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Calais migrant crisis: UK police and social services plead for help

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THis can be sorted in one go , Send the bill to Brussels let the eU pay for it, like British people have to pay £50, 000000 a day to them.

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It seems like the French are not doing enough,as I suppose they

would be very happy to see them cross the channel,if the migrants

are supposedly fleeing their home countries because of persecution,

and safety issues,then why do they not just stay in the first European

country they land in,not safe enough ?or is the real reason,financial.

regards worgeordie

Do not believe that, there are any many migrants to other major European countries. Just those that go in the UK by road necessarily pass through Calais where they are visible.

Good theory - but does not explain why they trek across one 'safe haven' to get to another. Or why they leave their wives and children behind to face persecution while they queue up outside the Channel Tunnel.

It's a simple economic driver fueled by the people trafficking businesses who spin a yarn about a land where the streets are paved with DHSS cheques. And if they were looking for work they'd head to Germany which is also a simpler land border.


I think many English people must wonder who won WW2..I feel sorry for those including immigrants. who help re build it and now get pathetic pensions .


As the Human Rights advocates keep saying - these are poor people who are looking for a safe haven as they are persecuted in their homeland. As a developed and compassionate country, should not the UK accommodate these poor helpless human beings?

On one side some developed nations are pulverising other nations who dont tow their line politically, then on the other side these same developed nations are trying to ignore the repercussions of their own acts.

Yes, what is the root cause of these migrant/refugee influx?

Is it 'humanitarian' as widely advertised or is it not 'economic'?


It seems like the French are not doing enough,as I suppose they

would be very happy to see them cross the channel,if the migrants

are supposedly fleeing their home countries because of persecution,

and safety issues,then why do they not just stay in the first European

country they land in,not safe enough ?or is the real reason,financial.

regards worgeordie

Do not believe that, there are any many migrants to other major European countries. Just those that go in the UK by road necessarily pass through Calais where they are visible.

So those that go by road to other major European countries by road are "invisible"? Get real! The French are behaving as Thailand did with the people trafficking problem - they say they are only a staging post as the ultimate destination for these "persecuted migrants" is the UK where they expect to, and probably will, be treated better than any other country they could choose to go to.


It seems like the French are not doing enough,as I suppose they

would be very happy to see them cross the channel,if the migrants

are supposedly fleeing their home countries because of persecution,

and safety issues,then why do they not just stay in the first European

country they land in,not safe enough ?or is the real reason,financial.

regards worgeordie

Similar to the days of Moses the government has parted the waves with the tunnel and poor down trodden and abused are flooding in. No man is an island. Settling them costs bags of cash as they will contribute nothing till the 2nd and 3rd generation. Yes countries need immigrants but immigrants with money and skills. Sadly these do not fall into that category. One other aspect is that they dilute wages at the bottom end of the skills ladder which benefits big business and well all know that is all that matters. It hurts people that are earning the least.


Anyone who constantly berates the UK for their stance on immigration should use this as a good example of what happens when the migrants get too strong,they just take what they want,and foist themselves on the people of another country who do not want them,regardless of the countries laws, and they are economic and not even genuine migrants escaping from tyranny in their own country!as someone once said: the road to hell is paved with good intentions!


It seems like the French are not doing enough,as I suppose they

would be very happy to see them cross the channel,if the migrants

are supposedly fleeing their home countries because of persecution,

and safety issues,then why do they not just stay in the first European

country they land in,not safe enough ?or is the real reason,financial.

regards worgeordie

Normally you write quite coherently , these people are just looking for free education and free money, and some where else to set up a bloody mosque, the UK has a good social welfare system (well good to a certain degree ) very attractive to the rest of the worlds uneducated never worked for a living, let everyone face fact ,the majority of these leeches are looking for a free ride ( life ), everyone with half a brain would reject these scrounges.


The unintended results of bombing the crap out of countries in the guise of bringing so-called democracy. Europe wanted to play, now reap the rewards...

