is being described here as 'hired help' might be the school principal where my daughter goes to school.

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engage him in an extended conversation in Thai in order to establish that you can speak Thai, and allow him an opportunity to get to know you. Just a friendly chat, with no mention of your grievances about his earlier remarks.


Tell him you're looking to buy a new car, and ask him what new car he has and where he bought it because you are interested in buying one.

Disagree - don't get too familiar with 'hired help' or those in such positions where professional distance should be maintained....

i.e. maintain a professional but polite distance, this avoids the sometimes difficult situation of over familiarity.

At my daughter's school the teachers and administrators do double duty as foot and car traffic wardens at the beginning and the end of the day. What is being described here as 'hired help' might be the school principal where my daughter goes to school.

Does it matter who it is?

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I can't believe the OP is serious with this.

I can get annoyed quickly with things Thai, but something like this?

I would have laughed and told my daughter "at least I have car" and would have forgotten all about it 5 minutes later.

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Tell him you're looking to buy a new car, and ask him what new car he has and where he bought it because you are interested in buying one.

Disagree - don't get too familiar with 'hired help' or those in such positions where professional distance should be maintained....

i.e. maintain a professional but polite distance, this avoids the sometimes difficult situation of over familiarity.

At my daughter's school the teachers and administrators do double duty as foot and car traffic wardens at the beginning and the end of the day. What is being described here as 'hired help' might be the school principal where my daughter goes to school.

We're discussing a 'car park attendant' not a teacher or the school director....

A teacher or principle is likely to remain professional. As educated professionals Teachers, Principles, School Directors will have their own set of unwritten social rules which prevent them from becoming overfamiliar with you as a parent.

We've seen the same 'over familiarity' debate and potential issues in a thread where a guy was buying beers for his security guard....

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The reality is that most Thai raised Thais are for cutting the grass, washing the windows and taking luggage out of our cars.

Leave them at that and don't worry what they say. They are, after all, serving us for peanuts, and we have them cleaning our shoes.\


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The reality is that most Thai raised Thais are for cutting the grass, washing the windows and taking luggage out of our cars.

Leave them at that and don't worry what they say. They are, after all, serving us for peanuts, and we have them cleaning our shoes.\


You ever consider moving into the 21st century? That's some really outdated, bigoted attitude.

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The reality is that most Thai raised Thais are for cutting the grass, washing the windows and taking luggage out of our cars.

Leave them at that and don't worry what they say. They are, after all, serving us for peanuts, and we have them cleaning our shoes.\


You ever consider moving into the 21st century? That's some really outdated, bigoted attitude.

In 21th century Thailand you need a B. Sc. to basicly get a job in 7-11.

Almost everyone i know that have a B. Sc. in Thailand in "whatever" are doing jobs under their "qualifications"... but then again... a B. Sc. in Thailand is about senior high school in Sweden.

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I can't believe the OP is serious with this.

I can get annoyed quickly with things Thai, but something like this?

I would have laughed and told my daughter "at least I have car" and would have forgotten all about it 5 minutes later.

totally agree, absolutely ridiculous ... there are a lot more important things in life to think about without getting upset over a carpark attendant.

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Whatever you decide to do, make sure you it sets a good example for your daughter.

The best example to set for his daughter to see would be laugh it off ..... ask him where's his car !

anything else will cause embarrassment to his daughter.

What do you really think the school admin or anyone in the school will say ... ??

They will laugh at him for making such a deal out of such a frivolous issue ...

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My wife is a teacher. I just spoke to her about it & her advice is to go straight to the top (Nun) and complain and have this person removed from the school

get it stopped now.

Good luck with your decision.coffee1.gif

You want the guy fired for what exactly? Talking to a student? Some of you guys are losing what's left of your mind.

This car park guy is right out of line.

you are the one out of line .... I can't believe what stupid comments are about ...

You want to cause a big issue and deal about a carpark attendant ?

You want him fired immediately for talking to a pupil ?

You want him to lose his only family income to pay rent and food on the table all because he spoke to a 'farangs' daughter ?

Have you lost your mind ? do you know how others will see the daughter after if he's fired ?

do you realize there 'could be' consequences because the farang got him fired as anything can happen in Thailand ?

I think your resolution doesn't contain much thought to be honest... it will make trouble.

Edited by steven100
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Wow such emotion because the car park attendant takes the time and chats to your little girl, had it been sexual communication then by all means stick that whistle where required other than that geez get a life.

Girl in question is 15.

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Having sent 2 to top Schools be warned the pitfalls. Main one i found no matter what Degree they finally get,some Bas$$$$ wants big money to get them into even a PLC Companies and Top Banks here are worse.Once they cant get a job thats worthwhile they turn into Angor Watt and revert back to dumb and cement heads. My Wife says so, dont argue.!!!... Naturally the Smarter Preppy Type Know it all Ferang will bleat at my findings,only to realize 20 years on its true.sad.png

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