Absolutely right. Although whether or not it was unintended must be open to debate. When just about every Middle East and North African expert explicitly warned that as sure as night follows day if Western governments went ahead and destroyed Libya and Iraq the resulting vacuum would inevitably be filled by hard line Islamic militants who would go on a persecution spree causing hundreds of thousands, probably millions of people who weren't sufficiently devout to flee for their lives.It was a no brainer. Yet they went ahead and did it. If they had their way a year or so ago Syria would have gone the same way, even now that is still on the agenda. We have been betrayed by our leaders, the scenes in Calais are a direct result of their stupid actions, and now we see Cameron wringing his hands and refusing to acknowledge this elephant in the room. Actions such as the ones taken by NATO in Libya have consequences, they must have known that. A bit late now to start whining. Like it or not these refugees are here to stay and there are plenty more where they came from, especially if The West go ahead and facilitate the overthrow of Assad in Syria, which lets face it they are itching to do. Even though that would undoubtedly hand over the control of Syria to ISIS.

Of course this is not really a problem for the US, they are thousands of miles away, but it is a huge problem for Europe, it is literally on our doorstep. We are the ones having to deal with this refugee crisis. Cameron and his co leaders in Europe who were so gung ho about destroying Libya, bombing their infrastructure to smithereens, need to be held accountable. They are directly responsible for facilitating the take over of previously stable secular countries by lunatic Islamic fundamentalists which has resulted in the scenes we see in Calais. And if they get their way in Syria,'You aint seen nothing yet'.


The police and social services may well plead for help seeing as their PC training has rendered both of them powerless to help should any of the would be culture enrichers turn out to be walking crime waves.

Best employ the army with guard dogs to patrol both entrances to the tunnel.

From time to time, even with all your info feeds, you do post some nonsense.

For those claiming the refugees are only motivated by economic issues in their home countries, as a reality check for of the circumstances in some of their home countries have a read of the UNHCR report for East Africa & Horn of Africa.


BTW a large number are from Eritrea, so again as background info...



They are a swarm and i agree with camerons words, they are not desperate people they are illegal thugs half of them, they have left their country of fear so why the big rush for the UK, for our hand outs, punish them, or return them back to their own country, it is becoming a joke now, and these immigrants know all about the human rights laws, and even where they want to get to, by the names of the towns, they are causing more damage than ever and they want people to respect them, once they are here they just turn to crime, gangs, and drug dealing most of them


There's an interview with one of the migrants being shown on BBC World in which, despite maybe some bravado, he made it clear that nothing would stop them crossing the channel as god had brought them there.

He's hardly the type of migrant anyone would want as his attitude of I'll enter your country whether you like it or not gives an idea of he and others will live so he's hardly likely to settle in as a law accepting citizen.

No doubt they'll happily take everything they can get but as I've heard in the past ' the law is your law not ours ' so there's no reason why anyone should make a case for them to be accepted.


a lot to be said when old Saddam Hussain was running his country,ok a bit of a bad boy,as to regards the Kurds,but a recent report, the populus, said at least they could go to the market with out the risk of being blown to smithereens., and good old mr TONY BLAIR "weapons of mass destruction" no the UK and USA have them


It seems like the French are not doing enough,as I suppose they

would be very happy to see them cross the channel,if the migrants

are supposedly fleeing their home countries because of persecution,

and safety issues,then why do they not just stay in the first European

country they land in,not safe enough ?or is the real reason,financial.

regards worgeordie

yes more money to be had in the UK.and the french have always loved to cause trouble with the UK.If the french were serious they would n't let them get as far as Calais.However france is almost a muslim country maybe the authorities are scared if they crack down too hard then the muslim community will rise up?I dont know just a thought.


The police and social services may well plead for help seeing as their PC training has rendered both of them powerless to help should any of the would be culture enrichers turn out to be walking crime waves.

Best employ the army with guard dogs to patrol both entrances to the tunnel.

From time to time, even with all your info feeds, you do post some nonsense.

For those claiming the refugees are only motivated by economic issues in their home countries, as a reality check for of the circumstances in some of their home countries have a read of the UNHCR report for East Africa & Horn of Africa.


BTW a large number are from Eritrea, so again as background info...


So the world is full of problems, what's new. In case you were unaware Britsin has a very large overseas aid budget, which is ring fenced from austerity measures, unlike our own army, police and health services. I put it to you that those in genuine need should be helped where they are, or in the first safe Country where they alight. This is not going to be Britain for either South Sudanese or Eritreans.

Here is more on the economic cost of repelling the swarms of would be migrants from the third world.


They are now talking of using dogs to help police the tunnel entrance. Good. As a footnote I would observe walls to keep out unwanted migrants are springing up all over the globe, nobody seems to take any notice, unless those walls and fences happen to be in Europe, or Israel, Turkey is the latest nation to take this route.


anyone ponder on why they cross continents to get to the uk,, because the U.K. is an easy touch, sick and bloody tired of giving my money, after working 50 years and paying taxes, to someone who has not paid one single penny into the U.K. economy,does anyone know of another country in the world that gives money away like the U.K. does, as i would like to know. they come to the uk get given money, housing, sometimes two houses knocked into one to accomodate their huge families. sorry i am spitting feathers, and jack, sh*t gets done about it.

100 % agree apart from your statement , does anyone know of another country in the world that gives money away like the U.K. does , for sure they do not give much to their own OAPs many of whom live on the bread line and cannot afford to have their heating on in the winter and spend much of the days in bed to keep warm . It is bordering on being criminal . The UK has become a country for cheap labour and higher profits for business and the flow of immigrants and asylum seekers has been allowed to supply the need of low paid workers . The true Brit manual tradesman has seen his labour rates cut in half and in many cases is struggling to survive . Employment agencies are in many jobs paying slightly above the minimum wage only.

How the hell UKIP did not win the last election is frustrating and bewildering and even more so how the Tories remain in power but there again I forgot about the mass of newly nationalised immigrants voting power .

As a previous writer mentioned , I.D. cards would be a great help to expel illegal immigrants , so why is it not introduced ? It really is a " no brainer " .

Calais solution , Army to round up all and ship them to where they believe they came from and donate a fee to the fostering country . Any interference from Human Rights brigade , send them as well .


UK police and social services have called for urgent help to deal with the impact of the Calais migrant crisis.

Self inflicted wound by the gutless UK government. Try the ( eg Australian ) solution where illegal immigrants are shipped out to a camp in the Sahara desert or similar. Wouldn't be long before they stopped coming. Worked for Australia- good on them for doing something other than wringing their hands and saying "there's nothing we can do" like Labour did.

If they try and put taxes up to pay for this farce, expect to see a huge voter backlash.


Need to bring in the army.

Absolutely not!

In the 70's - Fireman's strike, in came the army. Dustman's strike - in came the army. All done under the umbrella of MACC (Military Aid to the Civil Community) or was it MACM (Military Aid to the Civil Management)? My soggy old brain can't remember which. What I do remember is many, including me, asking "Why are we doing this sh*t?" Even my old man, a soldier of 27 years, who went through WWII, questioned this.

The army is their to defend the nation, not pick up any job that no one else wants to do. In this modern world soldiers have finally been accorded some respect and aren't referred to as 'Squaddie bastar*s at every turn as my generation were. Let's keep it that way.

If not the Army, then who? Let's hear your solution to this problem, please.

That question has been answered by me many times on many threads ( see my previous post ). If the Australians can do it, the Brits can do it if the government can grow a spine.

Re the army reply ( freebyrd ). Quite right. The army isn't full of sqaddies with nothing to do except sort civil BS.


As the Human Rights advocates keep saying - these are poor people who are looking for a safe haven as they are persecuted in their homeland. As a developed and compassionate country, should not the UK accommodate these poor helpless human beings?

On one side some developed nations are pulverising other nations who dont tow their line politically, then on the other side these same developed nations are trying to ignore the repercussions of their own acts.

Yes, what is the root cause of these migrant/refugee influx?

Is it 'humanitarian' as widely advertised or is it not 'economic'?

Why are they being persecuted in their own countries? Did they rebel?

It's all BS anyway. The root cause of all these problems is overpopulation. They have overpopulated their own countries to the point there are no jobs, so now they want to move somewhere else and eventually overpopulate that country as well. Some of these people think it's OK to have 10 children !!!!!!!


anyone ponder on why they cross continents to get to the uk,, because the U.K. is an easy touch, sick and bloody tired of giving my money, after working 50 years and paying taxes, to someone who has not paid one single penny into the U.K. economy,does anyone know of another country in the world that gives money away like the U.K. does, as i would like to know. they come to the uk get given money, housing, sometimes two houses knocked into one to accomodate their huge families. sorry i am spitting feathers, and jack, sh*t gets done about it.

100 % agree apart from your statement , does anyone know of another country in the world that gives money away like the U.K. does , for sure they do not give much to their own OAPs many of whom live on the bread line and cannot afford to have their heating on in the winter and spend much of the days in bed to keep warm . It is bordering on being criminal . The UK has become a country for cheap labour and higher profits for business and the flow of immigrants and asylum seekers has been allowed to supply the need of low paid workers . The true Brit manual tradesman has seen his labour rates cut in half and in many cases is struggling to survive . Employment agencies are in many jobs paying slightly above the minimum wage only.

How the hell UKIP did not win the last election is frustrating and bewildering and even more so how the Tories remain in power but there again I forgot about the mass of newly nationalised immigrants voting power .

As a previous writer mentioned , I.D. cards would be a great help to expel illegal immigrants , so why is it not introduced ? It really is a " no brainer " .

Calais solution , Army to round up all and ship them to where they believe they came from and donate a fee to the fostering country . Any interference from Human Rights brigade , send them as well .

Any interference from Human Rights brigade , send them as well .

LOL. I'll be happy to help round them up. They've ruined my home country.


The police and social services may well plead for help seeing as their PC training has rendered both of them powerless to help should any of the would be culture enrichers turn out to be walking crime waves.

Best employ the army with guard dogs to patrol both entrances to the tunnel.

From time to time, even with all your info feeds, you do post some nonsense.

For those claiming the refugees are only motivated by economic issues in their home countries, as a reality check for of the circumstances in some of their home countries have a read of the UNHCR report for East Africa & Horn of Africa.


BTW a large number are from Eritrea, so again as background info...


So the world is full of problems, what's new. In case you were unaware Britsin has a very large overseas aid budget, which is ring fenced from austerity measures, unlike our own army, police and health services. I put it to you that those in genuine need should be helped where they are, or in the first safe Country where they alight. This is not going to be Britain for either South Sudanese or Eritreans.

Here is more on the economic cost of repelling the swarms of would be migrants from the third world.


They are now talking of using dogs to help police the tunnel entrance. Good. As a footnote I would observe walls to keep out unwanted migrants are springing up all over the globe, nobody seems to take any notice, unless those walls and fences happen to be in Europe, or Israel, Turkey is the latest nation to take this route.

Israel & the 'wall' being built by Turkey are for terrorism prevention purposes, not to keep out illegal migrants.


Agree that origin countries is where the primary focus should be, but currently endemic government corruption and conflict makes efforts largely futile in overcoming push / pull issues.


The British government is doing everything in its power to address the situation. Here is the problem.

It is not a British problem initially, it is a European problem, specifically a French problem.

To stop it being a British problem, first we need a government that is prepared to act against the 'threat' and assume a pro-active stance instead of trying to appease the rest of the European communities governments with PC statements. Yes, I know it is politics......................sad.png

Time for the British government, specifically Cameron to grow a pair and put a deterrent on the table for these alleged refugees attempting an invasion of British soil instead of kow towing his 'masters'.

And to all those opposed, there is nothing wrong with calling on the armed forces in times of crisis.

They are at the end of the day an organization of men & women established to rectify the mistakes of governments...................................wink.png


The British government is doing everything in its power to address the situation. Here is the problem.

It is not a British problem initially, it is a European problem, specifically a French problem.

To stop it being a British problem, first we need a government that is prepared to act against the 'threat' and assume a pro-active stance instead of trying to appease the rest of the European communities governments with PC statements. Yes, I know it is politics......................sad.png

Time for the British government, specifically Cameron to grow a pair and put a deterrent on the table for these alleged refugees attempting an invasion of British soil instead of kow towing his 'masters'.

And to all those opposed, there is nothing wrong with calling on the armed forces in times of crisis.

They are at the end of the day an organization of men & women established to rectify the mistakes of governments...................................wink.png

Maggie Thatcher didn't seem to have much problem using the Army and Police to disperse her own people that were trying to preserve their jobs (the miners), so I can't see why there should be any problem in using them against illegal immigrants!


As the Human Rights advocates keep saying - these are poor people who are looking for a safe haven as they are persecuted in their homeland. As a developed and compassionate country, should not the UK accommodate these poor helpless human beings?

On one side some developed nations are pulverising other nations who dont tow their line politically, then on the other side these same developed nations are trying to ignore the repercussions of their own acts.

Yes, what is the root cause of these migrant/refugee influx?

Is it 'humanitarian' as widely advertised or is it not 'economic'?

I think the UK has done enough already for these "poor helpless human beings" in the past, and is now reaping the "rewards" of such actions. As I have said before , there should be a sign in the middle of the ENGLISH Channel saying "Sorry - Full Up"!

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